Why do we watch horror films


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why do we watch horror films: the psychology nehind it

Transcript of Why do we watch horror films

Page 1: Why do we watch horror films

The psychology and theory of the appeal of horror.

Page 2: Why do we watch horror films

At the basic level, horror is all about thrills

We watch them to experience fear in a safe environment, much like when you go on a rollercoaster.

Page 3: Why do we watch horror films

This theory ties in closely with the safe fear element of horror films

It says that if the viewer has anger or fear towards the antagonist, once the movie is over they feel an amplified positive emotion.

Susan Burggraf, psychology professor, said the exaltation caused by excitation transfer results in the “snuggle effect” - hence the reason why horror movies are frequently considered to be great for first dates.

Page 4: Why do we watch horror films

One of the highest recognised theorists, named King, said

“I think that we’re all mentally ill,” he writes. “Those of us outside the asylums only hide it a little better – and

maybe not all that much better, after all.”

He says that horror movies are an outlet to purge our insanity. Releasing our “Mr. Hyde”

Page 5: Why do we watch horror films

Researchers say one reason we watch is because the thrill calls up primal behavior, mainly in males, to assess threat levels. (The typical horror-flick viewer is a male adolescent between the ages of 15 and 45.)According to