When the World Needs Heroes

When The World Needs Heroes

Transcript of When the World Needs Heroes

When The World Needs HeroesGOTHAM CITY - NOW

He stood atop a gargoyle, looking down at the bustling city streets below. He saw it, all of it. Taxis picking up business men who had been working into the late night. Drunken party goers stumbling down sidewalks trying to make their way to their apartments. Policemen standing aimlessly on street corners, not knowing what to do or where to go. It was rather typical of the Gotham PD. As the figure stood high above, his cape flowing in the night sky, he saw a car out of the corner of his eyes driving frantically. It veered through traffic, almost giving no worries for the people and cars that were around it. Its windows were tinted a very dark black, one where no one could see into it.

The car was suddenly brought to an abrupt stop.

People walking down the street also stopped moving, starring in its direction, wondering what it was doing. The shadowy figure felt an empty feeling in the pit of his stomach. He knew there was something wrong here, that something bad was going to suddenly happen. At that moment, the stopped car finally did something

Like clockwork it turned into a massive ball of fire and shrapnel. It mangled the streets below like something out of a horror show. Buildings and office spaces became charred pieces of mortar. The innocent people minding their own business turned into nothing but lifeless heaps of flesh and bone. The police standing aimlessly on street corners suddenly became shocked victims to a disaster. Many of them grabbed the radios attached to their waist, as they tried to call for other emergency services to arrive at the scene and stop the chaos. A group of officers huddled together talking, some of them seemed emotionally drained from the horror they saw. One of them stopped talking, looking at something behind him. At that point, the other officers turned to what held their partners attention.

Thats when they saw him. Gothams protector. The Dark Knight. The Batman. He stood among the wreckage, his cape flowing in the wind. Expressed upon his face was a solemn look of regret. Several police looked in awe and anger at this figures presence. Batman knew what several of them thought os his existence, but he wasted no time and effort trying to change their opinions of him. A sudden gust of wind and smoke filled the street, making it difficult for people to see mere inches in front of their face. As it all cleared, the Bat had left.****

A shadowy vehicle shot down a desolate and dark road in the middle of the woods. It rumbled as it drove, moving dead leafs that covered the street it was on. It then made a sudden right turn and came to a complete stop in-front of what looked like a large rock. The rock dissolved, revealing a long dark metal pathway that the car inevitably drove down. As the car continued to make its way down the pathway, lights began to instantly turn on, showing an expansive cavern that was peppered with futuristic technology and impressive vehicular contraptions. The car stopped on what looked like one large turntable, as it was pivoted and put in the direction of the entrance it just came through. The cars front doors opened up, almost like wings on a bird, showing the Batman sitting behind the wheel of the car.

As he made his way to a large wall covered in monitors and computer technology, a slightly older gentleman in a buttoned up suit walked towards him with a tray. On it a cup of coffee and a protein bar. Late evening, sir? The old man spoke in a slow pace with a thick and almost sarcastic British accent. Batman seemed to ignore his statement, only grabbing the protein bar and the coffee, and sitting down in front of the monitors. He leaned back in this big leather chair that was mounted to the the floor in front of the monitors. He finally opened his mouth, Computer He said the lone word in a gravely voice. As he said it a keyboard and several other controllers raised out of the ground and formed around him. He slid his cowl back, revealing a man in his mid to late 30s with thick black hair. He had bags under his eyes showing that he hadnt had a good nights rest in ages.

Sir, might I add taking a nap when the hour is right? the old man said.

I sleep when Gotham is safe, and tonight wont be that night,

Batman shot back.

Batman proceeded to maneuver his controllers and keyboard bringing up footage of the explosion he had witnessed only hours ago. He also brought up a live newsfeed as a reporter stood among the wreckage giving the details of what had just happened and talking to police officers who had been there. A random car with blacked out windows came to a stop in the middle of an intersection in the heart of the city, Batman was thinking out loud. Within seconds it engulfed the streets, taking the lives of 37 people. Batman clenched his fists and lowered his head, And I couldnt do a damn thing to save them.

Alfred stood by Batman and placed his hand on his shoulder, trying his hardest to comfort the crushed knight.****