Who I can be today!

M U S I N G S ------------- N O V E M B E R 2020 NATIONAL BOARD Who I can be today! Joyce Shanabarger OSF Member As I sit to compose this article for early November publication I am aware that I do not know who will win our national election, when the pandemic will end, and if there will be more violence in our streets. So my musings said that I best write of something I did know, which gave me great pause for reflection. What do I really know for sure? As I thought of our Father Francis and his walking away from the world he knew into the world of those afflicted with leprosy, it occurred to me that maybe it was the world of leprosy that I did know, and it was begging for my Franciscan presence, as well as the presence of all those with a Franciscan heart.

Transcript of Who I can be today!

M U S I N G S ------------- N O V E M B E R 2020


Who I can be today!

Joyce Shanabarger OSF


As I sit to compose this article for early November publication I am aware that I do

not know who will win our national election, when the pandemic will end, and if there will be

more violence in our streets. So my musings said that I best write of something I did know,

which gave me great pause for reflection. What do I really know for sure?

As I thought of our Father Francis and his walking away from the world he knew

into the world of those afflicted with leprosy, it occurred to me that maybe it was the world

of leprosy that I did know, and it was begging for my Franciscan presence, as well as the

presence of all those with a Franciscan heart.

I know a political world divided into camps, full of mistrust and hungry for

power. Can I bring the Franciscan presence of minority into that world just by being my

best Franciscan self in the face of it?

I know a world where many have died, many are sick, and the count goes up every

day: where there is a constant watch on positivity rates and the reminders to wear a mask,

keep your distance, wash your hands are repeated constantly. Can I bring a Franciscan

presence that heals the grief, loneliness, and fear?

The world I live in carries a racial tension that has the potential to explode into

violence in the heart of an individual or on a national level across the country. States,

cities, and villages, as well as personal self-esteem, can irrupt and/or be destroyed with a

turn of events. Is there space for me to be a Franciscan presence of peace for wherever

violence is?

As a Franciscan family, we cannot solve the political division, pandemic, or violence,

by ourselves. But as the saying goes, we can be part of the solution. The solution for us is

both simple and challenging --- be a true Franciscan presence in the world that is now

ours. Find sweetness in the leprosy that is ours, not in the disease, but in those human

beings who carry the burden of political leadership, a pandemic, and the curse of

violence. All need the Franciscan heart that we have!

Francis was also known to constantly give praise and thanks to God for all people

and all of creation. In spite of all that is these days, we must offer thanks. There is only

the response of a grateful heart. Praise and thanks to you, my Lord, for those with a

Franciscan heart who grace our lives!

If Christ deemed us

worthy to live

in these times, at this hour

- the only hour we have - we cannot

let ourselves be overcome

by fear, nor allow this time to pass without

living it fully with

joyful fidelity.

Pope Francis, September 24, 2018

These words of Pope Francis continue to inspire us through the changes in our plans we have had to make for our 'Invitational' Conference "Called to This Hour" and beyond.

June 11 - 14, 2021 Denver, CO

Doubletree by Hilton Denver June 2 - 6, 2022 Pittsburgh, PA Doubletree by Hilton Pittsburgh Green Tree

June 9 - 12, 2023 St. Louis, MO Sheraton Westport Chalet


Lilia Kagendo LSOSF

Co-Executive Director

"PEACE AND ALL GOOD! " May the Lord grant you peace”

This is our Franciscan greeting that we use in our daily lives. The evangelical life is rooted

in peace and reconciliation. St. Francis counselled his brothers: while announcing peace

with their mouths, they must make sure that they have a greater peace in their hearts. St.

Francis reminds us, too that we need to have true peace in our hearts that may prevent a

reaction of anger.

During this challenging time of COVID-19, showing kindness and caring, and support

through gentleness, can result in an evangelical way of peace. If peace is transformed

from within our hearts, then that peace will guide us in the challenges we face today. Our

lives are invaded with so many trials that disturb our peace. Francis’ life teaches us that

our lives require a determination for peace that will always be for justice.

In the world of today, justice is not always practiced. As St. Francis was led by Christ to

live among the poor and be compassionate to the lepers of his day, we who follow in the

footstep of St. Francis need to stand in solidarity with unprivileged people. Today, COVID-

19 has impacted the entire world, leaving many people desperate while, in some cases,

releasing and, in some cases, revealing, dehumanizing injustices that sow the seed of

violence and hatred.

