Where to Buy Distilled Water?

Where to Buy Distilled Water? And Should You Buy it? By Alderin Ordell www.waterforlifeusa.com Distilled water is more common that people think, so if you're looking for where to buy distilled water, you don't have to look far. Because of the "pure" water craze of the last few years, several bottled waters are purified through distillation, like Dasani, and many other copycat brands. You can also easily find distillers for sale online or at your local hardware store. But the big question is why would anyone want distilled water? Unless you run a scientific lab and need pure water to clean your instruments, it really has no value to the average person. You certainly shouldn't drink it. The Question isn't "Where to Buy Distilled Water" It's "Why Buy Distilled Water?" While there are many answers to the question of "where to buy distilled water," there aren't many good answers as to "why buy distilled water?". A water distiller works by evaporating existing water and then re-condensing it so that everything in the water is left behind. Good if your trying to make sure there isn't any residue left behind on your lab equipment after you clean it. Bad if your intention is to drink it. Distilled water is pure water and pure water is bad for your health. Water is supposed to contain minerals, oxygen, and antioxidants that your body needs. But pure water is dead water and it's also acidic. Water run through a distiller comes out at about a 5.5 pH, the same pH as Dasani. On a pH scale, anything below 7 is considered acidic, anything above 7 is alkaline. Your own blood is alkaline at a 7.3 pH. Because a pH scale is exponential in nature (like an earthquake Richter scale), distilled water isn't two and half times more acidic than your own blood, it's more than a thousand! Distilled Water Attacks Our Body When you consume distilled water or anything else that's super acidic, your body feels attacked and will go into an adrenaline response (fight or flight). It chooses to fight this acid attack by flooding your blood stream with bicarbonates but this puts a strain on your immune system and makes you weaker to ward of viruses and infections. Over time, if you drink too much acidic distilled water, it will raise oxidative stress levels in your cells, which is free radical damage, making you weaker at a cellular level. This is significant because high levels of oxidative stress are directly connected to most adult onset diseases like arthritis, diabetes, and cancer. High levels of oxidative stress are also what turns our hair gray and makes our skin wrinkle. So, drinking distilled

Transcript of Where to Buy Distilled Water?

Page 1: Where to Buy Distilled Water?

Where to Buy Distilled Water? And Should You Buy it?

By Alderin Ordell


Distilled water is more common that people think, so if you're looking for where to buy distilled water, you

don't have to look far. Because of the "pure" water craze of the last few years, several bottled waters are purified

through distillation, like Dasani, and many other copycat brands. You can also easily find distillers for sale online

or at your local hardware store. But the big question is why would anyone want distilled water? Unless you run a

scientific lab and need pure water to clean your instruments, it really has no value to the average person. You

certainly shouldn't drink it.

The Question isn't "Where to Buy Distilled Water" It's "Why Buy Distilled Water?"While there are many answers to the question of "where to

buy distilled water," there aren't many good answers as to

"why buy distilled water?". A water distiller works by

evaporating existing water and then re-condensing it so that

everything in the water is left behind. Good if your trying to

make sure there isn't any residue left behind on your lab equipment after you clean it. Bad if your intention is to

drink it.

Distilled water is pure water and pure water is bad for your health. Water is supposed to contain minerals,

oxygen, and antioxidants that your body needs. But pure water is dead water and it's also acidic. Water run

through a distiller comes out at about a 5.5 pH, the same pH as Dasani. On a pH scale, anything below 7 is

considered acidic, anything above 7 is alkaline. Your own blood is alkaline at a 7.3 pH. Because a pH scale is

exponential in nature (like an earthquake Richter scale), distilled water isn't two and half times more acidic than

your own blood, it's more than a thousand!

Distilled Water Attacks Our BodyWhen you consume distilled water or anything else that's super acidic, your body feels attacked and will go into

an adrenaline response (fight or flight). It chooses to fight this acid attack by flooding your blood stream with

bicarbonates but this puts a strain on your immune system and makes you weaker to ward of viruses and


Over time, if you drink too much acidic distilled water, it will raise oxidative stress levels in your cells, which is

free radical damage, making you weaker at a cellular level. This is significant because high levels of oxidative

stress are directly connected to most adult onset diseases like arthritis, diabetes, and cancer.

High levels of oxidative stress are also what turns our hair gray and makes our skin wrinkle. So, drinking distilled

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water will speed up the aging process and having you looking old and tired before your time.

Distilled Water Has Nothing to Give Our BodyBesides attacking our body with high levels of acid, distilled water also has nothing good to give our body because

all the good stuff is left behind during the evaporation process. Natural water, like that coming from a longevity

spring or even the Fountain of Youth in Lordes, France, is full of oxygen, trace minerals, and antioxidants that

really benefit our health.

Oxygen gives our body energy. Trace minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium are essential to the

functioning of our vital organs and keep our bones strong. Antioxidants, created by the ions given to the water by

the sun, neutralize free radicals bouncing around our cells and damaging them. Because of this, natural water

lowers the oxidative stress levels in our cells and heals our body from oxidative stress damage, making it less

likely we will get sick and develop diseases.

Forget Where to Buy Distilled WaterBecause distilled water is so acidic and has nothing good to offer our

bodies, most Americans should forget where to buy distilled water and

look for a more natural alternative.

Bottled spring water is better to drink because it has oxygen and trace

minerals in it. But it doesn't have antioxidants because those all fizzled

away after the natural spring water was put into a bottle. Water has to

have an energy source, like the sun, in order to have the ions that create

the antioxidants. Unfortunately, you can't bottle the sun and therefore

there isn't a bottled water in existence than has antioxidants in it, the

most important part of water.

Only a Water Ionizer Can Restore AntioxidantsThere isn't any tap or well water in the US that has antioxidants, either.

Both of those types of water have been sitting around in tanks or wells for

too long and have lost their natural ions.

The only way to restore antioxidants to your water is by using a water ionizer. A water ionizer, like the EOS

Genesis Platinum 9 available at www.waterforlifeusa.com, uses an electrolysis chamber that replicates the

natural ionization process of the sun. So, you end up with trillions of antioxidants in your glass of water that will

detoxify your body and make you feel great! Plus a water ionizer purifies water to 99.99% purity, a higher

standard of filtration than what's required to bottle water.

You should forget where to buy distilled water and instead be looking to get the healthiest, most natural water

you can find. And an EOS Water Ionizer that fits right in your kitchen is a whole lot closer than a trip to France!