WHO ARE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS? · PDF filescenes of earth history. Each day brings us closer...

WHO ARE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS? WHAT SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS BELIEVE We believe that Jesus Christ; Is found throughout the entire Word of God. (John. 5:39; II Tim. 3:16, 17) Is the divine Son of God and our personal Savior. (John. 1:1-3; Heb. 7:25) Offers His righteousness to all who accept Him by faith. (Rom. 4:3-5) Soon coming will be visible to all, and at that time He will raise the dead. (I Thess. 4:16, 17; I Cor.15:52) Is the source of a new birth experience. (John. 3:3-5) Is the Creator of the world, and established the 7th day Sabbath for His people to remember His creative power. (Heb. 1:1, 2; Ex. 20:8-11) Is our example that the Ten Commandment Law is a reflection of God’s perfect character, and that it is our pattern for successful living. (John. 15:10, James. 2:8-12) In the Old and New Testaments, outlined the free giving of tithes and offerings to support the work of the church. (Mal. 3:10; Matt. 23:23) Through His baptism, gave an example of His death and resurrection, and new life through our baptism. (Mark. 1:9; Rom. 6:3-5) Through the Holy Spirit, makes our body His temple. (I Cor. 3:16, 17) Gives the gifts of the Spirit for the unity of the faith and the perfection of the saints. (Eph. 4:8-11; I Cor. 12) Expects modesty and deportment in His children. (I Tim 2:9, 10) Is now our heavenly Priest, and gives His last message for all mankind that, “the hour of God’s judgment is come.” (Rev. 14:6-12; Heb. 8:1-6) Pastor: Livingstone Aaron 570-355-5762 416 Tranquility Ct. Long Pond, PA 18334 Email: [email protected] Church Clerk: Stacey Charles 570-534-5311 Head Elder: James Obegi 201-423-3227 Community Services: 570-476-0039 or Sis.Jamala Asiyo - 570-644-0349 Pocono Adventist Christian School570-421-5577 Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 pm First Service - Sat. 8:30 am Sabbath School - Sat. 9:45 am Second Service - Sat. 11:00 am Adventist Youth Society Sat. 1 hour before sunset C1 COME AND WORSHIP WITH US OUR PEOPLE

Transcript of WHO ARE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS? · PDF filescenes of earth history. Each day brings us closer...



We believe that Jesus Christ;

Is found throughout the entire Word of God. (John. 5:39; II Tim. 3:16, 17)

Is the divine Son of God and our personal Savior. (John. 1:1-3; Heb. 7:25)

Offers His righteousness to all who accept Him by faith. (Rom. 4:3-5)

Soon coming will be visible to all, and at that time He will raise the dead. (I Thess. 4:16, 17; I Cor.15:52) Is the source of a new birth experience. (John. 3:3-5) Is the Creator of the world, and established the 7th day Sabbath for His people to remember His creative power. (Heb. 1:1, 2; Ex. 20:8-11) Is our example that the Ten Commandment Law is a reflection of God’s perfect character, and that it is our pattern for successful living. (John. 15:10, James. 2:8-12) In the Old and New Testaments, outlined the free giving of tithes and offerings to support the work of the church. (Mal. 3:10; Matt. 23:23) Through His baptism, gave an example of His death and resurrection, and new life through our baptism. (Mark. 1:9; Rom. 6:3-5) Through the Holy Spirit, makes our body His temple. (I Cor. 3:16, 17) Gives the gifts of the Spirit for the unity of the faith and the perfection of the saints. (Eph. 4:8-11; I Cor. 12) Expects modesty and deportment in His children. (I Tim 2:9, 10) Is now our heavenly Priest, and gives His last message for all mankind that, “the hour of God’s judgment is come.” (Rev. 14:6-12; Heb. 8:1-6)

Pastor: Livingstone Aaron 570-355-5762

416 Tranquility Ct.

Long Pond, PA 18334

Email: [email protected]

Church Clerk: Stacey Charles 570-534-5311

Head Elder: James Obegi 201-423-3227 Community Services: 570-476-0039 or Sis.Jamala Asiyo - 570-644-0349 Pocono Adventist Christian School–


Prayer Meeting - Wed. 7:00 pm First Service - Sat. 8:30 am Sabbath School - Sat. 9:45 am Second Service - Sat. 11:00 am Adventist Youth Society Sat. 1 hour before sunset