St. Francis accepted those who were rejected as a way of rejecting the worlds’ power, fear

and privilege. According to Francis, power does not announce peace, but justice and

solidarity can announce peace. He teaches us that peace requires justice and solidarity,

and these begin with the open arms of forgiveness. Jesus says, 'forgive and you will be

forgiven.' For Francis, humble service is nothing without forgiveness, and one’s showing

patience, courage and wisdom is being a person of peace, justice, and forgiveness. Only a life rooted in prayer can bear such fruit. Again, thank you, St. Francis, for your example!

Executive Committee of the Commission of Elected Leaders Damian Novello OSF, Chair

Two resources for the Congregational Leadership of the Franciscan Federation are in the works.

One will be on our website at your convenience:


Sister Mary Hughes OP, Director of Transitional Services at LCWR

A recorded ZOOM video presention with Mary and some of our Members

features a Powerpoint explanation with great leads to resources for Diocesan

or Papal Congregations who are facing a lack in leadership candidates and are

considering the Church's designation of a 'commissary' as canonical leader.

Includes Q & A session, great resource links and explanations, and the voice of

experience. The Powerpoint is a gift to the Federation's congregations, and it is

available separately on the website.

Any questions you may have can be addressed directly to Sr Mary at [email protected].

And one will be live soon on ZOOM:


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

3 PM Eastern, 2 PM Central, 1 PM Mountain, and 12 PM Pacific Time

Join the current Executive Committee Members

who look forward to working with you to set the 2021 Goals:

Damian Novello OSF, Franciscan Brothers of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, Ny

Joyce Shanabarger OSF, Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart (FSSH), Frankfort, IL

Frank Scornaienchi TOR, Immaculate Conception Province, Hollidaysburg, PA

Mary Litell OSF, Sisters of St Francis of Penance and Christian Charity, Sacramento, CA

Carl Vacek TOR, Immaculate Conception Province, Hollidaysburg, PA

Lucy Slinger FSPA, Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, LaCrosse, WI

Leonette Kochans, OSF, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity (FSCC), Manitowoc, WI

Judith Wood, SSJ-TOSF, Sisters of St Joseph, Third Order of St Francis, Garfield Hgts, OH

Discuss the concerns you have as Elected Leaders of Congregations

aligned in the Franciscan Federation: in your role as a leader and

in response to the challenges of our church, our country, and our world.

What difference can we make as Franciscans here and now?

Who are we to be, and what are we to do, for each other, and for all?

RSVP by e-mail to Damian at [email protected]

by November 15th to receive the ZOOM link and be ready to share your ideas.

Rejoice with the Sisters

of the

St. Clare Regional Community

of the

Wheaton Franciscan Sisters

as they celebrate

their new Regional

Community Leadership Team

called forth

on October 5, 2020:

Sr. Melanie Paradis, Regional Directress cemter

Sr.Glenna Czachor, Leadership Team Member left

Sr. Rose Mary Pin



Kevin Elphick, Member of ECCEL

Associate, Sisters of St Francis

of the Neumann Communities

As we redesign our Newsletter, prayer services, like this one, will only be on our Website.

We place it here this month, as well, to be sure our readers can use it as we remember the suffering.

Please read a note from the author below.

A Franciscan Litany during the COVID Pandemic

God our Father, who creates and sustains us, Hear our prayer. Jesus, who came to heal us all Hear our prayer. Holy Spirit, the Comforter Hear our prayer.

In the desert, Moses prayed to the Lord for his sister Miriam: “Please heal her!” (Numbers


--We too pray for our sisters and brothers: Lord heal them.

Sending out his disciples, Jesus instructed them: “As you go, make this proclamation: ‘The

Reign of Heaven is at hand.’ Cure the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse lepers.” (Matthew


--We too take on this commission, thereby making the impending Reign of God present in our day.

At Solomon’s Portico the Apostles ministered to the sick and lame who were brought

before them on cots and mats “and they were all cured.” (Acts 5:16)

--We too seek God’s healing presence ministered among us in our day.

You led our holy father St. Francis among the lepers and he embraced them with mercy.

--Lord, have mercy on us. Our mother, Clare cared for St. Francis during his illness at San Damiano.

--Christ, have mercy on us. “Those weighed down by sickness and the” caregivers “wearied because of them--all of

you” together, “bear it in peace.” (Canticle of Exhortation)

--Lord, have mercy.

Holy physicians, Saints Cosmas and Damian, Pray for us. St. Francis who called the sick “a mirror of our Lord,” Pray for us.

