WHEELING SATUTlDAV Sljc dueling JfnteUigcnccr, CARDS. i ... · sufficiently recovered to It-ableto...

w riias^i^rAa WHEELING YA. SATUTlDAV MOllNfXG. SEPTEMBER 19. 1857 NUMBER VOLUME 0. Sljc dueling JfnteUigcnccr, IS Frill.I.SIIED 1UILT, TRIlVk.KKLY AND WKFKLT. BT CAMPBELL & MoDERMOT. OFl'iCE.Corner of Main ami Quincy streets .Kntrtiiirc from yuincy »L teumk. J'aili, per annun; fr,0»> TU-Wokly, per annum £:»,.*> W fckULv,ji'-i-annum. .$1,00 KATKS OF ADVERTISING*. EN LINE* Of NONPAUML, OK LtoiS, CONSTITUTING A >uL'Ai:L. fat one square 1 insertion $ 75 .. ** 2 .. 1,00 8 44 1 ,£5 .. '* 1 week 2,00 t " 8,50 .* 44 1 UiOfitii G,o0 " t " O.Tft «. 44 8 44 S,»*> 44 44 6 44 12,00 .4 44 IX 44 15.U0 For advertisements of greater length, and less than % of a .etman, Inrcrtrd lor a longer time than two months, a dis¬ count' of fifty i«*r cent, on the above will be cjade for eaih »ouare for the first three mouths. For limine** or Professional Cards, ){ square or tej-j, per annum $ 0,00 For Business or Professional Cards, one square, per annum 10,(W For J **oliituisfoutside) one;Ar 1<<o,uo -w.. ^4 '* Co. 00 X 44 £ '. 44 44 .. 40,00 Fifty percent, on the above for the ln#ld*. txri\ :*oual Cojuxbunic&tiou* charged at $1,00 per thou' taiideuii. 0P" Special Notice# charged $30 per square, per annum, for tint square, and the same rate of discount thereon for a greater i.uiutier of square*** under the general head,and lo cents a line tor single insertion. Jinslni<i» AiimiUviotDto, withuiouthly change, one square 1 year f 26,00 gan: with weekly change 80,00 Notice of iw-athi inserted gratuitously, but Funeral Notice charred 60 Mnrriaev N'JtiC«' charged 50 Nomination*, charpuU for each candidate for a sep- a rati- or.ee. Inserted for on« month or less, in ad¬ vance 2,00 eligiwiiii notices inserted for half price. « 'lliiS UW OK_NKWSl'Al'Jb.US. I..i*ubaerih» r* who do not give express notice to the con¬ trary, are considered as widiiug to continue their suhscri|«- lions. If sutscriber* order the discontinuance of their peri¬ odica!*, the pufcJi«Lcr u ay continue to seud them until all ar¬ rearages art- paid. 8..11 subset H'ers neglect or refuse to take their poriodi- eaSv frwin ih- oflices to which they are directed, thev at :held reipct.siMe till they have settled the bill and entered then* due ,f.tlnutil. ¦w..u »utserih«ru remove t*» other place* without Inform- iug in-- publisher*, ;uul the paper* are.sent to the former di¬ rection, titi-j .nrc held responsible. .'1 Court* have decided Unit refusing t<> take periodi¬ cals ficuxthc uf!ice, or removing and leaving them uncalled or,iicvitlcMe «l intention*! fraud. Tt UOHh Ksi'ON L> KN TB. I»KT1 KR8 concerning subscription, advertising or other fi- nancialbusiness of the Intelligencer, should be addressed to t.ir Proprietors. letters concerning the editorial department of the paper, ifould be addrossed to the Kditors, Joiutly, or to either oue of tiieiu. Corespondents writing fnr publication, will please write enly en one side of the paper. An observance of the al>ore rule* will freatly oblige us, and secure more prompt attention to correspondent* thau L -*>' might otherwise leCeiVe. CI11T1.C Jits <Tl" \VlU',KI.IN<i. For Uic Information of strangers visiting the city, w* pub¬ lish tile following list of the different Churches, and their time end place ol meeting. 1: there are any mistakes, we a ill make.the necessary correction Kim pleasure: .V. Mutlh* u*«, J.'j /#<»7<(/i'«n, Corn* r Monroi and Byron trects, l;i*v. fc. T. Plmcins, Hector; niorning services lo>j o'clock, errnlnp, 7. Si. JohU V, fy.ixcopatian. Main street, between First and ecoud. Centre Uht ling, IUv. Q. K. Wakslk, Pastor; mornings«/rvice* lt o'clock, evening, »X . y/rnt J*r**i>ytertun, Uiv. II. II. \\ Krn, Pastor, Fourthst., «tw* en 3ioitroe.and 4^ulnc>;*vrvici.»uioi ning and afternoon !(eptmil 1'i tnl'jjtrriuii, Webster street, between Main and Market,Centre Winelmg; services morning and eveuing. Third frriuu, Fifth street, b«tween Chestnut and Talbeit sts., tjouth 'iY hi cling, Itev. E. Woona, l'ai*tor,*ervi- iri morning and et eiiing. Fourth I*i-tkbyttrUm, Kcv. A. Facll, Pastor, Mali.street, between Washington and Adams su.; acrvlce* morning and .rening. fuutlh Sirret M+thOflifiC E/jUcojwt, Jtev. J. K. Wittoi, Faster, Fourth street, between Monroe and Quincy; services morning and evening. &r<tt Jlttfiod1st Spiscopitl, Rev. A. A. Usoaa,Pastor urn.r Ilarket and North ats., Noiih Wheeling; services morninc and evening. ChoplLne Krltt JftihotlM EpUcoval, Rev. T. H. Most- ok. Factor, Chaplinc street, between First and Second, Centre U hee 'ng; services morning and ev«!Uing. South Ahtt'lnv M. E. (V.n/v\ Kev. A. StMtNS, astor; hcrvices morning and evening. Wheeling Mand C/iaptl, on Wheeling Island, Uev. J. £. \\ Itang, Fastor. Ofrtimn JUttAoiUU EjiUcopul, llev.fl. lltLtviu, Pastor, C!>apllne street, tweeU W ebsle-r and Third, Centre Wheel- l'»g. St. Jntne* Cut/it(i*til1 lloroan Catholic, lit. Uev. Uisiioc 11. V. Uuu-AK, Filth Street, corner of Hampden; services t. ornlug and afternoon. Auoci'aU Jityormtd, UevJ J. T. McClckb, I'astor, corner c I Market and JeUvrson sts.; Mrrvicesuiornlug and afternoon. Luf.tikt% , Clay street, between Filth aud fxth Streets; service* morning and cveulng. I»i*cij»U'»% Market street, between Webster and Third. C«litre Wheeling; services lo^ in the morning, and 7% evening. Etaugilical PrnU*tant, Rev. J. IlririK, Pastor, Clay street, above Sixth, East Wheeling. Zion EcunytUcol J.uUurian% Rev. F. ZutuuaaMA*. ptitor, Markt: street, between Webster and Third; Centre V. heeling; services morning and evening. Sytutffoyu*, Quincy street, between Market and Main. Otnmiu rrvteiUint, Union Kail. Main street, between Monroe and Quincy; services 10^ morning. ODL> F ELLO^iVS' I >1KECTOKY VlruinluN l.o«l|jr INo. Mceta every Thursday evening at the llall, corner of Market and Mouroe street* Jams* W. Moubk, N. G.; B. 21. Cnrr% Secretary. fr'ruulilin Lodge No. 13..Meet* as abovecvery Monday evening. J. J. Fnrs.ni, N. G.; ir. /*. JU*j AWrijr, 8ecretairy. %Vu«. fell l.oilge No. Meets as above eve- ry Wed rut day evening. Chs5« IiiCKMA», N. O.; jdhn Salad** Secretary. Wlirellng l.oilge !V®'. 