Who Are Al-Ghurabaa

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  • 8/2/2019 Who Are Al-Ghurabaa


    Who are al-Ghurabaa (strangers)?

    The messenger Muham mad (saw) said: Islaam came as someth ing strange; and it will return as somethin g strange. Paradi

    or those wh o are seen as strangers. His companions (ra) then asked: who are the strangers oh Rasoul-ullaah? He rep

    Those who forbid the evil when the people b ecome corrup ted.

    Our u ltimate a im of pleasing Allaah (swt) and entering par adise (in the form of green birds as prom ised for the martyrs )

    nly be accomp lished w hen w e forbid the evil and stand firm on th e right path in a time when p eople become so corru pted

    egards to the same narration, Imaam Ahm ed said: they (the strangers) are the ones wh o increase (their eemaan) wh en

    eop le decrease (their eemaan ).

    n the same hadeeth but n arrated by 'Abdullaah ibn Masoud (ra) the messenger Muhamm ad (saw) was asked: oh Rasou l-ul

    wh o are they (the strangers)? He replied: an-Nuzz aa' min al-Qabaa-il those wh o wi thdraw themselves f rom thei r

    eople. An-Nuzzaa (those who w ithdraw) has tw o meanings:

    1. Those wh o completely withd raw th emselves from their own tribes and fam ily customs and trad itions.

    2. Those who leave t heir countries or p lace of residence for Jihaad (fighting against the en emies of Allaah).

    The messenger Muh amm ad (saw) praised the Nuzzaaas they are the ones w ho leave all forms of corruption, nationalism,

    mixing, customs and traditions etc. They are people who w ill be a minority and seem as strangers d ue to their u ncomprom i

    ove to Allaah and his messenger (saw). An-Nu zzaa is from the word an-Naza (to withd raw ) and is used in regard s to

    mom ent wh en the soul is extracted from the bod y by the angel of death . An-Nuzzaa are the p eople of para dise, they give up wn tribes, livelihood, culture, careers and customs. You see them travelling frequently across the kingd om of Allaah (ma

    ijrah), forbidding evil and fighting against those w ho do not believe in Allaah, nor the h ereafter; and against those w ho do

    orbid w hat Allaah and h is messenger (saw ) forbids, and against those wh o do not acknowledge the d een of Islaam (by embra


    n other nar ration Abd ullaah bin Amrou ibn al-Aas (ra) said: wh en we were with h im (saw) and h e said tooba lil-Ghu ra

    paradise i s for th e s t rangers) we asked: who are they? He (saw) replied: They are the good p eople and a re very fe

    um ber compared to the major i ty . (All mentioned ah aadeeth can be found in Saheeh Muslim, Ibn Maajah, Musnad Im

    Ahm ad , al-Bukh aarie and at-Tirmid hie).

    The messenger Muha mm ad (saw) also said: be in th e du nyaa like a stranger or someone passin g by. The dunyaa will not

    or eternity and is someth ing the believers pass by. Those wh o live in this world as p assers by will be a ghareeb (singu la

    hura baa). The ghu rabaa h ave un ique beliefs and char acteristics; always fulfilling what Allaah (swt) and h is messenger o

    hem to do, whilst keeping away from wh at they forbid.

    t is reported in at-Tirmid hie and Abou Daaw ud th at the messenger Muhamm ad (saw) said: In th e futu re a t ime will c

    where to stand firm in the d een would be l ike holding fire in your hand s.The one wh o stands f irm will get the reward o

    men. His comp anions then asked: will they get the reward of 50 men from among u s or from among the m? He (saw) rep

    the reward of 50 men from amon g you. The comp anions of Rasoul-ullaah d id not face the problems w e face today, suc

    erifying aha adeeth t o be saheeh (authent ic), as they could just ask him (saw) directly. Neither d id they hav e the problem of

    ew 'Ulamaa as they had the Na bie (saw) to teach them the whole deen. Definitely to follow the Messenger Mu hamm ad (

    withou t to see him is far mor e difficult than to ha ve him w ith you in person wh ere you have th e opportu nity to ask him que st

    irectly. Therefore we can earn m uch more rew ard d ue to the hardsh ip we face of not having the messenger (saw) with us.

    o who are the Ghurabaa?

    The Ghur abaa a re those w ho su bmit to Allaah (sw t) exclusively, following the Shareeah in every asp ect of their life. T

    worship, obey and follow none but Allaah, associating no man , woman or object w ith him. Their examp le to follow is

    messenger (saw) and his companions. Taw heed is their attribute as they offer their ritual acts to none but almighty Allaah:

    Verily, my Salaat (prayer), my sacrifice, my livin g, and m y dy ing are for Allaah, the Lord of the 'Aalam een (mankind, jinn

    ll t hat exists).' (EMQ al -Anaam , 6: 162)

    They are far away from th e majority, acting upon th e divine informat ion Allaah h as sent to man kind: And if y ou obey m o

    hose on eart h, they w ill mislead you far aw ay from Allaah's Pat h. They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothin

    ie (EMQ al-Anaam, 6: 112). The real Ghur abaa d o not m iss any corrup tion, cultu re or tra dition (as ma ny p eople miss their

    orrupted lifestyle). The Ghur abaa hate all that they used to d o and any jaahiliyyah they come across, hence you never see t

    oting for man -mad e law, calling for Freedom, Secularism, Democracy, Allegiance to the Qu een or any form of kufr or shirk.

  • 8/2/2019 Who Are Al-Ghurabaa


    To be from th is minority we m ust alw ays keep rejecting anything t hat is alien to Islaam su ch as the custom s of the people: Ea

    Valentines Day, Christm as and N ew -Years, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, Birthd ays and any oth er form of celebratio

    nniversar y that is not from Islaam. An-Nu zzaa reject all of this corrup tion and in novation and the consequence they face wi

    ever attack by all kinds of people, the so-called Muslims and Non -Muslims.

    They engage in the Jihaad verba lly, financially and ph ysically and a re the pe ople of haq (truth ), Tawh eed, al-Walaa

    Baraa (love for the believers and hatr ed tow ard s the disbelievers) and people w ho forbid th e munkar(wha t the Share e'ah def

    o be evil). Allaah (swt) says: As for t hose w ho st rive hard in our cause, w e will surely guide them to our paths (i.e. the str

    ath). And verily, Allaah is w ith t he Muh sinoun (good doers)."(EMQ al-Ankaboot , 29: 69)

    May Allaah make u s be from this minority saviour sect (Ahl us-Sunna h w al-Jamaa'ah ) and save us from following the d esir

    he corrupted m ajority, Aameen.