When you need to - Enter The Healing School


Transcript of When you need to - Enter The Healing School

But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you… (Acts 1:8


Have you received the Holy Spirit since you got born again? If your answer is “yes”, then

you have received power! That means, you don’t need to join any group praying for “more

power” or a “double-portion anointing”, because the very source of power is inside you!

The Holy Ghost didn’t come into your life just to stay there quietly and remain dormant;

He came in with power! Thus, you’re full of power. There’s no other power you’ll ever

need from anywhere.

This is the reason the Bible says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome

them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

He didn’t say, “Greater is He that is coming on you”; rather, He said, “Greater is He

that is in you”. The One who resides in you is greater and more powerful than all the

forces in the world!

Begin to put the power in you to work today. One sure way of activating that power is by

speaking in tongues. The Bible says the one who speaks in tongues edifies himself (1

Corinthians 14:4). The power you’ve received is the dynamic ability to cause changes.

This means, it’s now impossible for you to be in a helpless situation.

When you need to change things, activate that power by speaking in tongues! Before long,

a victory note will sound in your spirit and you’ll know that a change has occurred.

God bless you.





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When you need to

c h a n g e t h i n g s,

a c t i v a t e t h a t

p o w e r b y

s p e a k i n g i n

tongues! Before

long, a v ic tor y

note will sound in

your spirit and

you’ll know that a

c h a n g e h a s


But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you… (Acts 1:8


Have you received the Holy Spirit since you got born again? If your answer is “yes”, then

you have received power! That means, you don’t need to join any group praying for “more

power” or a “double-portion anointing”, because the very source of power is inside you!

The Holy Ghost didn’t come into your life just to stay there quietly and remain dormant;

He came in with power! Thus, you’re full of power. There’s no other power you’ll ever

need from anywhere.

This is the reason the Bible says, “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome

them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

He didn’t say, “Greater is He that is coming on you”; rather, He said, “Greater is He

that is in you”. The One who resides in you is greater and more powerful than all the

forces in the world!

Begin to put the power in you to work today. One sure way of activating that power is by

speaking in tongues. The Bible says the one who speaks in tongues edifies himself (1

Corinthians 14:4). The power you’ve received is the dynamic ability to cause changes.

This means, it’s now impossible for you to be in a helpless situation.

When you need to change things, activate that power by speaking in tongues! Before long,

a victory note will sound in your spirit and you’ll know that a change has occurred.

God bless you.





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When you need to

c h a n g e t h i n g s,

a c t i v a t e t h a t

p o w e r b y

s p e a k i n g i n

tongues! Before

long, a v ic tor y

note will sound in

your spirit and

you’ll know that a

c h a n g e h a s






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“...All they that had any sick with diverse diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them” (Luke 4:40)

This account aptly describes healing services with the man of God, Pastor Chris. At every session, the compassion of Jesus and His boundless love for man is constantly displayed in the healings that occur; the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the barren are made fruitful, the demon oppressed are set free and diverse diseases are healed by the power of God's Spirit!

The advent of the highly anticipated Summer Session of the Healing School in Toronto, Canada, was like no other; it was the manifestation of the hopes of many, an answer to the heart cries and inner yearnings of many in need of a supernatural encounter. It was indeed a divine birth of the miraculous!

Being the first in the American continent, the maiden healing service witnessed an ingress of men, women and children from different provinces in Canada, as well as from Austria, Botswana, Cameroun, Egypt, France, Ghana, Jamaica, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, Togo, United Kingdom and United States of America.

The excitement and expectations for the service were immediately perceived as the attendees settled in the auditorium, six hours before the start of service. They

Naomi’s mother joyfully testifies of her daughter’s healing from spina bifida and hydrocephalus

3 year old Naomi and her mother, Rudy, walking to the platform. The leg brace circled in the

picture is what aided her movement.





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prayed, sang and ministered to the Lord as the service began. Soon after, excited cheers resounded in the auditorium as the choir and several gospel ministers took the platform and led the congregation in heartfelt worship to the Lord.

As the service got into full swing, the host of the flagship programme, “Real Miracles Today”, Evangelist Dr. Eddy Owase, moderated a live testimony segment, which featured those who once suffered various ailments but received healing after attending the Healing School. Now healthy, they shared their testimonies to the glory of God.

