A plenary in- dulgencethe complete remission of time in purga- tory—is offered to those who make the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross. As with all indulgences, it is also required a) to be in a state of grace at the time of the exer- cise, b) to receive go to Confession & receive Holy Communion (w/in about 20 days), and c) to pray for the intentions of the Pope. Stations of the Cross will be offered at 6:30pm at all of our parishes throughout the Lenten season. In addition to glorifying God, our chosen attire also speaks to our own dignity. There is a great exchange in the second book of the Nar- nia series. Prince Caspian, recalling that he is descendent from dishonorable pirates, laments that he is not of a more noble heritage. Aslan offers this in response: “You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,” said Aslan. “And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beg- gar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders of the greatest em- peror in earth. Be content.” (Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis) In one of the later books (a prequel), The Magicians Neph- ew, Aslan chooses two ordinary peo- ple—Frank & Hel- en—to be the first king and queen of Narnia. A cab driver and a housewife, they become the fig- urative Adam & Eve of Narnia. Though ourselves descendants of Adam & Eve, it may yet be easy to forget the dignity of our lineage. We were created to walk with the Lord and redeemed by Christ that we might never be separated from Him. May even the clothing we wear serve to give honor to God and honor our God-given status as His sons and daughters. WHY DO CATHOLICS DO THAT? by Father Jacob Maurer ‘Vesture’ - “My friend, how is it that you came in here with- out a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22 ) The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, cele- brated on February 22nd, calls the Church to prayer—first for the person of the Pope (the successor to St. Peter!) and secondly for the unity of the Church under the Vicar of Christ. It was to St. Peter that Jesus said “upon this rock I will build my church”. Peter him- self understood that this was not for his own glory, but so that God might be glorified in the unity of Church proclaiming the faith. Let us pray for Pope Francis, that inspired by the Good Shepherd, he may guide us to great- er love for Christ and one another.



A plenary in-dulgence—the complete remission of time in purga-tory—is offered to those who make the pious exercise of the Way of the Cross. As with all indulgences, it is also required a) to be in a state of grace at the time of the exer-cise, b) to receive go to Confession & receive Holy Communion (w/in about 20 days), and c) to pray for the intentions of the Pope.

Stations of the Cross will be offered at 6:30pm at all of our parishes throughout the

Lenten season.

In addition to glorifying God, our chosen attire also speaks to our own dignity. There is a great exchange in the second book of the Nar-nia series. Prince Caspian, recalling that he is descendent from dishonorable pirates, laments that he is not of a more noble heritage. Aslan offers this in response: “You come of the Lord Adam and the Lady Eve,” said Aslan. “And that is both honour enough to erect the head of the poorest beg-gar, and shame enough to bow the shoulders

of the greatest em-peror in earth. Be content.” (Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis) In one of the later books (a prequel), The Magicians Neph-ew, Aslan chooses two ordinary peo-ple—Frank & Hel-en—to be the first king and queen of Narnia. A cab

driver and a housewife, they become the fig-urative Adam & Eve of Narnia. Though ourselves descendants of Adam & Eve, it may yet be easy to forget the dignity of our lineage. We were created to walk with the Lord and redeemed by Christ that we might never be separated from Him. May even the clothing we wear serve to give honor to God and honor our God-given status as His sons and daughters.


by Father Jacob Maurer

‘Vesture’ - “My friend, how is it that you came in here with-out a wedding garment?” (Matthew 22 )

The Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, cele-brated on February 22nd, calls the Church to

prayer—first for the person of the Pope (the successor to St. Peter!) and secondly for the unity of the Church under the Vicar of Christ. It was to St. Peter that Jesus said “upon this rock I will build my church”. Peter him-

self understood that this was not for his own glory, but so that God might be glorified in the unity of Church proclaiming the faith. Let us pray for Pope Francis, that inspired by the Good Shepherd, he may guide us to great-er love for Christ and one another.


Por qué los católicos hacen eso?

del Padre Jacob Maurer

Una indul-gencia plena-ria–la remi-sión completa del tiempo en el purgatorio–se ofrece a los que hacen el pia-doso ejercicio del Camino de la Cruz. Como con todas las indulgencias, también se requiere a) estar en estado de gracia en el mo-mento del ejercicio, b) recibir ir a la Confesión y recibir la Sagrada Comunión (en unos 20 días), y c) orar por las intenciones del Papa.

Las Estaciones de la Cruz serán ofrecidas a las 6:30 de la tarde en todas nuestras parroquias

durante la Cuaresma.

La Fiesta de la Cátedra de San Pedro, cele-brada el 22 de Febrero, invita a la Iglesia a la

oración primero por la persona del Papa (sucesor de San Pe-dro) y en segundo lu-gar a la unidad de la Iglesia bajo el Vicario de Cristo. Fue a San Pedro que Jesús dijo “sobre esta piedra edificaré mi iglesia”. El mismo Pe-

dro entendió que esto no era para su propia gloria, sino para que Dios pudiera ser glorifica-do en la unidad de la Iglesia proclamando la fe. Oremos por el Papa Francisco, inspirado por el Buen Pastor, que nos guíe a un mayor amor por Cristo y unos por otros.

Además de glorificar a Dios, nuestra vesti-menta también mostra a nuestra propia digni-dad. Hay un gran intercambio en el segundo libro de la serie de Narnia. El príncipe Caspian, recordando que es descendiente de piratas des-honrosos, lamenta que no es de una herencia más noble. Aslan ofrece esto en respuesta: “Desciendes de lord Adán y lady Eva”, res-pondió el león. “Y eso es honor suficiente para que el mendigo más pobre mantenga la cabeza bien alta y vergüenza suficiente para inclinar

los hombros del emperador más importante de la tierra. Date por satisfecho.” (El Principe Caspian por C.S. Lewis) En uno de los li-bros posteriores (una precuela), El Sobrino del Mago, Aslan elige a dos personas comunes -Frank & Helen-

para ser el primer rey y reina de Narnia. Un conductor de taxi y su esposa, se convierten en el Adán & Eva figurativo de Narnia. Aunque también somos descendientes de Adán y Eva, a veces olvidamos la dignidad de nuestro linaje. Fuimos creados para caminar con el Señor y somos redimidos por Cristo pa-ra que nunca seamos separados de Él de nue-vo. Que las prendas que llevamos sirvan para honrar a Dios y para honrar nuestra condición de hijos e hijas de Dios.

‘Vestidura’ - “¿Amigo, le dijo, ¿cómo has entrado aquí sin el

traje de fiesta? ” (Mateo 22:12)