Why did Kashmiri Pandits leave Kashmir?

Its our story, that we told But was never heard The truth stone walled With a more convenient version, Worst than even losing our home & dear ones, Was the denial of the TRUTH…why did we leave?

Transcript of Why did Kashmiri Pandits leave Kashmir?

Its our story, that we toldBut was never heardThe truth stone walled With a more convenient version,Worst than even losing our home & dear ones, Was the denial of the TRUTH…why did we leave?

Background – year 1988• It was the summer of 1988, my mummy was a teacher in a

school run by the Sanatan Dharm trust, the headmaster was an old Kashmiri Pandit man. A peculiar thing was being observed in the school, many boys in the age group of 16-17 yrs were missing from the school, no response from the families. • The old headmaster with a deeply worried look told a group of Hindu teachers one day, ‘The boys have crossed the border for ‘training’ (training in warfare).• Kashmir, had experienced its periods of turbulence since independence but Military training of Kashmiri Muslims was a first. You could sense the change in the air, there was something that the Muslims were privy to & we were not. • Two, low intensity bombs rock Srinagar, a first for Kashmir…• However, Kashmiri Pandits had mastered the art of survival

during centuries of Muslim rule, which was to bury the Head in sand & repeat, THIS TOO SHALL PASS…

Background – year 1989

• By 1989, the air of Kashmir was heavy with the sound of Jihad,

Azadi and JKLF.• In my own class, we were 5 hindus in a group of 38 kids and

I observed Muslim boys scribbling JKLF, Azadi, on desks, giggling about it in break time & telling the Hindu children, ‘Kashmir will be liberated soon’ & ‘There will be NO school after the winter Break’.• On way to my maternal granny’s house on the left there

used to be a huge gate with a sign, ‘Look a donkey is peeing here’ but one

day I observed, it had been freshly painted & now read, ‘Indian dogs go back’…• Ominous signs were everywhere, things were tense

throughout 1989, there used to be curfews often, cross firing and people were generally worried sick if some one did not come home in time.

• Kashmiri Pandits helplessly watched the deteriorating situation,

hoping against hope that Army will be sent & things will be OK….

Creating the FEAR Armed men entered the house & killed TikaLal Taploo a Pandit leader on Sept 14, 1989. The first Pandit victim fell to bullets. His funeral procession was pelted with stones.

From this point onwards things only wentDownhill & it was clear that Farooq Abdullah, the CM of Kashmir had NO CONTROL over the situation! Or worse he DID NOT CARE.

On Oct 14, 1989 massive crowds gathered in the heart of Srinagar , felicitated by on-lookers chanting fiery slogans, ‘ What will work here, the rule of Mustafa’ ‘No Eastern No Western Only Islamia Only Islamia’

An earthquake has occurred in the realm of the infidels (Hindus), The mujahids have come out to fight

Creating the FEAR

On Azad Kashmir Radio, Benazir Bhutto gives a terribly provocative Jihadi speech in 1990, which was heard all over Kashmir

For the Ghazis invoked by Benazir Bhutto, Kashmiri Pandits were Infidels who deserved to die…

Every village will rise a cry: AZADI! From every mosque will rise a cry: AZADI! From every school, every child will let out the cry: AZADI, AZADI,AZADI!

By Oct, 1989, few more prominent Kashmiri Pandits are murdered in cold blood, among them Retired Judge Neekanth Ganjoo.

Creating the FEAR

1989 & Jan 1990 also saw open threat letters being given to prominent Kashmiris to Quit Kashmir. These would typically be stuck to their main door. It read thus:

‘We order you to leave Kashmir immediately, otherwise your children will be harmed- we are not scaring you but this land is only for Muslims, and is the land of Allah. Sikhs and Hindus cannot stay here. Kashmir Liberation, Zindabad.’

Signalling the implementation, M. L. Bhan of Khonmoh, Srinagar, a government employee, was killed on Jan 15, 1990.

Baldev Raj Dutta, an operator in Lal chowk, Srinagar, was kidnapped on the same day. His dead body was found four days later, on Jan 19, 1990, at Nai Sarak, Srinagar.The body bore tell-tale marks of brutal torture.

On Jan, 04, 1990, a local Urdu newspaper, Aftab, published a press release issued by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, asking all Pandits to leave the Valley immediately.