St. Clare who cured the sick of Assisi, Pray for us. Blessed Ortolana, mother of St. Clare and a healer also, Pray for us. Lady Jacopa who ministered to St. Francis in his illnesses

and upon his death, Pray for us. St. Elizabeth of Hungary who nursed and tended the ill, Pray for us. St. Angela of Foligno and her companion, Masazuola who found

Christ among the sick in the hospital on Holy Thursday, Pray for us.

St. Margaret who established a hospital in Cortona, Pray for us. Bartolo and St. Vivaldo who ministered among the lepers, Pray for us. St. Agnes who established a hospital for the sick of Prague, Pray for us. Blessed Margherita Colonna who made medications and treated the sick, Pray for us.

St. Benedict the Black, healer of the sick, Pray for us.

Bl. Ludovica Albertoni who cared for the sick and poor of Rome, Pray for us. St. Colette of Corbie, healer of newborns and comfort to mothers, Pray for us. St. Rocco of Montpellier who ministered to victims of plague, Pray for us.

Ven. Juana de la Cruz whose rosaries

cured people in Spain & the Philippines, Pray for us. Ven. Maria Lorenza Longo who established a hospital in Naples, Pray for us.

St. Diego de Alcalá who cared for the sick during the epidemic of 1450, Pray for us. Bl. Michelina of Pesaro who nursed the sick and cared for the poor, Pray for us. St. Marianne Cope who founded hospitals and

cared for those with Hansen’s disease, Pray for us. Servant of God, Fr. Paul Wattson who helped launch

the Catholic Medical Mission Board, Pray for us. Sister Thea Bowman, healer of racial division, cancer patient,

and caregiver for her aging parents, Pray for us.

All you Saints of the Franciscan Family, Pray for us. Our Lady of the Angels, Health of the Sick, Pray for us.

Antiphon: “I consider you a co-worker of God

and a support of the weak members of His ineffable Body.” (3rd Letter to


Reading: As for the sick sisters, let the Abbess be strictly bound to inquire with diligence, by herself

and through other sisters, what their illness requires, both by way of counsel as well as

food and other necessities, and let her provide them charitably and kindly according to the

resources of the place. Because everyone is bound to serve and provide for the sisters

who are ill, let them do this as they would wish to be served if they were suffering from

some illness. Let each one confidently manifest her needs to the other. For if a mother

loves and cherishes her child according to the flesh, how much more diligently should a

sister love and cherish her sister according to the Spirit. ~Form of Life of Clare of Assisi,

Ch. 8

Antiphon: “I consider you a co-worker of God

and a support of the weak members of His ineffable Body.”

Let us Pray:

You, Lord Jesus, went about doing good works and healing sickness and infirmity of every kind. You commanded your disciples to care for the sick, to pray for them, and to lay hands on them. In this litany, we entrust our sick brothers and sisters to your tender and merciful care. While the current COVID pandemic feels unprecedented, we trust in your plan for us and our times. We are thankful for doctors, nurses, scientists and caregivers amidst this pandemic and join our prayers and efforts to theirs. Grant us soon a vaccine and a cure. Bring health, healing, and wholeness to those afflicted. Keep our loved ones safe and secure. All this we ask in your holy Name. AMEN.

Several months ago, Sister Margaret suggested a Franciscan Litany of Saints to invoke

and pray to during the COVID Pandemic. She emphasized how there were many of our

Franciscan forbearers who had specifically lived through plagues or devoted their lives to

caring for the sick and afflicted. From her initial inspiration, I have drafted a Litany of some

25 Franciscan saints and blesseds for prayer. Please feel free to add more. Sister

Margaret is suggesting that when the Litany is prayed by individual communities, they can

also add deceased members of their own community who served in a healthcare capacity.

(For example, for the Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities, I think of the

recently deceased Sister Christopher who taught nursing in Syracuse and then ministered

in Moloka’i for 30 years.)

Since many of the Franciscan Saints in the Litany are more obscure, I tried to add a brief

descriptor within the Litany itself. Hopefully some will be inspired by the prayer to explore

the lives of these individuals further. So often we hear that we are living in an

‘unprecedented’ time. The witness of these Franciscan Saints gives testimony and pattern

to how to faithfully live in a time of plague, following in the footsteps of Clare and Francis.