First up was Audrey from Canada, who recounted her ordeal with diabetes and how it badly affected her kidneys. Constantly on medications, unable to do her house chores and always short of breath, she travelled all the way to the Healing School in South Africa. Audrey testified,

“As the man of God ministered to me, I felt like I was in a whirlwind. I took a deep breath and as I did, I felt the pain ease. I knew then that I was healed!” Audrey now works full time,

takes care of her family and even volunteered at this summer session in Canada. She has indeed been vitalized by the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

Also up the platform was 51 year old Martin from Switzerland, who suffered a stroke and was sentenced to a life of constant therapy. His life, however, was changed when he came to the Healing School and was healed by the power of God!

57 year old Rebecca from the United Kingdom suffered from subarachnoid haemorrhage and high blood pressure. Her situation was so bad that doctors told her one of the blood vessels at the back of her neck could rupture at any moment.

She narrated that she also suffered a stroke and experienced constant headaches, until she came to the Healing School and was miraculously healed by the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Full of life, she spoke of how all the symptoms she experienced disappeared; and she noted that her neurologist marvelled at her miracle. Glory to God!

There was yet the fascinating testimony of Bishop Roundtree from the United States of America. The 64 year old reverend gentleman shared how he was healed of diabetes at the Healing School. Once weak and sickly, he is now renewed, restored and invigorated by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Neetu Mulani healed of thyroid disease, vitiligo, hip and leg pain





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“...All they that had any sick with diverse diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them” (Luke 4:40)

This account aptly describes healing services with the man of God, Pastor Chris. At every session, the compassion of Jesus and His boundless love for man is constantly displayed in the healings that occur; the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear, the barren are made fruitful, the demon oppressed are set free and diverse diseases are healed by the power of God's Spirit!

The advent of the highly anticipated Summer Session of the Healing School in Toronto, Canada, was like no other; it was the manifestation of the hopes of many, an answer to the heart cries and inner yearnings of many in need of a supernatural encounter. It was indeed a divine birth of the miraculous!

Being the first in the American continent, the maiden healing service witnessed an ingress of men, women and children from different provinces in Canada, as well as from Austria, Botswana, Cameroun, Egypt, France, Ghana, Jamaica, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden, The Netherlands, Togo, United Kingdom and United States of America.

The excitement and expectations for the service were immediately perceived as the attendees settled in the auditorium, six hours before the start of service. They

Naomi’s mother joyfully testifies of her daughter’s healing from spina bifida and hydrocephalus

3 year old Naomi and her mother, Rudy, walking to the platform. The leg brace circled in the

picture is what aided her movement.





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prayed, sang and ministered to the Lord as the service began. Soon after, excited cheers resounded in the auditorium as the choir and several gospel ministers took the platform and led the congregation in heartfelt worship to the Lord.

As the service got into full swing, the host of the flagship programme, “Real Miracles Today”, Evangelist Dr. Eddy Owase, moderated a live testimony segment, which featured those who once suffered various ailments but received healing after attending the Healing School. Now healthy, they shared their testimonies to the glory of God.

First up was Audrey from Canada, who recounted her ordeal with diabetes and how it badly affected her kidneys. Constantly on medications, unable to do her house chores and always short of breath, she travelled all the way to the Healing School in South Africa. Audrey testified,

“As the man of God ministered to me, I felt like I was in a whirlwind. I took a deep breath and as I did, I felt the pain ease. I knew then that I was healed!” Audrey now works full time,

takes care of her family and even volunteered at this summer session in Canada. She has indeed been vitalized by the anointing of the Holy Spirit!

Also up the platform was 51 year old Martin from Switzerland, who suffered a stroke and was sentenced to a life of constant therapy. His life, however, was changed when he came to the Healing School and was healed by the power of God!

57 year old Rebecca from the United Kingdom suffered from subarachnoid haemorrhage and high blood pressure. Her situation was so bad that doctors told her one of the blood vessels at the back of her neck could rupture at any moment.

She narrated that she also suffered a stroke and experienced constant headaches, until she came to the Healing School and was miraculously healed by the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Full of life, she spoke of how all the symptoms she experienced disappeared; and she noted that her neurologist marvelled at her miracle. Glory to God!

