White Paper - ToIP a Winning Solution for Enterprise - 2015 - Eng

White Paper Telephony over IP (IPBX/centrex/cloud) : A winning solution for enterprise Author : Lamine TALAKELA – CEO, founder of Consulting TIME - 2015 - France


Check out our white paper on "IP Telephony: a winning solution for businesses" to understand the interests of an IP telephony solution for your business, or understand precisely what ToIP, and especially our tips successfully deploy this type of solution in its business.

Transcript of White Paper - ToIP a Winning Solution for Enterprise - 2015 - Eng

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     White  Paper   Telephony over IP (IPBX/centrex/cloud) :

A winning solution for enterprise











Author : Lamine TALAKELA – CEO, founder of Consulting TIME - 2015 - France

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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  






The  company,  the  Digital  and  technical  tools  such  as  telephony  over  IP    

From  the  need  to  reduce  costs  for  new  productivity  tools  and  performance  







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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  





The  purpose  of  this  document  is  to  provide  a  guide  to  inform  and  assist  businesses  and  professionals  in  the  telecommunications  and  ICT  sector  or  a  completely  different  sectors,  by  curiosity  or  in  anticipation  to  having  an  IP  telephony  deployment  project  on  the  necessary  prerequisites  and  migration  approaches  to  IP  telephony  ;  namely  :  what  to  implement,  technically  what  it  implies,  and  also  the  functional  and  economic  benefits  of  choosing  this  type  of  solution,  regardless  of  the  company  size.  

The  author,  founder  and  CEO  of  the  Consulting  TIME  company,  expert  in  telecommunications,  associated  services  and  digital  strategy  for  companies,  has  a  serious  experience  in  terms  of  overall  design  of  an  innovative  telephony  solution  IP  (among  the  pioneers  in  Europe  ),  and  about  the  telecom  market  as  an  engineer/project  manager  and  was  actively  involved  in  the  deployment,  installation,  support,  training  and  development  in  commercial  sale  of  IP  telephony  solutions  for  SME’s  and  multinational  companies,  which  are  references  today.    

Each  day  confronted  with  the  problems  of  land  users  returns,  and  with  the  desire  to  satisfy  customers,  he  share  with  you  some  important  rules  and  things  to  know  to  choose  a  winning  telephony  solution  for  your  business.  









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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  









PREAMBLE ............................................................................................................................................................ 3  1. DIFFERENT APPROACHES OF THE TELEPHONY OVER IP ............................................................... 5  

1.1 THE TELEPHONY OVER IP (TOIP) .................................................................................................................... 5  1.2 THE « FULL-IP » .............................................................................................................................................. 6  

2. TELEPHONY OVER IP ; THE SOLUTIONS ................................................................................................ 6  2.1 THE IPBX ........................................................................................................................................................ 6  2.2 THE DECENTRALIZED TELEPHONY ; THE IP CENTREX OR CLOUD TELEPHONY ................................................. 9  2.3 TECHNOLOGY AND TERMINALS ..................................................................................................................... 11  

3. IP TELEPHONY ; THE DEPLOYMENT ..................................................................................................... 13  3.1 CHOOSING THE SOLUTION .............................................................................................................................. 13  3.2 THE DEPLOYMENT OF THE SOLUTION ............................................................................................................. 14  

4. CONTRIBUTIONS OF IP TELEPHONY TECHNOLOGY FOR YOUR BUSINESS ............................ 15  4.1   WHAT ARE THE GAINS FOR THE COMPANY? ............................................................................................... 15  4.2   SOME EXAMPLES OF FEATURES LIKE, BASIC AND ADVANCED .................................................................... 16  

CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................................... 17  ANNEX .................................................................................................................................................................. 18    





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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



1.  Different  approaches  of  the  telephony  over  ip  

1.1  The  Telephony  over  IP  (ToIP)    

Unlike  the  VoIP  (Voice  over  IP)  that  is  only  the  delivery  of  telephony’s  voice  from  one  network  to  another  (whether  public  or  private,  internal  or  external),  the  ToIP  (Telephony  over  IP)  in  over  what  VoIP,  provides  services  and  features  on  the  transport  of  voice.  

IP  telephony  can  be  done  via  IP  Phones  (phones  running  on  the  IP  protocol)  or  computer  (thanks  to  softphones).      

