Who’s Telling your Story?

Telling Your Story? A Look @ Social Media

Transcript of Who’s Telling your Story?

1. Whos TellingYour Story?A Look @Social Media 2. Do test scores defineyour school? 3. I Like Donuts! 4. ImEatinga #Donut 5. Heres avintagephoto ofmy Donut. 6. This iswhereI eatDonuts. 7. Heres a video of me eating aDonut. 8. My job skillsincludeDonut eating. 9. Here is a Donut Recipe.Original recipe makes 18 doughnuts Change Servings2 (.25 ounce) envelopes active dry yeast1/4 cup warm water (105 to 115 degrees)1 1/2 cups lukewarm milk1/2 cup white sugar1 teaspoon salt2 eggs1/3 cup shortening5 cups all-purpose flour1 quart vegetable oil for frying1/3 cup butter2 cups confectioners sugar1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla4 tablespoons hot water or as neededDirections1.Sprinkle the yeast over the warm water, and let stand for 5 minutes, or until foamy.2.In a large bowl, mix together the yeast mixture, milk, sugar, salt, eggs, shortening, and 2 cupsof the flour. Mix for a few minutes at low speed, or stirring with a wooden spoon. Beat inremaining flour 1/2 cup at a time, until the dough no longer sticks to the bowl. Knead for about 5 10. China Earthquake May 20087.9 magnitude 11. Every time you connect to theinternet, you have the opportunityto become a creator of media, notjust a consumer of media. 12. There is moretechnology in ourpockets than in theApollo space ship. 13. In an Internet Minute30 Hours ofVideoUploaded1.3 MillionVideo Views320 NewTwitterAccounts100,000 NewTweets277,000Log ins6 MillionFacebookViews 14. How can aPrincipal/Teacherbe a Storyteller 15. What is Twitter?http://youtu.be/ddO9idmax0o 16. Twitter 17. # Hashtag 18. Archivist vs. Photographer 19. Timlauer.org 20. Image Editing Aviary App PS Express App PhotoCat - http://www.photocat.com/ PicMonkey - http://www.picmonkey.com/ Paint.net - http://www.getpaint.net/ 21. Twitter & Instagram 22. http://youtu.be/Bt9zSfinwFA 23. Vine6 seconds ofvideo 24. GreenScreen FXAdd you ownbackground 25. Action Movie FXCreate yourown actionmovie 26. iMovieEdit video oniPad/iPhone$4.99 27. VideoliciousCombine Pictures Audio Videoon iPad/iPhone 28. Students as Storytellers Educate students 29. Put the camera in thehands of the students! 30. http://www.classtools.net/ 31. .- -- .. -. ..- ... .... --- .--. . -.-- --- ..--.-. .- -. - .-. .- -. ... .-.. .- - . -.-- ---..- .-. --. .-. .- -.. . 32. http://www.tweeting-athletes.com/ 33. iFunFace appMake aphoto talk 34. http://www.voki.com/Embed your Vokito your SMARTNotebook.Download the VokiWidget from theSMART Exchange 35. http://blabberize.com/Download theEmbed widgetfrom theSMARTExchange 36. http://youtu.be/aknjX7sgu8g 37. Our students areconnected with not justthe people in the roomaround them, but withliterally anyone aroundthe planet they care tobe connected to.-Sir Ken Robinson 38. The problem with quotes on theInternet is that you cant always besure of their authenticity.~ Abraham Lincoln 39. Can I Google your mistakesfrom your teenage years? 40. Kids are creatingtheir digitalfootprint 41. Actuallymore likea digitaltattoo. 42. Its strangehow youhold myhand now,but allowme to roamfree on theInternet. 43. "Our kids are raisingthemselves onplaygrounds that didntexist when we were kids."-Kevin Honeycutt 44. Students need us to be onrecess duty on the digitalplayground. 45. Scott [email protected]: @scofire