Their life examples give us precedent “when it comes to accompanying, caring for and

supporting the most frail and vulnerable members of our developed societies.” (Fratelli


… May the Cloud of Witnesses who have gone before us, continue to inspire and be

present to us in our work and ministries.

Pax et Justitia,

-Kevin Elphick

Member of Executive Committee of Charism Services Commission October 31, 2020




Statement of Resolution

We, the members of the

Franciscan Federation,

recognize our responsibility

to hear the cry of the earth

and the cry of the poor. We

recognize our continual

need for conversion and to

act to heal the world and the

people who live in it.


In 1979 Pope John Paul II

declared St Francis of Assisi

In order to respond with concrete attention, let our Call

to Action be a collective Franciscan voice to respond to

the cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor. We

propose that all Franciscans and Franciscan Hearted

People join Franciscan Action Network and take at least

one action to transform public policy related to care for

creation and care for the poor.

This may include:

• Eliminate all plastic water bottles

• Reduce meat consumption, especially beef

• Form or join a Care for Creation team in your

local parish

• Support climate action bills being considered by

your state legislature

• Use teleconference (zoom, go to meeting,

skype) and other alternative communication to

avoid travel

• Evaluate your carbon footprint:


• Learn more about socially responsible investing

with resources from the Interfaith Center for

Corporate Responsibility (ICCR):


Resources: US Conference of Catholic Bishops:

• http://www.usccb.org/about/leadership/holy-



the Patron Saint of those

who promote Ecology with

these words. “Francis

offers Christians an example

of genuine and deep respect

the integrity of creation.”

Five years ago, Pope

Francis released Laudato Si

promoting an integral

approach to environmental

and social issues. “To-day,

however, we have to realize

that a true ecological

approach always becomes a

social approach; it must

integrate questions of justice

in debates on the

environment, so as to hear

both the cry of the earth and

the cry of the poor” (91).

The earth and all creatures

are entrusted to humankind

by the Divine Creator to

enjoy, tend, nourish and

protect. Earth is precious

and sacred. With gratitude,

we Franciscans will do our

part to confront the

ecological crisis, work to

reverse the harm done to

this precious gift and by our

witness, encourage others

to tend and care for our

sister, Mother Earth.


• http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-



• https://catholicclimatecovenant.org/teachings/us-


• http://www.usccb.org/about/leadership/holy-



Leadership Conference of Women Religious:


Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility /

Climate Change: https://www.iccr.org/iccrs-


Catholic Climate Covenant:


Catholic Global Climate Movement:


In Laudato Si', Pope Francis

critiques consumerism and

irresponsible development,

laments environ-mental

degradation and global

warming, and calls all

people of the world to take

"swift and unified global

action." This encyclical has

moved us to respond to both

the cry of the earth and the

cry of the poor through

action and prayer, to the

challenges posted by the

current climate crisis.

We Stand Together! We see CLIMATE CHANGE as a violation of HUMAN RIGHTS!

and we hear the PANDEMIC as a Call to Care for Each Other and ALL!

From Franciscan Action Network:


From the United Nations:


From Franciscans International:



NEW! An international class on LAUDATO SI Laudato Si’ and Integral Ecology

We offer this course for everyone who wants to gain insights into the major themes of

Pope Francis’ groundbreaking encyclical and who desires to become a part of the global

Franciscan movement towards ecological conversion and systemic change.

Register now at: https://laudatosi-school-77aa.thinkific.com/users/checkout/auth

From Pope Francis in Laudato Si: Care For Our Common Home:



Our interest in Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation issues moves us to the question: 'What am I going to do about this?'

Unsolicited, two different issues and opportunities have surfaced for our consideration this month.

These are not new needs, but consistent conditions that are already familiar to us.

'But, what are we going to do about these?'

May our efforts to remain connected and responsive to the JPIC issues

named in our Annual Resolution and

named in our Charism Services Survey widen our Gospel works in our world!

Covenant House and Sex Trafficking

When I first became a benefactor for the Covenant House in New York,it was because I

was inspired by the story of a young lady who came to New York to get away from her

dysfunctional home. She was looking to start over, and fell under the influence of a man

who promised her a career in modeling. More important, she believed he was a person

who cared about her, and one that she could trust to keep her safe. Nothing could have

been further from the truth!

Within a few months, she found herself living the life of a prostitute, and in constant fear for

her life. When she would refuse a directive or try to leave, she would be threatened with

death, or told that she would be sold into slavery, taken to another country, and never

again see her family and friends. Thanks to Covenant House, she was able to find safe

refuge, and eventually began a career in modeling that made her enough money to return

home and reconcile with her family.