We  will  see  that  IP  telephony  can  be  used  in  addition  to  traditional  business  telephony  via  a  gateway,  or  "Full-­‐IP";  what  interests  us  particularly  in  this  document.            

Note  :    

The  use  of  a  VoIP  gateway,  allows  to  get  his  voice  flow  to  an  operator  in  VoIP  (DSL  or  optical)  rather  than  by  a  conventional  connection  (multichannel)  rent  from  a  service  provider  ;  this  technique  saves  on  cost  of  routing  voice  via  an  IP  link  properly  sized  (and  have  a  classic  or  mobile  backup  solution  by  reducing  the  number  of  leased  channels,  to  be  used  only  in  case  of  failure  in  degraded  mode).  






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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



1.2  The  «  Full-­‐IP  »    

What  we  call  the  "Full-­‐IP"  on  IP  telephony,  as  stated  above,  is  the  fact  of  using  the  telephony  features  and  services  as  well  as  IP  transit  at  all;  it  is  both  the  combination  of  telephony  and  voice  over  IP.  

The  "Full-­‐IP"  can  be  used  only  internally  to  a  single-­‐site  enterprise  or  a  multi-­‐site  or  in  course  of  a  communication  with  the  outside  world.    Let's  see  two  technologies  of  "All-­‐IP"  today  in  business.   Note  :    

In  the  following  paper  we  will  only  use  that  IP  telephony  term  to  talk  about  these  two  technologies.  

2.  Telephony  over  IP  ;  the  solutions  

2.1  The  IPBX    

ToIP  based  IPBX  (IP  PBX)  involves  the  installation  of  a  telephony  server  within  the  company  (currently  called  IPBX  or  PBX).  

This  phone  technology,  allows  to  the  company  a  flexibility  in  the  choice  of  its  internal  architecture,  but  especially  for  the  external  the  company  can  choose  their  telecom  operator  for  connection  to  the  traditional  PSTN  or  IP  network,  to  change  easily,  and  easily  back-­‐up  its  solution.    The  telephony  server  can  also  easily  connect  remote  sites  with  a  single  bond.  It  is  a  solution  that  brings  greater  independence  regarding  access  operators  and  providers.    

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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  




-­‐ Schema  1    -­‐    

 Overnight  (with  a  delay  of  a  few  days  anyway),  it  is  possible  for  a  company  to  change  operator  for  the  transit  of  its  telephony,  or  have  a  back-­‐up  solution  on  the  site  (2nd  link  relief  from  a  different  operator)  is  an  important  advantage  of  this  telephony  solution  "Full-­‐IP"  internal  to  the  company.  



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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



Cons  of  this  solutions  are  :    

The  hosting  of  the  solution  on  the  company’s  infrastructure.   The  management  of  the  solution*   The  full  cost  of  the  solution  if  you  have  a  big  infrastructure;  

monthly  or  annual  maintenance  fees  if  proprietary  solution,  and  all  costs  associated  with  the  management.  


*Focus  on  managing  a  PBX  solution  :    

Whether  you  choose  a  proprietary  solution  IPBX  (Alcatel,  Cisco,  Mitel,  Aastra,  Panasonic  ...)  or  free  (Asterisk,  SIPX,  Saturn,  ...),  there  are  associated  costs  with  configuring  Services,  Maintenance  (IP-­‐  Phones,  connect,  add  /  delete  /  move  a  user,  ...).    

When  the  solution  is  proprietary,  even  as  it  is  often  the  cost  of  licenses  by  IP-­‐Phones  and/or  annual  maintenance,  ...  :  

-­‐ When  adding/deleting  a  post  sometimes  require  a  technician  to  a  service  company  authorized  to  configure  of  the  solution.  

-­‐ When  installing/uninstalling/  also  move  the  solution.  

When  the  solution  is  free,  must  implement  a  solution  yourself  or  hire  a  professional  service  provider/expert  consultant  ?  In  either  case,  there  is  a  cost  in  human  resource  internal  or  external  services  expenses.    Also,  for  structures  on  a  human  scale  (less  than  50  users),  these  costs  are  often  included  in  maintenance  contracts  or  in  the  monthly  total  amount  of  the  contract  (installation  +  commissioning  +  packages  ...).  





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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



2.2  The  decentralized  telephony  ;  the  IP  centrex  or  cloud  telephony    

The  telephony  over  IP  IP-­‐centrex,  what  is  it?  

