Why Do We Measure Stress? - fecpl.ca in physiological responses to stressors can confound con ......

11 STRESS INDICATORS IN FISH NATALIE M. SOPINKA MICHAEL R. DONALDSON CONSTANCE M. O’CONNOR CORY D. SUSKI STEVEN J. COOKE 1. Why Do We Measure Stress? 2. Quantifying Stress 3. Specific Measures of Fish Stress 3.1. Cellular and Molecular Indicators 3.2. Primary and Secondary Physiological Indicators 3.3. Whole-Organism Indicators 4. Considerations for Measuring and Interpreting Stress 4.1. Interspecific Differences 4.2. Intraspecific Differences 4.3. Context-Specific Differences 4.4. Stressor Severity 4.5. Field Versus Laboratory 4.6. Temporal Aspects 5. From Individual Indicators to Ecosystem Health 6. Stress Indicators of the Future 7. Conclusion A fish is chased with a net in an aquarium before being captured, scooped out of the water, and placed in a nearby testing arena. Is it stressed? How can we tell? Are our indicators reliable? Quantification of stress in fish has evolved from the initial development of radioimmunoassays to measure cortisol in plasma to the rapidly expanding suite of genome-based assays. Indicators range from the intracellular to whole-animal level. Expression of heat shock proteins (HSPs) and activity of metabolic enzymes can be paired with straightforward observations of reflexes and survival. Both traditional and emerging indicators have advantages and disadvantages, and their use is 405 Biology of Stress in Fish: Volume 35 Copyright r 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved FISH PHYSIOLOGY DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-802728-8.00011-4

Transcript of Why Do We Measure Stress? - fecpl.ca in physiological responses to stressors can confound con ......








1. Why Do We Measure Stress?

2. Quantifying Stress

3. Specific Measures of Fish Stress

3.1. Cellular and Molecular Indicators

3.2. Primary and Secondary Physiological Indicators

3.3. Whole-Organism Indicators

4. Considerations for Measuring and Interpreting Stress

4.1. Interspecific Differences

4.2. Intraspecific Differences

4.3. Context-Specific Differences

4.4. Stressor Severity

4.5. Field Versus Laboratory

4.6. Temporal Aspects

5. From Individual Indicators to Ecosystem Health

6. Stress Indicators of the Future

7. Conclusion

A fish is chased with a net in an aquarium before being captured,

scooped out of the water, and placed in a nearby testing arena. Is it stressed?

How can we tell? Are our indicators reliable? Quantification of stress in fish

has evolved from the initial development of radioimmunoassays to measure

cortisol in plasma to the rapidly expanding suite of genome-based assays.

Indicators range from the intracellular to whole-animal level. Expression of

heat shock proteins (HSPs) and activity of metabolic enzymes can be paired

with straightforward observations of reflexes and survival. Both traditional

and emerging indicators have advantages and disadvantages, and their use is


Biology of Stress in Fish: Volume 35 Copyright r 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reservedFISH PHYSIOLOGY DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-802728-8.00011-4

tissue- and context-specific. Ecological, biological, and methodological

factors must be considered when selecting, measuring, and interpreting

stress indicators. Inter- and intraspecific, sex, life stage, and temporal

differences in physiological responses to stressors can confound confirma-

tion of a stressed state. Despite numerous types of indicators, our

understanding of how absolute levels of indicators relate to stressor severity

and recovery to date remains limited. How accurately indicators character-

ize stress in wild populations naturally exposed to stressors is still an

evolving discussion. The integration of research disciplines and involvement

of stakeholders and user groups will aid in filling these knowledge gaps, as

well as the translation of individual-level indicators to population- and

ecosystem-level processes.


As explained by Schreck and Tort (2016; Chapter 1 in this volume), stress

is an inherent component of the life of all vertebrates, including fishes.

Measures of stress inform us how effectively a fish resists death and resets

homeostatic norms when faced with noxious stimuli. This information is

then translated into evolutionary and ecological theory to understand how

animals are adapted to, or able to adapt to, future stressors. From a

fundamental perspective, measuring stress contributes to our knowledge of

carryover effects (eg, O’Connor et al., 2010), parental effects (eg, Sopinka et

al., 2014), personality (eg, Aubin-Horth et al., 2012), and life history

variation (eg, Pottinger and Carrick, 2001; Ricklefs and Wikelski, 2002).

Without classifying, quantifying, refining, and interpreting indicators of

stress, the significance and implications of a fish’s response to external and

internal environmental change would be unclear (Schulte, 2014). For

example, without a clear stress indicator, can an animal’s response be

defined as stress? Can undisturbed animals be characterized as adequate

experimental controls? Further, could an environmental change be classified

as a stressor? Stress transcends levels of biological organization; measuring

stress also serves to link organismal responses to population-level processes

(Calow and Forbes, 1998; Fefferman and Romero, 2013) and ecosystem

health (Dale and Beyeler, 2001).

From an applied perspective, measuring stress is necessary to determine

how the health, performance, and welfare of fishes are being influenced

by interactions with humans. For example, assessing stress in captive


populations of fish (eg, hatcheries, farms, aquariums) is often done with a

goal of reducing stress to maximize growth and survival. In fact, the

empirical study of stress in fishes is rooted, and continues to be prolific, in

aquaculture studies that examine how handling, rearing, and transport

(Barton et al., 1980; Portz et al., 2006), as well as anesthesia (Iwama et al.,

1989; Trushenski et al., 2012), affect captive broodstock health and

production efficiency. Foundational mechanistic work quantifying stress

was, and continues to be, performed using domesticated species (eg, rainbow

trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss; tilapia, Oreochromis spp.). Stress indicators are

now used as objective indices of the welfare status of fish (Iwama, 2007), and

to understand the impacts of recreational (eg, Morrissey et al., 2005;

Landsman et al., 2011) and commercial fisheries (Marc-alo et al., 2006; Raby

et al., 2015), as well as laboratory animal husbandry (Brydges et al., 2009;

Eaton et al., 2015) on fish performance. There is also increasing interest in

optimizing the use of stress indicators to quantify the condition of wild

populations (Madliger and Love, 2014). Combining basic and applied

motivations to measure stress is especially valuable. Linking evolutionary

and ecological underpinnings of stress with measures of stress relevant to

industry and conservation practitioners can guide management strategies

that effectively take into account fish biology, and facets of human

livelihood and culture.

Here, we provide an overview of stress indicators ranging from the

cellular to whole-animal level (Section 3). We then outline important

considerations when measuring and interpreting these indicators (Section 4),

discuss the extension of individual-level indicators to population- and

ecosystem-level processes (Section 5), and conclude with avenues of research

and novel indicators that warrant further investigation (Section 6). We

acknowledge the pioneering syntheses on this topic in S. Marshall Adams’

book, Biological Indicators of Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems (Adams, 2002),

and especially the chapter on physiological and condition-related indicators

of stress in fish by Barton et al. (2002). We encourage readers to consult

these works for additional insight on stress indicators in fishes.


Approaches to quantifying stress in fish are varied depending on the

targeted indicators (Figs. 1 and 2, Section 3). A main distinction in

quantification is whether the stress response itself is being measured (ie, the

primary response/HPI axis activity) (Gorissen and Flik, 2016; Chapter 3 in

this volume), or other physiological, behavioral, or life-history traits (ie,


secondary and tertiary measures; Mazeaud et al., 1977; see Section 3)

predicted to change in concert with, or as a result of, stimulation of the

HPI axis. Assessing the magnitude of the response that an individual

mounts when exposed to an acute or chronic stressor typically utilizes

repeated sampling over a period of time. Establishing as accurately as

possible baseline/resting levels of the desired indicators is necessary and

serves as the first time-point in a series of measurements. Changes in key

primary parameters (eg, catecholamines, cortisol) over time are measured

to characterize the stress response (see Section 3.2). When chronic stress is

quantified, resting levels of primary indicators are measured upon

cessation of the stressor exposure (vs levels induced by an acute stressor

following the chronic stressor exposure). These established methods for

quantifying the stress response, though largely replicated and consistent,

represent only one piece of the whole-animal response to a stressor (see

Section 3.3).

Experimental assessment of the stress response is not without its

challenges. Inability to repeatedly sample individuals due to body size

constraints (ie, fish that are extremely large or extremely small), uninten-

tional omission of quantifying peak levels of the indicator based on

predetermined sampling intervals, and capture and handling during tissue

sampling initiating a secondary mounting of the stress response (Baker and

Vynne, 2014), can all limit statistical power and comprise interpretation of

data. Habituation during chronic stressor exposures can also skew

interpretation (see Section 4.4). Ultimately without measurements of fitness,

or proxies thereof, such mechanistic studies are limited in their extension to

population-level trends (Calow and Forbes, 1998; see Section 5). Mechan-

istic studies are, however, essential in building fundamental knowledge of

stress, motivating and guiding design of research which focuses on

physiological and behavioral processes interconnected with stress, and

streamlining future validation of stress (ie, targeting a single poststressor

time-point to confirm mounting of the stress response in study animals).

Based on established relationships between stressor exposure, HPI

activity, and a range of whole-animal responses (reviewed in Wendelaar-

Bonga, 1997; Iwama et al., 1997; Mommsen et al., 1999; Schreck, 2010;

Barton, 2002), quantification of stress can refer to quantification of primary,

secondary, and tertiary responses that occur following HPI axis activation

(eg, gene expression, immune function, metabolism, growth, reproduction,

performance, behavior; see Section 3). Quantification of responses typically

requires measurement of pre- and poststressor levels of the indicator. Often,

the latter response is measured once following stressor exposure. Differences

observed pre- and poststressor are treated as an indication of stress. This

sampling regime provides a snapshot of how the trait has changed in the


stressor-exposed animal but does not guarantee that maximum response or

response recovery is captured. Generally, when responses are quantified, a

primary indicator directly related to HPI axis function (eg, plasma cortisol)

is also measured prestressor exposure, and at a single poststressor time

point. The time-points for primary, secondary, and tertiary stress indicators

ideally should be based on preliminary time course sampling using the study

species and specific stressor (eg, Pickering et al., 1982; Donaldson et al.,

2014). A number of confounds can arise when the time-point at which the

indicator will be sampled is chosen arbitrarily. For example, two fish can

have the same elevated stress indicator at the sampling time-point, but one

individual on a trajectory to death and the other individual on a trajectory

to recovery. Further, depending on whether stressors are continuous or

sequential (see Section 4.4) it is possible that indicator levels will oscillate

throughout an exposure (Schreck and Tort, 2016; Chapter 1 in this volume,

Figure 1.5). Thus, making definitive mechanistic connections between the

stressor and any secondary/tertiary measures is not always straightforward.

Overall, however, our understanding of how the HPI axis and organismic

performance varies throughout a stressful event (including recovery) is

limited but is explored conceptually by Schreck and Tort (2016; Chapter 1 in

this volume, Figures 1.5 and 1.6).

Studies linking the quantification of the stress response with fitness traits

have the potential to provide insight into the physiological basis of life history.

