Which Oracle Statistics Methood Should Be Used

Generated by Jive on 2015-05-07+02:00 1 which oracle statistics methood should... Moshe Friedman 58 posts since Jan 3, 2008 which oracle statistics methood should be used Nov 8, 2009 2:35 PM Hello, we are running ecc6 on oracle and AIX 5.3 - DB size - 150GB. we had a few performance problems and we would like to know what is the recommended methood for running statistics on oracle 10G - i read a lot of oracle notes regarding this isuue and i'm very confused - please make some order among all information. what is the recommended methood for running oracle statistics? should the dbms_stats be ran from the oracle scheduler? this should be done for large DB's according to note 408532.moreover -according to note 974781 this job should be disabled among also a few more oracle jobs - auto_space_advisor_job, oracle_ocm.mgmt_config_job, oracle_ocm.mgmt_stats_config_job does the db13 update optimizer statistics job is the only statistics job which should be run on the system? (according to note 132861) what about the dictionary statistics? - according to note 838725 what about system statistics? - why is the noworkload is the recommended methood when we ran the brconnect according to note 927295 with the noworkload methood - afterwards every select sentence we tried to run on sys tables (v$ tables - basically the metadata) did not return anything - it was just stuck- when we started the AWR (which can't be done in noworkload methood) and ran the system and dictionary statistics - every select sentence we tried to run on sys tables (v$ tables) worked fine. so when does system and dictionary statistics should be run and with which methood (you claim in note 927295 in section 12 that workload statistics is not recommended)? Regards, Moshe Stefan Koehler Re: which oracle statistics methood should be used Nov 8, 2009 4:04 PM Hello Moshe, > what is the recommended methood for running oracle statistics?


Which Oracle Statistics Methood Should Be Used

Transcript of Which Oracle Statistics Methood Should Be Used

  • Generated by Jive on 2015-05-07+02:001

    which oracle statistics methood should...

    Moshe Friedman 58 posts since Jan 3, 2008which oracle statistics methood should be used Nov 8, 2009 2:35 PMHello,we are running ecc6 on oracle and AIX 5.3 - DB size - 150GB.we had a few performance problems and we would like to know what is therecommended methood for running statistics on oracle 10G - i read a lotof oracle notes regarding this isuue and i'm very confused - pleasemake some order among all information.what is the recommended methood for running oracle statistics?should the dbms_stats be ran from the oracle scheduler? this should bedone for large DB's according to note 408532.moreover -according tonote 974781 this job should be disabled among also a few more oraclejobs - auto_space_advisor_job, oracle_ocm.mgmt_config_job,oracle_ocm.mgmt_stats_config_jobdoes the db13 update optimizer statistics job is the only statisticsjob which should be run on the system? (according to note 132861)what about the dictionary statistics? - according to note 838725what about system statistics? - why is the noworkload is therecommended methood when we ran the brconnect according to note 927295with the noworkload methood - afterwards every select sentence we triedto run on sys tables (v$ tables - basically the metadata) did notreturn anything - it was just stuck- when we started the AWR (whichcan't be done in noworkload methood) and ran the system and dictionarystatistics - every select sentence we tried to run on sys tables (v$tables) worked fine.so when does system and dictionary statistics should be run and withwhich methood (you claim in note 927295 in section 12 that workloadstatistics is not recommended)?


    Stefan KoehlerRe: which oracle statistics methood should be used Nov 8, 2009 4:04 PM

    Hello Moshe,> what is the recommended methood for running oracle statistics?

  • which oracle statistics methood should...

    Generated by Jive on 2015-05-07+02:002

    SAP recommends to use the BRTools for collecting oracle database statistics (table/index statistics,system statistics, dictionary statistics). Why ? .. because of the BRTools have an internal algorithm forsampling sizes, time frames for collecting statistics, etc..

    You can find the rules here: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_sm32/helpdata/de/f4/81e93a637bfd70e10000000a11402f/content.htmThe algorithm for the sample sizes is described in sapnote #892296 (Point 9).

    > should the dbms_stats be ran from the oracle scheduler?No you should disable the automatic statistic gathering run of oracle (check sapnote #974781 for thatrecommendation).

    When or what statistics should be collected you already have found the correct sapnote #838725.


    Moshe Friedman 58 posts since Jan 3, 2008Re: which oracle statistics methood should be used Nov 8, 2009 4:16 PM

    Hello stefan,thank you for the replay.basically i only have to run on a daily basis the update optimizer statistics from db13 and the system &dictionary statistics from the command line using brconnect once ina while?what about the problem i mentioned regarding the noworkload and workload methoods?there are afew notes telling to run the workload methood and others who say that this is not recommended bysap.what about the awr - without it i have problem running select on sys tables - v$ table views - only after runningthe dbms_stats it worked fine


    Stefan KoehlerRe: which oracle statistics methood should be used Nov 8, 2009 4:35 PM

    Hello Moshe,> basically i only have to run on a daily basis the update optimizer statistics from db13 and ....We run the statistic collection for tables/indexes daily ... dictionary and system statistics are collected once in aquarter. We use an external scheduler for calling brconnect .. but you can also do this with DB13.

    > what about the problem i mentioned regarding the noworkload and workload methoods?

  • which oracle statistics methood should...

    Generated by Jive on 2015-05-07+02:003

    I can only find the suggestion to collect the system statistics with NOWORKLOAD (regarding sapnote#838725).

    Since system statistics are more easily determined using the NOWORKLOAD method, werecommend this method for SAP.

    > afterwards every select sentence we tried to run on sys tables (v$ tables - basically the metadata) did notreturn anything - it was just stuckThis information is just not enough ... What is the wait event for the corresponding SQL? Mostly theseproblems have nothing todo with the system statistics .. it is has something todo with the dictionary statistics(and for these statistics the NOWORKLOAD / WORKLOAD topic is irrelevant).
