Who would be the audience for your media

Who would be the audience for your media project? How did you attract/ address your audience?

Transcript of Who would be the audience for your media

Page 1: Who would be the audience for your media

Who would be the audience for your media project?

How did you attract/ address your audience?

Page 2: Who would be the audience for your media

What is the demographics of your target audience?

The demographic of my target audience is both males and females between the ages of 15-25 who are interested in indie music and follow the trends of the indie genre. Their class would be either E (unemployed) as they would most likely still be living at home or a student in student accommodation with a student loan or D (working class) as they may have a part time job or just started a job at a low position.

Page 3: Who would be the audience for your media

How did the genre of your music magazine attract them?

The genre of the music magazine would attract them as it is an indie music magazine which is the genre that audience follow therefore attracting them to the magazine.

Page 4: Who would be the audience for your media

What images did you use and edit to attract your target audience?

The images I took were mid shots of the model meaning you could see the costume which would appeal to the audience as the costume follows the style/trends of the indie genre. The angle I took the photos at were at the same level as the audience showing that the audience are equal to the model which would attracted the audience as they are not looking for role models and therefore would not be attracted to a magazine with the model looking down on them.

Page 5: Who would be the audience for your media

How did your choice of model confirm/subvert stereotypes of the music

genre that you chose?

My choice of model would confirm stereotypes of the indie music genre as the model I chose follows the typical indie genre styles and wears clothes that are typically associated with that genre for example the oversized vintage jumper paired with black skinny jeans and doc martin shoes.

Page 6: Who would be the audience for your media

How do your cover lines and main double page spread story attract your audience

The cover lines attract the audience as they are short and to the point which means the audience can see what each article is about without giving too much away so they are still intrigued to read more of the magazine. The main double page spread will intrigue the audience as it is an interview and therefore I have used quotes that are taken from the article and put them on the contents and on the image of the double page spread in order to catch the eye of the readers which will give them a small insight to the magazine and make them want to read more so they can put the quote into context.

Page 7: Who would be the audience for your media

What kind of marketing campaigns do you think would attract your audience?

The marketing campaigns that would attract my target audience would mainly be using social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. This is because the demographic is of the age group that uses these social medias and ones similar. Using social media means it would be more interactive with the target audience making them feel like they can have their input and get involved with the magazine more. Also shops such as Urban Outfitters and venues like O2 Academies would be good places to market/promote the magazine as you would reach the audience and get the magazine noticed which would build up an audience.