Wheels and Springs: Simple Harmonic Motion.

Simple Harmonic Motion: Wheels and Springs By Zakkai Davidson and Sam DeRose April 2013 Math 45 Intro to Differential Equations Section 3 Levy 10 am


By Zakkai Davidson and Sam DeRosewrite up of our DE final project

Transcript of Wheels and Springs: Simple Harmonic Motion.

Simple Harmonic Motion: Wheels and SpringsBy Zakkai Davidson and Sam DeRose

April 2013

Math 45 • Intro to Differential Equations • Section 3 • Levy 10 am


The Mass Spring System

In math 45 we learned how to model the motion of a spring from basic principles. If we assume undamped and unforced motion, we can use Fnet = ma and the fact that F = -kx (for an ideal Hook’s law spring) to derive the differential equation: mx’’ + kx = 0. We can rewrite this as x’’ + (k/m)x = 0. The general solution to this DE is of the form x = Acos(wt) + Bsin(wt), where w = (k/m)½. We can rewrite this again as x = Acos(wt + ø). As we have seen before, this mass spring system will oscillate in simple harmonic motion with an angular frequency equal to (k/m) ½.

In physics this semester, we also learned that in the presence of gravity, the solution to our DE does not change even though there is an added force equal to mg continuously acting on the mass. So, if we suspend a mass on a spring and give it some initial displacement A from equilibrium, it will oscillate in SHM according to x = Acos(wt).

Free Spinning Wheel

We also learned in physics that if a point on a spinning wheel is projected onto a 1-d surface, it will exhibit simple harmonic motion.

Figure 1: Point P circles around the origin O with constant angular velocity w. Its position projected onto the x-axis as a function of time is displayed to the right. The function is x = Asin(wt). source: http://personal.cityu.edu.hk/~bsapplec/Fire/Image397.gif

We found it amazing that two completely different systems could exhibit the exact same behavior. The displacement of the mass on a spring is determined by physical laws and a differential equation, where as that of the point on a wheel is determined by geometry.

We wanted to demonstrate this amazing relationship because it is often overlooked.

Our Project

Figure 2: Our completed projectConstruction

Basically, we built a box out of wood that holds a bike wheel and a spring with a mass on it. We had the bike wheel’s bearings overhauled and cleaned so it spun with essentially zero friction, and then mounted it onto a precision-fitted axel which we ordered online. We calibrated the height of the spring mount so the center of the mass rests in equilibrium in-line with the center of the wheel when the mass weights roughly 1 kilogram. We are using a bucket with weights in it as our mass, so we can fine tune the equilibrium position of the bucket by adding or removing mass from the bucket.

Electronics and Software

An Arduino microprocessor chip is also integrated to calculate the periods of each system. To calculate the period we are using two ‘light gates’ (an LED paired with a photo-resistor) that are tripped at one point during the periods of both the wheel and spring systems. Cardboard covers the spokes of the wheel, except for one hole that’s lined up with the light gate. When the wheel spins, once per revolution the hole passes through the light gate and trips it. Similarly for the spring system, there is a light gate positioned near the bottom of the mass spring displacement, so every time the mass reaches its lowest point, the light gate trips. With these light gates, we can measure the time between trips, and then the Arduino prints these periods to an LCD screen.

The LCD screen also displays the spring constant of the spring, which is calculated from the period of the wheel, using the equation k = m*(2π / T)2. We derived this equation from the more generally known equation T = 2π*(m/k)½.#

Figure 4: Zakkai writing the code for the Arduino. We used the cardboard box for testing purposes as a mock-up of the light gate. It has an LED on one side hooked to a button, and a photo-resistor on the other side. Pushing the button lights up the LED, mimicking the hole in the bike wheel passing by the light gate.

Figure 5: Close up of the electronics. The Arduino is on the bottom right, and the LCD screen is in the center.

Figure 6: Close up of the LCD display. ‘Ts’ is the period of the spring in seconds, ‘Tw’ is the period of the wheel in seconds, and ‘k’ is the spring constant calculated from Tw, measured in newtons per meter.

Usage Instructions

The idea is to look at the whole system from the orientation pictured below:

Set the mass in motion by pulling the bucket down to the floor and releasing it. Observe and remember the value of the period “Ts” (period of spring). Stop the spring.

Next, spin the wheel so that the period “Tw” (period of wheel) is slightly less than the Ts value observed previously. The wheel does have some friction, so it will tend to slow down over time, increasing Tw.

Stretch and hold the spring system so the blue line on the bucket is at the same elevation as the blue mark on the post. Then wait until the Tw value increases and becomes equal to Ts. Once Tw = Ts, wait for the blue flag on the wheel to pass its lowest point, then let the bucket go.

Hopefully, you will observe the blue flag on the wheel and the blue line on the bucket oscillating in phase with each other.

The wheel will still be slowing down, so make sure to read off the ‘k’ value soon after the periods are in sync.

Intended Audience

The really amazing part of this demonstration relies on the fact that spring motion can be modeled with harmonic motion, and in order to derive this, one must have taken a class like Math 45 or perhaps Physics 24. Calculus is not required to understand this demonstration because it uses physical intuition. However, an understanding of trigonometry is helpful to see that a point on a wheel viewed from the side exhibits sinusoidal motion.

Other Related Mathematical Ideas

One property we are relying on is that the frequency of the spring mass system does not change even with slight damping. This makes it easier to match the periods of the wheel and the mass spring system because the wheel period does increase with time, whereas the spring period remains constant.

This can be seen by the underdamped spring motion equation:

Equation 1: Underdamped spring motion when sigma is a negative constant. Source: Math 45 Lecture Notes 4\5\2013

Omega does not change even as the damped motion progresses, because the damping coefficient sigma only effects the exponential part of the solution, and therefore only effects the amplitude.

In actuality, it would be more accurate to calculate the spring constant from the period of the mass spring system, not the period of the wheel. However, we wanted to demonstrate that it is possible to learn about one system through analyzing another.