Who Were the Early Americans Book 1

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  • 8/8/2019 Who Were the Early Americans Book 1


    Who Were the Early Americans -

    Did Hindu civilisation migrate in one such wave?

    BOOK 1

    South Indian Temples and Angkor Watt in Cambodia- above: Mayan


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    Baksei Chamkrong- 10 th century Cambodian Temple

    Both the Early and Late Native Americans could have come to America in

    successive waves of migration.

    The migration may not have been just a single wave which an earlier genetic

    study implied.

    The AFP reports that - Paleoanthropologists from Brazil, Chile and Germany

    compared the skulls of several dozen Paleoamericans, dating back to the early

    days of migration 11,000 years ago, with the more recent remains of more

    than 300 Amerindians.

    "We found that the differences between Early and Late Native American groups

    match the predictions of a two-migration scenario far better than they do those

    of any other hypothesis," they said.

    "In other words, these differences are so large that it is highly improbable that

    the earliest inhabitants of the New World were the direct ancestors of recent

    Native American populations."

    Their landmark research found differences in the cranial morphology that could

    only be explained by the fact that the last common ancestorof the Early and

    Late Native American groups came from outside the continent.

    The experts agreed the differences were best explained by a scenario in which a

    first wave of settlers came across the Bering Straitfrom Northeast Asia

    followed by a second group from East Asia much later via the same route.

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    "We conclude that the morphological diversity documented through time in

    the New World is best accounted for by a model postulating two waves of

    human expansion into the continent originating in East Asia and entering

    through Beringia," they said.

    "This disparity between our results and those of most genetic studies points to

    a large gap in our understanding of the peopling of the New World."

    However, The Bering strait walk may not be it- first mooted by a Jesuit scholar

    and popularised by David Hopkins book though the native Indians do know the

    Strait that extend from Cape of Dezhnev Okrug, the eastern tip of Russia and

    Cape of Prince ofWales as Imakpik.

    The climatic thaw interlude was hypothesised to enable humans to walk across

    from Siberia to Alaska. But this theory stand now refuted by more ancientfindings as well as the climatic age map.

    Recent presentations studying Stone Projectile Points have disputed too the

    conventionally popular orthodoxy of archaeologists- that the first inhabitants

    of the Americas where not big game hunters who came across the Bering land


    They were more likely to be a people dependent on a marine economy, who

    navigated along the coast (probably as early as 13,500 BP) and from there on

    gradually and at different t imes moved land inward along river courses.

    This however, has only confirmed the finding about the bone of a Paleo -

    American woman off Californian coast a decade ago-

    The CNN then reported the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural which

    conducted radio carbon dating that it must have been atleast 12,000 years old.

    Interestingly, since the bones were picked up in the Santa Barbara Channel

    islands, the group of Paleo-Americans are seen to have lived off the coast by

    the waterfront and unlike earlier notion that they were mammoth hunters,

    more likely to have water craft and a life leaning on fishery and hunting

    shellfish than giant Masgots.

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    Nicknamed Arlington Springs Woman, the find adds weight to the

    consideration of a coastal maritime migration along the aPacific coast than the

    Beringer Strait long march.

    The coastal migration theory states that ancient peoples first entered North

    America by boat down the Pacific C oast from Alaska.

    Native take on finds-

    Why do American Indians get so mad when you say their ancestors migratedacross the Bering land bridge from Asia? -asks Orinn and answers frankly-

    Well, there are several reasons. First of all, that contradicts the religious

    tradition of many native peoples, which claim we have always been here.

    Surely you know some white people who claim that the earth can't be

    thousands of years old because it conflicts with the Bible. It is the same

    principle--except that the Christian fundamentalists get a lot of attention and

    even nice mentions in textbooks, whereas the Indians are ignored. That gives

    them an extra reason to be mad.

    However, though there is a wide spectrum of native religions in the Americas,

    most of them tend to be less hierarchical and more flexible than Christianity. If

    you asked most Indians in some respectful manner, I think you'd find most of

    them wouldn't have a problem reconciling a philosophical belief that we have

    lived here since time immemorial with natural evidence that we arrived here at

    least 20,000 years ago. Why shouldn't they both be true? The Creator is great,

    we don't always understand the whole world.