Tragically, this young lady's story is not unique, as sex trafficking continues to be a billion

dollar industry in our world. Ironically, we live in a time when great emphasis is placed on

the history of human slavery, and yet, this continues. The worst element about this

practice is that those who prey on the most vulnerable of society manipulate them to gain

their trust, posing as the understanding parent they never had, or the first person who

understood their story. In other similar stories, the victims claim that even after they were

freed from prostitution and started over, it was years before they could trust others again.

But, the greatest tragedy of all is that this evil even exists, because pornography and sex

trafficking are big money making industries.

However, brothers and sisters, there is good news. Thanks to Franciscan Action Network,

Covenant House, and other organizations that are increasing awareness of this grave

immorality, much progress is being made to bring predators to justice, and end this evil

once and for all. I invite you to make this issue a priority of your daily prayer and, if you are

able, to provide financial support to Covenant House and other ministries that are helping

young people begin their lives again.

Unfortunately, slavery does continue in our world, and we must do all we can to protect the

most vulnerable, those being our youth who try to free themselves from broken homes,

only to find themselves trapped in a world they can't escape from, except through drug

abuse, prostitution, or even death.

God bless you all, who vow to commit yourselves to alleviating the world of this problem,

and continue to be a voice for protection, healing, and conversion, for a world that is

seeking all three. Please know that my prayers and good wishes remain with you, as we

draw closer to the Advent and Christmas Seasons, where we pray that all will be safe at

home, under the protection of their loving families.

Your Franciscan Brother, Brad Baldwin TOR

Immaculate Conception Province

FAN Board Member

AN ADVENT INVITATION: A Journey to Bethlehem, through Washington, DC

"Babies don't stop for pandemics," Ambassador Michele Burke Bowe wrote,

adding that 1300 babies were delivered at Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem,

West Bank, in the first three months of the Covid-19 lockdown.

And "the pandemic is not going to stop our Onesies Project," said Fr. James

Gardiner, SA, who began the project with the ambassador a couple of years ago.

Every year, from Thanksgiving Day (Thursday, November 26th, this year) until

the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Tuesday, December 8th),

visitors to the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in Washington, DC, are

invited to purchase onesies for newborns in Bethlehem and place them at the

Blessed Virgin's altar, where they are blessed before being shipped overseas.

Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem is a project of the Order of Malta; Michele

Bowe is the Order's Ambassador to Palestine and vice president to the Holy

Family Hospital of Bethlehem Foundation.

Although the monastery church is closed to the public, onesies can be dropped

off at the gate (14th and Quincy Streets, NE) during daylight hours

or send to:

Fr. James Gardiner, SA

Franciscan Monastery

1400 Quincy Street, NE

Washington, DC 20017

Thanks to our dedicated authors,Elise Saggau OSF and Kathleen Uhler OSF,

we now hold the story of our last fifty years in our hands... in one book! Remember the challenges and graces! See familiar faces! Read about people who have formed and shaped our lives! This wonderful resource is available for purchase at $15.00 each. TO ORDER, send note and payment by check to: FRANCISCAN FEDERATION, 135 Remsen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 OR Call or E-mail: sr Carol at [email protected] / (929) - 207 - 3653 OR sr Lilia at [email protected] / (929) - 207 - 3654

May we remember all of our Franciscan +brothers and +sisters all over world,

who have died due to the Coronavirus Pandemic,

who have been committed to the Gospel life, who have accompanied us with love and prayers

on our Spiritual Journeys, and who have served with us

in mercy and compassion in our Ministries,

and have left our hands and gone to God in this year 2020!

They have gone, like Saint Clare, with the One they have known and loved.

to the place they have longed to be!

May our Lord continue to guide us in this life,

and lead us to where they are in the next!

"To Christians, the future does have a name, and its name is Hope.

Feeling hopeful does not mean to be optimistically naïve

and ignore the tragedy humanity is facing.

Hope is the virtue of a heart that doesn’t lock itself into darkness,

that doesn’t dwell on the past,

does not simply get by in the present,

but is able to see a tomorrow.”