59..Meets every Monday ..Tening at the Hall, corner Market aud Quincy streets.. T. Muviutv, N. G.; JoAn Jlupburn, Secretary. I'nuoln l.odge Mo. 8'i..Meets as above every Friday evening. A. A. SMtra, N*. O.; W. IT. BtaiicAard IWretary. Abruiu'a Rncnnipmrat N*. 1..Unci, il the Hall, conwr Market and Monro* streets, the Jtrmt Ami Uktrtl To.«.Iaj .reninnef »ashm»nth. ST. ft. Mtlsn.C. P-i'tT. ". *'"</.Seribr. ^ IB 'l*ell I .eiiuapitie 111 Mm. 34..Meets as a ,rc »h. mvsi/ «a<t fourth evenings -.f each "r»»t Kratl, C. r.; Chat. Lin?*, Scribe. masoxic"5Iuhctoky. "hi® Ij.d^e lot..Meets at Masonic Rail, eonirr Market I.n.1 Monroettreels, theJlrti and tMrd Jlen- .taTeeralnmcf eneh month. O. W. Sluats, W. M.: Ater. feerrtarj. » heel.a* l.ad«r .«.. 148..Meet* as abave on *jlr%t ami f '.ir./ Thursday evenings of each mouth. j\ A. "asSTuXiiWi.W. 3,.; 4,'. J'tur-un, SccreUry. Wheeling Union Cliupter No* t9..Mcetsa* above on tiie itcond Monday evening of each mouth. G Scott, 11. P.; .«?. »" /V«irw»»4,Secretary. Witreling bucaaapmeat No. 1 ..Meets as abtivr OH th<-fourth Monday evening of each mouth. W. J ®atk», 0. C., A. Lorinrj, Recorder. TO Pttl^TKRA. We are prepared tn furuUh l»riitters with Wade'* superior X«_ws, Hook ami Job Inks. We have now on hand'! fteiva Ink. haud prec*. News Ink, power press, (took Ink. Flue ttlnck. Katra Flue do. lied Ink. Extra fine do. Idghi ftllue Dark IUmc. I.i^bt Green. Dark Green. Vellonr. White. Gold Mice. Varnish. A c. Arc. A'e All Inks sold by tts warranted to be good; and if found no lobe so, can be returned ui our expense. {3ff"Terms cask. :ui; CAMPBELL k McDERMOT. A very neatamlsvperiorarticle of t*" BANK CHECKS on all the city Banks ORDER BOOKS, -LANK DEEDS, NOTES, DRAFTS, &C. Prlnte-I ouMtra paper, for sal. t tblao.luj V -Of,- Receipts and liilh of Lasting ".".e'edsffa Uou»J to order. Also, aeery description of L/iK All i/ll^ iFiMINC! BUSINESS CARDS. LAWYERS. . RUSSELL & FITZnuQH. Alloruc)m nud t ouiurlloiai ul l.tnr, OfFlCS Ko. C9, Moxaux STitrirr, Wheeling, Va. J. M. r*SULKTf "*" TV. KSLVXX. PENDLETON & MHVIN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office, Orcr he ISnnk of M ln-cJiny, "Wheeling, Va. X37~Attend regularly tl« Superior aud Inferior Court# of li*ooke, Hancock and Ohio counties. noviily 3. I (f.r. Tcmira, Jackson 0. II., Va. J / Pirkersburg, Va. Thav/ & Turner, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. I_A7 M II.I. atUnd vtrictly to nil bu«inms entrusted to them .it the counti«« of Wood, \Yirt, Jackson, Ritchie, Gilmer and Pleasants. Particular attention given to collections. .llLFi:ii To. PHILADELPHIA..lion. Georpe £harsvrood ; Hon. Joel Jones, Hon. Chas. Gilpin, Me»*r». Le«- k Walker. BALTIMORE.Mmmi. Nealc A Luckett, Mtfirr. Penn A SfltcIitU. WHKKLING.Messrs. Z. S. A J. J. Yarnall, Thoma* John- fcton, Jr. oc20:ly JAN ». M 1IUA I L, A TTOHXEY A T LA Wr U lii eliii^, Va., nAVING sufficiently recovered to It- able to resume the practice of hi* profession, lie way, for the present, be foutd at bis" resldeucc on (Juincy ktreet, between Fourth and Fifth *ts. oct4:tf JOHN k. DONEHOO, r ATTORNEY. AT LAW. ILL practice .Jti the eourta of Haucock, Broskc, Ohio at.d Marshall countlc*. Office over that of '1/ Jac.b, K^n.j Monroe St., opp°»lte Wfux-liiV, Y'rt. janS.vly W the Court IIoujm;, PHYSICIANS. DR. E. G. WINCHELL. UKKTI.H I', HAP tak'-n a suit of splendid rooms In Hornbrook's nev block,118j{ Alain st.,directly over C. P. I»rown'& Je*- :lry store, where he hope* to e«tabllr.h himself permanently, liy clo-e attention to hw bniiockt, reasonablecharges, jrood md faithful work always warranted, he hope# to secure a hare of patronage. Dr. W. 1.4 familiar with all the ntw mode* of Inserting Petth, Including the "Continuous Gum" work. Filling, .leaning and extracting, done in the In ei and most faithful runner. No churgu far advice. For fufther particulars inquire at he utflce. ui.v 24 AL>KED¦ HUOHfiH, M. D. Homcoopathio Physician, IAS removed his office and residence, and permanently ocated l/imtelf at tlu* corner of Fourth uud Qitiueey streets, >elow the First Presbyterian Church Orrica Hocks;.Morning, from # to 'J Noon, " 1 " Fvetilngs, " . "1# HILL OF PII1CK3..For a single visit, ibcenta; medicine, W cents. .For two or uiore visit* a day, 50 cents; medicidc, !.> cents. Advice at office, and medicine, from 'Jit to bo cts, ukI upwards, as the case may be. Obstetric cast#from $2>to£l<j. Visits to the country, according to distance. The above "Bill of Prices" 1* giveu hecausc It is said my iharges are much higher. my JMyd DRUGGISTS. * DRUGS, MfcDlCINES, CJHICMICAI.S, I'EH1<TJMERY, AC. J la. t UI'.U li.ii li i. It would announce to his . iricuda nnil the public generally, tliat haviug purcJia- ed the interc*t of the senior pai tiu r in the business lately :onducted under the iirni of J. Cruiuhacker L 8ou, he will ontinue the name at the old stand, No. 115 Mniu >t., aud rould respectfully' solicit, aud trusts to merit a continuance <i the patronage so liberally bestowed ou the old firm. He has just returned from the KasU-rn cities, and Is now peuuig au extensive aud well selected stock of Drugs and memicals, Perfumery, Fancy articles, Ac., uU of nhich were airchaaetl alter strict per*«nul inspection and with scrupn- l»u* regard to the purit.v of quality, and are now offered to lie public on the most reasonable t»-tnu;. lyr j'auui> it co., [SVCC'KSSOJW K) JAMLS RAKBlt.] Wlinl"..l. Rot.Hll Vomer pf J/uin ami Jltmro* Street*, WHEELING, VL. \C. GOOD A CO., have bought the cuttre stock of Jas. . Uaker. and Will continue the business at the old staud. Dr. Uaker having gone Into one of the largest houses in 'hliadelphla, has kindly agreed to make purchases for his ueceskors in AVlieellng. The arraUiieuKUt wlU iusure their eeping oil hand, (and offering tin the best terms) & full as* urtmcnt of the very best articles iu their line of business. A. C. GOOD A CO. Wheeling. Dec. 20, IAJH. dc21 ISLAND TANNERY. JJliltUKK A- 11 O I"" !.' M A N , MAXurAcrcRiXis or Every description of Leather, . AND Dealer* in Wool nml IXiden* J.'07 e Htuwi A o. 110, >ier Mark et at'.cy and Main utreet, WHFKLING, VA. tPB^fihoe Findings of aUktndaon hand, and sold at very (federate term.'