It’s  nothing  but  the  «  phone  cloud  »  for  enterprise  ;  that  is  to  say  deport  internal  phone  company  for  it  to  be  handled  almost  entirely  by  third  telecom  operator  or  service  provider.  

This  phone  technology,  allows  the  company  to  dispense  completely*  the  management  of  hosting  the  solution.    

A  simple  connection  to  the  service,  via  fiber  or  DSL  connection  to  the  site  or  in  the  core  of  the  network  as  part  of  a  multi-­‐site  service  (MPLS  network,  or  liaising  main  site  to  secondary  sites)  allows  the  company  to  benefit  from  telephony  service  with  ease.  

The  telephony  server,  one  commonly  speaks  Telecom  switch  in  the  case  of  this  technical  solution  is  hosted  by  the  operator  or  the  service  provider,  which  is  responsible  for  configuring  the  creation  of  telephone  accounts,  the  services  of  the  client  company  and  the  subscribers.    

On  the  client  side,  it  must  have  its  IP-­‐Phones  (purchased  or  leased)  on  the  LAN  to  be  connected  to  the  service.  

Much  of  services  (at  some  level  after  the  operator  /  telecom  provider;  hence  the  need  upstream  from  the  choice  of  solution  to  thoroughly  research  and  compare  the  different  offers  on  the  market)  is  delegated  and  configurable  by  the  company  simple  way  (through  an  extranet  more  commonly  called  "self-­‐care"  that  all  phone  market  offers  propose).    

See  in  more  detail,  that  the  choice  of  a  decentralized  telephony  solution  "IP  Centrex"  or  "cloud"  implies  for  a  business  practice  since  its  choice  to  use,  through  the  installation.  



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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



*  :  In  fact,  there  are  2  modes  ;  one  in  IaaS  (infrastructure  as  a  service)  ie  you  rent  an  entire  infrastructure  service  with  its  key  in  hand,  you  pay  only  for  access,  consumption  and  support,  there  is  even  talk  here  often  TaaS  because  of  Telephony  as  a  service  (often  mutualized  solution  with  several  service  provider  customers).    The  other  mode  is  the  PaaS  (Platform  as  a  service)  to  the  most  important  structures  or  who  wish  to  resell  a  telephone  service  to  their  own  customers/users  ;  in  this  case  one  rents  or  buys  a  platform  dedicated  to  his  business  and  ready  to  be  configured  for  its  own  use,  you  pay  a  complete  platform  for  your  specific  use  with  a  support  and  a  larger  support.  


-­‐ Schema  2    -­‐    

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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



The  entire  phone  server  and  the  services  are  hosted  by  the  third  party  operator  ;  the  company  manage  the  network  on  its  voice  and  configures  LAN  functionality  itself.  She  does  not  care  about  the  maintenance  of  the  solution,  or  connecting  its  remote  sites,  since  all  sites  connected  to  the  operator's  network  will  benefit  from  the  service  in  the  same  way  (except  in  PaaS  mode  and  hosted  on  its  site  or  a  data  center).    

2.3  Technology  and  terminals    

IP  telephony  uses  the  switching  technology  of  digitized  voice  packets  to  the  IP.  For  a  successful  IP  telephony  communication,  there  are  technical  requirements  related  to  the  transmission  :      1)  bandwidth  must  be  optimized  for  the  use  of  ToIP  on  the  network  used  (implementation  of  quality  of  service  -­‐  QoS  -­‐  to  reserve  bandwidth  for  voice  and  prioritize  these  flows  compared  to  other  network  usage  or  separate  networks  using  VLAN).  

2)  the  transmission  delay  on  the  network;  Today  networks  used  by  enterprises  are  of  the  order  of  100/1000  Mb  /  s  see  in  the  transmission  and  reception  of  flows  is  essential  for  the  proper  functioning  of  the  global  network  and  its  application  uses,  such  as  telephony  for  example.  

3)  the  echo  phenomenon  signal  which  can  be  interfere  with  electronic  elements  of  the  network  (old  or  defective  equipment,  it  is  very  rare  to  meet  today,  but  this  may  be  a  case  of  network  analysis  in  research  track  of  performance  measurements  or  for  abnormalities).  

