When Kids Pray

When Kids Pray


June 2013 Lesson Pull

Transcript of When Kids Pray


Kids Pray


Week 1 Page 1

Week 2 Page 8

Week 3 Page 11

Week 4 Page 13

Week 5 Page 15

Week 1, June 2nd

Types of prayer


Here the instructor presents on the different kinds of prayer. I decided to omit the Prayer of Faith as that

will be covered in weeks 3 and 4 and is really not a type of prayer [given that all prayers should be done in


The most emphasized prayers in scripture that should be reviewed are as follows:

P 1

1) General

Talking to God

This is the most basic and important type of prayer. This is when you simply talk to God as

one would a child would their father or as with a friend. This is the most critical sort of prayer

as it builds your connection with God. The kids should be encouraged to discuss everyday

things in prayer, such as how their day was at school, what they may be worried about, what

they look forward to and so forth. They must know that God cares and is listening. He wants

to hear about their hopes, dreams, and expectations, and has critical input to offer them as


There is no definite scripture for this one, but we see all of the major prophets and key

persons of scripture such as Adam and Eve, Moses, David and Jesus have normal

discussions with God where they are not asking for anything, giving thanks, or praying for

someone else, - they were just talking.

Scripture references

Psalm 55:28

P 2

Psalm 73:28

1 Peter 5:7

2) Intercession

Praying on behalf of someone who may not have the faith to receive, or, may not otherwise be able to do

it for themselves [i.e., they are in a coma, living in sin, etc]

Here the instructor introduces interceding on behalf of someone else, when it is critical and

how to do it effectively.

Scripture references:

Genesis 18:22-23

1 Kings 41:46

2 Kings 4:32-36

Acts 12:1-18

P 3

Hebrews 7:25

Romans 8:21-23

3) Request or supplication

Asking God to meet a need or desire of yours

A few key things should be emphasized about the prayer of supplication, namely that it

cannot be done for something you don’t want, or for something someone merely wants you to

have. This prayer is strongly tied to the desire of your heart [Mark 11:24]. This prayer is about

being honest with yourself if it’s to work. You can’t use this on what someone else wants you

to have, unless you first work on desiring it for yourself. Likewise, this won’t work on

something you someone else wants, unless you too want it for them.

The students must be taught that God wants them to have His best and that they should

always pray to Him for their needs and desires.

P 4

Scripture references

Luke 11:7-13

James 5:17-18

1 Kings 8:37-40; 54-55

4) Tongues

Speaking words not understood by the human language

Use the bible to clear up the confusion about tongues. It is not other tongues, or, being able to

divinely speak another language during prayer. It is not the gift of tongues, or, being able to

speak and interpret what one is praying. Praying in tongues is simply using words

misunderstood by the human language, but are expressive of your born again spirit. In

essence it’s your heavenly language, bypassing your earthly mind and connecting directly to


P 5

Scripture references

1 Corinthians 14

1 Thessalonians 5:19

Acts 10:45-47

Jude 20

5) Agreement

Agreeing with another person for something from God

The prayer of agreement is simply a verbal or even a written contract between two Christians

who have decided to believe God for a particular thing In essence, they are using the biblical .

principle of agreement and unity to strengthen the impact of their prayer.

Scripture references

Genesis 11:1-9

P 6

Matthew 18:19-20

Exodus 17:8-13

Psalm 133:1-3

Acts 4:23

Suggested Activities

The instructor may want to start off with an activity using a smartphone. They can also use the parking lot

ministry radios [request in advance]. From there you can come up with many ideas that illustrate prayer types.

P 7

Week 2, June 9

Template for prayer


Here the instructor will go over Jesus template for prayer in Matthew 5. I will emphasis the point that this is

not what they should pray, rather, how they should pray. This is the internal mindset Jesus wants us to

employ before talking to God.

Our Father

The children must approach God as a child would a parent. Acknowledging God as Father

does a lot to ones psyche before prayer. It in essence says that He is mines and I am His.

P 8

That I have a place in His family and a right to be heard and more. Also, “Our” denotes that

God is not just one persons father, and that we should consider the needs of other Christians

when we pray.

Who is in Heaven

This is not referencing Gods location, rather His status. The children must know that God is

higher than their situation, problems, and even themselves. This assures that they feel

comfortable bringing Him their requests, problems, and more.

Holy is your name

This emphasizes the power of Jesus’ name and the names of God. Simply put, the children

must know Gods legacy and the trustworthiness of His reputation.

Your kingdom come. Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

This request that Gods plan be done, before any personal requests of my own are prioritized.

Give us this day our daily bread

Here you are asking God for what you need for today

P 9

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors

Here we are expecting from God what we give to others.

For yours is the kingdom the power and the glory

Here we give credit to Him for allowing us access to his principles and concepts.

Scripture references

Matthew 5

Suggested Activities

The instructor should bake cupcakes or cookies, something where they have to use a template and the

kids see how templates work.

P 10

Week 3, June 16

Praying in faith


Here the instructor reviews the importance of bring faith to the table when you pray. It’s sort of like taking

currency to the store when you shop. The kids must learn the importance of faith when it comes to prayer

[Hebrews 11:1-4]. The instructor must also emphasis the importance of building your faith before you pray.

This is a preparatory thing. It’s like having money before you go to the grocery store.

Scripture references

P 11

Mark 11:12-14; 20-25

Luke 7:1-10

James 5:13:-18

Matthew 9:18-24

Suggested Activities

I would create a store experience here. Let the students have $10, $20, or $30 but change it in one dollar bills so

you can spread it around. Then allow them to purchase goods from you. In one scenario, let the children see

what happens if they lose their money [lose faith]. In another, let them see what happens when they grow or

have more money. There is a lot of places you can go here.

P 12

Week 4, June 23

Staying in Faith


Finally, the last instructor will go over the importance of staying in a posture and position of faith after they

have prayed. The kids should know that Jesus expects us to continue on as though it is in our possession.

A good example would be if a parent promised their kids a trip to Disney World. Typically, kids would be

merry, tell friends, get their clothes ready and so forth. This exemplifies perfectly how we are to respond

after receiving in faith.

P 13

Scripture references

Hebrews 6:12

P 14

Week 5, June 30



The week 5 instructor will use this summary to further imbed the lessons into the students. He or she can

simply revisit the previous pages to do so.

P 15