. T. .^WEENEl^dTSON7~ (SrccKt>K»a."i to .SwKKKCTi! a Dkll) M ANUFACTCHF.K& OF FLINT CrJLASSWARE, China, QtieeiiM^nre, Lamps, Glruudoles, Tabic 4uilery. Ac. No 00, MAIN fcl KK.tT, Wsmwo.Ti. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, 4roMM>:aLT BxcnAffca uotll.] Poiiu unci »t, C/'Intr atieeta, Pittsburgh, Pa. W. C. CONNELLY, Proprietor. waylft S. AVERY, Wholesulc uud Remit Hat and Cap Manufacturer. NO. 146 MAINM KKKT, Wheeling, Va. flf llns on hand the largest and best ashortmentof Hats r..i <'nt'fc nf all Qualities and sises. jnll o. w. inusaau, K.a.awsjiaiau^. HEISKELL &. SWEARINGEN, Healers in nil Hind* of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. ° Corner of Market and Union streets,three doors from Geo. L". Wlckha'm'a Auction Room s, M|J1 WHEELING VA. K. CliANOLK & CO., WIIOUSSAUC OBOCKBS, Forwarding and Commission MBKCHAIUS. coanra Moaaoie Axn MAKcar WHEKLING, VA.- Lambdin, Bonham & Co. VIKtalftlA. lUIFKI.nG.d PIKRWIX Manufacture Printing aud Wrapping Paper. Candle Paper, Cotton Tarn Paper, 6tcaiu Doat Paper, Bonnet Doanls, Fullers* Boards. Ac. M. lUSlLLY. Wholesale dealer in Groceries, foreign and Domntie Wirits nnit Liyuon, No. 1S1 West pip* Makkkt E^i abb, ma7:ly W1IEKUNG, VA. . ll'CLALLLX. i*. M'CLALLCK, JH. C. D. KSOX M'OLALLENS A* KNOX, W holeanle A* Itetnii <lenlei> its ail kibdsaf Boots, Shoes, Leather, etc. AV 1»6, JfalnVrtit, WIIKELIN0, VA. (. IV. SEXTON L. 8RAL......A; VAN SWEAUINGEV 1.1..V I U > . r>K,\l. <V MI'KAUINUliK, FANCY DRY GOODS, WH0LKSALK. No. 11 feloalh Fonrih at. I'llJI. A DFLPiriA. W. TAIXAXT. A. UUl>t. L. 5. I'KLAfLAlAB. TAIiL ANT St DEL A PLAIN, FOKU \KDLX; .Airx>. Commission Merchants, AV. t9Main Sire**, and AV 12 Jfonm Street, WHKEUSG, VA. F- R. ARMSTRONG, AfiRMT ANU DK4I.EII IN IIE-A.L ESTATE, Office corner ofMain and Union streets, aug37-lrd WHPSUK^, VA. S. I BliOCH, Importer and Dealer In Brandies Wines, Gin, &o. WUOL£SAUC cf RETAIL* Wo. <», Blontoe aplft «ra W**ku*o. Va. : E. VARNEY: jTASCrAcrr^xj! or torriR, tin a niiVKr niov ware, JT*. » Mai* tt. tunr Vk* Creek ErWf, milkl-tXG. VA. Tw!" V. Peteraon, KIHE, MARINE LIFE INStJR'CE ASI) I~\yn AOKKT No. R1 Hfowana ctictt. Wkkxijuq. V%. wTheburn; HOUSE FURXIS1UXG AKD MOUSE KEEl'IXG GOODS. w]N0.30 MONROE^., »rS BUSINESS CARDS. J. a. DMIiW. T* >* I DREW &. DRAKE, {SuHC**4or* 10 '*>¦ IK Ajnit.) . NO. 5 WASHINGTON' HAM,, tf.r- EEP constant!;. on hand a lame and cboice assortnient | IV «f articles usually kept in a fir»tjcla«p FAMIL* 0R0* C&KY, together with the most choice aud adected brand*of i'OliACCO aud CIGARS. «1»1 JNO. D. XVX. CARR, DEALER Iu Western Law!, Toau ul City property, Land Warrant#, and Agent lor the s*lc of city protur- ly. Particular attention j»;ud to the location and transfer of W'tittrn Lands. tSyoi^cv No. 1 "Hornbrook'a Row," up itairt. Match 12. l^T.ly JOiiN HOV/ELL, DEAI-Hlt IS' BOOTS, SHOES, (fc., No. m.illniM Hl._ "~5. D. HARPEK & SON, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in HATS CAPS, STKAW GOODH, MUFFS, FURS. A Mi CAKPET BAGS, No. l-'J Main at. corner of Uniou, WhrscltxgJVa. w..a.bi/wauds. thos. m.wards .W A. EDWARDS & BRO., GROCKRS, r of lffut-l*ri k«n«l Monro** »I reefa, OPPOSITE THE Mr!.l-liK HOUSE' WHKEl.TN'G, VA. pfRvtry variety of (ItocuiMi Brandies, W IiU* | kit*, Winta, Qln, Ale, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac., Ac., constantly on hand. **1**1 C. P. BROWN," DEALER IN CLOCKS, V. ATCIIES, JEWEL-1 RV AND FANCY fiOOIlS, No. 108. Hornbrook a Building, If2iiiit .St . Wliteliiig. CLOi A'.S and WATCUEScar/j'ully rejwirid. MATHEW McNABB, DEALER IN GROCERIES, FLOUR, MIl.J, Feed, Corn, Oats and baled Hay. »rroaiTB thb 2d irbhuytkriax chi-rch, w&h&tkm stkxkt, C-'culrf W heeling. W~Thc highest price paid iu (Jam for Country Produce. jnl8 j7 O. COLLINS, Grocery, Feed and Produce. Store, So. ISO Market Sqrnirc, Weal aide. VVIIKELINO, VA. , . | r ELI' const anil., on hand nil kinds of * ted, such ax Oats, l\. Corn,Br»u*,H»ort», Ship Stuff*, ctc.. Ftimr, Corn Meal, hitter, Egtfs, Poultry, Provisions, and Dried Fruit of^ nil ilDiltf, together with a compute assortment ot Family Gro- lerlw. 0F~C£ah paid for corn, oat*, Flaxseed, Pried PrulU, [heep Skins, hide#, butter, eggs and poultry^ apl'i .) . M . M . FA L) 1N 6s <J O., [LATE TU1PLETTS, McPADIN 4 CO.] COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BO i'S UCYEK, a 50 COMMERCIAL ariCKET, 61 f.milo, »lo., RDl-'.US for Lead, Ucuip, Provisions, Flour, tfraln, Ac., solicited and promptly extcuttfl. .REFER TO. J. J. Axdkrsok & Co., Ranker*, St. Louie, Mo, L. A. I»£»OIaX k Co., %i V * febll.U JOHN L, HARGREAVESr i' N I O N II A L L BUI liUlNGM, VO. KS HJ» STKPKT, WIIKKLIXU, VA. Vholesale and Ket.iil dealer iu Pnintii, Oils, ^ash Door*, WinooK Class, Looking Gliutcg, Itruxhe*. Ac.. Ac. f T AVINO purchased Uie entire stock of J. A. Tlnctot, Lj. ami intide Important and heavy additions, I trust, by on«tantl.