For example, relationships between stressor-induced plasma glucocorticoids

and fitness (reviewed in Breuner et al., 2008) have been detected in both birds

(eg, MacDougall-Shackleton et al., 2009) and reptiles (eg, Romero and

Wikelski, 2001), with data emerging now in fish (Cook et al., 2014). This

integrative approach of quantifying the stress response itself (or a component

thereof) in combination with downstream changes in fitness facilitates

collaboration between physiologists and ecologists, and advances interdisci-

plinary fields such as ecophysiology or conservation physiology (Wikelski and

Cooke, 2006; Cooke et al., 2013; Boonstra, 2013a).


It is important to note that although quantification of stress is extensively

studied and numerous indicators exist that identify a stressed fish

(Tables 11.1–11.3), our grasp of what absolute levels of stress indicators

mean is rudimentary, especially in nonexperimental contexts (eg, How do

you know a fish in the wild is stressed or not?). Elevated levels of an

indicator can signal a stressed fish, but lower levels of an indicator do not


Table 11.1

Cellular and molecular stress indicators

Indicator Sampling and analytical considerations Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

Oxidative stress

� Metabolic pathways produce reactive oxygen

species (ROS) as a natural by-product (Costantini,

2008)� ROS are damaging to biological molecules,

especially lipids, proteins, RNA, and DNA� Antioxidants prevent the damage caused by ROS

either by preventing the formation of ROS, or by

removing ROS� Oxidative stress occurs when ROS production

overwhelms the counterbalancing capacities of

antioxidants, and damage occurs to biological

molecules (Lesser, 2006)

� Since oxidative stress can occur

from either the overproduction

of ROS, or from insufficient

antioxidants, oxidative stress can

be quantified by (1) measuring

ROS; (2) measuring antioxidant

levels; or (3) measuring damage

to biomolecules� There are multiple markers

available for measuring ROS,

antioxidants, and biomolecule

damage (Lesser, 2006)� ROS tend to be unstable, and so

measurement of antioxidants or

biomolecule damage are more

common� Markers are measured through a

variety of colorimetric assays

depending on what is being

measured, and different markers

can be measured more easily in

plasma, serum, urine, tissue

homogenates, or cell cultures

(Valavandis et al., 2006)

� Oxidative stress is an

inevitable by-product of

metabolism, and can therefore be

taken as a cost of life� Oxidative stress has been

measured in an ecological

context as a cost of reproduction

(eg, Alonso-Alverz et al., 2004), a

cost of immune responses (eg,

Torres and Velando, 2007), or a

cost of strenuous energy

expenditure such as migration

(eg, Rankin and Burchsted,

1992)� Oxidative stress is also the result

of exposure to challenging

environments, such as areas that

are heavily contaminated (eg,

Bacanskas et al., 2004)

� Since oxidative stress arises from

complex processes, results can be

difficult to interpret� Measuring oxidative stress

typically requires specialized

equipment and can be relatively

expensive, although commercial

kits are becoming more widely


Telomere length

� Environmental stressors can cause oxidative stress,

which if not counteracted can cause telomere

shortening, accelerating cellular (and possibly

organismal) senescence (Monaghan et al., 2009)� Environmental stressors such as psychological

stress (Epel et al., 2004) or elevated reproductive

effort (Kotrschal et al., 2007) have been linked to

telomere shortening

� To determine relative telomere

length, quantitative PCR can be

used to measure the factor by

which the DNA sample differed

from a reference DNA sample in

its ratio of telomere repeat copy

number to single copy gene copy

number (Cawthon, 2002)

� Potentially powerful indicator

to bridge the gap between

environmental stressors,

oxidative stress, and

organismal senescence

� The links between environmental

stressors, cellular stress, telomere

shortening, and organismal

senescence are still largely

untested (Monaghan and

Haussmann, 2006). More

research is needed to understand

the tertiary outcomes associated

with telomere shortening in

order to effectively use telomere

length as an indicator of stress

Heat shock proteins (HSPs)

� HSPs, under the control of Heat Shock

Factor 1 (HSF1), indicate a cellular stress response

and HSP expression increases to maintain cellular

homeostasis (Iwama et al., 2004)� Most HSPs are molecular chaperones

which fold, repair, and catabolize

proteins (Moseley, 1997)

� HSP expression can be determined

using quantitative real-time PCR

(qRT-PCR), requiring isolation of

genomic DNA, total RNA

extraction, and reverse

transcriptase PCR amplification

(eg, Fangue et al., 2006)� Hsp70 has previously been

quantified by ELISA, BIAcore,

and bead-based assays for use by

FACS; BIAcore and FACS are

more sensitive and require less

sample than ELISA� HSP expression levels are context-

dependent, meaning that the

establishment of baseline

expression levels is required

(Tomanek and Somero, 1999)

� HSPs are sensitive to a

range of stressors (eg, rapid

temperature changes,

salinity challenges,

handling; Palmisano et al., 2000;

Donaldson et al., 2008)� Widely studied, well-

understood function

� The expression of HSPs is

context-dependent since they are

sensitive to the magnitude and

duration of the stressor (Iwama

et al., 2004) as well as

acclimation to previous stressors

(Somero and Hoffman, 1996)

(Continued )

Table 11.1 (Continued )

Indicator Sampling and analytical considerations Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

Immediate early genes and

transcription factors

� Immediate early genes (IEGs) are induced within

minutes of the cellular stress response (Hughes and

Dragunow, 1995)� Commonly measured IEGs include transcription

factors c-fos, fosB, c-jun, JUNB, c-myc, egr-1

(Inuzuka et al., 1999)� Transcription factors, such as hypoxia-inducible

factor 1 (HIF-1a) and NUPR1 are commonly

activated during stress (Semenza, 1998; Momoda

et al., 2007)

� IEG expression can be

determined using qRT-PCR

or microarray approaches� Can be measured in multiple

tissues (eg, heart, liver, gill)� Nonlethal gill biopsies can be

used, which facilitate integrative

studies (eg, physiological

telemetry; Miller et al., 2011)

� Sensitive indicators of stress

and recovery (Momoda et al.,

2007; Donaldson et al., 2014)

� Most studies have focused on

mammals but interpreting IEG

activation across a broader range

of animal taxa would help

identify upstream regulators of

transcriptional stress responses

(Kassahn et al., 2009)� Studies conducted on fish to date

often focus on different

timecourses (Krasnov et al., 2005),

species, tissues (Kassahn et al.,

2009), techniques (Prunet et al.,

2008), and genes of interest� Future studies required to

understand functional roles and

downstream effects across species

Intracellular enzymes

� Intracellular enzymes such as alanine transaminase

(ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), lactate

dehydrogenase (LDH), or creatine kinase (CK),

are released by cell damage or death� The presence of these enzymes in the plasma is

therefore a useful indicator that tissue damage has

occurred (Henry, 1996)� Many enzymes are tissue specific, and can therefore

provide information about the type of tissue damage

that has occurred (Wagner and Congleton, 2004)

� Indicators of tissue damage

can be measured through

colorimetric assays in plasma� Commercial labs also routinely

measure enzymes in plasma

using autoanalyzers for a fee

� The presence of intracellular

enzymes in the plasma is a

good indicator of injury� The availability of

commercial labs makes

measuring indicators of tissue

damage relatively inexpensive and

easy to measure in plasmawithout

investing in specialized equipment

� These indicators are often not

elevated unless physical injury

has occurred, and so are less

useful as an indicator of stressors

that do not include tissue

damage (Wagner and

Congleton, 2004)

Table 11.2

Primary and secondary physiological stress indicators

Indicator Sampling and analytical considerations Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator


� When an individual is faced with

a challenge, the physiological

response is first an immediate

release of the catecholamine

hormones epinephrine and

norepinephrine from the

chromaffin cells (Reid et al.,

1998; Gallo and Civinini, 2003)� The release of epinephrine and

norepinephrine is associated

with the classic fight-or-flight

stress response

� Catecholamines are typically

measured in plasma using

chromatography with

electrochemical detection

(Woodward, 1982)

� Catecholamines are responsive

to a variety of stressors (Reid

et al., 1998; Pottinger, 2008),

and the measurement of

catecholamines therefore

provides very accurate

information about the response

to acute stressors at fine


� Catecholamines respond

extremely rapidly (ie, within

seconds) to capture and

handling, and so it is difficult to

quantify catecholamine levels

without specialized equipment

and animals that are held in the


Steroid hormones

� Following the release of

catecholamines, the stress

response is characterized by

activation of the hypothalamic–

pituitary–interrenal (HPI) axis.

HPI axis activation involves a

complex set of interactions that

culminate in the production and

release of glucocorticoid steroid

hormones (Mommsen et al.,

1999; Barton, 2002;

Pottinger, 2008)

� Steroid hormones are typically

measured by either radio-

immunoassay or enzyme-linked

immunoassay in plasma or tissue

homogenates (Pottinger, 2008;

Sheriff et al., 2011)� Glucocorticoids can also be

measured in urine and feces, and

so can be extracted and

measured in water samples (Ellis

et al., 2004; Pottinger, 2008)

� Poststress glucocorticoid levels

can provide information about

how individuals are affected by

specific stimuli (eg, capture and

handling stress, different holding

conditions, acute exposures;

Sapolsky et al., 2000; Barton,

2002)� Baseline glucocorticoid levels

can provide information about

whether animals are

experiencing chronic

� Circulating glucocorticoids

respond rapidly (ie, often within

3–5 min) to capture and

handling (Romero and Reed,

2005), and so it is often difficult

to obtain baseline levels in wild

animals� The relationships between both

baseline (Bonier et al., 2009) and

stress-induced (Breuner et al.,

2008) glucocorticoid levels and

future performance and survival

(Continued )

Table 11.2 (Continued )

Indicator Sampling and analytical considerations Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

� Measurements of circulating

glucocorticoids are therefore an

indicator of whether an

individual is experiencing a

stressor� Corticotropin releasing hormone

(CRH) and adrenocorticotropic

hormone (ACTH), the

intermediate hormones involved

in HPI axis activation, are also

commonly measured

� Since glucocorticoids change

rapidly to challenges,

glucocorticoid measurements are

often taken both before and

after exposure to stressors to

obtain a measure of stress

responsiveness; both baseline

and poststress levels, or stress

responsiveness, provide

information about the state of

an individual (Breuner et al.,

2008; Bonier et al., 2009)

environmental stressors, and in

some cases can be predictive of

future performance and survival

(Bonier et al., 2009)� Stress responsiveness in some

cases can be predictive of future

performance and survival

(Breuner et al., 2008)� Circulating glucocorticoid levels

can also be linked to life history

traits and trade-offs (Wingfield

et al., 1998; Ricklefs and

Wikelski, 2002)

are context- and species-specific,

and results can be difficult to



� Once glucocorticoids are

produced and circulating, they

are associated with a suite of

secondary responses that help

the animal survive and recover

from the challenge (Sapolsky

et al., 2000), including the

mobilization of stored glucose

(Barton, 2002)