Dear Brothers and Sisters: Greetings in the precious name of Jesus; There is no doubt that we are living in the closing

scenes of earth history. Each day brings us closer to the second coming of Jesus and closer to

our appointment with destiny. Scriptures teach us that Jesus Christ is coming again. Many

Christians say that they are looking for His coming; however the majority of them are not

really ready for His coming. It is our prayer that this message will cause those who read it, to

seek to be ready for His coming. (Matthew 24:44) tells us “Therefore be ye also ready: for in

such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”

II Tim. 3:1-7, This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be

lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,

unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent,

fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more

than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn

away. ...Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

How can anyone read the above passage of Scripture, and not believe that we are living in the

last days? Perilous times are so evident, that it seems foolish to even argue the point. Lovers of

their own selves, is an apt description of the self-esteem, self-love movement of our day. It is

being taught as a doctrine of truth, when it is a doctrine of error. The covetous, the boasters,

the proud, and the blasphemers are everywhere to be found.

The children who are disobedient to parents are increasing in number every day. Discipline in

the home and school is a lost art. It might damage their self esteem. Many are without natural

affection. Mothers that murder their babies through abortion are without natural affection.

Parents that go off seeking pleasure, while their children are left alone, are without natural

affection. Homosexuals and Lesbians are without natural affection. We are truly living in a

perverse world.

Much of religion today is only a form of godliness. Devoid of the truth of God, and puffed

with Satan's lies, it has become a popular commodity today. This is exactly what is prophesied

to take place in the last days, before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

What as Christians, should we be doing in these last days here on earth? What should we be

focusing on? Well, as true followers of Jesus Christ, we should be doing the will of God in

our lives. We should be spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News. That Jesus

was sacrificed on the cross, died, was buried, raised from the dead after 3 days, and ascended

into heaven. That he is the only way to heaven and eternal life with God.

We should be trying to get as many people to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior,

because every day all over the world millions are dying without a true knowledge of Jesus and

yet many Christians including some Seventh-day Adventist are willfully ignorant of the times

in which we live.

Should we be afraid and fear what is coming? If you are truly a born again and converted

Christian, then no. God is with us and loves us. We are his beloved children. If you are not a

Christian, then yes! You should fear what is coming. You should fear God. For, he is

coming to judge the world.

Make sure that you are ready to meet your maker. Accept Jesus as your personal Lord and

Savior. He loves you dearly and wants to spend eternity with you.

Your brother in Christ F1 Pastor Livingstone Aaron



September 24, 2016 Divine Service (11:00 AM)

Introit………….“We Have Come Into This House”…….……Praise Team

Call to Worship………………………………….... Eld. Dr. Henry Francis

Doxology…………...“Praise God from Whom”……………...Congregation

Invocation………………………..…………..…. Pastor Livingstone Aaron

Welcome………………………………..…….……Eld. Dr. Henry Francis

Announcements ……....……………………………….….….Church Clerk

Pastoral Announcements…………………………Pastor Livingstone Aaron

Hymn of Adoration……….……#36…….…...…….………Congregation

Scripture Reading…………… Isaiah 1: 16 - 20……..Bro. Brighton Adindu

Intercessory Prayer………………………………….Sis. Machelle Williams

“I Must Tell Jesus”

Special Music……………………….….......………S. Francis & W. Francis

Children’s Story…………….………………………….….Sis. Tamar Cato

Offertory………….………………….…………..Bro. Godwin Carmenatty

“We Give Thee but Thine Own”

Praise and Worship………………………………….....……...Praise Team

Sermon……….… “Whosoever Will May Come”…………... Pastor Aaron

Hymn of Separation……………#198.....…….……….……..Congregation

Separate for Washing of Feet

Communion Service

Benediction………………………..…………….……… Eld. James Obegi



Let’s celebrate the Holy Communion

The table of the Lord is Spread all are welcome to sit around it and partake in its

fellowship today!

We invite everyone who believes in the saving power of the life, death, and

resurrection of Jesus Christ to share with us today the sacrament of Holy


The Table of Christ welcomes all without exception:

Those who have been to the table often.

Those who have not been there for a long time.

Those who have tried to follow Christ and those who have failed.

All who have sinned and seek forgiveness and healing.

All wish to give thanks to the Lord for His work of redemption on their


All who are invited to come to the table are invited by Jesus our Lord, regardless of

age, gender, race, sexual orientation or marital status. If we come to the Table of

Christ who invites all, then should not the church consider inviting all as well?