\ keeping a pood assortment, and seilin? ktinoder- ,te pries, to obtain a reasonable share of the patronage of i»y ohl friends and the public peiKrally. Call at my new tore. JOHN L. I!AKOHEAVES. oct:U 'r>C-ly t W. & jrSTEWART, MAsrrAOTcnafcs or all Ki.ioa or pro V KM, KATE9, Pl.Ol'^ll HtON», PastiuiiM for 'l'hic>»lii»»« .TInchinea, Ore*. A r. MOATH BAItTCOR. VAhKkTSiM'AKt, (PHtl'OL CORXKa.) » ... STEll'-l JiT A OALD WELL, MA^LrjicrrnLits op COPPER, TIN, AND SllEliX IRON WARE, CPPl'K END OP MARKET SQCABK. whkeIjIng ,jy a. Wholesale Paper Warehouse MAIN ST., SEAIl QUWCr.ST. LAMBDIN, GILBERSON & CO., (arcoEM'iKd t<> i. o. aowss^/N a co.,ANDBA«swrr a co.) 11 ANUPAC rUKR end keep co:mt:»ntlj- onhand tfie follow- iX ing Papers, gra.iK KBAPPrac, auu waApriso, MANILLA, TXA ASD CA5DLB PAPaX. OBCOOJ-iTS, COTTO* FACTOaV AND HATJiWiliS PAPBR. bonnet. Binders' and Fullers' Jioards, 'o irhicb they invite I be attention of purchasers. > -^acpli V i, K 1 T I A N BL I N PS George Roberts, 8:$ ITliiiu at. "lONflNCES to manufacture to order (whole«ale and r v U tail) a beautiful variety of VENITIAX WINDOW BLINDS of every colvr and slxe, and at Eastern prlc»a. Those Bliuds are superior to ertry other kind of Window Hinds in use. r t^VCatl and examine specimens. N. It..Old Blinds rei>ainted, aud trimmed equal icw. uv!4 I. M. PUMPREV. L-'ORWAIlDtNG Oi COMMISSION MERCHANT. Jl». Id MAIX HREBTT, XBAKLT CPIOSITB Hid 0LU BTAXO. Wheeling, Va, REFER TO. List A Howell, Wheeling, Ta, 0. k B. Davenport, DamesviIle,0. Burt.Shafer k Smitb, Cambridge, O. D. Applccatc, Zanoville, 0. Pric«* k Son, Bmithfleld, O. O. A. Zant-, Baltimore. fe27 S. AV];].RY, IS NOW OPESINO A LARGE ASS0HT1IKXT OF MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AM) CAPS, POK KPKIiVG A.VD M7IJIEK WEAK. NO. 140 MAIN »03REKT, VMIEELJXG, VA. apO}« S. AVERY. \VHEKLINO, VA. MBTCALF & M'X.CKB,_Propriotor8. 'pnIS Is one of the largest helj! mos: couimodlous Hotels JL We»t of th« Mouutaiuj; and posesses all the accoiu- nodations of Uic l>c»t hotels of the East. It tb convenient ¦j ail the raUroad depot? aud the rtcauitoat landing. f. a. BAKBB. j- *. BABtR. U. h. lOUMTH. BAKER, PORdVTH & CO., SIXCESSOItS TO LOCLiN, BAKBH i CO. WHOLESALE TOBACCO HOtTSE, ?|niu ritrrct. Kaiil *W«. wfnr «|uiurr, tplB-ly \V JHI-lKHNO VA. k. u. jokuas. jst>. r. otLaiKun. K. G. JORDAN & CO. PAPER MAN U FACTli 11ER S. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, ITlniu Mt., opposite . U'.Bnnk, *rf. ' WHKKLISG. VA. COPPER, TIK Ar SHEET IRON WARE ] Manufactory. THANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretofore bestatred upon hits, the subscriber Vould re«|iecl- fuliy inform his friends, and the public generally, <faat he continues to manufacture the ahctre named a rudesin alltbeir varieiy, all of whicA he has al- praya onhand^a good aasortmeat for wholesale and retail at ten- low prices. Ue also keeps on hand Cooking Stoves of the most approv¬ ed patterns, for coal and wood. . f^r-Jab Work will continue receive his particular at¬ tention, and be executed with promptness audio astjle that will please the mo#t fastidious. E. TARNET ag2l No. S, Main street. Sheppard and Morgan, WHOLESALE AND RETAI1, Saddle, Harness aud Tionk Manufacturers Xit. 131, Main <f>V. Vvtuer uf Onion j HA VB no* o:i hand a larpe and roiopfctc auortmvnt of all articles In oar line, consisting oJ Ladies and Gen- > tlenien*s Saddle*, line and eoarsa Hameas; Iron. From# aud Woc»d Trunks, and Valieea, Car|»et Ra?f, Satchels, Upper. Leather, Hogihin, Hair and Wool Collars Whips, Unices, 4c. kc. Ac. Saddles of every description and quality, Horn the lowest rate to the best style of English Shaftoe. ; Iraq frame Tmnks and Valieea, a very superior* article and unsurpassed for Rtchtncss strength and durability'. Fine single and double Harness of the best style; Stage, Wagon and Cart Harness of the beat caaterlal and wore- maushlp. A largf assortment of Carpet Bag* and Satchels of every variety of material and pattern. All work ordered will be furnished promptly, and no ef- fort will be spared .to acrit a continuance of public fa- vor. QiveuaacaD. | no\ IT SHRPHARD k MORGAN. HOOP SKIK'IS. ¦^JEAPOLITAS, Wkale Hone, trail, Steel, and llohair i.N Skirts, juft received by ai4 UQfKELL 1 STTEABI^dEK. WB/Tit- GOODS. THE larreat in file city. .p« , HEJ&EET.I. Jt PWTARIKRFV. T RAN 8 i^)IlTAti(>^ Cleveland, Pittsburgh. «k Wheel¬ ing Railroad. rMPOitTANT- I'llANUK OP "TtJfE. OS nud tft<.r .Mr,i»I<iy. Jiayl«if«sr.r, Tralim wai ran ai folluns: I.KA-VE CI.EVEI AM>: .-.(H) A M M-ii! TniliVrionplns at all Tfcalloiw, »rrlr-» f.-W A puigburptt at t*S' I'- M . Sirni cnvHo»t l.:4S P M. iioil Wludtmi «t BiH- 2:00 P 11 Express Train. stopping at; yud*on. Ra>enra, l:ovts;own, Atr.-ntPr, Lima, AmnlW**. , l- ^L' llncville, Tallow Crn*. »"<> a" St»U0l* Ubpve Wl W'< Mlus CiMk; «.;*«» at Et «:45 I*. M., StenbenvJile at Cr'j P. M., and Wherling at Tir-S P. 31- , 4:B5 P JI AccoiumocUnAn, for Earcnna ana V»> station., co»iiicctIi»B at Hudson for Cuyafcojja FaU», Akron, acJ Miaerslmr-fe lkav.e.pittsburgji; JAM IS-',r»<« Traill Itopv^1-' *'* 4 A M S?io*-Sl^u!:fn%»lt; arrivs at Whrriinp at T:4T A JI. This. Trnln Ao. a bat to to >Cl«-V<6lOIICl. . tr 9*40 A >1 Mail Train, stops, at nil Station? excep- Ham- monil'a. Nt-w S«l=biirv, Sunimftvlllc, Ea»t fiwbcf- tcr, Mr.ultrlc and Wnehratei: artlvw «l IJ«i- land nt <3K*> P. M., fcteubeuviUe at 12:4.1 P. M., Klld WbCclil^n it lllj P M. R «0 P M K.xprcfS Train, ?:r.ps nt all Ftallons except New Sai*li:V-y, Lima, Enrlvllle, Macedeuia Ami New- hurfc: arrive* »t Cleveland at 9:- 5 I'. viilu at P. M.»and Wheeling at «:£** P;M. LKATK" HiillMaKFOnT, «-M*o5n c wiiKSUSti: '*.15 A M Mall Train, stripping at Way Stations ^except:', Hammond's, New t30lnbury,fiu7 mitville, Ea.t Ho- cbe»U-r, Moultrie and WInchi-sU-r; arrive* nt Pittsburgh at MiBQT. M., «r.d Cleveland P. II. 5:54 P M Express Train, stopping at Way Stations, exe..pt Deep Hun,.Portland, Hush Itan, Jt«ldot Uuan *, jirnl Port Holier, New'Salsbury, Winn, Katlyille; Macedonia, Bedford and NVwhmnh; arrives at Pittsburgh at 1:45 P. M-y and Clevtaund tt P. M. Accommodation Train leaves Ravenna at 6:00 A. M.; stops at Way Stations, andwrrlve* at Cleveland at 9:4o A. .1. Accommodation Train fek/es Bridgeport at 4:15 P. M ,for W*llsvllle, stopping at all Way Stations. Connections are made by all Through Train* a*: At Pittsburgh," wltli Pennsylvania Railroad; for ImlaiM- phis:, Baltimore, New York and Bo«on. At Cleveland, »ith Traioa and Steamers for Toledo. !»«.- troit, Chicago, and the North West; alio for Krie, Dunkirk, Buffalo, Niacara Fall?, and Canada. At Steubeiivlllr and IWllalr.'trlth the SuuLenviHe and JiWI- ana, and Central Ohio Railroads, lor Cadiz, Coshocton, New- ark. Barresvllle, Zpnesvllle, Wilmington, Lancaster'.Colum¬ bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis. At WMcnnjr, *.