� Glucose and lactate can be

measured through colorimetric

assays in plasma or tissue

homogenates� Lactate and glucose can also can

be measured in whole blood

using portable meters designed

for diabetic patients or for

athletic training (Wells and

� Metabolites are very useful for

assessing the acute response to

specific stressors (Barton et al.,

2002), particularly exercise

stressors in the case of lactate

(Wood et al., 1983)� The readily available

portable meters make both

lactate and glucose inexpensive

and easy to measure, using very

� Since both glucose and lactate

are affected by general metabolic

processes outside of stress

responses, baseline results can be

difficult to interpret, and these

indicators are most useful as

measures of acute responses to

specific stressors

� Anaerobic stressors (eg,

exhaustive exercise) generate

anaerobic metabolites, such as

lactate (Wood et al., 1983)

Pankhurst, 1999; Beecham et al.,

2006; Stoot et al., 2014)

small blood samples with no

specialized equipment, which

makes them good parameters to

measure under field conditions

when assessing acute stressors

(Wells and Pankhurst, 1999;

Beecham et al., 2006)

Osmolality and ion concentrations

� When fish experience an acute

stressor, the rise in adrenaline

causes vasoconstriction and

increased cardiac output

(Mazeaud and Mazeaud, 1981),

which in turn increases gill

diffusing capacity due to

increased perfusion of the

lamallae (Randall and Perry,

1992)� This increased capacity for

diffusion causes an increase in

ion transfer at the gills, and

subsequent changes in plasma

osmolality, particularly in

circulating concentrations of

Na+ and Cl� (see McDonald

and Milligan, 1997, for review)

� Plasma osmolality is measured

using an osmometer� Ions can be measured in plasma

using spectrophotometry� There are commercially

available meters that will

measure some of the common

ions in plasma (eg, Na+)� Commercial labs also routinely

measure ions in plasma using

autoanalyzers for a fee

� Changes in overall osmolality or

ion balance are good indicators

of acute stress� The availability of commercial

labs makes measuring ions

relatively inexpensive and easy

to measure in plasma without

investing in specialized


� These indicators are useful

indicators of acute stress, but are

often difficult to interpret in the

context of chronic exposures

because they are context-specific

and influenced by multiple

internal and external factors

(McDonald and Milligan, 1997)

(Continued )

Table 11.2 (Continued )

Indicator Sampling and analytical considerations Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

Nutritional indicators

� Nutritional indicators in the

plasma (eg, total protein, total

cholesterol, triglycerides)

provide information about

current levels of mobilized

energy stores that are available

to fuel activities (Wagner and

Congleton, 2004; Congleton and

Wagner, 2006)

� Nutritional indicators in the

plasma are typically measured

through colorimetric assays� Commercial labs also routinely

measure nutritional indicators

in plasma using autoanalyzers

for a fee

� Nutritional indicators in the

plasma can provide information

about the recent feeding history

of fishes (Congleton and

Wagner, 2006)� The availability of commercial

labs makes measuring

nutritional indicators relatively

inexpensive and easy to measure

in plasma without investing in

specialized equipment

� Nutritional indicators do not

show consistent responses to

fasting and stressors, and results

are species- and context-specific.

Nutritional indicators can in

some cases be difficult to

interpret as indicators of general

health (Wagner and Congleton,

2004; Congleton and Wagner,

2006; O’Connor et al., 2011)


� Energy is the currency of life, so

understanding its allocation to

bodily processes can serve as a

sensitive indicator to organismal

stress (Beyers et al., 2002)� Energy stores and lipid content

are linked to survival,

reproduction, and life history

strategies (Henderson and

Tocher, 1987; Adams, 1999)

� Glycogen, a long-term energy

reserve, is typically measured in

tissue homogenates using

hydrolysis and enzymatic assays� Phosphocreatine (PCr) and

adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

from tissue homogenates are

typically measured through

colorimetric assays� Proximate body composition

(ie, proportion of the body that

is lipid, protein, water, organic

ash) and analysis can be

performed to determine how

energy is allocated among

various compartments

� The availability of commercial

labs makes measuring

nutritional indicators relatively

inexpensive and easy to measure

in plasma without investing in

specialized equipment� Provides long-term indication of

organismal status� Information can be incorporated

into bioenergetics models

(particularly when combined

with information on metabolic

rates) to put in a broader context

(Beyers et al., 2002)

� Since some indicators of

energetic stores change very

rapidly in response to acute

exercise stress (eg, PCr or ATP);

it is important to know the

recent history of the animal in

order to interpret results� Some measures such as

proximate body composition

analysis require relatively large

quantities of tissue so tend to be

lethal� Energy varies inherently among

fish of different sex and size so

need to control for these factors

� O bomb calorimetry provides

information on overall tissue

energy density� Can also assess lipid constituents

(eg, cholesterol, fatty acids,

triglycerides), although these are

rarely used as stress indicators� Commercial kits are available

for measuring energetic stores in

tissue homogenates

� Can use nonlethal electronic

devices (eg, handheld

microwave energy meter,

Crossin and Hinch, 2005;

bioelectrical impedance

analysis, Kushner, 1992)

� Nonlethal sampling tools require

calibration� Generally unresponsive to acute

stressors (Schreck, 2000)


� Leukocytes, or white blood cells

(WBCs), are a collection of cells

in the blood that serve an

important role in immune

defense and inflammation� There are 5 types of WBCs in

most vertebrates: basophils,

eosinophils, lymphocytes,

monocytes, and neutrophils

(heterophils in birds and reptiles)� The relative proportions of each

WBC type are influenced by

stressors (Dhabhar et al., 1996),

and thus provide a useful

measure of animal health and

exposure to stress

� Leukocyte profiles are typically

obtained by light microscope

examination of 100 leukocytes in

a stained blood smear (Davis et

al., 2008)

� Leukocyte profiles are predictive

of future performance and

viability, such as susceptibility to

infection (Al-Murrani et al.,

2002), growth rates (Moreno et

al., 2002), and survival (Lobato

et al., 2005; Kilgas et al., 2006)� Blood smears are relatively

inexpensive and easy to obtain

from captured wild animals� Leukocytes respond relatively

slowly to capture and handling

(ie, within hours or days; Davis

et al., 2008), and so leukocyte

profiles provide a convenient

measure of baseline stress levels

in wild animals

� Leukocyte profiles are influenced

by disease and infection, as well

as stress, and so it can be

difficult to interpret changes in

leukocyte profiles (Davis et al.,


(Continued )

Table 11.2 (Continued )

Indicator Sampling and analytical considerations Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

� The most common measure is

the ratio of neutrophils or

heterophils to lymphocytes (N:L

or H:L ratio) (Davis et al., 2008)

� The leukocyte response is

conserved across taxonomic

groups, and so results obtained

from one taxa should be widely

applicable (Davis et al., 2008)


� Erythrocytes, or red blood

cells (RBCs), are the

oxygen-transporting cells

within the blood� Hematocrit is the volume

percentage of RBCs in the blood

� Hematocrit is most commonly

measured by packed cell volume

(PCV), which is obtained by

centrifuging a whole blood

sample within a capillary tube,

which separates the blood into

layers� The volume of packed red blood

cells divided by the total volume

of the blood sample gives

the PCV

� Hematocrit typically increases

with exposure to stressors, is

relatively inexpensive and simple

to measure, and requires no

specialized assays

� Hematocrit can in some cases

increase or decrease in response

to challenges, depending on the

specific challenge, and results

can be difficult to interpret

Table 11.3

Whole-organism stress indicators


Sampling and analytical


Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator


� Simple reflex indicators such

as ability to flip upright� Becoming increasing popular to

characterize neurological

responses of fish to external

stimuli or functions of the

autonomic nervous system

(Davis, 2010)

� Reflexes can be assessed

individually (as present or

absent) or as a composite to

derive a score (Davis, 2010)� Need to validate reflexes for

each species but some common

ones relevant to most species are

righting-reflex (ie, roll fish on

back and see if it regains upright

orientation after 3 s) and tail-

grab reflex (ie, grab the tail

and see if fish attempts to

burst away)� Does not require any

specialized equipment and

provides an immediate (o20 s)

measure of fish vitality

� Predictive of mortality in a

number of fish species in the

lab (Davis, 2010) and field

(Raby et al., 2012)� Rapid, simple, and inexpensive

to evaluate reflexes without

observer bias� Can train stakeholders (eg,

anglers, fisheries observers), as it

does not require any equipment

or scientific skills� Developed given inability of

traditional physiological

measures to predict mortality

(Davis et al., 2001)� Not dependent on fish size,

motivation states, or

acclimation (Davis, 2010)

� Need to validate reflexes for all

species as not all fish have the

same reflexes� Relatively new approach so

relatively few published examples� Exact mechanisms by which

reflexes predict mortality are

unclear� Improper reflex choice or

interpretation can be ambiguous

(Continued )

Table 11.3 (Continued )


Sampling and analytical


Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator


� Locomotion, feeding, social

interactions, predator-prey

dynamics, habitat selection and

other aspects of behavior� Behavior is an ecologically

relevant indicator that requires

integration of various

physiological systems (Schreck

et al., 1997)

� Can be measured in

the lab and field� Growing number of tools for

remotely studying the behavior

of free-swimming fish using

biotelemetry and biologgers (eg,

electromyogram [EMG]

telemetry; Cooke et al., 2004)� Action cameras provide

opportunity to study fish

behavior in water (Struthers

et al., 2015)

� Ability to integrate with other

measures including those more

directly linked to organismal

physiology (Scott and Sloman,

2004) given that physiology and

behavior are inherently linked

(Cooke et al., 2014)� Ecologically relevant given that

many behaviors related directly

to food acquisition and predator

avoidance (Schreck et al., 1997)� Many behavioral endpoints are

inexpensive (ie, no assay costs)

but require specialized

equipment that can be expensive

or require technical expertise

� Difficult to identify specific

mechanisms as behavior depends

on capacity, motivation, sensory

acuity, and responsiveness

(Schreck et al., 1997)� Necessary to control for

experimental artifacts and

observer influence� Can be subjective (rather than

objective) if endpoints are

not clear

Swimming performance

� Examples include speed,

intensity, duration of swimming� Swimming requires the

integration of numerous

biological systems and is thus

regarded as a sensitive integrator

of stress and whole-organism

status (Hammer, 1995)

� Most often quantified in

laboratory environments with

the use of swim tunnel/flume/

annular respirometer (Ellerby

and Herskin, 2013) or drag-strip

(Nelson et al., 2002), although

some swim tunnels are mobile

� Can be combined with other

indicators such as metabolic

rate (oxygen consumption)

if swimming conducted in a

respirometer (Farrell et al.,

2003)� Swimming performance

considered to have strong

� To some extent swimming

performance is a reflection of fish

motivation (eg, maturation,

appropriate environmental cues),

which can be independent of

stressed state

and can be used in field settings

(Farrell et al., 2003)� Multiple forms of swimming

(eg, burst, critical swimming

speed, endurance) can be

measured (see Beamish, 1978)� Repeat swimming performance

approaches account for

interindividual variation and are

useful for evaluating

performance impairments from

stressors (Jain et al., 1998)

ecological relevance

(Plaut, 2001)