4)  jitter,  which  changes  the  transmission  time  between  two  packets  over  a  network  (again,  this  is  technically  interesting  when  measuring  performance  or  for  abnormalities).  

5)  managing  the  QoS  end  to  end  on  a  network  (LAN  and  WAN)  for  IP  telephony  and  voice  by  definition  is  a  sensitive  service  where  even  minimal  alteration  of  the  network  (overload,  transmission  delay,...one  of  4  previous  points)  is  audible  on,  we  must  seek  to  manage  QoS  and  all  the  technical  parameters  from  end  to  end  and  not  just  in  one  location  of  the  network  that  exchanges  are  optimal.  

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    White  paper  –  ToIP  a  winning  solution  for  enterprise                                                                    -­‐  Document  produced  by  Consulting  TIME,  2015  -­‐  



To  function  properly,  IP  telephony  requires  technical  prerequisites  as  we  have  seen,  but  also  involves  choices  when  the  performance  of  the  service  quality  in  the  feeling  in  use;  why  this  three  important  points  :      1)  the  protocol  (SIP,  MGCP,  H.323,  SCCP,  IAX,  ...  are  the  most  represented  in  the  market;  SIP  is  the  most  likely  and  most  standardized  in  recent  years).    2)  codec,  it  is  characterized  by  a  compression  method  (with  varying  degrees  of  quality,  low  quality  to  the  HD:  G.711,  G.729,  G.722,  G.723.1,  ...  etc  ...)  and  a  flow  rate  compression  rate  (6  to  64  Kbits  /  s;  the  selection  of  the  codec  and  its  corresponding  features  directly  affects  the  bandwidth  to  be  allocated  to  the  ToIP  -­‐  and  the  different  transmission  characteristics  outlined  earlier  -­‐  as  well  as  the  choice  of  the  terminal  telephone  (next  point  3)).  

3)  the  phone  terminal,  physical  (IP  phone)  or  soft  (IP  softphone)  is  very  important  for  the  proper  functioning  of  the  complete  IP  telephony  solution.  It’s  the  direct  interface  with  the  user  of  the  service,  ergonomics,  functions,  technical  features  (types  of  allowed  codecs,  network  performance,  number  of  ports,  the  setting  mode,  display,  functionality,  security,  ...  etc  ...)  must  be  chosen  carefully  otherwise  the  complete  solution  could  be  seen  as  non-­‐functional  or  poorly  adapted.  There  are  IP  terminals  of  all  types  and  of  all  price  ranges,  and  different  brands.    


Again,  in  view  of  the  technical  nature  of  these  choices,  and  to  help  you  the  best  in  your  projects  and  decisions,  it  is  highly  recommended  that  you  be  accompanied  by  an  expert  company  for  all  of  those  choices  relating  to  solutions  existing  on  the  market  and  their  implementation,  which  depends  on  both  the  service  provider  and  your  internal  own  network,  your  architecture  and  you  need  to  select  the  technical  elements  and  terminals  that  would  go  best  with  your  setup  and  your  uses.    

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3.  IP  telephony  ;  the  deployment  

3.1  Choosing  the  solution    To  choose  a  solution,  we  must  firstly  know  what  we  want  ;  companies  ask  yourself  the  right  questions  :  

What  do  i  need  ?   What  I  would  like  for  my  company  and  my  employees  ?   What  is  the  market  ?   Is  my  infrastructure  adapted  ?     What  is  my  budget  ?  

These  5  questions  represent  the  "why?",  "for  who  ?",  "what  ?","How?",  "how  much  ?"  which  are  the  basis  of  all  the  company  services  projects  and  will  help  to  define  the  desired  level  of  service,  the  needs  of  a  particular  employee,  project  requirements  in  terms  of  functionality  and  of  course  but  obviously  Services  costs  and  future  savings  that  are  given  a  key  to  the  business,  ...  in  short,  define  the  contours  of  a  genuine  specifications  for  the  internal  project  manager  who  will  represent  the  company  and  exchange  from  these  data  with  the  operator/service  provider  to  the  negotiation,  implementation,  monitoring  and  assessment  of  the  installation  the  solution  chosen.  