-»«»» iwuimore an«« Ol,J«« KatlroaU. Ior Cumberland, Harpers Ferry, Baltimore, and ttashiugtcn City. ty Local an ! Through Ticket*e.\h be procurr.i :;t the various ofliees on the line, also at Cidon Ticket Ollles. op¬ posite the Levee, Wheeling,, and at the L>ion Office,.JI t-u- ri5^»'«,'lSe?C.a2'l'. llallroad, I J UURANI), Sup'i. OlfVflar.il. July If. IN'.T. 1 Jyll-t* WHEjELING to CINCINNATI. WEST AND SOUTH. SHORTEST ANU MUST UlliECT ROUTE Tt'l CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE, FRANKFORT, I.E.\l>»i>TuN, F.VANSVILLE, \ INCENSES, CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS, And all poiuts West and South I* via. tin? Cincinnati, Wilmington and ZA.NKriVil.LK SHORT LINE RAIL ROAD. Ticelre milt* shorter hi/ thU ltoule than via. folumlus tv Cincinnati. Take ilic Central Uliio Road to y.ANKSVXI.l/E, And there cnANOK CARa anU take those of the O. W. * " TRAINS LEAVE ZAMiSVli.LE AJl FuLLOWS: At 8-20 A. M. and T2 M., tor Cincinnati and points as above, on arrival of Central Ohio Trains horn Wheeling and tiie Eist. : This route passes through N. Lexington, Lancaster, Clr- clevdle, Washington, Wlliniiigton .aud Marrow.th« rictieat and most beaut|iul purl of Ohio. yy/~ Be particular and ask for Tickets via. the C. W.* Z. Short Line Hail Road. FARE AS LOW AS BY- ANY OTHER ROUTE. For TIIROUOII Tickets and other information,acquire at Central Ohio Ticket Office, iu the Spring House, on Water btix-ct, Wheeling, Va. E GEST, Pres't, W. W. BAiLEY, Act. Supt., Cincinnati. Zanesvllle, O. je2--ly 1j i Virginia Central Railroad. OKANOE AND ALJiXANURIA 11AILROA1J. Great Northern and Southern Mail Route. FOR NORTHERN, SOUTHERN AND. WESTERN TRAVELERS. Twice Daily, (Sunday night excepted,)between Rloh« X mor.d aud Washingtcu City via Gordonsvillc and Alex- andiia. Hours of departure at Rich- mond. .6.*«o A, M. and > .SO P. M. Returning leave Washington.. .6 A.M. aud 4 P* aM. Arrive at Richmond Jl:S0 P. M. and 4 A. M. Baggage checks aud tickets, given through between Rich¬ mond and Washington. THESE TWO RAILROADS HAYING NO STRAP RAIL, and being in excellent order, and CARRYING THE GREAT NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MAIL, give the best guar¬ antee of alwavs securing connections, as is shown by arri¬ vals daily at Richmond and Washington city in advance of the Steamboat line. Park iirtwkk.n Rictwosn W»snixornx fO.OO An Omnibus will be found always ready to take through passengers and their burgage of wearing apparel, bctweea the two Depots, fr**e of Charge, v.-ith ample time for them to take their meals, whether going North or fcouth. Through Tickets can be obtained between Danville and Washington at the Terminus of the Road, now nearly com- pMrd to Danville. An Agent of the Coinnapv will receive the Checks or passengers from the Danville Road, and at¬ tend to their baggage all the Way to Washington or.the Bal tl Theatre the same by the mall line as by the old steamboat Thereto no change of cars cn the night line,between Rich- mond and Alexandria. ? '¦'> rKKIGllT I3i:rAHTMKN'r. Cincinnati, Wilmington & Zanea- ville Railroad. MERCHANTS, luaimfacturcfb, nml thc public generally, arc hereby rt/pectfully juformed that the C. Z. R. R. Company is now prepar.ed to receive and forward freight (from the temporary Station in Zanesville, on Secmd street north or Main,) to Cincinnati, Morrow, Wilmington, AVash- iu^ton.CirclcvUU-, Lajicaster, New LexingUu anrt interme- iHiteSiatlouF. ^IW.culsr attentiou will also be given tothe forwarding or Freight d«sttr*«^ for the West in accordance with the wULes of consignors, whether b}- Railroad or the River from Oioefnn'afi. Freight will be received and delivered during the winter months from I A. M. to 4 P. M-; during the summer months from 7 A. 31. to 5 P. M., and shippers favoring the Company with their patronage, may rely upon the Company's Agents civiag ererv attention necessary to insure the utmost promptitude'aud safety in the forwarding of property en- tr For further InronTatton »m tlif Prflfht Tariff palillfhul br the Company, or applrJ<.K General Freight Agent,' tny3M "Zan»sv111e. Ohio. Clinnzc of Time! CLEVFJ.ASD AS!-PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. TJ. S. MAII> DAILY IilNB 8STWSRX Wheeling and PittBburgh. THE Une side wheel pas- l senger-steamer-FOREijT CI- TY, Capt. Geo. D. Moor*J«d DI CRN L,Capt. Asa Shephe'rcl tween Wheeling and I>ittmbu»K".tn*? Forest Cleveland cars, and at Pittsburgh in time for the morning line East.. Returning.the Forest City tertea Pittsburgh ev¬ ery Tucadav. Thursday and Saturday,and the D.urnal every Moi.dav, Wednesday and Friday at 10 A. M.; arriving at Wlieeling lii «me for the mall lines rcr Ohio. y.,r frclgiit or p«««*. sWrWbtxlh<rt^tAW 6^eland, T.d^o.Vonroe. De- troit; Miiwaflk*e, Chicago, Buffalo and Dunkirk, sold «t the of f. prya^ A cr aaff P WILLIAM HARE, Flunmer and Gas Fitter, NO. 178, MAIN ST., Wheeltug, Va. r tzsril OUSEf fitted Up with Water ax:d Gas. Orders cm the country for Plj»es and Pumps attended to at short tice. U f MOVED OVER. X M. PUMPHHEY TTAS renowd kt> POBWABDINO ATO COMMtfSIO.V Xl UOIH to No. To Main itrett, ntarlToppMlte tqhlaold .'r"- Jbsr/cei I ment cf Glazed and Common Wall Papert, fw s*le veTytow I for Cash, bp tayl* JOE CI RAVES. INSURAN'JK. INSUKE YOUR PROPERT7, A1 ltd niivc your Enmin-n by jnsukino Youdi Life-. .TCKTJLLiAM T. SULKY.IssoaAKtT Auent.Olticc at tl»£ ? t Stcie of TiiHant A DHapliiln, Main Strytt, \VheClirtj.V will take PJrt >«tJd Marin*-risks m the followinglurompt No. 1 Virginia liunranre Companies,"vi*:- The Insurance Ctmpany »f the Valley of Virginia, at Wirielioiiter. fa. Tin: Lynchburg 'Hose and Fire Insurance Company at Lynchburg, Va. Al>u, will take applications for Life Policies in tliat well estabUshcd Company, the United State* Life Insurance Ac* usity A Trust Company of Philadelphia. jangtf T.be Insurance Company OK THE VALLEY OF VIKGINIA CCAPITAL, *aoO,CU\.