� Initial costs associated with

purchasing equipment can

be relatively high� Swimming performance can

be influenced by energetic

state (fed vs fasted)

(Gingerich et al., 2010)

Metabolic rate

� Rate of oxygen consumption

as food converted to energy� Indicates the minimum metabolic

rate required to maintain life� There is likely a context-

dependent link between

metabolic rate with fitness,

growth, or survival (Burton

et al., 2011)

� Samples typically collected on

resting, postabsorbtive animals,

free of stimuli, in isolation, in a

laboratory setting (Nelson and

Chabot, 2011)� Can define standard metabolic

rate, maximum metabolic rate,

or aerobic scope (difference

between maximum and

standard metabolic rate)

� Elevation in metabolic rate can

be interpreted as stressed state

relative to controls (Barton and

Schreck, 1987)� Can incorporate data into

bioenergetics models to make

inferences about several

different processes

� Requires specialized equipment

and standardized procedures to

generate data (ie, animal must be

postabsorbtive, isolated from

external stimuli)� Factors such as handling stress,

individual variation, social

status, acclimation time, and

nutritional status can all

influence results (Sloman et al.,

2000; Nelson and Chabot, 2011)� Data are strongly influenced by

size, making comparisons across

size classes challenging� Techniques are highly variable

across research groups, making

intraspecific comparisons

challenging (Nelson and

Chabot, 2011)

(Continued )

Table 11.3 (Continued )


Sampling and analytical


Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

Ventilation rate

� Most fish move water over their

gills through active ventilation,

which involves opening and

closing of the opercula, and can

be used as a proxy for respiration

(Barreto and Volpato, 2004)

� Can be counted with a

stopwatch from direct

observation or video (White

et al., 2008)� Can be measured remotely by

use of bioelectric sensors placed

in water near fish (Altimiras and

Larsen, 2000)� Possible to telemeter opercular

activity (either radio or

acoustic) to estimate ventilation

rate (Oswald, 1978)

� Ability to differentiate between

different stressors (Barreto and

Volpato, 2006)� Relatively simple indicator that

can be measured noninvasively

and with little expense

� Ventilation rate does not appear

to reflect the severity of a stressor

in all species (Barreto and

Volpato, 2004)� Rate alone might not be

sufficient, and may be necessary

to also quantify amplitude

Cardiac activity

� The heart is essential for

circulation and life-support such

that cardiac activity (eg, heart

rate, stroke volume, cardiac

output) are relevant indicators of

whole-organism stress (Farrell,


� Heart rate/ECG is relatively

simple to measure, but, given

that some fish are volume

modulators, measuring cardiac

output is often better (Farrell,

1991)� Doppler and transsonic cuffs

can be used to measure blood

flow in ventral aorta

(Farrell, 1991)

� Robust indicator of stress in

many species� Used to document responses to

different husbandry conditions

(Rabben and Furevik, 1993),

environmental conditions

(Claireaux et al., 1995; Lefranc-

ois et al., 1998), and human-

induced disturbances

(Anderson et al., 1998)

� Baseline values of cardiac activity

can be variable, making it

difficult to identify when fish

have recovered following a

stressor� Although a large number of tools

are available for measuring

cardiac activity, they are all

rather technically challenging

� Heart rate can be measured

remotely in free-swimming fish

in the field (Priede, 1983;

Armstrong, 1998) or in the lab

using ECG biologgers (Raby et

al., 2015) or bioelectric sensors

placed in water near the fish

(Altimiras and Larsen, 2000)

� Tend to be very responsive (eg,

rapid change in the face of a


Growth and Life History

� Growth and reproduction occur

only after the energetic demands

of other processes are met� Reduced growth rate can result

from stress� Several hard structures in fish

(eg, scales, otoliths, bone) deposit

growth rings to allow accurate

age determination

� Can use a range of hard

structures, some of which can be

collected nonlethally (eg, scales)� Can generate proxy for

reproduction with various

gonadal indices

� Individual size correlates

positively with fecundity in

females, and with reproductive

output in males of some species

(Suski and Philipp, 2004)� Reduced growth rate is a well

established indicator of stress

(Pankhurst and Van der

Kraak, 1997)

� May need lethal samples to

generate data� May need to sample populations

over long time scales to discern

trends in growth, by which point

it may be too late to stop or alter

trajectories� Size/age alone might not be

sufficient to discern population-

level trends, and demographic

data (ie, fecundity, survival) may

be required� Need to validate growth across

age classes (Beamish and

McFarlane, 1983)

Condition indices

� Condition indices of stress

include length–weight

relationships, organosomatic

� Approaches range from being

relatively noninvasive (eg,

simple measurements on live

� Simple and inexpensive (Bolger

and Connolly, 1989)� Good indicator of the aggregate

condition of the fish (eg, can

� Not overly sensitive to short-

term stressors (Bolger and

Connolly, 1989)

(Continued )

Table 11.3 (Continued )


Sampling and analytical


Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator

indices, and necropsy (Barton et

al., 2002)

fish) to lethal (eg, for

organosomatic indices)� Organosomatic indices are

ratios comparing the weight of

an organ to body weight (eg,

hepatosomatic index [liver:body

weight, HSI], gonadosomatic

index [gonads:body weight,

GSI], viscerosomatic index

[entire viscera:body weight,

VSI], and splenosomatic index

[spleen:body weight, SSI],

Barton et al., 2002)� Values that are lower or higher

than normal suggest that energy

allocation to organs has been

affected by stress (Kebus et al.,

1992)� Necropsy-based methods (eg,

health assessment index)

requires autopsy of the

sacrificed fish, whereby

condition of internal organs is

compared to published

standards that outline criteria of

an organ of normal condition

(Adams et al., 1993)

detect chronic stress; Barton

et al., 2002)� Some nonlethal options

(eg, length–weight analysis,

condition factor, relative


� Some critiques regarding the use

of condition indices given that

they can lead to inappropriate

conclusions based on inherent

limitations of the various

methods (Cone, 1989)� More involved measures

(organosomatic and necropsy)

are lethal� Condition indices can be

influenced by seasons, stage of

development, sexual maturation,

and disease state� Often require large effect size to

detect stress

Fluctuating asymmetry

� Differential development of a

structure on one side of an

organism (Jagoe and Haines,

1985)� Symmetrical structures should

result from the same genetic

material, so deviations from

symmetry can represent stress in

the form of genetic mutation, or

environmental stress (Leary and

Allendorf, 1989)

� Quantifying the presence of

fluctuating asymmetry can

indicate stress within a

population� Can be used as an early warning

indicator prior to population-

level declines in abundance or

adverse environmental

conditions (Jagoe and Haines,


� Can be inexpensive and

straightforward to measure as


characters are measured or


� Many meristic characters (eg, fin

rays) are variable, making them

unreliable as stress indicators

(Leary and Allendorf, 1989)� Not all species or characters lend

themselves to studies of

fluctuating asymmetry as a stress

index� May require large sample sizes to

identify trends/patterns (Jagoe

and Haines, 1985)� May be challenging to define a

causal mechanism or link

between asymmetry and stress

(Jagoe and Haines, 1985)

Reproduction and fitness

� Reproduction and reproductive

output is a process critical to

survival and persistence of an

individual and a species� Reduced reproduction can result

from stress

� Can assess extent of intersex as

an indicator of environmental

stress (Bortone and Davis, 1994)� Impacts of stress may be visible in

a range of reproduction-related

factors such as gamete quality

and/or timing of reproduction

(Schreck et al., 2001)

� Very ecologically relevant when

relating stress to population-

level parameters� Can measure a suite of gonadal

indices (mass, size, egg stage,

hormones, etc.) as proxies for

reproduction� Can perform artificial crosses

with known parents to define

offspring survival and viability

(Campbell et al., 1994)

� May need to collect data on

reproduction only at certain

times of the year� May be difficult to assign a

cause-and-effect relationship

between a stressor and reduced


(Continued )

Table 11.3 (Continued )


Sampling and analytical


Strengths of indicator Weaknesses of indicator


� The most extreme response to a

stressor is death, whereby

homeostasis cannot be

maintained (Wood et al., 1983)

� Mortality can be measured by

holding fish in nets, cages, pens,

or tanks and simply counting

the dead (Gutowsky et al., 2015)� Often instructive to mark/tag

individual fish to determine

which individuals died and their

history� Increasing set of tools (eg,

biotelemetry) available to study

mortality in free-swimming fish

in the wild (Pine et al., 2003)

� Often simple, inexpensive

approach� Mortality is absolute and a

clear, ecologically relevant

fitness indicator� Most powerful when combined

with other indicators that reveal

the mechanistic basis for

mortality (eg, Cooke et al.,


� May be difficult to obtain animal

care and use approvals to use

death as an endpoint� Subject to bias from method

used to assess mortality

(eg, net or cage effects;

Gutowsky et al., 2015)� Fish can die for many reasons

(eg, senescence) such that it is

necessary to have

appropriate controls

necessarily equate to a less stressed or unstressed fish. Readers are

encouraged to consider this caveat when investigating and selecting

measures of fish stress.

3.1. Cellular and Molecular Indicators

Acting in concert with the responses that occur at higher levels of

biological organization, the cellular and molecular suite of stress responses

help to temporarily tolerate stressors (Kultz, 2005, Table 11.1). Cortisol is

involved in molecular responses to stressors as it stimulates the expression of

metallothionein, ubiquitin, and HSPs by interacting with heat shock factors

(HSFs), which affect transcriptional regulation (Vamvakopoulos and

Chrousos, 1994; Kassahn et al., 2009). Cortisol also binds with glucocorticoid

receptors and interacts with the c-Jun component of the activation protein-1

(AP-1) transcription factor (Iwama et al., 2006). The transcriptional effects of

cortisol binding to glucocorticoid receptors depend on tissue type and HSP 90

expression levels (Basu et al., 2001; Vijayan et al., 2003). A range of stressors

induce a common set of responses, which can include repair of DNA and

protein damage, cell cycle arrest or apoptosis, the removal of cellular and

molecular debris, and changes in cellular metabolism that reflect the transition

from anabolic to catabolic states (Iwama et al., 2004). Cumulatively, these

cellular and molecular responses are triggered by the eukaryote minimal stress

proteome, a set of evolutionarily conserved proteins (Kultz, 2005) (Faught

et al., 2016; Chapter 4 in this volume).

Stressor exposure results in the production of reactive oxygen species

(ROS), resulting in oxidative stress inside the cell. Oxidative stress leads to

increased levels of protein damage. The amount of ubiquitin-labeled protein

can indicate the level of protein damage in the cell (Iwama et al., 1998;

intracellular enzymes also indicate cell damage or death, see Table 11.1).

