Why Every Runner Should Be a Trail Runner › rockcreekrunner › become_a_trail...But before I do...

Rock Creek Runner Why Every Runner Should Be a Trail Runner And How to Become One

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Rock Creek Runner

Why Every Runner Should

Be a Trail Runner

And How to Become One


Why Every Runner

Should Be a Trail Runner

And How to Become One

By Doug Hay


Copyright © 2015 Rock Creek Runner

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Trail Running Isn’t Just for Hippies and Outdoorsman

In fact, I’m willing to say that it is for everyone. Even you speedy roadsters.

For many runners, the draw of running trails has to do with the adventure,

escape, and lure of the woods. I’ll admit that this is what moved me off the road

when I first starting running trails.

But I’ll also admit that those things aren’t appealing for everyone.

Some runners prefer the smooth roads, wide sidewalks, and speed that come

from sure footing.

For many of those people, the thought of running through a deep forest can be

intimidating, or even sound dangerous.

But what most non-trail runners don’t know is that trail running is often incredibly

accessible. Even for city-dwellers.

Trail running is defined as running on anything other than pavement or concrete.

That could mean a smooth pebbled path, a beach, a wide horse trail, a dirt fire

roads, or of course the rugged mountain singletrack trails most people picture. It’s

because of the wide definition of trail running that many runners don’t even know

they do it already!

Take for example the thousands of runners who flock to the Washington, D.C.’s

national mall for a run.

Most of the paths around that area consist of a very smooth crushed rock/dirt

mix. You don’t have to worry about footing or downed trees, but this is still trail


And these types of trails can be a lot of fun and easy to access.

The benefits of running trails don’t just come when running rugged mountainous

single-track, but can also be discovered through easily accessible and runnable

trails right in your back yard.



I’m writing this eBook to demonstrate the benefits all runners can find from trail

running, and to encourage you to incorporate trails in to your training.

But before I do all that, I’d like to share a bit about my journey from a road runner

to a trail runner.

After running my first marathon in 2008, my body was left wrecked and tired. And

while excited about my achievement, the thought of running crowded city streets

was less appealing than ever.

It wasn’t until an old roommate took me out for a short run on the horse trails of

Rock Creek Park that everything turned around. I was having fun, my legs got

some of their pep back, and I felt like I had discovered a totally new sport.

That day was my first exposure to trail running, and it ended up being one of the

most life-changing experiences I’ve ever had. Running those trails has shifted

how I train, the types of races I train for, and kept me excited to go back out day

after day.

All it took was one run to convert me to running trails almost 90% of the time.

If you’re already a fan of trail running, I hope this eBook serves as a reminder of

all the benefits trails provide for your running. How they make you a stronger,

faster, and more diverse runner. You probably don’t need much convincing, but

let those reminders be motivators when you’re contemplating a run.

Over the next several pages, I’ll break down many of the benefits of trail running.

But really I’m just scratching the surface.

Running trails opens you up to so many new adventures, experiences, and people

that it would be impossible for me to cover it all in an eBook like this.

The bottom line is that you just have to see for yourself.


Before I get too far off topic explaining my love affair with trail running, I’ll get

back to what this is really all about.

Why you should run trails, and how to get started doing it.

Trail running offers benefits to all runners. Benefits like:

Muscle Strength and Speed


Motivation and Emotional Rejuvenation

Injury Prevention

And that’s just to name a few.

As I said earlier, I credit trail running for saving my running career. It has opened

my eyes to new adventures and people, but it’s also made me a stronger runner,

whether at a road 10k or a trail 50k.

And it can do the same for you.


How Trail Running Can Make You Faster

Most runners are concerned with speed. If they aren’t trying to go longer, than

they’re probably trying to go faster.

That’s how we challenge and push ourselves to new limits.

And as anyone who’s spent time on trails already knows, runners typically run

trails at a slower speed than they do on the road because of unsure footing and

tougher terrain.

So therefore running trails makes you slower, right?