^all paid in and invested, with snr- / plus, xviil take Fire, Cargo and Marine risks. Loagca promptly adjusted aud paid.. Vt* Oflice ucxt dubr above M. 4 M. Brink, M «ln street. \v. V. PKltLrtpN, Agent. .RBFERENCES-r- J. K Baker, Tallant & Delnplain, Tnos. 11. List, 1>»-Laiiibt Norton, Auheson k Co. .M. S. Iirahy, S. C. Umkc.1 A Co., List A HowVU, O. W Helskell A Co. JangQ - lie i.jiiL'libui'g tko>t- uua five iu>nrauce i oitipmiy of lij uilibury, Yu. CAPITAL *lOii,WO Will take risks and promptly adjust and pay losses. WW.:T;.bELDV, _jap29^ Agent. Life insurance. rrtllE undersigned will tako applications for Life .Policies X the United States Idle Insurance Annuity A Trust CbropunV of Philadelphia. &HM0S Ai Estimated value of annual premiums $3u.'2y4 Oo WM T. SKLBY, Wheeling, Jnri;27, 1857..[JangQ ..A^eiit.' The Citizens Fire, Marine and INSURAl/c^MJOMPANy OF UIIKLLING. OFFICK NEXT DOOR TO THE M. k M. BANK. TM11S Company is now lully organized and prepared to X issue Policies, at the most Iil>< ral rates, on Fj.kk, Ma- ttNfc and Inland risks. DIRECTORS: Vndw P. Woods, \Yu;. McCoy, Jas. II. Baker, iViri. W. Shrivel', Thomas Sweeney, John List, las. 0. AchcMtn. L. 8. Deluplaln. Joint F. Hopkins. L. 6. DELAPLA1N. President. W. F. Pktkk^os,Secretary. spl FiRfci isiJiD MikHiIMJti 1NSUHANCK AGKNCEY, nv/ikkling, va. I TOWARD MRS AND MA RINK INSURANCE 00., OF I 1 pmi.&nKt.uui a. CHARTER PEKPETTJAL. [ucoi poi-nied by Act o f cite JLc^i«!ature of I'outiAyi vuuitt. AUTHORIZED 0AP1TAL. KtiUU.OUO, FULL AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED. In ventAll tlx /oiloirn: flrst Bonds and 31ort^u^es on Proper¬ ty in the City of Philadelphia, $185,090 itoekS worth par, l."^,l(H) Jash on hand, M',190 I mount secured by Stock Nott s, lUO.iKty tinount of Mock due on Call, 1,710 THIS COMPANY EFl-'KQTS INSURANCE ON Building, Merchandise, Furniture, Lumber, Ac., on Vca- els, Carj;o and Freight, to all Pol ls, and by Railroad, Lakes, ind lliveis, at the lowest Rates, and upon the most liberal Vrins: guaranteeing Prompt Payment ou the adjustment of <osses. Perj>etuiil Insurance at Hsuai rates. H. B. SWKARINGEN, Agent for the State of Virginia. OQlre Union Ilall Buildings, West hide of Main St.", 2nd loorSouth of N. W. Bank. aUgO Insure your Property. AjV1> VJS 'YOUli JiA i:.y/X(f# U1* AN dUIlINQ YuOJt /.//*/.; Win. T. Se!by, Inauranco Agent, Will take Fire and Marine risks in tiic Insurance Company if the Valley of Virginia 1 U|»if(il $;too,ooo >11 paid in, aud invested with aurpiub. \\J 11.1. Jil.io tnKe upplicatious for Life Policies, In the f V UnitedHtot.-s Lite Insurance Anuuity and Trust Co:u- .any of Piuladctidiia. Anscia fMl,4QS.i2 K,y.uated \jihte of Anuunl Pri^.^^,, Ell>re jftiWVfit."" TldE dilTNA INSURANCE COMPANY OF UAUTFORD, CONN. I.NCOKPOKA I hO, Jl.lV VITI1 A PERPETUAL QUARTER.CASH CAPITAL ALL PAID IN, 5 0 0,000. ""\NE of the oldest and best institutions 'In this country, continues to take risks upon the most favorable terms-. Apply to E. B. SWEARING EN, Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. OFFICE.Union llall Building, Main street. ._ Jul2.dly_ HOME BIKE AND MA KINK JA SUltAX Oh CUMl'AA }. [Ol'FICK NO. 4 WALL 8TJU:KT, K. Y.] Jabh Capital 1747,^< 2 14 .lABjUTiKs > $6.",t>77 tJ6 1MIIS Company Is owned and managed by some of the wealthiest anu best merchant* in theoily of New York.. :or particulars enquire of W. F. PKTERSON, jub Agent for Wheeling and vicinity. Valley of Virginia FJKK AXD MARISK INSURANCE COMPANY. Wui. T. Mel by, Agent at Wheeling. ("\FFICE. at the store of Tallant & Pelaplaln, Main street, L/ between Monroe and Qalney streets; are prepared to ake lliska at customary rates ou Good* in transitu, Steam- mats,Stores, Dwellings, Ac. .REFERENCES. J. R. Baker, Tallant AjDelapIaln, Thos. H. Lilt, D. Lamb, Norton, Aclieeon k Oo. G. Hardman, B. Brady, S. C. Baker t Co., List k Howell, O. W. lleUkeli k Co., ¦eptM ; TH E FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COM-1 l'ANV OP WHEELING. ' Incorporated 1S81. TAKES risks at the lowest rates on Buildings of all kinds, | Steair.Iw.nti, Furniture and Merchandise, and against all langer' attending the Transportation of Goods ou rivers,' k-as, lake s, canals and railroads. DIRECTORS. R. Cran^l*, S. Brady, Rob't Morrison Saiu'l Nerl, Win. Fleming, J. W. Gill, Dan'lLamb, Kobt Patterson, Saml. Oil. ROBT. CRANGLE, Pres'l. R. W. IUrdiig, Rcc'y- 5Sr"AppIicationefor Insurance will be promptly attended j ;o by the Presldeut and Secretary. ' Wheeling, Jan. 2S. 1863. Ai Laughlins & Bushflold, W liolcinle liruggfiits, JVo. 25, Alvtiroc StvMt, RE receiving their Fall stock of Drugs, Pateut Medicines, SEwab,0lls, Perfuniery and Fancy articles Ac., to which | the attention of Dealers is invited. In our .stock may be Touud: ' 7t>0 lbs Gum Camphor, 1,000 lbs Cream Tartar, I,(KM " Brimstone. 2,<»00 41 Hi Cart Soda, 1,'.M " Epsom Salts, J,tMW 4i Soda SaUratus, 2,(100 " Sal Soda, 6u0 44 Flus. Sulphur, 800" Guiuarabic, 800 41 Saltpetre, aPICES. &00 lbs Tcpper, 60U lbs Sicily Licorice, 400 *4 Albplcc, 100 44 Cal. Llcoricc, £n0 44 Cinnamoo, ft<J0 44 Cloves, 1U0 44 Nutmeg* 111 bx» Gr*d Cinnamon, 300 44 Mustard, lo 4* 44 Pepper, 44 Race Ginger, Co doz Mustard, b*)U 44 Gr'd Ginger, tio 4! Ext. CotTee, PATENT MEDICINES. Ayrc*s Cherry Pectoral, Batchelor's Hair Dye, Rariwa>f6il. Relief, Jayne's Medicinrs, Conkliu's Salve, McClintock'* Medicines, Holloway's Pills, Hampton'. Tincture, Holloway's Ointment. Dulloy's I'aiu Extractor, llooilaud's German Bitters, and ever} other medicine Thomson's E} e Water, sold. CHEMICALS. 50 lbs Quinine, fiO 44 C* omel, 50 44 Tannirl, 'Ii 44 Bit e Ma^s, .JO 14 Chinlocune, lf» 44 Jod Potash, 20 " Mon»HIne, 15 41 flliwrrl?, ao 44 Cinciiona, " 10 '* Cil.Putussa, 10 " Cldoroform, 10 44 Limes. Tr Cinch. Ail of which we gurrantee to Rive Satisfaction in boih quality and price. sp27 * Books, (stationery Si.Wall Paper. I NEW ARRANGEMENT. HAVING purchased the Book, Stationery and Wall Pa- par establishment of Joluril. Thompson, I will eontlu- ue the busines* nt the old stand, 117 Matu tUtet, Wheeling. Va.. and re.