The damaged and ubiquitinated protein in the cell induces a heat shock

response, aimed at repairing protein damage (Wu, 1995). The magnitude of

the heat shock response depends on the magnitude and duration of the

stressor and acclimation state (Iwama et al., 2004; Somero and Hofmann,

1996). HSP expression is regulated by heat shock factor 1 (HSF1), which

dissociates HSPs from HSF1 following activation of the hypothalamic–

pituitary–interrenal (HPI) axis. HSF1 then migrates to the nucleus and

begins the transcription of HSPs (Kassahn et al., 2009). ROS can also

accelerate the reduction in telomere length resulting from oxidative stress.

Telomeres are the caps at the end of the chromosome that are essential for

genome stability, and, when reduced at an accelerated rate can, in turn,

hasten cell senescence (Richter and von Zglinicki, 2007). The concept that

telomere length can be correlated with cellular senescence, and possibly


organismal senescence, has become an emerging field of research (Ricklefs,

2008; Monaghan et al., 2009). A range of environmental stressors, including

psychological stress (Epel et al., 2004) or elevated reproductive effort

(Kotrschal et al., 2007), can affect telomere length in vertebrates. So there is

evidence that environmental stressors can cause oxidative stress, which if

sustained, may trigger cellular senescence and ultimately organismal

senescence (Monaghan et al., 2009).

Changes in gene expression (ie, quantitative, qualitative, and changes in

reaction coefficients) can be linked with a range of stressors (Krasnov et al.,

2005). Genomics tools such as microarrays and gene expression profiling are

now commonly used to understand the responses of fish to a range of

stressors. Commonly examined stressors include temperature (eg, Jeffries

et al., 2012), hypoxia (eg, Gracey et al., 2001), handling stress (eg,

Donaldson et al., 2014), and toxicants (Williams et al., 2003). cDNA

microarrays enable thousands of genes to be screened simultaneously to

identify groups of differentially expressed genes related to biochemical

pathways involved in a range of responses. Relatively few studies have

assessed gene expression in relation to acute stressor exposure, compared to

the literature assessing primary, secondary, and tertiary stress indicators

(Caipang et al., 2008; Prunet et al., 2008). Instead, one of the main objectives

of functional genomics studies is broadening our understanding of how gene

expression is influenced by environmental conditions (Buckley, 2007; Miller

et al., 2009). Microarrays using nonlethal tissue biopsies (ie, muscle and gill

tissue) have identified potential genes involved in an unhealthy signature of

migrating sockeye salmon, where individuals that are less likely to reach

spawning grounds are characterized by indices of poor health, including

downregulation of blood clotting factors and genes related to aerobic

respiration, as well as expression of genes linked with immune function

(Miller et al., 2011). Still, understanding the functional significance of many

genes and gene families remains a challenge, and the implications of how

genes respond following exposure to a stressor is not always clear.

In fish, a number of genes have been investigated as potential biomarkers

for various stressors. Genes linked to cell apoptosis, such as cytochrome c

and transcription factor JUNB, are upregulated in response to elevated

temperatures in sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka; Jefferies et al., 2012).

JUNB is likewise upregulated following low-water and air exposure

stressors in rainbow trout (O. mykiss; Momoda et al., 2007). Transcription

factor NUPR1, which is involved in the regulation of cell growth and

apoptosis (Mallo et al., 1997), is also responsive to stressors in rainbow

trout, and can remain upregulated several hours poststressor (Momoda

et al., 2007). Changes in the gene expression of biological pathways related

to inflammation, protein degradation, and the immune response have been


observed in rainbow trout (O. mykiss) liver in relation to handling stress

(Momoda et al., 2007; Wiseman et al., 2007). Also in rainbow trout,

following repeated exposure to a netting stressor, Krasnov et al. (2005)

observed changes in expression of genes related to immune responses, cell

proliferation and growth, apoptosis and protein biosynthesis in the brain,

and changes in expression of genes related to cellular biochemical processes

in the kidney. The onset of recovery poststress may be evidenced by the

expression of genes related to gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and energy

metabolism in the liver (Momoda et al., 2007; Wiseman et al., 2007).

Donaldson et al. (2014) identified species- and sex-specific genomic

responses in sockeye salmon related to the stress response and recovery

following exposure to an exercise stressor. A complicating factor in

understanding the behavior of these genes during the stress response is the

fact that studies conducted on fish to date often focus on different time

courses (Krasnov et al., 2005), species, tissues (Kassahn et al., 2009),

techniques (Prunet et al., 2008), and genes of interest.

3.2. Primary and Secondary Physiological Indicators

Physiological indicators of stress include all the responses between the

cellular and molecular level and the whole-animal level (Table 11.2). The

stress response involves a wide range of physiological responses including,

and beyond, HPI axis activation (Schreck and Tort, 2016; Chapter 1 in this

volume, Figure 1.6). There are a suite of primary indicators (eg,

catecholamines and stress hormones), as well as secondary responses (eg,

changes in glucose, ion balance, acid–base balance, immunological

functions, or other indicators of energetic metabolism) that can be used to

assess stress in fish. Secondary changes happen over a slower timescale than

the primary responses. The use of the different primary and secondary stress

indicators has relative advantages or disadvantages depending on the

stressor of interest, and the level of background information available about

the species, population, or individual (Table 11.2).

Changes in certain primary and secondary stress indicators are notably

useful when assessing responses to specific aquaculture or handling

practices, or acute disturbances in the field. Catecholamines provide the

fastest primary response to stressors, but are difficult to measure because

they respond quickly to stressor exposure (Reid et al., 1998; Pottinger,

2008). Catecholamines are appropriate and powerful indicators in labora-

tory settings, but are often not logistically possible to measure in the field

because they are highly responsive to capture and handling. Cortisol, the

other measure of the primary stress response, is among the most commonly

measured stress indicators (Mommsen et al., 1999; Barton, 2002; Pottinger,


2008). Because cortisol responds more slowly than catecholamines to

specific stressors, it can be quantified in laboratory or field settings to obtain

both baseline and poststressor levels, as long as animals can be sampled

within a few minutes of capture (Romero and Reed, 2005). Secondary stress

indicators commonly measured include (1) glucose elevation, a result of the

increase in catabolism and release of glucose into the blood stream following

stressor exposure (Barton, 2002); (2) lactate elevation, an indicator of

anaerobic metabolism following hypoxia or exercise stressors (Wood et al.,

1983); (3) osmolality or specific ions, which are altered as a result of the

increase in catecholamines and subsequent increase in heart rate and gill

permeability (McDonald and Milligan, 1997); and (4) leukocytes, which can

not only reflect response to acute stressors, but may also predict future

survival or performance (Davis et al., 2008).

Many of these physiological indicators are measured in plasma as they

provide a snapshot of the circulating levels of the hormone or metabolite

(Barton, 2002; Pottinger, 2008). The benefit of sampling plasma (or red

blood cells for indicators such as hematocrit) is that, for most fishes, samples

can be collected nonlethally. Also, because plasma is a conventional tissue

for measuring physiological parameters, there are a number of studies that

exist to aid in the interpretation of values, and assays or meters are

commercially available to facilitate data generation (Wells and Pankhurst,

1999; Beecham et al., 2006). The main disadvantage of measuring indicators

in plasma is that plasma is not always the most relevant tissue, and some

indicators do not make sense for plasma measurements. For example,

bioenergetics indicators measured following chronic stressor exposure such

as glycogen liver stores could not obtained by taking only a plasma sample.

Similarly, as phosphocreatine (PCr) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) are

indicators of acute exercise stress, these metrics are best measured in muscle

tissue. Therefore, the specific tissue sampled will be dependent on the

research question, and the primary/secondary physiological indicator of

interest. Taking these caveats into account, primary and secondary stress

indicators provide information about how individuals are perceiving and

responding to environmental challenges, and can identify the extent to

which animals are stressed by these challenges, as well as potentially predict

future performance and survival (Breuner et al., 2008).

3.3. Whole-Organism Indicators

Whole-organism (or tertiary) responses to stressors include a number of

aspects of fish performance such as changes in growth, condition, disease

resistance, metabolism (Sadoul and Vijayan, 2016; Chapter 5 in this volume),

cardiac activity, swimming performance, behavior, fitness, and even survival


(Wedemeyer et al., 1990, Table 11.3). These responses can serve as indicators

of stress, and are also generally considered to have ecological relevance. For

example, growth rates can directly influence populationmodels (Power, 2002)

and bioenergetics models (Beyers et al., 2002), while fitness and survival

influence demographic processes (McCallum, 2000). Behaviors related to

food acquisition, predator avoidance, and habitat selection also have direct

ecological relevance with a physiological underpinning (Godin, 1997). Many

condition-related measures involve simple measures of mass (ie, usually the

entire organism along with specific organs), length, or both (Goede and

Barton, 1990). Traditional measures of fish condition (eg, relative weight,

condition factor) are also simple to calculate, but are criticized for their lack of

specificity and breadth (Bolger andConnolly, 1989). So-called organosomatic

indices (eg, ratio of organ mass to body mass) are widely used as an index of

stress and condition given their simplicity, but they require lethal sampling.

Some researchers have generated indices that are a composite of various

measures related to body condition and health, and perhaps the most

commonly used is the Health Assessment Index (HAI), first proposed by

Adams et al. (1993). TheHAI can bemodified tomeet the needs of researchers

and their study questions.

Swimming performance represents another tertiary endpoint that is

functionally simple to both collect and interpret, and is also ecologically

meaningful, but proper measurement requires custom-designed swim tunnels

or flumes that can be technically challenging to build, or expensive to

purchase. Critical swimming speed is an example of a metric that has been

measured for decades (Beamish, 1978), and although it is now regarded as

somewhat limited in value (Plaut, 2001), it does have usewhenmaking relative

comparisons of fish swimming ability among stressor treatments. Portz (2007)

reported that if the goal of a study is to simply make treatment-level

comparisons in swimming ability, then simply defining the time to exhaustion

for fish chased by tail pinching in a round tank generated values that correlate

with more formal measures of critical swimming speed. Recognizing inherent

variation in swimming ability among individual fish, Jain et al. (1997) refined

swimming protocols to create a new method that compared the ability of fish

to swim a second time shortly after doing an initial swim. Termed the

“recovery ratio,” the approach has served as a sensitive indicator of overall

organismal status in the face of different stressors (see Jain et al., 1998). When

we combine measures of cardiac activity (eg, heart rate or cardiac output) and

metabolic rate (oxygen consumption) with active swimming challenges (see

Webber et al., 1998), it is possible to obtain amultilevel understanding of stress

and its influence on an ecologically relevant index of organism performance.

In fact, laboratory-derived relationships between metabolism, cardiac

function, swimming ability, and water temperature can be scaled to field


environments to predict mortality (Farrell et al., 2008). Together, the

measurement of fish swimming ability, using a range of possible techniques,

has the ability to provide valuable information on how stress can influence an

important aspect of fish ecology.

Tertiary stress indicators are more diverse than data on the primary or

secondary stress response,which tend to fall almost exclusively within the realm

of the physiologist. Collecting data related to the tertiary stress response, aswell

as interpreting those data, may require the expertise of ethologists, field

ecologists, as well as physiologists. Nonetheless, there certainly are strong

physiological underpinnings, some more direct than others, to tertiary stress

indicators. Indicators related to cardiac activity andmetabolismare the domain

of physiologists, but also link to activities such as swimming (both swimming

performance and general locomotor activity) and other elements of behavior.