Trail running actually helps to improve your speed and pace. Here’s why:

Hills, lots of hills

In general, trails include more hills than you find on the road. Trail blazers aren’t

limited to where they can build a trail or how steep they wish to build it.

This often translates to trails rolling up and down hills and mountains at a much

steeper degree than a good road builder would even consider.

And thankfully for those trying to get stronger and faster, running hills is known to

be one of the best workouts for speed.

Learn more about the benefits of hills here.

The one caveat.

Some trail runners, especially those focused on ultra distance races, complain that

they are getting slower the longer they train.

If this is happening to you, it isn’t because of the trails or the fact that you’re

running longer distances, it’s probably because you’re running in one single speed

during nearly every run.

And that’s completely avoidable.


While training on trails, runners can practice speed work, like tempo runs or

fartleks, just as they do on the road.

Trust me, if you’re keeping up with your workouts on the trail, you’ll see great

results on the road as well.


How Trail Running Will Make You Stronger

Trail running is not only making you faster, it’s also making you stronger.

Here are 2 ways running trails will make you stronger:

1) Trails work your core.

Running on uneven, varied trail results in a lot more movement and jolting than

road running.

Muscles in your hips, lower back and abs are used to keep you balanced and

upright on the trail. The added stress on these muscles gives your core a workout

not found in road running.

2) Trails build agility and balance.

Trail running, particularly on more technical terrain, requires a lot of back and

forth, up and down movement that we often work to eliminate on the road.

Trail running activates the ancillary muscle groups in your core and legs that

provide balance and stabilization. These groups are often neglected by runners

who limit their movements to only forward motion, which can result in poor

running economy.

Because of the terrain, trail runners are most successful when running with

agility, a trait that can be learned over time. Agile runners are light on their feet

and quick to change momentum and direction as they move down the trail.


Zone 2 Training and Building Endurance

Heart rate zones are an important part of training for runners, regardless of whether they actually measure and track the rates.

A key part of endurance training is exercising in what is called Zone 2, or Aerobic Threshold. Training in Zone 2 overloads the slow-twitch muscle fibers, which helps to increase endurance. Spending significant time in this heart rate zone is crucial for all endurance athletes.

Running in Zone 2 should feel at the tougher end of easy, where conversation isn’t difficult and muscles aren’t burning.

Trail running offers the perfect arena for Zone 2 training, because the terrain often dictates the speed.

Now don’t get me wrong, trail running can be done at very fast speeds and can be incredibly difficult, just like running anywhere else, but running a terrain that automatically slows you down is a great way for runners to regulate their training speed without all the gadgets.


How Mixing Up Terrain Helps the Mind and Spirit

One of the most frequently reported frustrations runners express to me is motivation.

Or lack of motivation.

It’s the lack of motivation that causes many runners to burn out, take extended breaks, or worse, lose their love of running altogether.

Thankfully I have many suggestions on how to combat low motivation, including:

Goal setting,


Running groups,


Media (movies, blogs, books, magazines), and

Trail Running

Here are a few ways in which trail running helps keep the mind and spirit high:

Visible Escapes

People new to running and non-runners often complain that boredom is the #1

thing holding them back. The idea of moving forward with nothing much else to

do but think is intimidating and unappealing to many people.

A lot of people quit because of that boredom.

Boredom can be avoided by running on trails. Aside from the beauty of your

surroundings, trails offer variety that keep you on your toes and focused in a way

unseen during road running.

Mental Escapes

Like many of you, I spent much of my life living in the heart of a city, which means

traffic, crowded sidewalks, lots of street lights, and noise. Plenty of noise.


By simply hopping on a trail, even one in or right near the city, I could eliminate

almost all of those annoyances.

Trails are never as crowded as sidewalks.

Trails have no crosswalks telling you when to pass.

And trails offer a much quieter, peaceful experience.

There’s something to be said for discovering yourself in the great outdoors,

because the escape a trail system offers from the bustle of the world means not

only an escape from the city, but a mental escape from the realities of modern


Physical Escapes

Run from a road into a forest on a hot day and you’ll immediately notice a

decrease in temperature. The shade and cool air provided by the trees is strikingly


Run from a road into a forest on a cold and windy day, and you’ll immediately

notice stillness and escape from the bitter air cutting through your clothes.

