Whetley Times Easter 2013

WHETLEY TIMES A Very Funny Friday (Comic Relief) On Friday March 15 th it was Mr. Feather’s birthday but more importantly it was Comic Relief. This is the time of year when we who have plenty, raise money for those not so fortunate. It was the 25 th year of the event and Whetley Academy wanted to do as much as they could for the poor. It was decided that all student could wear their own cloths for the day at a cost of 50p. Some people however decided that they would dress funny! It was out of this world. All the staff made an effort too! At 11:20am we had a special assembly hosted by Mr. Nowokosky who was dressed as a rabbit! In the special assembly we got to watch the One Direction video of the Comic Relief single and also a video about where our money goes in Africa. It was quite sad After that there was a competition between Miss Stansfield and Mrs. Brown to see who could tell the best joke. After a lot of rounds Miss Stansfield eventually won because Mrs. Brown cheated by using a joke book! Just as she was being presented the trophy for winning the assembly was disrupted by two ‘Sumo Wrestlers’ who came and stole the cup! On further inspection it was none other than Mr.


The Magazine for Whetley children by Whetley children.

Transcript of Whetley Times Easter 2013

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(Comic Relief)On Friday March 15th it was Mr. Feather’s birthday but more importantly it was Comic Relief. This is the time of year when we who have plenty, raise money for those not so fortunate. It was the 25th year of the event and Whetley Academy wanted to do as much as they could for the poor.

It was decided that all student could wear their own cloths for the day at a cost of 50p. Some people however decided that they would dress funny! It was out of this world. All the staff made an effort too!

At 11:20am we had a special assembly hosted by Mr. Nowokosky who was dressed as a rabbit! In the special assembly we got to watch the One Direction video of the Comic Relief single and also a video about where our money goes in Africa. It was quite sad but made us all realize how important today was.

After that there was a competition between Miss Stansfield and Mrs. Brown to see who could tell the best joke. After a lot of rounds Miss Stansfield eventually won because Mrs. Brown cheated by using a joke book! Just as she was being presented the trophy for winning the assembly was disrupted by two ‘Sumo Wrestlers’ who came and stole the cup! On further inspection it was none other than Mr. Conroy and Mr. Feather. We all laughed and it really made comic relief special! Roll on next year!

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Class of the Month – 4PEarlier this week, I interviewed class 4P to ask the class and their teacher for their opinions regarding class behaviour and participation. As part of this exercise, I asked the following questions;

Question to Mr Mann; what do you think of class members listening skills? Mr. Mann replied; class 4P are the best at listening, they are better than the rest. I then asked Mr. Paffeti the following questions; Which lesson do you enjoy teaching? I really like teaching all subjects because my class is fun! What do you think of the behaviour of your class? The behaviour in this class is amazing. Everybody is polite and well mannered. Do you enjoy teaching? Yes! I love teaching. It is the most rewarding job that anybody can do.

Next I went to people in class 4p and asked them questions:Which questions do you enjoy doing? Katie replied she enjoys doing all the lessons because she likes learning new stuff.How is the behavior in the classroom?Katie replied the behavior in the classroom is astonishing everyone is kind helpful and nice.How is the learning in the classroom?Katie said that it is very good and they teachers are very helpful. Is everyone in class your friendly?Katie replied that everyone in the class is friendly that’s why they get along with each other. Do you like your teachers?Katie replied that they like they teachers because they are funny, kind and helpful. Do you have any treats? Katie replied yes every Friday after big writing we get chocolate. Do you enjoy being with your class members?Katie said yes.

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Ireland Day!

On Wednesday the 13th of March we finally had the day that everyone (especially Mr. Conroy) had been waiting for! Whetley was about to be turned green for one day only in celebration of ‘IRELAND DAY’!

Like all our international days, this was a great opportunity for us children to learn about a different culture across the sea and to finally find out why Mr. Conroy talks funny! The year 6’s were treated to a special Friday assembly lead by Mr. Conroy and he told us all about his country and even taught us some words in Irish…Dia a duit a chaired, an bhfuil tu go maith?. The assembly was concluded by the excellent Mr. Claperton singing Irish music royalty, U2’s classic ‘With or without you’. It was amazing!

WHETLEY TIMESWhen Ireland day arrived, the sun had peeked out from behind the clouds to welcome the wave of green that swept across the school. The school gate was decorated with bunting and Irish flags and inside a lot of staff had acquired some sort of green/Irish clothing. The highlight for me was seeing Mr. Nowokosky dressed as a leprechaun!

Throughout the day we had about different aspects of Ireland but the highlight was the Irish dance performance at the end of the day. Lots of people had never seen or heard of Irish dance before, but after the performance today I doubt many will forget it. A lady called Jody Kennady and her dance school came and done a fantastic exhibition. I don’t think I have ever seen people’s feet move so fast in all my life! The grand finale was an amazing performance by Mrs. Gavins and Mr. Nowokosky the leprechaun. The really got into the spirit!

Another great international day sadly came to an end but personally I have learned so much and can’t wait for the next one!