Christ invites us to his banquet freely! He gives his nourishment to our bodies and

souls freely to all those who seek for him, and refuses no one. This is what Isaiah

prophesied: “All you who are thirsty come to the water! You have no money, come,

receive the grain and eat; Come without paying and without cost, drink wine and

milk!” (Isa. 55:1).


Spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Stroudsburg and


Making disciples of Jesus Christ through the power of His

word and the ministry of His love, and by faith establishing

places of worship to prepare us for His second advent.



September 24, 2016 Sabbath School 9:15 AM - 10:45 AM

Song Service & Opening Remarks…………..………….….. Sis. Ruth Obegi

Opening Prayer…………………..…………………...… Sis. Stacy Charles

Welcome ………….………………….…..…………... Youth Department

Opening Song……………”Sound The Battle Cry”.…………Congregation

Scripture Reading …………..…. Mark 1: 17………....… Sis. Stacy Charles

Lesson Study: at Large …….…….…...............………………..Pastor Aaron

Primary………….…………….….….…..………. Quarter Memory Verses

Early Teens………….………….….…….…..…………………….….Skit

13th Sabbath Skit…………………..…………Josephine Aaron 1st Narrator

Jean Marie Williams 2nd Narrator


13th Sabbath Offering and Special Music

Birthday Offering / Celebration………………… Sis. Jean-Marie Williams

Closing Remarks……….…..….…………………...…...… Sis. Ruth Obegi


HEALTH NUGGET Diet drinks linked to cardiovascular events in women. "Drinking two or more diet

drinks was associated with a 29% increased risk of an incident cardiovascular event

and a 26% increased risk of all-cause death, compared with less diet drink

consumption, in an observational study of nearly 60,000 post menopausal American


Zoler, Mitchel L. Family Practice News; 4/1/14. "For he maketh small the drops of

water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof: Which the clouds do

drop and distil upon man abundantly."Job 36:27-28 2



Faith for the family Crusade community outreach

October 01 - 22, 2016

Please Pray For Faith for the Family Evangelistic Campaign in Uniontown PA

We would ask you to prayer for us every day this week and continuing through to

the 22nd of October 2016 as we commence a big evangelistic crusade in the city of

Union Town Pennsylvania. The church, together with volunteer members will be in

Union Town for two weeks doing evangelistic meetings every evening with music,

testimonies and preaching. Please pray for our spiritual protection and for the

opening of the hearts of the people of Union Town and the surrounding area. We

know that without God we can do nothing!. Pray that all of Gods sheep will hear His

voice and follow him.



Sabbath Prayer Session: Today - Immediately after Divine Service in the Kindergarten class

room, all are welcome. And Remember, every First Sabbath, Grief Support Ministry sessions

are incorporated into the prayer meetings.

Adventist Youth Society (AYS): AYS Today @ 5PM.

Church Board Meeting: Today at 6:30 PM

Men’s Ministry: next meeting October 1, potential lunch meeting.

Save the date. December 17th for the Church Banquet, more information to follow.

Singles Retreat:

The Chesapeake Chapter of Adventist Single Adult Ministries invites all singles to their Fall

Retreat. The event takes place on the weekend of October 7-9, 2016 at Hagerstown MD. The

speaker will be Lorraine Edwards. Lorraine is a single person who will speak from first-hand

experience about life as a single Adventist. Lorraine holds an MSW Degree and is the Area

Social Services Manager for the Salvation Army in Richmond VA.

Come and enjoy spiritual enrichment, fellowship and good food.

For more information, contact: Fred Thomas 410-992-9731, or e-mail

[email protected].

Church board meeting The Stroudsburg Seventh day Adventist Church board will take place tonight

September 24, 2016 at 6:30 PM. All departmental directors are asked to come

prepared to bring their programs for the fourth Quarter. It’s important that all

agenda items be sent to the chairman, first elder or church clerk before the 24 of

September. No item will be accepted on the night of the meeting. All church board

members voted by the church is expected to faithfully attend all Church board

meetings. Should you find yourself in a position in which you cannot attend to the

business of the church at church Board meetings, you are obligated to resign your

membership of the Church board. Please come on time; we need at least two hours to

take care of the business of the church.



CAN THE WORLD SEE JESUS IN YOU? 1. Do we live so close to the Lord today,

Passing to and fro on life’s busy way,

That the world in us can a likeness see

To the Man of Calvary?

o Refrain:

Can the world see Jesus in me?

Can the world see Jesus in you?

Does your love to Him ring true,

And your life and service, too?

Can the world see Jesus in you?