Metabolism and locomotor activity are large drivers of energy budgets

(Boisclair and Leggett, 1989). Energy budgets define somatic growth rates

(and condition), reproductive investment, and behavior. In that sense, many of

the tertiary indicators are linked to bioenergetics (Beyers et al., 2002). Even the

growing interest of using reflex impairment as indicators of fish vitality is linked

to metabolism and neurological function (Davis, 2010).

As we move from measures focused on direct indicators of homeostasis

(ie, primary or secondary stress indicators) to more whole-organism level

indicators that represent integration of various mechanisms (eg, neuroendo-

crine processes), the ability to infer a stressed state becomes more

challenging, and may be best studied in the context of comparisons among

groups (eg, control vs stressor A and stressor B). For example, something as

straightforward as mortality is a natural phenomenon, and a dead fish does

not immediately imply that the fish was stressed; senescence is a natural

process, and a fish can be predated upon independent of whether it was in a

stressed state. Similarly, reduced feeding behavior of a fish does not indicate

that the fish is experiencing stress because it may simply not be hungry,

which could be influenced by previous feeding history, metabolic demands,

food availability, seasonality, or even genetics. This is unlike primary and

secondary stress indicators, such as cortisol or osmolality, for which there

are clear reference ranges or where a specific threshold (eg, X ng/mL or

X mmol/L) is meaningful. Also, circulating cortisol for an individual fish

may be elevated relative to reference ranges, yet there are no organism-level

endpoints evident. Does that mean that the fish is stressed? Context clearly

matters, which means comparisons using appropriate controls must be used

when inferring stress from tertiary endpoints.

Despite these challenges, the elegance of using tertiary indices to define

stress is their simplicity, both in collection as well as interpretation,

particularly in relation to other physiological measures of stress that can


only be quantified with laboratory work. For example, two metrics that are

simple, elegant, as well as highly relevant when identifying whole-organism

stress, are reflex indicators (eg, is a specific reflex present or absent) and

survival (eg, did an organism live or die). What is remarkable with these

metrics is that something as simple as reflex impairment has been shown to

correlate with survival (Davis, 2010; Raby et al., 2012), and is now being

widely embraced by the research community to define the physiological state

of animals in the field, and to predict mortality. Interestingly, however, the

mechanistic basis for reflex impairment is not directly clear. Similarly, many

tertiary indices of stress can be measured outside the traditional laboratory

with wild, free-swimming fish. For example, some measures such as fine-

scale locomotor activity (Cooke et al., 2004), cardiac activity (Cooke et al.,

2004; Clark et al., 2010), and plasma glucose (Endo et al., 2009) can be

measured remotely and either transmitted (ie, biotelemetry/biosensors) or

stored aboard electronic tags for later downloading (ie, biologging). Reflex

impairment measures can also be conducted in field settings, as they do not

require any specialized equipment (Raby et al., 2012).



With regard to the stressor, study animal, and stress indicator, there are a

number of factors to consider when quantifying and interpreting stress in

fishes (Fig. 11.3). A selection of these factors is highlighted next.

4.1. Interspecific Differences

It is perhaps not surprising that different species of fish respond to the

same stressors differently. Given evolutionary, ecological (ie, predation),

environmental (ie, temperature), and life history differences that contribute

to the divergence of species, HPI activity and other indicators of stress

are apt to vary. Comparing stress across species is largely limited by

variation among studies in stressor type, severity, and duration, which can

dramatically affect the magnitude of the HPI stress response (see Section

4.4). When exposed to an identical stressor, plasma cortisol (Barton, 2000,

2002; Pottinger, 2010) and glucose (Jentoft et al., 2005) levels, gene

expression (Jeffries et al., 2014b), immune function (Cnaani et al., 2004),

habitat preference (Jacobsen et al., 2014), and avoidance behavior (Hansen

et al., 1999) all can vary among species, including closely related species

(eg, pink salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and sockeye salmon, O. nerka;


Donaldson et al., 2014). However, under certain conditions, different species

can exhibit similar responses to the same stressor. Campbell et al. (1994)

noted that repeated air exposure reduces progeny survival to a similar

degree in rainbow and brown trout (Salmo trutta). Ryer et al. (2004) showed

that juvenile sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria, known to be robust against

fisheries capture mortality, display similar behavioral impairment following

capture as the more fragile walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Design

of experiments whereby multiple species (and where possible, hybrids; eg,

Noga et al., 1994) are exposed to identical stressors, and identical indicators

are measured, can maximize collection of data that aid in understanding

factors driving species-specific differences in stress.

4.2. Intraspecific Differences

Measures of stress can also varywithin species.Often the existence of unique

populations motivates examination of stress. Environmental and ecological

factors linked to geographically distinct populations are predicted to drive

divergence in stress responsiveness. Indeed, along a longitudinal gradient,

populations of killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus (northern vs southern) vary in

their stressor-induced plasma cortisol responses (DeKoning et al., 2004).

Stressor-induced changes in ventilation rate of tropical poeciliids, Brachyrha-

phis episcopi (confinement stressor, Brown et al., 2005) and three-spined

stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus (predator stressor, Bell et al., 2010) vary

dependingonwhetherfishare collected from low-orhigh-predationhabitats. In

other instances, differences in physiological parameters of stress (eg, plasma

cortisol, lactate, glucose) are not present among populations but fitness

outcomes (ie, survival) can still vary poststressor exposure (Donaldson et al.,

2012). Population-specific differences in the stress response are intriguing from

an evolutionary standpoint, and should not be overlooked when making

specieswide conclusions on stressor sensitivity.

Other intraspecific factors driving variation in stress indicators include

sex, size, social status, and domestication. Sex differences can be especially

pronounced in certain species. Adult female Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus

spp.) have higher stressor-induced plasma cortisol levels (Donaldson et al.,

2014) as well as a greater likelihood of mortality (Martins et al., 2012) in

response to temperature stressors. Timing of peak stressor-induced plasma

cortisol is affected by body size in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax;

Fatira et al., 2014). Poststressor HPI activity is known to vary between

dominant and subordinate rainbow trout (Jeffrey et al., 2014a). Variation in

measures of stress are also present between hatchery and wild trout

(Woodward and Strange, 1987; Lepage et al., 2000) and salmon (Johnsson

et al., 2001), which in combination with all intraspecific considerations has


implications with regard to maximizing performance of fishes reared for

captivity or release into the wild for stock enhancement.

Finally, there is a rapidly developing appreciation for heritability of, and

interindividual/interfamily differences in, stress-responsiveness (eg, Kittilsen

et al., 2009; Pottinger, 2010; Hori et al., 2012), as well as coupling of

physiological and behavioral stress indicators within an individual (ie,

coping style, Castanheira et al., 2015). Aquaculture has utilized this

variation for over a decade to breed genetically divergent lines of rainbow

trout (O. mykiss) with high and low plasma cortisol responses to a 3 h

confinement stressor (Pottinger and Carrick, 1999). This variability is now

associated with consistent variability in myriad of behavioral indicators of

stress (eg, activity following a conspecific intruder, Øverli et al., 2007). High

and low responders have also been characterized in Atlantic salmon (Salmo

salar, Fevolden et al., 1991), gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, Tort et al.,

2001), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, Hori et al., 2012), and striped bass

(Morone saxatilis, Wang et al., 2004). These individual-level differences may

also influence individual tolerance to the sampling methodology to quantify

stress (eg, recovery from cannulation, Bry and Zohar, 1980). Together, there

are multiple aspects of intraspecific variation that can influence stress

indicators; accounting for and describing this variation is warranted.

4.3. Context-Specific Differences

HPI axis activity, in addition to auxiliary molecular, physiological, and

whole-animal responses can vary in magnitude depending on the environ-

mental and ecological context of the stressor an individual is exposed to.

Activation of the HPI axis should be consistent across contexts. Ultimately,

any threat to an animal’s fitness must be endured and overcome via HPI-

mediated changes to physiology and behavior (Schreck and Tort, 2016;

Chapter 1 in this volume). The changes to physiological and behavioral

processes may nonetheless differ if the individual is faced with a predator,

resource competition, restrictive feeding, hypoxia, aquatic pollution, or

elevated water temperature.

Context-dependent variation in stress measures is observed at all

organizational levels. At the neuroendocrine level (primary indicator),

changes in brain monoamine (eg, norepinephrine, serotonin) concentrations

differed in three-spined stickleback based on stressor type (unfamiliar

conspecific vs predator; Bell et al., 2007). At later stages of the HPI axis,

predator-induced whole-body cortisol response of winter flounder (Pseudo-

pleuronectes americanus) differed depending on species of predator (Breves

and Specker, 2005). More subtle differences in stressor type may not elicit

different plasma responses (eg, intra- vs interspecific intruder, Ros et al.,


2014). Interestingly, two very different stressors with regard to ecological

relevance, and potentially severity, can elicit similar responses. Visible

implant elastomer tagging elicits a similar plasma cortisol response in

three-spined stickleback as that following a simulated predator attack

(Furtbauer et al., 2015). Secondary, physiological processes are also

influenced by stressor context. Degree of change in metabolism varied in

Galaxias maculatus (Milano et al., 2010) depending on whether individuals

were exposed to visual or olfactory predator cues. At the whole-animal

level, change in ventilation rates varies among stressors (eg, confinement

vs conspecific vs electroshock, Barreto and Volpato, 2006). Likely

interlaced with stressor severity (see Section 4.4) the environmental and

ecological context of a stressor matters when making decisions about

which indicator to select, predicting the response of the indicator, and

interpreting the results.

When assessing stress, exposure of animals to multiple stressors is arguably

the most biologically relevant context. Experimental design incorporating

different stressors (eg, elevated water temperature and fisheries capture, aquatic

pollution, or immunechallenge)maydetectmagnificationof stress indicators (eg,

Marcogliese et al., 2005; Jacobsen et al., 2014). Fish are also exposed to the same

stressors more than once, and previous experience with a particular stressor and

the individual’s capacity to learnmay influence stress indicators (Barcellos et al.,

2010; also see discussiononhabituation inSection 4.4).Housing conditions prior

to stressor exposure (ie, isolation vs groups) can also influence stress indicators

(Giacomini et al., 2015), potentially via communication of olfactory cues of

conspecific stress (Barcellos et al., 2014a). Testing fish singly versus in groups can

bemotivated by the schooling and social tendencies of the species. Incorporating

additional experimental variables to increase biological relevance can introduce

other logistical challenges such as requirement of larger sample sizes. If the

scientific priority is for biological relevance of stress indicators, such nuances of

ecological and environmental context can be considered.