    But now the problem is, most of us have not been asked this in a respectful

    manner. Instead, a lot of people have used this Bering Strait bridge theory to

    belittle Native Americans as "not really native" (a claim that is stupid as well as

    insulting, since the same scientific facts they use to show the immigration

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    theory also clearly show we have been here at least 20,000 years --longer than

    men have inhabited England.)

    Furthermore, missionaries in the past commonly ignored our religious

    traditions and oral history as inferior to scientific findings-- while at the same

    time touting their own religious traditions as superior to science. Is it any

    wonder that this sort of hypocrisy makes Indians angry?

    So, if some native people disagree with my conclusion that the Bering Strait

    theory is probably true, that's fine with me. I respect the religious beliefs of

    people who believe their ancestors were here since the beginning of time, and

    I respect the scientific knowledge of the world that suggests we inhabited our

    homeland more than 20,000 years ago. What I do NOT respect are:

    1) people who insist that we are a lost tribe of Israel who immigrated here, no

    matter what science says, because their religion says so. If we are using

    religion as our measuring stick, then our religious traditions about where we

    came from matter much more than someone else's. Use your religion to tell

    your own story and leave us out of it.

    2) people who insist that we have been here only 700, 1000, or 2000 years. If

    we are using science as our measuring stick, then all the scientific evidenc e isthat the Americas have been inhabited for at least 20,000 years. There are

    even ruins which are known to be 12,000 years old. To use science to prove we

    are immigrants here and then ignore how long science says we have been here

    is hypocritical.

    If you don't fall in either of those categories, then your respectful decision to

    believe in the Bering Strait migration theory or not is of no consequence to me.

    As long as we are all agreed that Indians have lived on these lands for at least

    20,000 years, about twice as long as anyone has lived in England, then I don't

    think we have anything to quarrel about.

    In 1995, Deloria disputed the Beringia theory based upon his hypothesis that

    the ocean's water levels had to drop sixty metres in order to fully expose a land


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    He believes that this was impossible and that the climate would have been

    uninhabitable for humans due to the glacial landscape. Ultimately, if Deloria is

    correct in his evaluation of the Beringia environment, humans must have come

    by a different route to the Americas.


    The trans-oceanic migration seems to fit more into plausible pre-history of

    American Indians coming home.

    Asians with their sea-faring documented since Harrapan port cities that were

    relatively most sophisticated, could have followed others such as Siberians,

    and Australasian along coastline of Americas.

    At any rate, this does not rule out a later definitive cultural colonisation than

    the anthropomorphic that preceded and paved the way for Asians t o America.

    Archeologist Knut Fladmark states that humans had the skills to travel by sea

    for 30,000 years.

    The prehistoric human migrations in waves add credence to the Asian

    exportation of its civilisation as well.

    The civilisational migration- links that glimmer


    aleo-siesmologist uncovers tracks akin toP

    eru-near Harrapn expanse

    Dr R V Karanth a geologist surveying the Paleosiesmological map of the Kutch

    region of Gujarat recently disclosed this strange and remarkable finding.

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    Barely 3 kms from the township of Khavda that serves as a gateway for the

    Rann of Kutch, the team that he headed stumbled on top of a hillock a massive

    feature of ditches that ran on three directions and of equal width and depth.

    These were akin to what some UFO logists had p opularised as landing strips of

    ancients or such spacemen who contacted earth.

    A more acceptable and less outlandish theory is that they were astronomical

    observatories such as the Stone henges.

    The Nazcas in Peru have carved such numerous mysterious track s on the plains

    in Peru, that had fired the imagination of every cultist and scientist alike.

    What makes this very particularly interesting to us is that-

    This region is also in the Harrapan Urban civilisational spread, and adds to ourlist of facts whether the Americas had any such links with the Hindu


    That the Angkor had a deeper Cosmological incorporation in its architectural

    elements is now accepted widely.

    Dr Karanth says such trenches have not been noticed elsewhere in the region.

    Archaeologists, he says, can now pursue further research.

    Geometric lines and animal shapes etched into the desert plain by people of

    the Nazca civilisation (AD 1-700) of Peru are well known.

    "But such signs on hill-slopes have not been reported from Peru," says Dr


    He says that one of the prominent explanations given for the Peruvian features

    is that they may have been constructed to make astronomical observationsand calculations.