~ Pope Francis in 2020





Church of Saint Francis of Assisi 135 West 31st Street

New York, NY

Blessed John Duns Scotus Franciscan Library

125 Thompson Street

New York, NY 10012

Siobhan O'Dwyer, OFS

[email protected]

Center of Renewal Retreat and Conference Center

4421 Lower River Road

Stella Niagara, NY 14144

(only 10 miles north of Niagara Falls)

(716) 754-7376, Ext. 2

NEW WEBSITE: www.stellaniagararetreats.org

NEW E-MAIL: [email protected]

REGION 2 FRANCISCAN CENTER 3030 North Perry Avenue Tampa, FL 33603 813-229-2695 franciscancentertampa.org

FRANCISCAN SPIRITUAL CENTER 609 S. Convent Road Aston, PA 19014 (610-558-6152) Email: [email protected] Visit our website at https://www.fscaston.org McGLINN CONFERENCE & SPIRITUALITY CENTER The Canticle Gift Shop 460 St. Bernardine Street Reading, PA 19607-1737 484-334-6807 / Fax: 484-334-6808

ST FRANCIS CENTER FOR RENEWAL 395 Bridal Path Road Bethlehem, PA 18017 Tel: 610-867-8890 E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://www.stfrancisctr.org

REGION 3 CHIARA CENTER A Franciscan Place of Spirituality 4875 La Verna Road Springfield, IL 62707 Web: www.chiaracenter.org PORTIUNCULA CENTER FOR PRAYER 9263 West St. Francis Road Frankfort, IL 60423 www.portforprayer.org [email protected] 815-464-3880 SISTERS OF ST FRANCIS St Francis Spirituality Center 200 St Francis Avenue Tiffin OH 44883 Phone: 419-443-1485 franciscanretreats.org REGINA SPIRITUALITY AND CONFERENCE CENTER Sisters of St Francis of Sylvania 6832 Convent Boulevard, Sylvania, OH 43560 For more information, contact: Sister Joan Jurski, 419-824-3528, e-mail: [email protected] web: sistersosf.org OLDENBURG FRANCISCAN CENTER Oldenburg, IN 812-933-6437 Email: [email protected] Website: oldenburgfranciscancenter.org Blog: www.peaceandgood.wordpress.com REGION 4 SHALOM SPIRITUALITY CENTER 1001 Davis Street, Dubuque, IA To register, call 563-582-3592 E-mail: [email protected] Browse: www.shalomretreats.org

FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF LITTLE FALLS 116 Eighth Avenue Southeast Little Falls, MN 56345 (320) 632-2981 www.fslf.org MARYWOOD FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 3560 Highway 51 North Arbor Vitae, WI 54568 715-385-3750 [email protected] www.marywoodsc.org ST. ANTHONY SPIRITUALITY CENTER 300 E Fourth Street Marathon, WI 54448 715-443-2236 [email protected] www.sarcenter.org SPIRITUALITY CENTER SISTERS OF SAINT FRANCIS ASSISI HEIGHTS 1001 14th Street, NW ROCHESTER, MN 55901 THE FRANCISCAN SPIRITUALITY CENTER 920 Market Street La Crosse, WI 54601 608-791-5295 www.FSCenter.org [email protected]

REGION 5 IL RITIRO FRANCISCAN RETREAT CENTER P.O. Box 38 - 7935 St Francis Lane Dittmer, MO 63023 www.Ilritiro.org [email protected] www.facebook.com/il.ritiro.5 TAU CENTER FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 335 S. Kirkwood Road St Louis, MO 63122

REGION 6 FRANCISCAN SPIRITUAL CENTER 2512 SE Monroe Street Milwaukee, OR 97222 Phone: 503-794-8542 FAX: 503-794-8556 [email protected] www.FrancisSpCtr.com ST. CLARE'S RETREAT 2381 Laurel Glen Road Soquel CA 95073 stclaresretreat.com SAN DAMIANO RETREAT 710 Highland Drive Danville, CA 94526 925-837-9141 www.sandamiano.org [email protected] FRANCISCAN RENEWAL CENTER 5802 E. Lincoln Drive Paradise Valley, AZm www.thecasa.org Sabbaticals: Make the Franciscan Renewal Cener a part of your sabbatical. Call 480-948-7460 to plan your stay.

Franciscan Federation of the Sisters and Brothers of the Third Order Regular of the United States

135 Remsen Street Brooklyn, NY 11201

Telephone: (929) - 207 - 3653 OR (929) - 207 - 3654 Email: [email protected] / [email protected]

Copyright © 2020 Franciscan Federation, All rights reserved.

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Musing or the Franciscan Federation website to [email protected] by the 15th of the month.

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135 Remsen Street

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