There was yet the fascinating testimony of Bishop Roundtree from the United States of America. The 64 year old reverend gentleman shared how he was healed of diabetes at the Healing School. Once weak and sickly, he is now renewed, restored and invigorated by the power of the Holy Spirit!

Neetu Mulani healed of thyroid disease, vitiligo, hip and leg pain





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Next was Rudy. The astounded congregation cheered as she gave a vivid account of her three year old daughter’s healing; it was a testimony of a mother's despair turned into joy. Naomi was born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus; her condition was so critical that surgery was performed on her three days after her birth. In spite of this, her prognosis was bleak: she couldn't have normal bowel movements and bladder function, and she would also be unable to walk for the rest of her life.

Rudy discovered the Healing School website and from then on, she constantly watched videos of people – both adults and children – receiving healing. She was deeply motivated by the testimonies and came from Ireland to the Healing School in South Africa with Naomi, who was two years and five months old at the time.

With strong faith, she clutched her daughter tightly as the man of God transferred God's healing anointing to both of them. That same day, Naomi's bowels began functioning normally and she began walking with absolutely no walking aid! Praise God!

A Wave of Miracles!

Coming on the heels of the testimony segment was the entrance of the man of God, Pastor Chris. With a gentle touch, a stern command to demonic spirits or a soft breath, he ministered the anointing of the Spirit to the sick.

Neetu Mulani from Canada suffered from thyroid disease, vitiligo, hip and leg pain for several years. Due to these conditions, she couldn't walk properly and experienced constant pain in her limbs and body. However, it was praise and thanksgiving all the way as she shared her testimony after the man of

God ministered to her. “When the man of God touched me, I knew the power of God had touched

me and I'm healed!” said Neetu.

Marilyn Ramna from Canada was afflicted with severe back problems due to a herniated disc. She was frequently in and out of hospitals. Confronted with the unpleasant prospect of living the rest of her life in sickness, she decided to attend the Healing School. She recounted her experience when the man

of God ministered the anointing to her, “I started shaking long before Pastor Chris got to me. My

body shook so hard that I fell on the floor, under the power of the Holy Spirit. It was as

though someone was slamming me! Pastor Chris then got to me and told me, 'You're

healed!' I knew right then I was healed; it was over!”

Marilyn Ramna healed of severe back problem due to a herniated disc.





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William McInnis was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuropathy, sleep apnea and hypokalemia and had suffered these conditions for 14 years. After being scheduled for several operations, the 61 year old man heard about the Healing School and decided to visit. At the Healing School, he was ministered to by the man of God. William received healing and his life

was completely changed. “I’m healed and made whole; I can and

will do all things for the Lord!” he testified.

For 15 years, 67 year old Diana Frawley from Canada had grappled with diabetes mellitus. Few months prior to her coming to the Healing School, the symptoms had become progressively

worse. She was evidently overwhelmed when the man of God prayed for her. “I'm healed!” she remarked joyfully.

The awesome power of God was present to heal and diverse diseases were destroyed, even as the health and lives of many were restored. Those who were ministered to and received healing ran and leapt around the auditorium; jubilating and praising God. Many were seen bending, jumping, walking and doing things they couldn't do before with ease. The unmitigated presence of the Holy Spirit had brought forth an outpouring of healing testimonies!

After the ministration to the sick, the man of God shared precious gems of truths from the Word of God with the congregation, expounding on the life the Lord Jesus Christ brought us. He explained that Jesus came so we would have life to the full. He noted, however, that believing isn’t enough for a Christian to appropriate and fully enjoy this life. “Once you believe with your heart that you have salvation in Christ Jesus, you are made right with God; but you won't be able to enjoy the benefits of salvation and the life Jesus gave you until you use your mouth to declare it. Don't be a quiet Christian; rather, boldly proclaim what God has given you in Christ Jesus! You have health, a sound mind and the life of God in you!”

After the highly inspiring message, many trooped out from various parts of the auditorium in response to the call of salvation by the man of God, and he gloriously led them in the prayer of salvation. Rounding off the awesome service, the man of God thanked partners of the Healing School, and then, declared God's blessings upon all in attendance. The service was undeniably a most glorious encounter for all; one filled with the presence, the Word and the Spirit of God, with remarkable manifestations of His tremendous power!