2. Do we love, with love to His own akin,

All His creatures lost in the mire of sin?

Will we reach a hand, whatso’er it cost,

To reclaim a sinner lost?

3. As an open book they our lives will read,

To our words and acts giving daily heed;

Will they be attracted, or turn away

From the Man of Calvary?

Memory Text


Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the

Lord. 12

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in

prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice




Church Business

Choir Rehearsal Schedule

Youth Choir (12 years and up) – Sabbath at 2:30 PM

Children’s Choir (2 years thru 11 years) - Sabbath at 3PM

Board Meetings 1st Sabbath of each month

Baby Dedications Third Sabbath of Each Month

Medical Personnel on Duty……………………………………… Dr. Sandra Pascal

Pathfinders Club: meets every 1st and 3

rd Sunday of the Month.

This Bulletin is also available on-line.. @.............. http://www.stroudsburgsda.org

and eMail Bulletin related information to [email protected]

Like Us on Facebook [email protected] Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Please eMail all Requests for hurch Related Information to…………….

[email protected]

Building Committee:

To submit your ideas on the Church Building Plans or Fundraising, please email the

Building Committee at [email protected]

Nursing Home Schedules and hours: 1st Sabbath-----Spring Village Home, 329 Brown Street, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301 from 3pm-4pm 2nd Sabbath---White Stone Care Center, 870 White Stone Corner, Stroudsburg, PA from 3pm-4pm

3rd Sabbath---Pleasant Valley Manor, 4227 Manor Drive, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, from 3pm -4pm

4th Sabbath---Brookmont Health Care, 510 Brokmont Drive, Effort, PA 18330, from 3:30pm-4:30pm

SICK & SHUT-IN Bro. Richard Adams is now at the White Stone Care Center Rm 117B

Bro. Drakes at Brookmont Health Care Center Effort, PA 610-681-4070

Sis. Nemesia Rance 267 King St, Stroudsburg, 570-619-5338

Sis. Norma Leap 570-992-4970

Please remember; Brother Samson in your prayers.

Financial Report as of 09/17/2016 For The Month For The Year

Amount Needed $10,998 $ 131,976

Amount Collected: $ 8,400 $ 101,187

Amount Difference $- 2,598 $ - 30,789

Sunsets C5F3 Today: 6:55 PM Next Friday: 6:45 PM


Stewardship Moments

What is faithful Stewardship? At its essence, stewardship is a faithful lifestyle that leads to the riches of heaven,

eternal life. Good stewardship on the Earth is evidence to God that we are faithful to

him. Luke 16:12 asks the question if we cannot be faithful with another person’s

riches can God give us the ultimate riches of heaven?

One, as a church body, we have misunderstood the fundamental meaning of

stewardship. I believe the great majority of our church leaders have defined

stewardship incorrectly. Stewardship is not just another term for giving money to

support church ministries.

Stewardship is simply the act of being a steward.

A biblical steward is one who has been entrusted with the property of the owner and

expected to manage it wisely as the owner himself would. Giving is the portion you

manage that you give away, stewardship is the responsibility you have to wisely

manage the total amount, most of which you keep.

Many, churches frequently associate a stewardship ministry with helping those who

are hurting financially or have become overwhelmed with debt. We should be

seeking to help those people, absolutely, but that should never be the main focus of a

stewardship ministry. We are all called to be stewards, and building a ministry

around people in financial trouble will actually hurt the stewardship effort, since

those doing well financially will assume they are exempt from learning to live as


It is interesting to note that most of the time the Bible speaks about money it is

directed toward those who had money but were using it or relating to it in a way that

was spiritually damaging and contrary to God’s design. A healthy stewardship

ministry addresses every person and seeks to provide opportunities for growth

regardless of their financial condition.

Money impacts us in three major ways, all of which are dealt with in great depth in

the Bible. The first is the practical aspect of money – how specifically we are to

wisely manage and account for what has been entrusted to us. The second area is the

spiritual aspect. How our relationship to money and possessions impacts our

relationship to God.

The third is the emotional aspect of money; it is here that we often find our greatest

struggles since emotions drive us to make poor and often harmful decisions about

wealth and possessions. An attempt to address the stewardship topic without diving

into each of these areas will leave major holes in our understanding of what it means

to live as a true biblical steward.

The foundational principle behind developing a solid theology of money and

stewardship is that our relationship to money will always impact our relationship to

God, money is never neutral. It will either draw you closer to God or drive you

farther away. As scripture tells us, we can’t serve two masters.