Run from a particularly busy road, full of exhausts and thick air, and you’ll

immediately notice the deepness of your breath and taste of pure air.

Trail running doesn’t just provide a mental escape, but a physical relief from the

elements. Which in return often provides much needed relief to the mind and



How Trail Running Can Prevent Injuries

The best part is that all of these benefits contribute to one major benefit: Injury


And what’s more important to runners than preventing an injury that would

sideline them from the sport all together?

Let me explain:

Hills: We talked about how hills build strength; well that extra strength

helps prevent the pesky injuries. Running hills is far better at building the

right kind of strength than even strength training in the gym.

Wacky Terrain: The rocks, roots, and other goodies that make trail running

so much fun for some and scary for others, is one of the best ways to

prevent your next injury. Sure you risk falling, but breaking away from the

repetitive running that takes place on the road works new muscles that

have grown weak and dependent on your larger muscles. It’s typically those

weak muscles that end up causing you the most trouble with injuries.

Speed, or lack thereof: Just like when I talked about how slower trail

running can increase your endurance, slowing down also helps prevent

injuries. Most runners are guilty of treating the majority of their runs as

workouts, when instead some of those runs should be serving as active

recovery or endurance building runs.

Many non-trail runners think of hitting the dirt as being more dangerous. While

it’s true that trail running exposes you to new challenges, obstacles, and

everything that comes with the outdoors, trail running is often a safer place for

runners when it comes to injuries.

If that’s not one of the best reasons to give trail running a shot, then I don’t know

what is.

Check out more on injury prevention through trail running.


How to Get Started: Becoming a Trail Runner

Now comes the fun part: Actually getting out on the trail, getting dirty, and

enjoying the miles.

Below I’ve provided you with all the important basics you’ll need to arm yourself

with before hitting the trail. I hope that these will eliminate the fear and put you

on the path to this new sport:

Find Trails Near You

You don’t have to live in Boulder Colorado or Park City Utah to enjoy trail running.

As I mentioned before, when I came to trail running, I was living in the heart of Washington, D.C., and with just a 5 minute jog for a warm-up, I could access nearly 15 miles of dirt singletrack or horse trail all without leaving the city limits. Trails are all around us, you just need to know where to look.

Start by checking hiking websites like LocalHikes.com or AllTrails.com. Popular hiking trails often lead you to some of the best running trails in your area.

Local county and state parks are also great resources for beginner trail runners. Even smaller parks often have a trail system perfect for a quick run through the woods. Don’t rule any park out before searching for its trails.

And of course larger national forests and parks are filled with good running trails. From desert paths to mountain scrambles, national parks are a trail runner’s playground. In popular parks you get the added bonus of that badass feeling that comes after blazing past hikers struggling up the same trail.

Most communities also have some sort of trail running club. Search and ask around, and you’re bound to find other trail-loving runners. Easily the best way to discover trails in your area is from others who already know them.

Trail Running Basics

Depending on the type of trail and terrain you are running, trail running can be very different than running on the road.


For many runners, it’s those differences that keep them from even trying out a trail. And for first-time trail runners, the unsure footing can be frustrating as all get-out, but with a few adjustments to your running technique, you can tap that primal spirit and take on even the most technical of trails.

Slow down

The biggest mistake new trail runners make is trying to run at the same pace as they do on the road. Time and pace on the road should never be compared to your time and pace on the trail.

Trail running means running with a different focus and a different form. When going out on the trail, adjust your speed to what feels comfortable and appropriate for that particular outing. Even if you aren’t moving as quickly, you’re still using the same (if not more) amount of energy. Trying to keep a road pace can send your heart-rate through the roof and cause major bonking. And nobody likes a major bonking.

Start by running a set amount of time instead of mileage. If you planned to run 5 miles, consider running for 45 or 50 minutes. That way you won’t be killing yourself just to get in the mileage.