For enquiries, participation and registration at the Healing School, visit our website at www.enterthehealingschool.org

William McInnis healed of diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuropathy, sleep apnea

and hypokalemia

Diana Frawley healed of diabetes mellitus





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Next was Rudy. The astounded congregation cheered as she gave a vivid account of her three year old daughter’s healing; it was a testimony of a mother's despair turned into joy. Naomi was born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus; her condition was so critical that surgery was performed on her three days after her birth. In spite of this, her prognosis was bleak: she couldn't have normal bowel movements and bladder function, and she would also be unable to walk for the rest of her life.

Rudy discovered the Healing School website and from then on, she constantly watched videos of people – both adults and children – receiving healing. She was deeply motivated by the testimonies and came from Ireland to the Healing School in South Africa with Naomi, who was two years and five months old at the time.

With strong faith, she clutched her daughter tightly as the man of God transferred God's healing anointing to both of them. That same day, Naomi's bowels began functioning normally and she began walking with absolutely no walking aid! Praise God!

A Wave of Miracles!

Coming on the heels of the testimony segment was the entrance of the man of God, Pastor Chris. With a gentle touch, a stern command to demonic spirits or a soft breath, he ministered the anointing of the Spirit to the sick.

Neetu Mulani from Canada suffered from thyroid disease, vitiligo, hip and leg pain for several years. Due to these conditions, she couldn't walk properly and experienced constant pain in her limbs and body. However, it was praise and thanksgiving all the way as she shared her testimony after the man of

God ministered to her. “When the man of God touched me, I knew the power of God had touched

me and I'm healed!” said Neetu.

Marilyn Ramna from Canada was afflicted with severe back problems due to a herniated disc. She was frequently in and out of hospitals. Confronted with the unpleasant prospect of living the rest of her life in sickness, she decided to attend the Healing School. She recounted her experience when the man

of God ministered the anointing to her, “I started shaking long before Pastor Chris got to me. My

body shook so hard that I fell on the floor, under the power of the Holy Spirit. It was as

though someone was slamming me! Pastor Chris then got to me and told me, 'You're

healed!' I knew right then I was healed; it was over!”

Marilyn Ramna healed of severe back problem due to a herniated disc.





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William McInnis was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuropathy, sleep apnea and hypokalemia and had suffered these conditions for 14 years. After being scheduled for several operations, the 61 year old man heard about the Healing School and decided to visit. At the Healing School, he was ministered to by the man of God. William received healing and his life

was completely changed. “I’m healed and made whole; I can and

will do all things for the Lord!” he testified.

For 15 years, 67 year old Diana Frawley from Canada had grappled with diabetes mellitus. Few months prior to her coming to the Healing School, the symptoms had become progressively

worse. She was evidently overwhelmed when the man of God prayed for her. “I'm healed!” she remarked joyfully.

The awesome power of God was present to heal and diverse diseases were destroyed, even as the health and lives of many were restored. Those who were ministered to and received healing ran and leapt around the auditorium; jubilating and praising God. Many were seen bending, jumping, walking and doing things they couldn't do before with ease. The unmitigated presence of the Holy Spirit had brought forth an outpouring of healing testimonies!

After the ministration to the sick, the man of God shared precious gems of truths from the Word of God with the congregation, expounding on the life the Lord Jesus Christ brought us. He explained that Jesus came so we would have life to the full. He noted, however, that believing isn’t enough for a Christian to appropriate and fully enjoy this life. “Once you believe with your heart that you have salvation in Christ Jesus, you are made right with God; but you won't be able to enjoy the benefits of salvation and the life Jesus gave you until you use your mouth to declare it. Don't be a quiet Christian; rather, boldly proclaim what God has given you in Christ Jesus! You have health, a sound mind and the life of God in you!”

After the highly inspiring message, many trooped out from various parts of the auditorium in response to the call of salvation by the man of God, and he gloriously led them in the prayer of salvation. Rounding off the awesome service, the man of God thanked partners of the Healing School, and then, declared God's blessings upon all in attendance. The service was undeniably a most glorious encounter for all; one filled with the presence, the Word and the Spirit of God, with remarkable manifestations of His tremendous power!