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A leprechaun (Irish: leipreachán) is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually taking the form of an old man, in a red or green coat, who enjoys partaking in mischief. The Leprechauns spend all their time busily making shoes, and store away all their coins in a hidden pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They run extremely fast so if they are ever captured by a human, the Leprechaun has the magical power to grant three wishes in exchange for their release. They are cunning so they play tricks on your mind to make you ask for the wrong wish. Popular depiction shows the Leprechaun as being no taller than a small child, with a beard and hat, although they may originally have been perceived as the tallest of the mound-dwellers.


IrelandIreland is divided between the Republic of Ireland, which most of the island, and Northern Ireland, a part of the United Kingdom, which covers the remainder and is located in the north-east of the island. The population of Ireland is approximately 6.4 million. Just under 4.6 million live in the Republic of Ireland and just over 1.8 million live in Northern Ireland.

The war

The Irish War of Independence was a guerrilla war mounted by the Irish Republican Army ,the army of the Irish Republic, against the British government and its forces in Ireland. It began in January 1919, following the Irish Republic's declaration of independence. Both sides agreed to a ceasefire in July 1921. The post-ceasefire talks led to the December 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty. This treaty ended British rule in most of Ireland and, after a ten-month transitional period overseen by a provisional government, the Irish Free State was established. However, six northern counties remained within the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland, with its own devolved parliament. The war is often referred to as the "Irish War of Independence"

The map of Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

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WHETLEY TIMESWhetley welcomes Greengates!

School Linking 2013

On Thursday the 21st of March Whetley academy welcomed Greengates for our now annual school linking day. It was our second meeting as we initial met them for a fun day at Nell Bank in December. I felt really nervous but also excited to see my new friends again.

Greengates arrived at approximately 9:45am and we all gathered in the hall to welcome them. We started by playing a game where we had to split into two big circles and pass a hula hoop around without breaking the chain. It was a little bit hard but we all had great fun and got to know each other better.

After that we were split into two groups. I was in group number 1. The groups had half of each school in them so it was a good way to get to know people from the other school. We went to the classroom with Miss Aston from Greengates and took part in an egg challenge. The aim of the task was to wrap up the egg in different material and then roll it down the hill so it does not crack. It was really hard to do but I worked as a team with Claire from Greengates and our egg didn’t break! Amazing!

After lunch our group then went to the hall to play sport. We played football, dodge ball and bench ball. It was so much fun. I managed to get all the groups out in bench ball! I was so proud. It was so cool that we got to play with children from another school.

At the end of the day we had to say goodbye. It was sad seeing everyone go but we had a surprise up our sleeves. Mr. Conroy had got a small easter egg for all of the children from Greengates. We hid the Easter eggs behind our back then on the count of 5 we shouted, “Happy Easter!” and gave them the eggs. They were really happy.

When they left we went back to class and all agreed we were sad to see them go as we had so much fun. We are going to visit their school in June and I am already excited. I really like school linking and think it is important because you get the chance to meet people from different communities who are not like us. It is a very valuable experience and I hope the school does it every year.

Laiqah Jamal 5C

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School Linking 2013

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WHETLEY TIMESThe BIG interview with Mr.

Feather!Hi Mr. Feather, thanks for taking the time to answer all our questions!

What is your favourite food? I love seafood, especially lobster and prawns!

Do you have a lucky number? My lucky number is unlucky for everyone else… It’s 13! I wear it playing football.

Where were you born? In good old Clayton, Bradford.

What school did you go to? I went to Clayton Primary, Tadcaster Secondary and Leeds Met University.

Do you have a favourite movie? The Basketball Diaries

Which football team do you support? The one and only Bantams! Bradford City!

How many people are in your family? I have one brother, my parents and me. So 4. I also have a nephew called Finn so 5 if you include him.

What do you like most about Whetley? I love the people and children! Kids here are really special.

What is the scariest thing that had ever happened you? When I was in year 8 I nearly died! I was on a skiing holiday in Italy and a lady knocked me off the side of a mountain!

If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish?

1. To be a kung fu warrior2. To be able to fly3. To have more wishes

Finally, what is your favourite book?

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Whetley continue their football dominance!

The Whetley trophy cabinet may have to be extended in the near future as the trophies keep rolling it! The latest edition to our ever growing collection is the West Yorkshire Futsal trophy. A team of year 5 players under the guidance of Mr. Mann & Mr. Khan defeated teams from: Leeds, Huddersfield, Dewsbury and Halifax to reign supreme.

In a hard fought victory Whetley had to win several groups games before progressing to the quarter, semi and eventually the final. Player of tournament Sohail Shah was the leading scorer for Whetley and all the boys received winners medals and small trophies to keep!

Well done Whetley!

The year 6 team wasn’t so lucky however in their Bradford final. After qualifying as West Bradford Champions, they found themselves in a group that contained all the champions from other districts. Unfortunately this seemed a step too far for them and despite a valiant effort they only ended up as tournament participants. Mr. Conroy took plenty of positives from this however and the fact stands that Whetley is no one of the top 5 schools in the Bradford area for football, which in itself is a fantastic achievement.