Lift Your Feet

Don’t fault me for being obvious here, but trails can be very rocky and technical. That is probably the biggest adjustment for new trail runners.

We are often so used to running on smooth roads that we find it incredibly difficult to stay upright on bumpy singletrack (term used for a narrow hiking trail, only wide enough for one person). Teach yourself how to lift your feet and prepare for the different terrain.

I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, having fallen dozens of times on rocky trails. Bruises, cuts, wounds, and twisted ankles have all come from me not lifting my feet properly. That’s expected. Maybe even part of the fun. But by slowing down and lifting your feet, staying upright will be much less of concern.


The good news is that the more time spent on the trail, the less you’ll end up falling. As with anything else, we get better, and learning how to handle technical sections of trail comes with mileage.

Don’t be afraid to hike

I know, walking when you should be running? Lame.

Not so much with trail running. Because the trails are often much steeper, it can at times be more efficient to walk than run up a section of trail. Following certain cues like erratic breath, major leg burning, or when the terrain dictates that it’s just as fast to hike as it is to run, you should be hiking.

When hiking instead of running, find a comfortable effort that lowers the heart rate but continues to push the pace, and avoid eating and drinking when climbing a hill in order to regulate the breath.

Hiking or walking on the trail isn’t a sign of weakness. Even the toughest of elite trail runners hike when it’s more efficient.

Let yourself get dirty

Trails are often muddy and wet. Instead of slowing down to tip-toe around a puddle or stream, embrace it. Charge through. Your shoes will dry, and with good socks, blisters shouldn’t be much of an issue.

Trying to stay clean by prancing around the mud will end up frustrating you more than anything else. Embrace all that the trail has to offer. It’s just part of the fun. After all, people pay good money to get muddy and run over obstacles. Trail running lets you do that for free.

Pay Attention

With beautiful views, interesting trees, and frolicking animals all around you, it can be difficult to pay attention to the ground in front of you. But looking up at a tree or down at your GPS for longer than a quick glance may result in a mouth full of dirt, and dirt isn’t the most efficient way to get your fuel.


Survey the ground in front of you as you’re running in order to prepare for each stride. Split second footing decisions could mean the different of a rolled ankle or a clean run.

Same goes for when you’re running with others. Keep your distance from the runners in front and behind you so that each runner can properly prepare for the terrain. You don’t want to be the guy who takes down your friend because you were busy checking out the colorful leaves.

Safety Tips for Trail Runners:

Trail running doesn’t automatically mean danger, but anytime you’re in the woods, especially when you’re moving quickly, danger can arise. Take caution when going on a trail run. Your family will appreciate it.

Here are a few tips to follow before hitting the trails:

1. Plan the route ahead of time, and know the trails well or carry a map with you.

2. Let someone know exactly where you’re going and when you plan to return.

3. Be extra mindful of rocks and roots towards the end of the run when you’re getting tired.

4. Carry a small amount of cash with you in case of emergencies. 5. Avoid running after dark on your own, unless thoroughly planned ahead of

time. 6. If you drive to the trailhead, leave a small first-aid kit in the car to mend any

scrapes or bruises after the run. 7. Bring a little extra water and fuel, just in case. 8. Carry your phone for emergency calls. 9. Have an emergency contact listed and an ID on your person.

Chances are nothing will happen, but it is much better to be safe than sorry.

Trail Running Gear

You don’t necessarily need new gear for trail running. Runners cross over between paved paths and dirt trails all the time without switching out a thing. But


if you’re planning to spend a lot of time on the trail, here are a few pieces of gear worth investing in:

Trail Running Shoes

Look for a shoe that fits your type of terrain. If you’re running through rocky, technical terrain, a bulkier shoe with a rock plate and extra cushioning might be valuable. If the race is run on long stretches of road or gentle trail, a lighter, more versatile running shoe may do the trick.


Because you might be on the trail longer, and have less access to public water sources, many trail runners will carry some sort of hydration system. The most popular is a handheld bottle for shorter runs, and a hydration pack or belt for longer outings.