For enquiries, participation and registration at the Healing School, visit our website at www.enterthehealingschool.org

William McInnis healed of diabetes mellitus, diabetic neuropathy, sleep apnea

and hypokalemia

Diana Frawley healed of diabetes mellitus





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The scripture is replete with references to the power of our

confessions. Our words are spirit materials that establish for us

in the physical, all that we have believed and received. Even our

fundamental salvation is based on the most important requisite

of confessing our belief in Christ Jesus. “That if thou shalt

confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in

thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou

shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).

The thirteenth chapter of the book of Hebrews also conveys

this important principle of speaking forth in consent, all God

has already spoken concerning us “for He hath

said…So that we may boldly say, …” (Hebrews

13:5-6). This means God wants us to boldly declare

who we are and what we have in Him. Speaking God's

Word concerning our life is an expression of our faith

in God and in what He has said.

Furthermore, the Lord Himself also instructed

Joshua to continually speak and brood on His Word

as it's the only way to have lasting success. “This

book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth;

but thou shalt meditate therein day and

night…for then thou shalt make thy way

prosperous, and then thou shalt have good

success.” (Joshua 1:8).

Make up your mind today to continually speak God's

Word concerning every area of your life and watch

your life move from glory to glory.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of

God in me, therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and

strong. I am getting stronger by the day! My body is the temple

of the Holy Ghost. The Word is working mightily in me! The


Partnership with the Healing School has made a great difference in my life and in the lives of my family members. I was inspired to partner with the Healing School because I desired to know more of God's Word, and also help others know the Word.

I've been greatly blessed; my family members are healthy. My youngest child was usually sick and also had a breathing problem; however, she no longer falls sick and she's now healthy, glory to God!

Linus SmithCanada

Being a partner of the Healing School

is beneficial to me in so many ways.

First and foremost, it helps me fulfill

my ministr y of soul-winning.

Secondly, I know I can never be sick;

moreover, my partnership is a sure

way of connecting with the healing

anointing and transferring it to other

areas of my life. Most of all, I'm glad

I'm able to touch and bless people I

may never meet through my


Jamila Kyari


My wife and I are touched by the

testimonies of people who received

healing from various diseases at the

Healing School, that's why we signed up

to be Healing School partners. We see

the suffering that many people go

through because of sickness and we

were so inspired when we realized we

could bring hope to those without hope

of a cure through our partnership. We're

glad we are able to touch and bless

people we may never meet through our


Sorin and Maria Dinu






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I a m a k i n g ;

therefore, I decree

p e a c e , p e r f e c t

h e a l t h a n d

prosperity in every

area of my life. I do

n o t g e t s i c k

because I have the

life and nature of

God in me.

Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me and

He vitalizes my mortal body.

Health is mine; strength is mine; prosperity is mine! I walk in the

Light, as He is in the Light. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be

defeated, I refuse to be sick! I am more than a conqueror. The

health of God is in me. I refuse to let my body be subject to any

form of sickness or disease.

The Word of God is working mightily and prevailing in every

area of my life. I am God's living tabernacle. My spirit, soul and

body are yielded to the Holy Ghost. My

footsteps are ordered by the Lord. God's glory

is upon me and I’m blessed in all things.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; therefore, I

am superior to all forms of illnesses or

diseases. No weapon fashioned against me

shall prosper. I am the light of the world and I

live in the Light; I refuse to walk in any form of


I am a king; therefore, I decree peace, perfect

health and prosperity in every area of my life. I

do not get sick because I have the life and

nature of God in me. Divinity is at work in me.

All things are working together for my good.

I have life in its fullness; there is no death in my

path. I can do all things through Christ which

strengthens me. The joy of the Lord is my

strength. I am full of radiant health and vitality.

By the stripes of Jesus I was healed, and so I

remain in divine health. I am walking in the

fullness of God's blessings. I am anointed; spirit, soul and body

by the Holy Ghost! I am shielded and protected from every form

of evil in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.





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The scripture is replete with references to the power of our

confessions. Our words are spirit materials that establish for us

in the physical, all that we have believed and received. Even our

fundamental salvation is based on the most important requisite

of confessing our belief in Christ Jesus. “That if thou shalt

confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in

thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou

shalt be saved” (Romans 10:9).