    "The Tropic of Cancer passes through Kutch. So if this structure is man-made, it

    is likely that the slope of the hillock was utilised for making certain

    astronomical calculations in the past," explains the geologist.

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    Interestingly, there are numerous indications to suggest t hat Harappans were

    well-versed in astronomy.

    The straight streets of that time were oriented in the cardinal directions - east,

    west, north and south.

    Linkages between ancient Harappan scripts and latter Vedic texts also suggest

    that Harappan priest-astronomers tracked the progress of various planets and

    mapped the sky.

    Dr Karanth has also discovered ruins of a fort-wall, houses, storage tank and a

    temple on the hilltop.

    They may, he says, belong to the period of the Kathi Darbar, a warrior class

    from the Kathiawad region- the report adds.


    The crucial question that the former who ask of the Isolationsist -

    How is that the indigenous Americans are held out to have all by themselves

    re-invented the wheel.

    This is something that had not been properly explained by them.

    To state that what elsewhere took some Milleniums to develope, and then getworked forward by mutual exchanges of successive civilisations often

    geographically disparate , had been replicated in the New worl d all by

    themselves by the descendants of Paleo-Americans juts desnt sound plausible

    at all.

    The very suggestion that all the crucial jumps and forward leaps were made in

    tandom along with the matching symbolism is simply incredulous.

    It smacks more of what one would want to hear as happened, than whatactually was even possible to have happened.

    This seems more a desire to look at the Americans in isolation.

    Did such a doctrine exist ?

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    It did- the Monroe doctrine which held that America developed all tha t is there

    and by herself.

    The Isolationist has his own agenda, least of which is not the Religious hold on

    the minds.

    Any tracing of civilsational enterprise outside of the Whitemans burden, and

    Christendom, any glorification instead of the demonization of the native,

    anything that remotely suggests such a source of cultural pollination outside

    his stock of the Christian seed, are his fixation.

    Thus he would welcome once that is made clear that it is inevitable to accept

    that Asians did come to America, the farther conclusion of a probable

    civilisational enrichment would bug him to somehow make a case for the ten

    or twelve alleged lost tribes of Israel- a fantastic mythology already disprovedas not history.

    It is not possible to still maintain that world was made in a week 4 th millennium

    BC, but other myths have been going the rounds.

    The reason why some scholars react so hysterically at the very sight of a

    proposal to consider the Asian Cultural migration is simple-

    It belittles the contribution of Christianity and undermines its efforts.

    It is also the red rag to the Church scholars, which gets them worked up to at

    once and spring at the arch-enemy- the Paganism of Asia.

    The Diffusionists on the other hand maintain that after the initial movement of

    the Paleo Americans into Americas, the Asians brought a similar diffusion of

    civilisation via the Pacific.

    Not an altogether improbable event if one should admit the first.


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    The resemblance, of massive Mayan and Incan Stone -Temples, to those of

    South Asian stone Temple culture are uncannily so close that the founder of

    Singapore Raffles remarked-

    ""Sir Stamford Raflles wrote, ""The great temple of Borobudur might readily be

    mistaken for a Central American Temple.

    The resemblance is not suggestive but stark-

    The Mayan human types are like those of India. The irreproachable technique

    of their reliefs, the sumptuous head-dress and ostentatious on high, the

    system of construction, all aspeak of India and the orient remarks Profe ssor

    Raman Mena- the Curator of the National Museum of Mexico.

    The mythological evidence was startling as well even for the Spaniards who

    chanced them first-

    After 17 years of research I can now claim to have proved my theory of Hindu

    colonisation of America. The stones in every corner of America speak of Hindu

    influences- emphatically states Chamn Lal in his must read website Vedic


    Like the Vedic culture, the Maya had a pantheon of demigods, many of which

    have similiarities to the Vedic deities. Mayan gods like Xiuhtechutli and Xipe

    Totec have their Vedic counterparts in Indra and Agni. Indra, like Xiuhtechutli,

    was the rain god and guardian of the Eastern Quadrant, and Agni, similar to

    Xipe Totec, was the god of sacrificial fire, born in wood and the life force of

    trees and plants. Then there is the Vedic Ushas, the beautiful goddess of Dawn

    or Sky, who is similar to the Mayan view of Venus, goddess of Dawn.