Ideal  for  the  business  is  to  hire  a  consulting  firm  specializing  who  will  be  responsible  for  constituting  these  specifications  from  the  collected  information  (answers  to  five  key  questions)  and  represent  the  company's  interests  in  defining  precise  technical  needs  and  make  the  intermediary  between  the  company  and  the  operator/telecom  or  service  provider  :    

Sizing  DSL  or  fiber  link   Number  and  type  of  phone  terminals  necessary   Definition  adapted  from  the  corporate  LAN  architecture  (connection,  or  not  to  use  VLANs,  specific  configurations  ...)  

Selection  of  types  of  switch  (VLAN  management,  trunking  with  data,  with  or  without  PoE,  ...)  

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Management  of  phone  numbers  and  lines  (portability,  pre-­‐selection/direct  numbers,  faxes,  special  lines  for  alarm  or  elevator,  ...)  

Services,  features  and  rights  of  all  phone  users   …  etc.  

All  of  the  above  will  allow  the  company  accompanied*  by  a  consultancy  specializing  in  the  field  (*:  once  again  recommended  but  not  required)  to  write  the  specifications  and  then  accordingly  choose  the  market  solution  that  will  best  to  all  the  needs  expressed  therein.    

3.2  The  deployment  of  the  solution    Next  the  solution  to  be  adopted,  whether  to  base  IPBX  or  IP  Centrex,  deployment  occurs  in  the  same  way  according  to  these  steps  :  

1. Command  the  link(s)  -­‐>  get  a  delivery  date.  2. Resiliation  of  links  or  channels  -­‐>  obtain  an  effective  date  of  termination.  3. Delivery  of  equipment  (router  (s),  IP-­‐Phones,  Fax  housings,  cabling,  PBX,  

switches,  ...)  -­‐>  get  a  delivery  date.  4. Number  portability,  if  necessary  -­‐>  obtain  a  portability  of  a  date  and  time.  5. Based  on  previous  answers  (1,  2,  3,  4)  -­‐>  define  an  implementation  date  of  

the  solution  ;  knowing  that  a  failure  of  the  telephone  service  will  be  (depending  on  the  number  of  rows  to  migrate  to  the  new  solution  and  adding  or  deleting  rows,  this  will  determine  the  time  required  for  the  implementation  of  the  solution)  and  therefore  the  duration  service  cutoff.  

6. Until  the  implementation  date  of  the  solution  -­‐>  implement  the  necessary  prerequisites  for  the  operation  of  the  solution  and  take  action  on  the  corporate  LAN  (architecture,  installation  of  equipment,  ...)  to  the  D-­‐day  everything  is  ready  for  installation  and  commissioning.    

It's  highly  recommended  to  migrate  your  telephony  in  non  business  hours,  overnight  if  possible,  in  coordination  with  your  network  /  telecom  supplier  or  installer  and  you  (with  the  consulting  firm  you  eventually  mandated)  so  that  the  cut  caused  by  migration  is  not  to  be  impactful  or  as  little  as  possible.  

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4.  Contributions  of  IP  telephony  technology  for  your  business  

4.1  What  are  the  gains  for  the  company?    

The  gains  for  the  company  are  different  and  often  economic,  but  above,  all  modernity  and  performance  of  a  solution  tailored  to  the  needs  of  today's  business.  

An  IPBX  brings  as  much  and  even  more  features  than  a  traditional  PBX,  the  most  basic  functions  to  more  advanced  features;  everything  depends  on  the  type  of  IPBX  and  chosen  more  or  less  advanced  phone  terminals.    

An  IP  Centrex/cloud  solution  brings  almost  as  many  features  as  a  PBX,  but  has  a  particular  advantage  of  flexibility  in  the  management,  configuration  and  cost  compared  to  a  PBX  solution  (generally  about  20%  less  expensive  of  equivalents).    

The  IPBX  solutions  addressed  a  few  years  ago  mainly  for  large  organizations,  but  more  and  more  manufacturers  offer  solutions  to  functionally  small  and  medium  businesses.    

The  IP  Centrex/cloud  solutions  exist  in  the  market  for  almost  10  years  now  and  are  actually  proven,  reliable,  and  mature.  Their  deployment  simplicities  and  their  levels  of  functionality  allow  them  to  apply  to  all  types  of  businesses  from  TPE  to  big  business,  especially  for  multi-­‐site  enterprises.    