For some contexts, identifying suitable indicators is intuitive (eg,

measuring ventilation frequency and avoidance behaviors following a

simulated predator attack). Other scenarios allow for use of many

suitable indicators. Exposure to toxicological stressors affects gene

expression (Jeffries et al., 2015), gamete quality (Khan and Weis, 1987),

and suites of physiological processes and behaviors across life stages (Scott

and Sloman, 2004; Sloman and McNeil, 2012). Approaches using multiple

indicators (eg, Woodley and Peterson, 2003) provide opportunities to

discover or exclude indicators for a particular stressor. However, it is

necessary to keep in mind that primary and secondary indicators of stress

may not correlate with whole-animal or tertiary indicators (eg, HSP

expression increasing in response to a thermal challenge but swimming


performance remaining constant). Even within a class of indicators,

responses can vary (eg, increases in lactate concentration indicating

insufficient oxygen supply to muscles, but no change in HSP expression

indicating absence of protein damage). Accordingly, the nature of the

stressor or stressors, and relationship among indicators, is important to

consider when determining the appropriate indicators of stress to measure.

4.4. Stressor Severity

As discussed by Schreck and Tort (2016; Chapter 1 in this volume),

embedded within context-specific differences is whether the stressor will be

applied in an acute/single, repeated, or chronic/prolonged manner. An acute

or single exposure may be typified by brief durations (seconds to minutes),

and associated with physiological responses that are adaptive. Variation in

duration of an acute stressor can alter stress indicator levels in a gradated

manner (Gesto et al., 2013, 2015). Acute stressors can also vary in intensity

with regard to expected level of impairment (eg, 2-minute confinement vs 5-

minute chase with net), again resulting in variation in stress indicator levels

(Geslin and Auperin, 2004). For contaminant stressors, there are often clear

patterns between dose concentration and extent of indicator response or

mortality (ie, LC50). However, as mentioned in Section 4.3, stressors that

may be considered distinct based on severity can elicit similar responses, as

well as identical stressors differing in duration (Fatira et al., 2014).

Definitions of what constitutes a chronic stressor exposure are not

always consistent; chronic stress can be repeated, sequential exposure to an

acute stressor (eg, daily handling over multiple weeks), or continuous

prolonged exposure to a stressor (eg, continuous exposure to elevated water

temperature over multiple weeks). How an indicator responds to these

exposures may depend on its role in immediate (eg, avoidance behavior)

versus long-term (eg, growth) effects on fitness (Schreck, 2000). Also, for

some species, chronic stressor exposure is reality (as in Boonstra, 2013b).

Although indicators may imply a chronically stressed state (ie, allostatic

overload, McEwen and Wingfield, 2003), the responses may be adaptive

(Boonstra, 2013b). For repeated exposures, the interval between stressor

application can affect the response of the stress indicator as well (Schreck,

2000). Thus, habituation must be considered in order to validate that

changes to stress indicators are indeed due to “disrupted negative feedback”

(Romero et al., 2009) or allostatic overload (Schreck and Tort, 2016;

Chapter 1 in this volume, Figures 1.3, 1.5, and 1.6).

Discerning habituation from desensitization and exhaustion using

hormonal indices of stress is discussed by Schreck (2000) and Cyr and

Romero (2009). Defining habituation using performance/behavioral


indicators may not be as straightforward and measurement of an

accompanying physiological parameter (ie, HPI axis activity) is needed. A

subset of animals can be sampled midway through repeated exposure to an

acute stressor (eg, immediately following daily handling stressor being

applied over multiple weeks) to confirm that the HPI axis and stress

indicator is still responsive to the stressor. A subset of animals can be

exposed to an acute stressor midway through a sustained stressor exposure

(eg, single, acute chase stressor during continuous exposure to elevated

water temperature over multiple weeks) to confirm that the HPI axis and

target stress indicator is still responsive. Diminution of the endocrine stress

response is detected in a number of species chronically stressed (Barton et

al., 1987; Jentoft et al., 2005, but see Barcellos et al., 2006). Wingfield et al.

(2011) proposed that there are thresholds after which mounting a stress

response is no longer adaptive. When these thresholds are surpassed,

resistance potential to the stressor increases via attenuation of the stress

response (Wingfield et al., 2011). Multiple samplings throughout the chronic

exposure may identify tipping points whereby the stress indicator no longer

responds (resilience) or recovers to baseline, prestressor levels (exhaustion).

Phenotypic plasticity should also be considered, particularly when

quantifying stress in wild populations inhabiting environments with

fluctuating conditions that are also chronic stressors (eg, climate change,

aquatic pollution, Silvestre et al., 2012; Crozier and Hutchings, 2014).

Laboratory-based indicators of stress may not be reliable indicators in wild

animals (Dickens and Romero, 2013), and this may be due to shifting coping

strategies. Alternatively, laboratory-based indicators of chronic stress may

be detected in wild populations but without population-level consequences.

Populations of invasive round goby from highly contaminated areas in Lake

Ontario demonstrate indices of toxicological stress (eg, endocrine disrup-

tion, Marentette et al., 2010; impaired behaviors, Sopinka et al., 2010). Yet,

populations of round goby in polluted areas are stable and populations in

reference areas are declining (McCallum et al., 2014). This example

illustrates how new organismal steady states may emerge and be interpreted

as stress, but do not affect population-level processes (see Section 5).

4.5. Field Versus Laboratory

Laboratory and field measurements of stress each have their advantages

and disadvantages. Certain indicators of stress must be measured in the

laboratory due to the complexity of equipment used to obtain samples (eg,

serial blood sampling via cannulations, Fig. 11.1). Other indicators can only

be measured in the field due to the inability to replicate the behavior in the

laboratory (eg, stressor-induced changes in migration rates, Donaldson


et al., 2011). Laboratory studies allow for control of variables that can

confound measurement of stress indicators, and otherwise are difficult to

control in the wild (eg, water temperature). This degree of control is crucial

and necessary for research targeting mechanistic connections between

stressor and indicator. Still, mimicking stressors that fish will encounter in

the wild in a laboratory setting does not truly encompass the entire stress

response that an animal would elicit under ecologically relevant conditions.

For example, latent effects of sublethal stress indicators (eg, postrelease

predation following a fisheries capture stressor that impairs equilibrium,

Figure 11.1. Blood can be collected from live fish to measure stress indicators by (A) drawing

blood from the caudal vasculature using a syringe or Vacutainer; or (B) by implanting a cannula

in the vasculature (often aortic), which also enables serial sampling. Photo credits: (A) Michael

Donaldson, (B) Michael Lawrence.


Danylchuk et al., 2007) are not adequately accounted for in the laboratory.

Depending on study hypothesis and goals, measurement of the chosen stress

indicator may be more suitable under laboratory versus field conditions, or

vice versa.

Development of remotely sensing devices (Cooke et al., 2004), as well as

validation of point-of-care devices in fishes (Stoot et al., 2014), allows for

field measurement of indicators once restrained to the laboratory.

Specifically, with the advancement of biologging and biotelemetry technol-

ogy, changes in activity levels and energetics (Burnett et al., 2014), foraging

(Brownscombe et al., 2014), and heart rate (Clark et al., 2008) of free-

swimming fish can be monitored before, during, and after a stressor

(Donaldson et al., 2010; Raby et al., 2015). Limitations of this field-oriented

mechanistic approach to measuring stress include cost, surgical require-

ments for tag implantation, detection efficiency, and tag retrieval, which can

compromise study sample size. Measuring indicators in wild fishes naturally

exposed to unpredictable, labile stressors (eg, cyclones, floods) can be

incredibly revealing but is also highly opportunistic (Wingfield, 2013). A

holistic, collaborative approach of field-based research coupled with

complementary laboratory research focusing on mechanism(s) can provide

the most complete assessment of the stress response.

4.6. Temporal Aspects

There are multiple levels of timing that can be considered when

investigating animal stress. First, what life stage will the indicator of stress

be measured? The hyporesponsive period early in development is well

established for several species (eg, rainbow trout, Barry et al., 1995;

Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Feist and Schreck, 2001;

yellow perch, Perca flavescens, Jentoft et al., 2002; lake sturgeon, Acipenser

fulvescens, Zubair et al., 2012); endogenous stressor-induced cortisol

production is not detected prior to hatch. Stressor-induced and resting

plasma cortisol levels can shift (1) as sexual maturation progresses in

salmonids (Pottinger and Carrick, 2000; Cook et al., 2011) and catfish

(Barcellos et al., 2014b) and (2) during parental care in largemouth bass

(Jeffrey et al., 2014b). Hyperresponsive periods are also present in smolting

salmon (vs parr, Carey and McCormick, 1998). A longitudinal study by

Koakoski et al. (2012) found that concentration and timing of peak stressor-

induced plasma cortisol varied among fingerling, juvenile, and adult jundia

(Rhamdia quelen). To date, age effects largely focus on cortisol as the

indicator of stress (Schreck and Tort, 2016; Chapter 1 in this volume,

Figure 1.4). Life stage shifts in baseline levels of stress indicators may also

confound quantification of stress. This caveat is relevant for other


physiological (eg, ontogeny of antioxidant defenses, Otto and Moon, 1996),

performance (eg, rapid growth of larval coral reef species), and behavioral

(eg, ontogeny of predator avoidance, Brown, 1984) stress indicators that can

vary across life stage.

Second, what time of the day will the indicator of stress be measured?

Resting heart rates (Aissaoui et al., 2000), plasma cortisol (Cousineau et al.,

2014), and various behaviors (eg, activity, Bayarri et al., 2004) fluctuate on a

diel cycle. Inconsistent timing of collection can skew data and comparison

between studies with different sampling times can compromise validity of

conclusions. It is noted, however, that some species may exhibit plasticity in

traits typically associated with circadian rhythms (Reebs, 2002).

Third, what time poststressor will the indicator of stress be measured? As

mentioned previously, time-course sampling is the most comprehensive

approach to ensure capture of rise, peak, and recovery of the indicator.

Induction and recovery times will vary, however, for different indicators

(Gesto et al., 2015). Catecholamines (and other sympathetic nervous system

processes such as heart rate and ventilation) are elevated instantaneously

(seconds), whereas cortisol takes longer to elevate (minutes to hours) above

prestressor levels. A lag between stressor exposure and changes in mRNA

abundance (ie, transcription) is expected. Induction and recovery times may

also vary depending on stressor type and severity (see Section 4.4).

Identifying and describing temporal influences on the stress response is

itself a topic of interest in stress biology; still, when treatment-level impacts

(eg, stressor type or severity) are of interest, temporal influences should also

be accounted for.


Thus far this chapter has reviewed indicators of stress at the individual

level, but an interesting extension to this work is to ask how the stress of an

individual scales to population- and ecosystem-level processes. It is

important to note that the molecular, physiological, and whole-animal

indicators of stress described in this chapter are responsive over shorter

timescales (minutes to days) relative to the response of populations and

whole ecosystems to environmental stressors (months to years, see Figure 1

of Adams and Greeley, 2000). Carryover effects and intergenerational

components of stress are especially integral when linking individual stress

indicators to downstream population effects. Harsh overwintering condi-

tions, episodes of low resource availability, and other environmental

stressors can have carryover effects on a fish’s phenotype even if stress


indicators suggest recovery (O’Connor et al., 2014; O’Connor and Cooke,

2015). Latent effects of stress on populations may be shaped by maternal

match/mismatch (see Sheriff and Love, 2013; Love et al., 2013), and may not

manifest for several generations. For example, using a 30-year dataset,

Venturelli et al. (2010) found that maternally mediated effects on egg size in

walleye (Sander vitreus) have the capacity to modulate population dynamics.