The thirteenth chapter of the book of Hebrews also conveys

this important principle of speaking forth in consent, all God

has already spoken concerning us “for He hath

said…So that we may boldly say, …” (Hebrews

13:5-6). This means God wants us to boldly declare

who we are and what we have in Him. Speaking God's

Word concerning our life is an expression of our faith

in God and in what He has said.

Furthermore, the Lord Himself also instructed

Joshua to continually speak and brood on His Word

as it's the only way to have lasting success. “This

book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth;

but thou shalt meditate therein day and

night…for then thou shalt make thy way

prosperous, and then thou shalt have good

success.” (Joshua 1:8).

Make up your mind today to continually speak God's

Word concerning every area of your life and watch

your life move from glory to glory.

The joy of the Lord is my strength. I have the life of

God in me, therefore, my health is perfect. I am sound and

strong. I am getting stronger by the day! My body is the temple

of the Holy Ghost. The Word is working mightily in me! The


Partnership with the Healing School has made a great difference in my life and in the lives of my family members. I was inspired to partner with the Healing School because I desired to know more of God's Word, and also help others know the Word.

I've been greatly blessed; my family members are healthy. My youngest child was usually sick and also had a breathing problem; however, she no longer falls sick and she's now healthy, glory to God!

Linus SmithCanada

Being a partner of the Healing School

is beneficial to me in so many ways.

First and foremost, it helps me fulfill

my ministr y of soul-winning.

Secondly, I know I can never be sick;

moreover, my partnership is a sure

way of connecting with the healing

anointing and transferring it to other

areas of my life. Most of all, I'm glad

I'm able to touch and bless people I

may never meet through my


Jamila Kyari


My wife and I are touched by the

testimonies of people who received

healing from various diseases at the

Healing School, that's why we signed up

to be Healing School partners. We see

the suffering that many people go

through because of sickness and we

were so inspired when we realized we

could bring hope to those without hope

of a cure through our partnership. We're

glad we are able to touch and bless

people we may never meet through our


Sorin and Maria Dinu






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I a m a k i n g ;

therefore, I decree

p e a c e , p e r f e c t

h e a l t h a n d

prosperity in every

area of my life. I do

n o t g e t s i c k

because I have the

life and nature of

God in me.

Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in me and

He vitalizes my mortal body.

Health is mine; strength is mine; prosperity is mine! I walk in the

Light, as He is in the Light. I refuse to fear, I refuse to be

defeated, I refuse to be sick! I am more than a conqueror. The

health of God is in me. I refuse to let my body be subject to any

form of sickness or disease.

The Word of God is working mightily and prevailing in every

area of my life. I am God's living tabernacle. My spirit, soul and

body are yielded to the Holy Ghost. My

footsteps are ordered by the Lord. God's glory

is upon me and I’m blessed in all things.

I am a new creation in Christ Jesus; therefore, I

am superior to all forms of illnesses or

diseases. No weapon fashioned against me

shall prosper. I am the light of the world and I

live in the Light; I refuse to walk in any form of


I am a king; therefore, I decree peace, perfect

health and prosperity in every area of my life. I

do not get sick because I have the life and

nature of God in me. Divinity is at work in me.

All things are working together for my good.

I have life in its fullness; there is no death in my

path. I can do all things through Christ which

strengthens me. The joy of the Lord is my

strength. I am full of radiant health and vitality.

By the stripes of Jesus I was healed, and so I

remain in divine health. I am walking in the

fullness of God's blessings. I am anointed; spirit, soul and body

by the Holy Ghost! I am shielded and protected from every form

of evil in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Bathrooms are vital parts of every home; they come

in pleasant and comfortable designs. However, slips,

trips, major falls that could result in fatal injuries

could occur in them if precautions are not adhered

to. Safety precautions and accident prevention in

bathrooms should be of paramount importance.

Do not store electrical appliances such as blow

dryers and radios near sinks and tubs. Electrical

outlets should be covered to prevent shocks. Only

grownups should put plugs into outlets. Electrical

items should be kept away from water to prevent

shocks. Electrical appliances can be dangerous when

they make contact with wet conditions; great caution

should be applied when installing or using electrical

tools in bathrooms.

Although everybody might be exposed to accidents

in bathrooms, however, infants, elderly, sick and

physically challenged people are at a greater risk of

injuries or death if the accident-causing agents are

not tackled. Hence, there is need to keep bathrooms

safe at all times.