Many systems will also include pockets of nutrition, such as an energy gel, energy bar, or food of your choosing. If you know you’ll be out for a while, it’s always a good idea to carry along some sort of fuel.


This one is probably the least necessary for beginners, but if you plan to be on the trails around dawn or dusk, it’s a good idea to carry some sort of light. The most popular light source for trail runners is the headlamp, which can be picked up fairly cheaply at your local outdoors store. Some runners also prefer to carry a small flashlight.

If ultramarathons are in your future, many start before dawn, or run through the night. Carrying a light source is often a requirement for the nighttime hours.

6 Strength Exercises to Prepare You for Trail Running

Trail running requires more core strength and balance than road running. As you’re hopping off rocks, gliding down steep hills, or powering up a climb, you may wish you had focused on a few muscle groups ahead of time.


I regularly practice these strength exercises off the trail:

Balance and Leg Strength

1. One Legged Jump: Lift one bended leg off the group, balancing on the slightly bended other leg. Lift arms straight out in front of you. Hop forward and backwards on the balancing leg. Switch sides.

2. Pistol Squats: Standing on one leg, lift arms straight in front of you. Now squat down, moving the lifted leg straight. Repeat multiple times before switching sides.

3. Single Leg Balance: Stand straight up with one leg slightly lifted. Gradually move the lifted leg forward or to the side. Close your eyes for a more advanced version of this exercise.

Core Strength

1. Bicycle: Lie on the floor with hands behind your head, and lift your legs bringing your knees to your chest. Lift shoulder blades off the ground and extend the right leg while bringing the right shoulder towards your bended left knee. Rotate sides.

2. Plank: Lay face down, placing your weight on the forearms and toes. Keep your body as stiff and straight as possible.

3. Side Plank: Lay on your right side, stacking the legs on top of each other. Lift your body until the weight is on the right forearm, positioned directly under your shoulder, and side of right foot. Keep hips lifted and aligned straight with your upper legs and torso.

A Few Additional Resources

Even with all the proper tools, some runners still don’t really know where to start.

Here are a few additional resources I love to use that keep me connected with the

trail running community and feeling excited about trails.

1. Find trail running groups. Many major cities have local running clubs that

focus on trails.

2. Run trail races in your area. Most areas offer anything from trail 5ks to


3. Be adventurous:


a. Go camping and do trail runs instead of hikes.

b. Explore new parks you aren’t familiar with.

c. Train for an ultramarathon, and run a great race.

Now It’s Your Turn

I didn’t know what I was doing for the first several outings on the trail. I tripped,

fell, got lost, and had to learn how to hike hills. None of that mattered, though,

because I was having such a great time doing it.

If it wasn’t for trail running, I never would have run my first ultramarathon, which

inspired me to go on pushing my body to limits I never thought imaginable, and

introduced me to an incredible community of people, constantly giving me


My views of moving quickly through the woods would be totally different. I’m

now able to pack lightly and cover a lot more ground when out hiking,

backpacking or playing in the mountains.

And it has helped me to become an all-around better runner. I view distance, low

points, and technique in ways I never would have learned on the road.

And I love it.

So will you.

What are you waiting for? See you on the trails.


About the Author

Doug Hay ran his first marathon in 2008, and has been

addicted to running long ever since.

After discovering how much fun trail running can be,

he naturally shifted his training strategies form the

road to the trails, and now credits that simple switch

to keeping him healthy and strong. The lessons he’s

learned from thousands of miles on the trail have

improved his running techniques, changed how he

views training, and pushed him to limits he never

thought possible.

Doug now focuses most of his race schedule on ultramarathons, and has

completed a number of 50k and 50 mile ultramarathons, as well as the

challenging Massanutten Mountain Trails 100 Mile Run.

Doug is the author behind RockCreekRunner.com, Discover Your Ultramarathon: A Beginner’s Guide to Running an Ultramarathon, and the Trail Runner’s System.