The Nightmare of KP’s –19th Jan 1990There was no one in charge in Kashmir. Farooq Abdullah had resigned & fled to London. Administration had collapsed. Curfew had no effect, mosques exhorted mobs for Jehad & armed JKLF militants marched on the roads.

That night a whistling sound was heard from the Mosques at night, and the eerie sound would not stop. Then came the chilling slogans from the Loudspeaker in the mosques! The war cry before rioting ‘Naara-e-taqbeer, Allah ho Akbar!’

Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Muslims poured into the streets of the Valley, shouting ‘Death to India’ and Death to Kafirs.! The valley was reverberating with the war cries of Jehadis.

All male Muslims, including children and the aged, wanted to be seen to be participating in this Jehad. More sloganeering continued exhorting the hysterical mobs to embark on Jehad!What do we want— Freedom! O tyrants, O infidels, leave our Kashmir.

The Nightmare of KP’s – 19th Jan 1990Then came a slogan that sealed our fate, I don’t know what my father must have felt upon hearing it…We want Kashmir with Kashmiri Hindu women but without their men

Its hard to describe that fear, that feeling of abandonment on that dark cold night, stranded in our own homes, encircled by rampaging mobs.

My parents expected the crowd to come in any moment now. I & my brother were asked to put on our shoes on & crouch in a corner. I had turned 13 two days ago, mom had a kitchen knife hidden in her ‘pheran’…she had a ‘plan’ for us both…if THEY break in…

Jagmohan had taken charge on that very day, 19th Jan 1990. Pandits had faith in him, many frantic calls were made to him that night but he was helpless stuck in Jammu due to bad weather..

The Nightmare of KP’s – 19th Jan 1990

Later, we came to know that the mosque sloganeering was not limited to ONE locality but had been orchestrated THROUGHT Kashmir with precision! Those who had organized such a show of force in the middle of a cold winter night, had only one objective; to put the fear of death into the hearts of the already frightened.

The terrible fear invoking strategy of Jehadi’s had worked, early morning of 20th Jan, 1990, some Kashmiri Pandits had packed their essentials….the EXODUS had begun…

Pandits had hoped the army would intervene & save them from the catastrophe. But no such orders were given by the Central govt. Pandits were on their own.

The long night of fear and terror continued and we expected to meet our death any moment. However, the unexpected happened, we saw the day break & the Mosques went silent…for a while.

The final push for EXILEBroadcasting vicious Jehadi sermons and revolutionary songs, interspersed with blood curdling shouts, threatening Kashmiri Pandits with dire consequences, became a ritual after the night of Jan 19th.

During the day long gun trotting processions were taken out with massive crowds shouting AZADI, AZADI,AZADI. Sometimes Pandits were forced to lead them, idea being should there be an exchange of fire with CRPF – KP’s become the 1st victims.

Meanwhile, cold blooded Pandit killings continued. On Jan 25th we were in our bedroom when we heard a loud roar, I thought a big dipper truck was unloading, later came to know 4 Air force officers had been gunned down in the lane next to ours. After that, we never ventured out except to buy food & rations…

On Feb, 13, 1990 another prominent Kashmiri Pandit, Doordarshan Director, Lassa Kaul was killed. As months passed, rapes of Pandit women & murders were order of the day.

The final push for EXILEThe valley of Kashmir resounded with hysterical mobs screaming Azadi and, the rule of Islam, armed men were patrolling the streets…and every day few KP’s killed in cold blood. Later, that year, a KP teacher was gang-raped & her body sawed into pieces…some were killed & hung from trees

No one in Delhi, Media, intellectuals or human rights took notice of the utter helplessness of the 5% MINORITY of Kashmir as we lay literally under SIEGE, there was a deafening silence , we were persona non grata & left to fend for ourselves…

So in this hopeless situation after about a 1000 of brutal cold blooded murders and rapes; By end of 1990 – 3.5 Lac KP’s had bid adieu to the land of their ancestors to save LIFE & HONOR & became a refugee in their own country…Kashmir had been CLEANSED of it s Minorities & no it was NOT ’coz of JAGMOHAN...

Fact Sheet of Atrocities on KP’s

References:Our Moon has blood clots by Rahul Pandita