Slip and falls in bathrooms mostly lead to fractures

and accounts for majority of bathroom accidents.

These result from the smooth nature of bathtubs,





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I’ve been watching the ‘Enter the Healing School with Pastor Chris’ TV broadcast on LoveWorld TV channel for quite sometime with keen interest. Truly, it has helped me and strengthened my faith. I was specially moved by the miracle of a 24 year old Ethiopian lady named Bitseat, who was brought to the Healing School by her brother. I was totally moved by her transformation – she’d changed from a totally confused and almost mentally disabled person to a very lovely, active and beautiful lady; that was wonderful! I really praised God for that miracle and many others whose lives have been restored through the Healing School.

Emmanuel Kaluba Zambia

For four years now, I've been a regular

recipient of the Healing School

magazine. The July 2011 edition of the

magazine blessed me immensely; I was

g r ea t l y i n sp i r ed by i t s f a i th ' s

proclamations, where I received the

rhema-word I needed for a particular

condition I was facing. I've also

experienced unprecedented favour at

the school I attend, and there have been

cases of gracious considerations on my

b e h a l f a f t e r I m a d e f a i t h ’s

proclamations in the Healing School

magazine! Thank you Pastor Chris and

the Healing School, for providing me

with this awesome publication.

Busayo Ayeni


The monthly Healing School

M a g a z i n e i s a n a m a z i n g

magazine; I’m always blessed by

it! I love reading the Faith’s

Proclamations and confessing

the written Word of God with

faith; it really builds me up and

gives me a godly mindset.

My thanks go to Pastor Chris

and the Healing School team for

providing us with such a life-

t r a n s f o r m i n g a n d f a i t h -

enriching publication.

Juliana Oluoch


If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer with all your heart and believe it:

O Lord God, I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul, and right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!!!

If you've just given your life to Christ, please send an email to [email protected] or log on to www.enterthehealingschool.org/ salvation/

God bless you.





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showers, tiles surfaces and wet conditions of

bathroom floors, which make them slippery.

Bathroom floor surfaces should not be extra smooth

to avoid slips, trips and falls. Spills should be wiped as

soon as they occur. There should be non-slip mats or

fixtures inside the tub as well as grab bars on the walls

by the tub. Hold onto the grab bars when getting in

and out of the tub. Mats or rugs should be placed by

tubs and showers to prevent slips.

Be mindful of infants and toddlers in bathtub or sink

during bathing; they should never be left unattended.

Baby bath seats are not a safety device. They should

never take the place of an adult. Keep bathroom

doors closed. Use an outside lock or a door knob

cover to keep young children out of the bathrooms

when you are not with them. Watch them every

second, even when they are well seated in a bath seat,

bath seats act as support not a safety measure for

kids. Drain the bathtub as soon as bath time is over.

Regardless of how stylish and luxurious a bathroom

may be, safety should be first and foremost.

For more healthy living tips, kindly visit our website

@ www.enterthehealingschool.org/magazine

and download previous editions of the magazine.

To s e n d y o u r c o m m e n t s o r f e e d b a c k t o t h e H e a l i n g S c h o o l , l o g o n t o

www.enterthehealingschool.org or send an email to [email protected]


Bathrooms are vital parts of every home; they come

in pleasant and comfortable designs. However, slips,

trips, major falls that could result in fatal injuries

could occur in them if precautions are not adhered

to. Safety precautions and accident prevention in

bathrooms should be of paramount importance.

Do not store electrical appliances such as blow

dryers and radios near sinks and tubs. Electrical

outlets should be covered to prevent shocks. Only

grownups should put plugs into outlets. Electrical

items should be kept away from water to prevent

shocks. Electrical appliances can be dangerous when

they make contact with wet conditions; great caution

should be applied when installing or using electrical

tools in bathrooms.

Although everybody might be exposed to accidents

in bathrooms, however, infants, elderly, sick and

physically challenged people are at a greater risk of

injuries or death if the accident-causing agents are

not tackled. Hence, there is need to keep bathrooms

safe at all times.

Slip and falls in bathrooms mostly lead to fractures

and accounts for majority of bathroom accidents.