Technologically,  an  IP  Centrex  solution  is  actually  in  the  era  of  time  (we  are  in  the  age  of  cloud)  and  represents  the  cost  of  management  and  maintenance  that  are  not  taken  into  account  by  the  company.  The  company  usually  has  to  pay  a  subscription  for  its  connection,  your  router  and  lines  of  each  subscriber  of  the  company,  with  the  operator  /  telecom  provider  (as  with  a  mobile  operator).      

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Whatever  the  choice  of  solution  (IP  PBX  or  IP  Centrex/cloud)  IP  telephony  now  allows  to  share  costs  with  the  data  of  the  company,  because  today  the  vast  majority  of  operators  /  providers  offer  telecom  services  voice  and  data.  This  also  helps  to  have  a  single  contact  and  a  single  invoice.    

With  unified  communications  technologies  based  on  IP,  IP  telephony  solutions  can  couple  with  a  lot  of  modern  practices  such  as  mobility,  presence,  enterprise  CRM,  messaging,  social  networks,  ...  and  many  other  modern  solutions  used  independently  in  companies.    

4.2 Some  examples  of  features  like,  basic  and  advanced    

• Speed  dial  (via  shortcodes)  

• Calls  and  function  group  (call  groups,  incoming,  outgoing,  automatic  distribution  of  calls  following  conditions,  call  center,  ...)  

• Voicemail  

• Supervision  

• Standard  automatic  

• Parking  

• Call  Screening  functions  and  boss  /  secretary  

• Management  and  configuration  services  Interface  (Selfcare  desktop  or  mobile)  

• PO-­‐PC  (post  operator  on  PC)  

• Presence,  IM  (instant  messaging),  Video  calls  

• …  etc.    

Plus,  many  other  features  and  services  if  unified  communication  is  added,  see  the  convergence  and  mobility  (plug  ascent  on  incoming  calls  with  identification  of  even  unknown  to  the  address  book  numbers,  fixed-­‐mobile  convergence,  single  number  ,  call  continuity  from  one  terminal  to  another,  etc  ...).        

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To  increase  the  productivity  of  the  company,  to  expand  its  availability,  and  improve  its  image,  telephony  over  IP  is  a  technical  tool  and  a  useful  tool  for  any  company  of  the  TPE  to  big  business  to  be  competitive  and  powerful  in  a  modern  world,  demanding  and  open  to  the  outside.  All  of  the  features  offered  by  IP  telephony  is  important  and  constantly  growing  due  to  technological  advances  and  developments  of  builders  and  engineering  companies  in  the  field,  and  unlimited  options  for  unified  communications  that  can  adapt  to  the  needs  of  each  business  according  to  use.    The  company  must  before  embarking  on  a  ToIP  project  to  know  what  she  wants  by  answering  five  key  questions  :  

What  for  ?  For  who  ?  What  ?  How?  How  many  ?  

and  do  not  hesitate  to  seek  assistance  or  completely  delegate  the  complete  management  task  of  the  project  (market  research,  preparation  of  specifications,  functional  and  technical  choices,  followed  by  deployment,  coordination,  etc  ...)  to  a  specialized  consulting  firm  represent  your  interests  in  a  vast  and  varied  market,  where  knowledge  of  solutions  and  products  is  important  for  success.          







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Annex   Consulting TIME is a company specialized in consulting and expertise in the telecommunications and digital communication solutions for companies and professionals of Digital (operators, manufacturers, editors solutions). Both advise companies compared to market solutions, and designer of telecom solutions, Consulting TIME is able to know better what solutions can match you in relation to your needs and constraints, and what are the advantages and weaknesses this or that existing solution. This is the specific faculty Consulting TIME, be both a promoter of market innovations, and simultaneously creates value, by its contribution to existing and future solutions ; that is what makes that many big companies work with us.    About Consulting TIME :

8 years in telecom and ITC/digital industry Major customers : LG-Ericsson, Bouygues Telecom, Numericable group

La Poste, Technicolor (Thomson Group), SNI (Caisse des dépôts et consignations), Fiducial, …

More than 100 000 users using recommanded or integrated solutions by Consulting TIME since 2011 : - IP telephony (IPBX/IP Centrex/Cloud) - Fixed-mobile convergence & mobile centrex - Mobility - Unified communications - Strategy for operators, R&D and engineering - Training - ICT tools for communication - Integration & implementation - … etc

Launch of international activity in January 2014 (Europe / MENA / ASIA)

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