Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER



A Stock Market Course is so unnecessary. There is simply no need to waste your valuable time & money on a Stock Market course. You're FAR better off just going through these 2 quick Articles I wrote on how to trade penny stocks, and getting into Penny Stocks Trading. With "safe" blue chip companies like AIG (and Enron etc) collapsing, it proves that trading blue chip stocks as aposed to penny stocks isn't that much safer. And If you know how to minimize your risks in penny stock trading, (which I show you how, free of charge) ... you can make MUCH more money. Click my Username now, then click my Blog url beneath my Bio.

Transcript of Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER

Page 1: Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER



James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presents ...

Page 2: Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER

James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Forget long ebooks, expensive Stock Market Courses & misleading "900%+ Gainers" Penny Stock Pick Services.

I can't stress enough, this Quick Start trading penny stocks Guide will reveal the 2 CRITICAL elements needed to be trading like a pro in "1hr".

Page 3: Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER

James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Hi, my name is James Sonata. And yes, it is true, you can create 1 million dollar sized investment portfolio in penny stock trading, in a VERY short period of time... That's the nature of penny stocks. But only IF you're one of those types who knows what he/she's doing, (and knows how to minimize the risk), which is the real secret.

Page 4: Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER

James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

For example... did you know that you can get to 1 million in 12-24 months with mostly negative trades?

I'm going to show you how, for free, on my official Trading Penny Stocks site.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

That’s right, I'm NOT going to charge you for it. I know what it's like to be overwhelmed, scared... and BROKE. So I'm NOT going to put you through the same treatment others do.

Page 6: Why a Stock Market Course is a Waste & WhyTrading Penny Stocks is BETTER

James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Ok... No more beating around the bush. Here's the deal on how to trade Penny Stocks without the stress, uncertainty and worry.

You need to get 2 things right!

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

1) The right trading method, (it's easy, yet POWERFULL)

2) The right Penny Stock Picker Service

Before I give you the right Trading Method & Penny Stock Picker service, let's start with a quick but important overview of these 2 critical, fundamental elements to gaining financial freedom in penny stock trading.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

1) The Mistake Most Make

(... and the penny stock trading services either don't tell you about,

or don'tspell it out clearly enough)

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

See, seemingly all Penny Stock traders think that it all comes down to getting the right penny stock to buy. "Which is the hottest penny stock in 2010" etc. And which is the BEST penny stock alert service to use.

Don't get me wrong... All this is important. But NOT the most important thing. This approach is like riding a bike with only one wheel, and totally screws people up.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

It AIN'T gonna do it for you.

You need the 2nd wheel too. And this other wheel is knowing how to trade penny stocks whereby you not only cut the losers early , yet be in a position where you never even have to worry if the trade is going to go up, or down.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Not only does it bring your stress & worry levels down, but above all...

"you can trade your way to 1 million

in 12 to 24 months with mostly negative trades".

This is a top trader-insider secret, and it amazes me that it still is a secret.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

2) Penny Stock Picker Services. The Good, Bad and The Ugly

(The 2nd Wheel)

Penny Stock Picking services are usually a researcher + software which not only

compiles, evaluates and acts on the latest market information, but also combines this with lightning fast software that processes

all this WITH historical data and performance.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

... (except for the “free” penny stock pickers, who are merely paid “pump & dump” promoters).

This saves you MONTHS of learning & researching. And they simply email you which penny stock to buy next, at what price, including which price to get out at.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Of course there's a glut of these "miracle software" penny picking services that claim every day there picks made 1000% last year.

"Yeah right". So you got to know how to pick the

right one, which if you do, will greatly accelerate you success in trading penny stocks.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

But remember, it's your trading method that's just as, if not more important. Relying completely on the consistency of a good penny stock picker service is NOT enough to succeed, (they "forget" to tell you that).

Like I said, that's the main mistake most penny traders make.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Unfortunately, the only REAL way you can know if a particular Penny Stock Alert service provides consistent positive trades alerts, is to either test it yourself, or go on someone elses personal experience with one, (because they ALL say their Penny Stock pick alerts is the "best in existence").

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

So I can only recommend to you what has worked for me better than all the others I've tried.

HOWEVER... there is a drawback to using ones that ARE good. And it has to do their popularity.

No stress, there's an easy way around it, which I go over on my official site.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

And I WON’T tell you at this stage which penny stock alert service it is, because as I said, there are a couple of absolutely CRITICAL (but simple) fundamentals for you to know, and apply, before you place your first trade.

Otherwise you'll still just be gambling with your money no matter how "awesome" a stock picker service says it is.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Here's the steps you need to take, to set yourself up nicely with the biggest probability, (if not inevitability) for successful, worry-free trading and job quitting financial freedom.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Step 2:

At the bottom of that very short guide click through to the next page that tells you which Penny Stock Picker service I use myself, has proven itself, and strongly recommend.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

Step 3:

On this same page, opt-in for the next page which tells you how to avoid the serious draw-backs of using a penny stock alert service that's increasing in popularity (which is a GOOD thing, and is always the case with alert services that WORK. And may also mean they'll shut it soon).

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

ALL the good alert services that are of any value to you, (which are very few) have this problem. So it's important for you to know this.

This last page is just as critical as the first page you'll click to. Because if you're not aware of these drawbacks, you simply can't avoid them, and it does cut you gains by up to 50%.

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

In a nutshell... If you read these 2 short Articles at the links bellow, you'll

basically finish your learning curve. The rest is easy.

Knowing how to trade penny stocks successfully

is NOT complicated, or anything "hard".

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James Sonata of : www.PennyStockProphet-theTruth.org/How-To-Invest ,presenting ...

A "newbie" (like I was not too long ago) can come along and start building a very large trading portfolio relatively quickly, starting with just $100 or less... WITHOUT the massive learning curve... stress and uncertainty.

Time to get rid of those debts, own your own home, and free yourself from that miserable unfulfilling stressful job.