These result from the smooth nature of bathtubs,





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I’ve been watching the ‘Enter the Healing School with Pastor Chris’ TV broadcast on LoveWorld TV channel for quite sometime with keen interest. Truly, it has helped me and strengthened my faith. I was specially moved by the miracle of a 24 year old Ethiopian lady named Bitseat, who was brought to the Healing School by her brother. I was totally moved by her transformation – she’d changed from a totally confused and almost mentally disabled person to a very lovely, active and beautiful lady; that was wonderful! I really praised God for that miracle and many others whose lives have been restored through the Healing School.

Emmanuel Kaluba Zambia

For four years now, I've been a regular

recipient of the Healing School

magazine. The July 2011 edition of the

magazine blessed me immensely; I was

g r ea t l y i n sp i r ed by i t s f a i th ' s

proclamations, where I received the

rhema-word I needed for a particular

condition I was facing. I've also

experienced unprecedented favour at

the school I attend, and there have been

cases of gracious considerations on my

b e h a l f a f t e r I m a d e f a i t h ’s

proclamations in the Healing School

magazine! Thank you Pastor Chris and

the Healing School, for providing me

with this awesome publication.

Busayo Ayeni


The monthly Healing School

M a g a z i n e i s a n a m a z i n g

magazine; I’m always blessed by

it! I love reading the Faith’s

Proclamations and confessing

the written Word of God with

faith; it really builds me up and

gives me a godly mindset.

My thanks go to Pastor Chris

and the Healing School team for

providing us with such a life-

t r a n s f o r m i n g a n d f a i t h -

enriching publication.

Juliana Oluoch


If you want to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, then say this prayer with all your heart and believe it:

O Lord God, I come to you in the Name of Jesus. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from today. I receive by faith, remission of sins for my soul, and right now, in the Name of Jesus Christ, I receive eternal life into my spirit. I am born again!!!

If you've just given your life to Christ, please send an email to [email protected] or log on to www.enterthehealingschool.org/ salvation/

God bless you.





g Sc





showers, tiles surfaces and wet conditions of

bathroom floors, which make them slippery.

Bathroom floor surfaces should not be extra smooth

to avoid slips, trips and falls. Spills should be wiped as

soon as they occur. There should be non-slip mats or

fixtures inside the tub as well as grab bars on the walls

by the tub. Hold onto the grab bars when getting in

and out of the tub. Mats or rugs should be placed by

tubs and showers to prevent slips.

Be mindful of infants and toddlers in bathtub or sink

during bathing; they should never be left unattended.

Baby bath seats are not a safety device. They should

never take the place of an adult. Keep bathroom

doors closed. Use an outside lock or a door knob

cover to keep young children out of the bathrooms

when you are not with them. Watch them every

second, even when they are well seated in a bath seat,

bath seats act as support not a safety measure for

kids. Drain the bathtub as soon as bath time is over.

Regardless of how stylish and luxurious a bathroom

may be, safety should be first and foremost.

For more healthy living tips, kindly visit our website

@ www.enterthehealingschool.org/magazine

and download previous editions of the magazine.

To s e n d y o u r c o m m e n t s o r f e e d b a c k t o t h e H e a l i n g S c h o o l , l o g o n t o

www.enterthehealingschool.org or send an email to [email protected]





Christ Embassy Healing School303 Pretoria AvenueCnr. Harley and Braam Fisher,Randburg, GuatengP. O. Box 323,Randburg 2125Tel:

Christ Embassy Healing School21/23 Ize Iyamu Road,Ikeja, LagosP. O. Box 13563, Ikeja, LagosTel: +234 8086 844 103-4

+27 11 326 2467, +27 11 787 2350,+27 799 675 852, +27 799 675 853

UNITED KINGDOMChrist Embassy InternationalLoveworld Conference CenterCheriton High StreetFolkestoneKentCT19 4QJTel: +44(0)1303 270 970Fax:+44(0)1303 274 372

U S AChrist Embassy Houston12400 Westheimer RoadHouston, Texas. 77077Tel: +1 281 759 5111 +1 281 759 6218

Christ Embassy International, USA200 E Arrowhead Drive, #W-3Charlotte, NC 28213Tel: +1 972-255-1787+1 704-780-4970

CANADAChrist Embassy Healing School 600 Clayson Rd, North York, Toronto Division, Ontario M9M 2G6,CanadaTel: +1 647 704 9512 +1 647 341 9091 +1 416 746 5080