    Furthermore, hymn 121 of the book ten in the Rig Veda is very similar to the

    description of creation as found in the Popul Vuh.

    It doesnt fully explain the scant regard that orthodox historians that had beenmade towards these contributors who have a well documented and cohesive


    When a scholar makes to the most aburd theory t hat the Angkor Wat indeed is

    a Burial site and a Mausolem than a Temple, that is very patent admission of

    the ignorance of the traditional norms of Shaivites whose patron was the King

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    who built Angkor Wat complex, it is lapped most unquestioningly though h e

    could site nothing at all to document except his ideas and interpretations.

    The Shaivites nor the Vishnu cult would have acquiesced with the burial of a

    king who was not a canonised saint, and even such saintly burials inside

    temples are extremely rare.

    According to Donald A. Mackenzie writes in his book, Myths ofPre-Columbian


    "Tezcatlipoca, was like Hindu god Kubera, was a god of the north. The story of

    Yappan appears to be of Indian origin. The story of the temptation and fall ofYappan is too like that of the temptation and fall of his Indian prototype to be

    of spontaneous origin in the New World. The conclusion drawn from the

    evidence of the Yappan myth that Hindu cultural influences reached America is

    greatly strengthened when we find Acosta informing us that certain Mexican

    ascetics, who assisted the priests, "dressed in white robes and lived by

    begging." The wandering Brahmin and Buddhist pilgrims in India similarly

    begged their food."

    The philological connection is equally evocative-

    Still another scholar, Ambassador Miles Poindexter, a former ambassador of

    the United States to Mexico, in his two-volume 1930s treatise The Ayar-Incas

    called the Mayan civilization "unquestionably Hindu."

    He proposed that primitive Aryan words and people came to America by the

    island chains of Polynesia. The Mexican name for boat is a South Indian Tamil

    word, Catamaran, and Poindexter gives a long list of words of the Quichua

    languages and their analogous forms in Sanskrit. Similarities between thehymns of the Inca rulers of Peru and Vedic hymns have been pointed out.


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    Just around the time the temples were built in grandest scale in America, the

    Cambodians will build the worlds largest Stone Temple also to the chief Diety

    Vishnu- associated with the Conch Shell and discus.

    The conch and the serpent bed are also centr al to both qatzakotl and vedic



    A quincunx is a spatial arrangement of five elements, with four elements

    placed as the corners of a square and the fifth placed in the center .

    The five peaks ofMount Meru were taken to exhibit this arrangement, and

    Khmer temples was arranged accordingly in order to convey a symbolic

    identification with the sacred mountain. The five brick towers of the 10th

    century temple known as East Mebon, for example, are arranged in the shape

    of a quincunx.

    The quincunx also appears elsewhere in designs of the Angkori an period, as in

    the riverbed carvings ofKbal Spean.

    The Angkor also incorporates the Mountain of Hindu Mythology- the Meru and

    the Jagati, towers.

    The complex lies within a moat of irr igation canals. There are together 3rectangular galleries, raised in succession.

    In the Yucatan province of Mexico, especially at the late period of its zenith,

    the style of architecture would come around along this Mountain blue print of

    towered and watery temple enclosures, no less massive in scale.

    Naga (mythology)-

    The Cambodian Khmer like the Mayans had their origins traced to a Mythical

    race of ancestors.

    The Nagas.

    These Nagas were beings who possessed a large empire or kingdom in the

    Pacific Ocean region.

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    The Naga King's daughter married the king of Kambuja, and gave rise to the

    Cambodian people. Today, C ambodians say that they are "Born from the


    In Angkor Watt there are no inscriptions on the actual date of its building, that

    is now widely made out to have extended over several centuries, much earlier

    to the given date which could be its culmination- when Khmer architecture too


    It is credited to the South Indian Tamil king Suryavarman II, who would have

    finished the herculean task in the 12 th century.

    Like the Yucatan, which is a mispronounciation- his kingdom he named as

    Yasodan- the Yasodaphura.

    Oosh Mahl

    Uxmal (Yucatec Maya: oxmal) is a large pre-Columbian ruined city of the

    Maya civilization in the state ofYucatn, Mexico. It is 78 km south ofMrida,

    Yucatn, or 110 km from that city on Highway 261 towards Campeche,

    Campeche), 15 km south-southeast of the town ofMuna and in themunicipality of Santa Elena .

