Who to blame for THE COLD war?

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Who was the most to blame for the Cold War?

Transcript of Who to blame for THE COLD war?

  • Who was the most to blame for the Cold War?

  • Cold War20th century conflict between USA and USSR.No direct military engagement occurred.The two nations feared each other and had opposing ideologies.USA- Believed that the USSR wanted to spread communism across Europe.USSR- Just wanted to guarantee their countrys security and believed that USA had a desire to build a global economic empire.This conflict resulted into the division of Europe into two blocs.

  • In what ways was USSR to blame?Stalin imposed Soviet systems throughout the Eastern Europe.USSR did not trust USAThe formation of: a) Warsaw Pact b) Communist Information Bureau (COMINFORM) c) Council of Mutual Economic Assistance (COMECON)

  • How can USSR be defended?Britain refused to share details of the German secret Enigma codes.The western allies intentionally delayed opening a second front in the west in order to weaken the Soviet Union.The USA built an atomic bomb without telling the USSRStalin only wanted USSR to recover from its losses and damages from the war.Stalin feared that Germany would rise again.

  • In what ways was the USA to blame?They stopped lend-lease arrangements with the USSR.They wanted to control their sphere of influence without the intervention of any other nations.Had other purposes for the Marshall Aid.Broke some rules of the Potsdam agreement.Truman had been aggressive and was trying to isolate USSR.

  • How can the USA be defended?Countries under the control of the US were allowed to elect freely.The Truman doctrine was a defensive reaction to the communist threat in south-east Europe.Truman took two years to develop a response to the soviet policies in eastern Europe.Stalins attitude to the London Poles showed his desire to break with the wartime agreements.

  • Source 12Why did you Americans wait till right now to begin opposing us in the Balkans and Eastern Europe? You should have done this three years ago. Now it is too late.

  • Source 13The foreign policy of the United States, which reflects the imperialist tendencies of American monopolistic capital, is characterized in the postwar period by a strivingfor world supremacy. This is the real meaning of the many statements by President Truman and other representatives of American ruling circles: that the United States has the right to lead the world. All the forces of American diplomacythe army, the air force, the navy, industry, and scienceare enlisted in the service of this foreign policy. For this purpose broad plans for expansion have been developed and are being implemented through diplomacy and the establishment of a system of naval and air bases stretching far beyond the boundaries of the United States, through the arms race, and through the creation of ever newer types of weapons.

  • Source 14The ruling clique of American imperialists has taken the path of outright expansion, of enslaving the weakened capitalist states of Europe. It has taken the path of hatching new war plans against the Soviet Union and the new democracies. The clearest and most specific expression of the policy is provided by the Truman-Marshall plans.