- p-ctful!y solicit a contlnuuncc ol thr: patronage heretofore so liberally extehded to my predecessor. It is my purpose to keep constantly on hand a full ami comdlfte assortment in the various branches ol the- busi¬ ness, and lo sell at the lowest prices. To Country Jlerchants, Tcacher* and others purchasing at wholesale, great lu(luceiaents are offered in stock and prices. I eB'-Ctsh paid for Rags. «iovIf-lj JAB. 0. ORR. To ray Old Frlentts and Cuatoinertt. I TAKE grcMt pleasure in recommending Mr. Jas. C. Orr, to whom I have s»Id my stock of.Books, Stationery, Wail paper, Ac., and Id request for him a continueace of the pa-1 tronage heretofore eruoyed by ine.' nov!3 JOHN II. THOMPSON. PIANOS ! PIANOS ! ! JUST RECEIVED from the celebrated manufactory ol HaBet, Davis A Co., a: splendid lot of Pianos. These Pianos are made with the fuU Iron frame, circular scales, and sibling desks, with patent suspension bridge, composi¬ tion bearings, aud the repeating grand action, and are tuny warranted to give satisfaction, and arejondetostandlnaay climate. ALSO.a splendid lot of Melodeons for churches, or the parlor. lu connection with the above I have a large and fall stock th every kind of Musical Instruments, and in fact every¬ thing that may be found in a Music Store, may be~foond'at the store of t. CARTWRIGIIT,. JelO- w IS5 Main St., Wheeling. MISCELLAN iX> U S. M' " T. C AR T \V R I GH. T ., WHOLESALE AND KETAIIj DKAI.KH IN .lln«lc nn^Mwji'nl Kuatrnw»Vl Vutlvrj rilia Variety 4ioo«l*. N.b. l'gC^MAIX STKJWttT. TAM receiving uud keep constantly ou hand nlarpe Stock ofthe celebrated 1LALLET, DAVIS « CO'S PIANOES. Also, :i complete assortment of M^lL,Jl«EON3 and SEKA: PIIINES, fioin the celebrated manufactories of Carhart, Ned ham ami. A. .P.; llujches. Also, h splcnded (tothio Or- jjnn, style for Churth<5 ur lecture Rooms, with four stops. MUSIC. I am constantly receiving and keep on hand a large and clique collection of Sheet Made. Also, Instruction Hooka | for every kind of Instruments now4 in u*e In connection vflth the,*\bove, I keep the largest stock in> the Western'country or the following good*': Violins,ATlo- llncelloei), l>ouble Basics, Guitars, Banjoes, Tnmborlues,. Flutiiiaes, Accoideons, Flutes, Files, Fageolett, Clarinetu, Drum*. etc. In fact, I keep every article belonging to the M"»ic business, p. S..Brass Bands supplied wlth^nstrumcntJiot short Pianoes, Melodeons, Strupldnes «»nd Accnrdenns, tuned and repaired,and all oth«:r kinds nfinvtiumpnUjgenerally, with neatness and dsspatch. f3P*"All joods warranted, at this establishment. dfc*2u GRANGElt'S Commercial arid 3\Iathevnatical INSTITUTE. COLUM13US, OHIO. I<.!*/( t(l Jijducemnitp to tloec if'io attend If CfiiUlO rrjul C.oBr'JC. SITUATIONS GUARANTEED! P.i't' " u TXJITXCN FREE ! S U M .\r E~R A~H 11 A X (! TO M EX.TS. TO fNUWIiiWlIU KNTBIl JIV ISSTITCTK, 6l! KtMIT JL me &h.\ and thus trntfu (JUAKANThi; SCHOI.AH- uie T ,-.--..71 rirrv--"ivn"»T53.-.»<« . > SHIPS, anv time before the 1st day or urxt September, can upon completing a thorough course of'Double'entry Br look Keeping-and .its Cvllatteral Branches, suenre Inctnttve idoviuentln Commercial or Bai klnc llouet-* as Accountant* within ninety days after their graduation, or elsJe JJu-y *IH be indemnified to tlio full amount, of the sum paid far tui¬ tion, and thus realise ; Pa re Tuition, cr i.iirrativeSituntions. Graduates fro*n this'Insiltntlbh ai-enow' tilling lesponsi- Ide and lucrative positions as Cashhis, Book ken*.. Railroad Olitce Clerks, iu diiferent seotW'ii* of. the country,, und are belnV!prefeffed by business men to Graduates of unv other. Mercantile Col'ege. Hence the above unparal¬ leled inducements which nothing hut the great Superiority of my instruction and thorough training of my studentn for business life uould warrant. 77\t I'rinrfj-al oj ihU Institution Iidf- let'r /tractical n&ooutoUnitjor louy*r period t/ton other. Tuicntr in thf W(*tcrn country. Address the undersigned for further p.itticolais. myO WITI. \r. «KAN« «;k. 'giilUiiioit Foumlvd 1S54. ¦ *L IOOATKD Cornor Baltimore and Cliarlcs sticcta, 'UAI.TIMOBK, m , . ri-HIS Institution IK.O K* t' <= ".«" prrspfrooii and (loar- L "niiw condlU. n. Twice during ll.c la« t«o y,a« !,»». M.t ei! i «e»s»,j 1" obixln Im p r »p»rlm«nl» for the nc- of ".» l"^r.-»?ln. nmnuor ..f stud. r,prc ntiiiE nearly every Mate in the Union. It nfw oc. upi-s one of the most conspicuous and deslra- b'v located buddlnK^ thecily. The rooms are comtaodl- niislv arran-ed.fpuclous and t leirantb furnWicd. Thu^dJwitapes and facilities here oiUred to younr men dislrlnu to qualify thtnitelvt> properly fori\hh "*»!>&£dit- tics of the Counting Room, or to ohtuin a Ihorvuyh iiutl Education rcnerailj, are unfur pawed In :,n> particular by any s/iullar ettabllshnnnt m the United- States. , . Fa ev.lt y: E.K. LOblEB, Principal.f-ccturcr ou thefclence of Ai counts, Commerce, * . IliHiuesv Customs, etc. ' J. M P II I li LI PS, Professor of the Thepry and Prat Ujt of Look-Keeping, and Commercial Calculations. 11 11. DAMES, Atsoclate Professor .^f Uook-Keeptng. N. C. JOIINSOK, Profeisor of Business and Ornamental Penmahanlp. 8. T. WILI.1AMH, E«Q.« Lecturer ou Mercantile Law. II eT E . VSATES K K K K K . D . D ., Lecturer on Commercial Ethics. Tuusrnts: Hon. Jno. ¥ Kennedy, Hon. jwj&J*".!*: lion.Thomasgwann. ' in^nii Ti"iist Kfn., William Knale, Ksn., The Coilvce'is provided with a Commerilal Library of Standard Work>, expressly for the use of students* Each Student has a de*k to himself, and is separately in« Tlure be!pg no vacation durlr.g theyear, Students can onJ ^The tlme^usually required to complete the full dourse, from S to 1*2 weeKS. V Dtri-OMA awarded to all Graduates. A Wr-'e ta'hd Beautifully Ornamented Circular, contninirp upwards «»f sis 6QI'a*k mw. renr-s -ntlnc the ExtiHor and Interior View .»f the UlU^, var oqs char»icf:r.rtii. Dwipn«, Enm»M«W *c~ mM/rtc of aMar. accompanied -^.taingn. KMn» JM._ JULY: SETTLEMENTS. OUtt cuntomers are respectfully Infonncl that their bills are now ready for m ttlemm*. and t/t would it a favor If they would rr.ll at our counting-roam for the name. \ rAKB'YOtfH OWN SOAP.It can Mie ma«le'"'easy. Food i\X and cheap, by using the "CONCKNTRATED, . For sail toy D^"3 IpiNE Urandy, Whlsk>; Port, Madeira and Lisbon Wlue, I Jtut reCclvtd and tor »l« by. , nn0 r|-*EA.