Older, larger females produce larger eggs, which are apt to produce

offspring with higher survival. Indeed, the authors detected higher

population reproductive rates during years when older females were more

abundant (Venturelli et al., 2010). If a stressor associated with a fisheries

targeting older females compromises reproduction within this cohort,

population stability could fluctuate via maternally mediated mechanisms

(eg, changes in egg size, number, or energy content). Connecting individual

stress indicators to larger scale processes can be achieved through modeling

(Calow and Forbes, 1998; Fefferman and Romero, 2013) or correlation with

population- and ecosystem-level metrics.

There are a number of commonly reported population- and ecosystem-

level stress indicators including changes in population abundance, habitat use,

age and size structure, sex ratios, and age at maturity (Shuter, 1990; Adams

andGreeley, 2000; Bartell, 2006). At the ecosystem level, changes in indices of

biotic integrity or species richness, foodweb structure, andproductivity can all

indicate environmental stress (Karr, 1981;Odum, 1985). Just as usingmultiple

indicators is a robust way to define stress within an individual, an approach

that incorporates many levels of biological organization to generate an

ecosystem health assessment can be most informative (Attrill and Depledge,

1997; Adams and Greeley, 2000; Bartell, 2006; Yeom and Adams, 2007). For

example, measuring indicators of thermal stress in captive adult salmon (eg,

Jeffries et al., 2012) can be linked with fitness metrics of fishes migrating in the

wild that are naturally experiencing higher water temperatures (Martins et al.,

2012). These laboratory and field findings can then be scaled up to population

and species survival trends using stock assessment data collected by

government agencies. Changes in salmon population abundance can then be

linked to health of other taxa (Bryan et al., 2013) and ecosystem-level

processes (Gende et al., 2002). Connecting individual traits to an ecosystem is

possible following pairing of laboratory recorded stress indicators of an

individual, field-derived stress indicators, and population and ecosystem

attributes amalgamated from an array of sources.

Drawing associations from individual to population or ecosystem,

however, does require longitudinal datasets encompassing both individual-

level stress indicators and field-based monitoring. Upon establishment that

individual-level stress indicators correlate with population-level change, the

more rapidly responding stress indicators can be utilized as early warning


signals of forthcoming population and ecosystem effects (Adams and

Greeley, 2000). Focusing on sentinel or ecologically important organisms as

bioindicators significantly aids in implementing individual stress profiles

with assessments of ecosystem stability (Adams and Greeley, 2000). Such

endeavors highlight the value and necessity of collaboration among

academics, government, and user groups in order to develop stress

indicators into useful tools for conservation and management.


Work outlined in this chapter, as well as in this volume, has provided a

comprehensive understanding of how fish detect and respond to stressors.

Despite the breadth in tools available to measure responses of fish to

stressors (Fig. 11.2), and the wealth of questions that can be answered, there

are a number of new directions that research in this area can take moving

forward. With human populations projected to grow, and impacts to the

planet anticipated to continue or intensify, improving our understanding of

the response of fish to stressors, particularly in response to multiple

stressors, is critical. We feel that there are five main areas that researchers

should consider as targets for future work in hopes of both developing novel

stress indicators and refining existing stress indicators to maximize benefits

and predictive values.

First, and most importantly, there is a need to better link indices of stress

and disturbance with metrics of reproductive output and fitness. The

primary stress response is in itself a characteristic that is under selection

(Wingfield et al., 1998; Ricklefs and Wikelski, 2002). Studies have used

magnitude of the acute stress response as suggestion that populations may

be at risk of experiencing declines (Romero and Wikelski, 2001). Despite the

certainty of the relationship between chronic stress and reduced reproduc-

tion, links between activation of the acute stress response and fitness

outcomes currently exist, to some extent, as correlative relationships rather

than causative mechanisms. Identifying activation of the stress response,

either following acute or chronic stressor exposure, does not necessarily

guarantee that an animal will experience reduced fitness relative to

unexposed animals. The ability to confidently link acute or chronic stress

responses to reductions in fitness, or negative changes to other population

parameters, would represent a monumental leap forward in our under-

standing of the importance of the stress response. As well, our ability to

predict the outcomes of exposure to stressful stimuli and use of the cortisol

stress response as an early warning system for conservation would be greatly


Figure 11.2. There are a growing number of stress indicators for use in fish, including some that

are reasonably novel such as: (A) use of high throughput omic techniques; (B) use of point-of-

care handheld meters for measuring blood chemistry in the field; (C) whole-body extraction of

cortisol from small fish; (D) evaluation of reflex status; (E) assessment of swimming

performance and metabolic status; and (F) evaluation of the locomotory activity and energetics

of free-swimming fish using accelerometer biologgers. Photo credits: (A) Katrina Cook, (B)

Steven Cooke, (C) Julia Redfern, (D) Vivian Nguyen, (E) Zach Zucherman, (F) Jacob



enhanced. A metric relating stress to reproduction could also be coupled

with the concept of carryover effects allowing the impacts of a current

stressor across multiple reproductive bouts, or across generations. Indices

linked to reproduction could then be associated with landscape-level

stressors such as habitat modifications or climate change to discern the

impact of these broad challenges on populations.

Second, similar to links between stress and fitness, we feel there is a need to

strengthen links between stress and fish performance. The performance of a

fish is a broad concept that includes metrics such as swimming ability, aerobic

scope, and scope for a stress response (reactive scope). Links between these

different metrics and outcomes such as survival and food acquisition are well

established in the literature (Plaut, 2001; Farrell et al., 2008). However, stress

and fitness/reproduction may also be linked indirectly through declines in

organism performance (ie, decreased swimming performance can lead to

reduced feeding and/or an inability to escape predation). There are a number

of performance metrics or reflex impairments (eg, body flex, gag response)

that correlate positively with stress and can be used to predict individual

mortality (Davis, 2010). Because these reflex impairments can easily and

reliably be collected in the field, it would be advantageous to link these

performance metrics to outcomes beyond survival, including concepts such as

reduced investment in reproduction or lowered fitness. Therefore, under-

standing how stress impacts organismal performance, over both short and

long terms, can aid in our ability to predict impacts of stress on individuals,

and, ultimately, on populations.

Third, to facilitate connection between individual stress indicators and

population-level processes, there is a need to further our understanding of

the indicators mediating intergenerational effects. Egg size, fertilization

success, and embryonic survival are established indicators of parental stress.

Accompaniment of these metrics with the evaluation of physiological and

behavioral traits of progeny is becoming more prevalent, and can reveal

latent indicators of intergenerational stress. Still presently lacking is

knowledge of gametic stress indicators driving changes to offspring

phenotype. Elevated levels of egg cortisol are thought to be a reliable stress

indicator that also serves as a mechanism of offspring change (Gingerich

and Suski, 2011). However, whether maternal stressor exposure alters

cortisol levels in eggs remains equivocal (eg, Stratholt et al., 1997 and

Sopinka et al., 2014). Further experimentation is required to confirm if

concentration of egg cortisol (or other hormones such as thyroid and sex

steroids) is a reliable indicator of maternal stress. Also, with the

advancement of molecular technologies (see later), quantification of

epigenetic changes in the transcriptome of eggs, embryos, and sperm

(Cabrita et al., 2014; Mommer and Bell, 2014) has the potential to serve as a


valuable stress indicator. Expanding the repertoire of reproductive-based

stress indicators will aid in predicting the cascading effects of stress from one

generation to the next.

Fourth, research has recently demonstrated that stress hormones can be

deposited and archived in structures such as fur or feathers (Bortolotti et al.,

2009; Sheriff et al., 2011). The ability to extract stress hormones from

structures such as fur or feathers provides a unique, long-term, integrated

history of the activity of the stress axis, and can serve as a catalog of past

events in the life of an animal. In addition, these structures can be collected

nonlethally, and are often freely shed by animals. At present, we are aware of

a single study that has measured stress hormones (cortisol) from scales (Aerts

et al., 2015), demonstrating the potential to use elasmoid scales as a stress

biomarker for fishes. We would encourage exploration into the area of cortisol

deposition in scales as this could provide a valuable tool for both nonlethally

defining the stress history of a free-swimming animal, and potentially relating

stressful events in the past to reproductive output or fitness.

Finally, the last decade has seen the emergence of a number of new

technologies for quantifying the molecular responses of animals to various

disturbances, including tools such as transcriptomics, gene expression, and

protein generation, which has provided a powerful new way to quantify how

organisms interact with their environment (Evans and Hofmann, 2012).

These techniques can provide reliable indices of stress, assay a number of

different physiological systems simultaneously, and importantly, link

changes in gene expression to ecologically relevant outcomes such as

survival and fitness (Abzhanov et al., 2006). Fish are ideally suited for

studies using these molecular tools because they possess a number of

different nucleated tissues that can be collected nonlethally (eg, gills, Jeffries

et al., 2014a; red blood cells, Dennis et al., 2015). These tools become

particularly valuable when they are linked to whole-organism metrics of

performance, intergenerational effects (ie, epigenetics), landscape-level

challenges, or demographic patterns to define population-level trends,

rather than simply cataloging the stress response of an animal. We therefore

encourage the continued development and proliferation of these novel tools.


Exposure of fish to a stressor evokes activation of the HPI axis (primary

response) and subsequent secondary and tertiary responses. Both HPI axis

activity and whole-animal responses are quantified to indicate stress (see

Section 3 and Tables 11.1–11.3). Quantification of stress under laboratory


and field conditions is fundamental to understanding how a fish responds

to changes in its internal and external environment. This knowledge is

continuing to be implemented into the management and conservation of

wild populations, as well as maintaining welfare of captive fishes. The

number of different stress indicators reported in the literature is matched

by the number of different factors that must be considered when

quantifying and interpreting the indicators themselves (Fig. 11.3). Be it

the severity or contemporaneous nature of the stressors, the variation in

response within populations and among species, or the time of day the

indicator is measured, our understanding of stress is challenged by many

subtle and significant variables. The future of stress indicators will entail a

combination of (1) optimizing experimental approaches to ensure

indicators are reliable and ecologically-relevant; (2) examining stress

across levels of organization within individuals (ie, molecular to whole-

animal responses), as well as integrating individual responses with

population- and ecosystem-level stress indices; (3) accounting for and

determining indicators relevant for carryover and intergenerational

effects; (4) enhancing new technologies such as biologging, telemetry, and

noninvasive assessments of genomic and endocrine stress profiles; and

(5) continued efforts to collaborate among disciplines.

Figure 11.3. Considerations when quantifying and interpreting indicators of stress in fishes.



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