    Uxmal is pronounced "Oosh-mahl"[1]

    Oosh has traceable roots in Usha- the Dawn of Rigvedic diety by the same

    name, and Mahl is self expalanatry, the Palace of Dawn.

    The scholars however look the other way, unable to give any meaning !


    uuc like Meru at Angkor stands for Mountain.Features multiply in commonality-

    y The Aqueduct constructed with great stone blocks with a three-meter-highvault to make the Otulum River flow underneath the floor of Palenque's

    main plaza.

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    y The Temple of The Lion at a distance of some 200 meters south of the maingroup of temples; its name came from the elaborate bas-reliefcarving of a

    king seated on a throne in the form of a jaguar.

    y Structure XII with a bas-reliefcarving of the God of Death.

    When the Spanish priest Pedro Lorenzo arrived, the place was already

    abandoned at Palenque.

    The natives called them Otolum- a very familiar south Indian term for neatly

    Tiled houses.

    Like the Angkor surrounded by the watery moats, and the Temple town-

    contained an elaborate water irrigational matrix of canals,-

    the American natives too called their majestic stone temple complex - Lakam

    Ha-Big Water

    There are numerous springs and cascades within like Angkor.

    Though they called it the temple of the Cross, due to fixation with Christian

    roots, the cross turned out to be the Tree of Life in Mayan Mythology.

    A similar Cross can be seen in front of the Angkor temple- an additional linkthat is too much of a coincidence.

    It should also be noted with amusement that no scholar ever objected to the

    improbable Christian cross association that was used to convert the native

    Americans in droves, that they should all simply stare at the enormous heap of

    very self explanatory symbolism that is every where, in iconography, their

    mythological constructs, their calendars, their linguistics.

    The God of Death is said to be the presiding godhead of the nether regions - a

    clear referral to the Mayas who inhabit the antipodes of the vedic Hindus,

    where he holds the court with Titans the Maya-Asura Daitya and Danavas.

    The titan architect of the gods hails from this clan- whose name too is Mayan.

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    The Temple of the Lion contains a bas relief of the god of Death.

    The jaguar seated on the Lion throne is also a common to Indian Sovereigns.

    The God of Death is said to be the presiding godhead of the nether regions - a

    clear referral to the Mayas who inhabit the antipodes of the vedic Hindus,

    where he holds the court with Titans Maya Asura Daitya and Danavas.

    His mythological abode too is described as very opulent- Kuber the god of

    wealth had his mansion there.

    There is a deity of Mayans that is akin to him.

    The titan architect of the gods hails from this clan- whose name too is Mayan.The Temple of the Lion contains a bas relief of the god of Death.

    The jaguar seated on the Lion throne is also a common to Indian Sovereigns.

    The first thing that stunned the European vandals when they arrived to sack

    the Indian cities in Americas was their splendour and dazzle of abundant and

    heaped gold and precious stones.


    It is beyond the scope of an essay to list the innumerable art forms that are

    common to Mayan and Hindu Angkor Watt, nor would it do justice to its case.

    Heine-Geldern and Ekholm stress the most pertinent feature that ascendancy

    of such Temple cult to central stage in Cambodia occurred only in the ninth

    and tenth century- at end of the same period when the Yucatan would bloomwith the Puuc architecture.

    The Teocallis, the pyramids, with receding stages, faced with cut stone, and

    with stairways leading to a stone sanctuary on top-

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    Serpent columns and bannisters, vaulted galleries and corbeled arches,

    attached columns, stone cut-out lattices, and Atlantean figures; these are

    typical of the Puuc style of Yucatan.

    It should also be borne in mind that less than 5% of the city had ever been

    excavated since centuries of its discovery.

    2010 discovery-

    When we remember that above fact 95% lies unexplored-and look at this

    discovery by Pennsylvania State University research group of Christopher Duffy

    and Kirk French, who had identified the earliest known Pressurised acqueductin the Americas, we would begin to appreciate its Indochinese Angkor

    connection more clearly.

    They reported the Piedra Bolas acqueduct-

    a spring-fed conduit located on steep terrain that has a restricted opening that

    would cause the water to exit forcefully, under pressure, to a height of 6 metres

    (20 ft). They were unable to identify the use for this man -made feature.[17]

    Aqueducts In Angkor Watt

    The East Baray (Khmer: ) is a now-dry baray, or artificial

    body of water, at Angkor, Cambodia, oriented east-west and located just east

    of the walled city Angkor Thom. It was built around the year 900 A.D. during

    the reign of King Yasovarman. Fed by the Siem Reap River flowing down from

    the Kulen Hills, it was the second-largest baray in the Angkor region, measuring

    roughly 7,150 by 1,740 meters and holding close to 50 million cubic meters of

    water. The labor and organization necessary for its construction were

    staggering: Its dikes contain roughly 8 million cubic meters of fill.

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    Stones bearing inscriptions that mark the construction of the baray have been

    found at all four of its corners. It was originally called Yashodharatataka, after

    its creator king.

    Scholars are divided on the purpose of this and other barays. By some theories,

    they held water for irrigation, but no inscription has been found mentioning

    such a function. Other theories say that barays served primarily a symbolic

    purpose in Khmer religious life, representing the seas of creation that surround

    Mount Meru, home of the Hindu gods.

    The East Baray today contains no water; farmers till crops on its bed. But its

    outlines remain clearly visible in satellite photographs. In the middle of the

    baray is the East Mebon temple, located on elevated ground that was an island

    in the days when the baray contained water.

    The West Baray (Khmer: ) is a baray, or reservoir, at Angkor,

    Cambodia, oriented east-west and located just west of the walled city Angkor

    Thom. Rectangular in shape and measuring approximately 8 by 2.1 kilometers,

    the West Baray is the largest baray at Angkor. Its waters are contained by tall

    earthen dikes. In the center of the baray is the West Mebon, a Hindu temple

    built on an artificial island.

    Construction of the baray probably began in the 11th Century during the reign

    of King Suryavarman I and was finished later under King Udayadityavarman II.

    The Angkorian engineers who created the West Baray appear to have in places

    incorporated earlier construction. The east dike, for instance, appears to be

    largely a section of a dike that enclosed the capital city of King Yasovarman,

    which had the Phnom Bakheng temple at its center. In other places, the baray

    obliterated or submerged earlier human-made sites. The south dike, forinstance, partially buried a brick pyramid temple, Ak Yum. And the western

    floor of the baray appears to have once been inhabited--archeological work

    has found wall bases, steps, and pottery shards there. An inscription stele

    discovered in the area, dating from 713 A.D., offers further evidence of earlier

    settlement, defining rice fields that were offered to a queen Jayadevi.

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    Early French experts believed the West Baray to have functioned as a vast

    holding tank for water that fed irrigation canals in dry times, allowing multiple

    crops of rice each year.

    Recent research by Australian archaeologists suggests that the decline may

    have been due to a shortage of water caused by the transition from the

    Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age.[20]

    LDEOdendrochronological research has established tree-ring chronologies

    indicating severe periods ofdrought across mainland Southeast Asia in the

    early 1400s, raising the possibility that Angkor's canals and reservoirs ran dry

    and ended expansion of available farmland.

    Theories that state that the baray had mainly symbolic functions, serving as a

    vast earthly depiction of the Hindu Sea of Creation, with the West Mebontemple at its center do not figure this factor which may be common to both

    the sudden demise of the inhabitations.

    In modern times, an irrigation lock was built in the baray's southern dike,

    raising the water level and allowing provision of water to fields to the south.

    Today the baray retains water in its western end year -round. In the rainy

    season, water advances to the eastern dike.

    With clear, still waters, the baray today is a popular place for swimming andboat rides by local residents. It has occasionally served as a landing site for


    The first data on Jayavarman II came from K.235 stone inscription on a stele in

    Sdok Kok Thom temple, Isan region.

    Dating 1053 AD. it recounts two and a half centuries of service that members

    of the temple's founding family provided to the Khmer court, mainly as chief

    chaplains ofshivaite (Hindu) cult.[5]

    The Royal patronage and association with such Temples clearly predates the

    eleventh century by atleast 2 centuries which takes it to atleast the late Eighth


    This period must have been a sea faring and expansionist era of the Khmers.

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    From Ploynesia, these cultural pollination had enough time to reach the new

    World and either revive an already existing American Indian civilisation, or give

    it a new impetus.