-.Hu'f lti»l*ru;l. i i»isoi., G- PowdCr. aiid Oclong, 1 In 10,15add Jo lb. Koxes,Jnst r<crjve;lautrfor "leby j,2 » Kl'" Ant»S * n1"'. Luau. cLKLD liiiict) iJKr.K-atiercj in canvas.^ lu store aud for sale by [jV-l] M. R.-ILL\ '"pjlinOOA, l-KAISI, ^O.AlfROW. libOT. Corn .SlarLh, 1 K»tl«na,an.i HI'f Flour, for uiaMni.'PiW'|'"r" fei1 '°c Side sit UllK" tt lilWiiR P »}.i» viva >. '. C»rb grocery SU-re^o-ji Wi«»hinyion llfll. ''l^IIE UATII wHl^exteehlvely patronk-d f<.r sowe tnoi.lkd 1 io come. Use freely the PATH IUU^|auJ elegant a-tlcle b for sale by : T. IL LUtlAN * CO., .jJn, Brhtce corner I'ruggists. COllN MHAL. 2Q^K8C«. Start.Jt-M«d / ¦* RACE UOOPS, Hiakc Game. Domlnor#, l^iae Playing tT Card., LinfPElTiyl: MQirtn;.-?.- A finqWrllcle Of U^»ruTieS,.Wii:es% *. :9, Tobacco ;uid Clears, *c.-A":, can O Clarets, Scotth mcs be had at \ Jjl» liHBjv k uua'kr.'s. No. V> MhjugtoDjtell r*V|fEjir.t*! tzlrocVs in the world for the tuindkerclHcf or I T0,l«r. .r. ' »or »a.r ».> ^ T>RAVEUNO PAfKHtf. Wlcktr and lt"rat-.i.la Haiki. i. COS'. Water I'rnRT .il«.iyu Cap*. It.ai*. llo*y»-, ajjalu MMM. _ J. K. «I I-anN ~ OIL c'horu TABLE Wl'BBS sale at half the mnal price tir . ' jy2a J.OKAYfia. r WAX£D<W!BmD. :" JL'ST rcctlr.d, » f ,11 n««ortnien» ol CIr.id»lck'< «lcbr«. ted W**rrt ^pool thread, by [ jy^J J. G it A \ E . WALL PAl'fcK. ; i TI1K cl.«»p«lt Wall Paper and Borden are at J. u.jio JOB GHAVKi,'Main fit . Centre, tthieilnit. . iii unz Mad oil,, freih and pure, for by.t-. .- WJLLOW WiUiOSS. ^HU)* WaeoM ui.(l,Cabj,foraale ^"^"SKKTm. , , )?i J,,i woub'tfXISS. Ja.treceljre4- 'i\ FVt**. ' >. D. HAWPieit Jk sov CrtTy l^USINESS--'-; aOJLBENi.iIBBK HIVE STORK, l-J 4-- MAlN-S'i:., WHEELING FALL ASJ) OT0NIC .V TllOTfA3rt«<> pi?a»tir.« iu ann»Viu*niJ Hliat vUcj'.irf ayiyla receipt oJ- thr.i* ;«itt;stoeic of rPwIIJjUiJ <Vr^4<«ml>, »».» Hlllliii rv The* h«»e Just r.*Wt-J their Sc'-ilil Jatt cw'hloh.'auBei/lo their iSHner_st*it, vf!l enable IfccalWpre- .«eni t.» the Public more tlw»r; .r'.irt $56,000 W-OUTH OF GOOPS, ThfJr.T byW the la.*fccst tvA MO*T DKSIRAULTT neck. and tuiwrocinctlvi liE3V aELKOtlO.VoI choice«o<>d* |be*J)»»e ..ver <n? tc. the Public. I. Wn.i?fennir variety they. hfcvc addrd a iar*fc krocfc oJ Carpeting bnJ Rug* .oJ the lawst and .bwt Jgakr*, hed ^a abcatHttullflno orcholcc Furs, *uiU>He ttt® U«* Winter Trade.-tohclh.of whlchj ^ rcll geiftrdllt, thee levit*ufettUi'inWzi of the Trad*. :«r Urgely-w:ui lir *.»i»rr,\ira iw » c uwm: ivi Vvi"'* 'Lr. ptst/as R-9JIdirectly iVtixa t^c Importers,- and Maridiec- tu.vrs.ln styue Instance?;they, areable to offer iDdueemMd* to l oxe-ftrfy liui/ers, cither by tht- MECJ5 op at hKXAIL craejml bv :io similar house hthfc Wett.*' To meet the wontf ofRhelr rapidly ifloresa ins .Tra<le^|he>- have tucdi?'. and are nmple airanjwments to futiiKto the Public with' one or the best i<$ected stocks Of fco&di ,u thnlr line in the West. : JBttl In this stuck may lw? found fully 12,0Uo vds Bilks.embracing «umeof the ftuest Irnw 4,uOO *French Merino**,; OAShthere*, Bond*1 .iOliShafeJ* Hint Cloak*.eiubiHcinf #ouie of tbcj 'U> liver offered hi Wheeling. , a-iiiJ . W),«.H»o yd? 'Ghictiani4, TJebftVes, DelaW* ucd .Prlnw, and >5t#,iH.sO " of Domestic*.embracing the l^rg'tv»t line of American Woolen* Had Cotton gooda kept by any. {similar lionsc, If Obfc bv'nnV hauae in the'clty." Thev,Ii:i«v »alu lu.their stock with: a rtcw Kru cloitT cam trade, rir.d jdewi'c »«« Public that ao effort upon tht^r.paxt ¦ball be wanting to pli-Hie. ; "'T ,S l They feel coiitid*nt that th*Y can effvx iiidu^.m.MiU -rhM-c+uhJ.»f^f/Ve*.iclled by ho J.ou8o in the ui ;ho Unitedplates., I*o.trouble tu al|Otr good^tcooda^tt l3a»*s",lforeU and lVaat> for customer.*. bund, Pflm-- liivc Qec^e Feothws., il [ t*N eWA U^A M Y. HI CAN M A N* V F AC T CKlib nCTJL&U'N KOOK JiliJKI'KB'* ,>f Writing Fluid. C'lNCEtbls Bnjvnlor FfuT«i luk has beta before;tlie puWlo ^ uow ii»}»rly ttto .yl'KM, it has. »m#n constantly p^lpiQK ta avo'r," and is how profcrred by mau) u> titc fur-iHinr«1 Ar- iotd Flu lift :>jj » Durlnv* the past year twenty tliousand .juart and pint ^K>t- los.tojrother with Gmalb-r slsi-s Ifihunierttble.piHve beea sola 0 banki<rd und merchant^.J14 Cincinnati, LouisylUe,. PitLs- '.'ttrgh, Huffr.10, CU vchmd, D.troit, TeVre llaute, LafayeittH kineesncii, tudianapolUi- an*'VJJl*r» Frankfort. I-exiOfton, itartmeiiU'of Kentucky, Tennessee and Mia^^»ipp]. ,It»u«a .hVcii thW-rHrst clas^ l)iplytnas at thr Mechanica Xn»»tH\jte*» ii)ic!nn?»ti and LoulcrlUe, and four Diplomat and l*rUc.blr- Jhls tt'State Fairs hAlffUit Fall ic New Tork, Ohio, ladlacA ind Illinois. The foili.wlng merchants, banker*, &c.. In Whoollu#, ofore uslnp1 Arnold's En^-lu>h Ink, have f»urch^*l J.! J. Bui- .¦r'sliook-Kceper'aWriling.Fluid: uj; .>,, Not!hwr*!efn Bank of Virplnia; Xlfxrbajila' & M^ctianlcs* lank of AVhcelinir; Bank of Whtelinn; Crcacent Maiiu&Kru- .iijrCohtpart^ Countt Clerk 6r Ohio County; NutiuniUlvi*- fianh (ifliC4j;.ilnUUt:n.'. «iu1 Uhln Itallroad OiUcv, IWcJaitk louFt*; Kelly, llolloway i Co.; Uu&»oll A McAiyi*: UoctlnUj Hatthen* & Co.; T. Sweeney t Sun; lloane & CowrIIJ} .Oil A lord; fiord & Ott; OSivr Pryor: J>«. Il. rnoui. A Coij Lamb- lln, OlIl>er«or.'A C»»l{ r?M?.' Fr>r cal^ at i:mriuf.vctursrfc- priwa by '' jt ocCO .-» LAMPPIX. GTI.BKft.HON A Cl>. IVu<cir«rW. ^sweli j NiFfrrauil flatii Whw, ll«cU«, Ac. Ar. ". 1 O. 1\ ; BROW^? ' To. 118 Main'Stroet.iWhEtJing, Va. [8 iu»u iii.cninjr uho oi'^IIlH niMlU4^« *i of {;cotU in his Jjiiu that fitni . ve.r l»een brought. tu ;thH fry, which will be ifold and littail at prices «w ow as any house WeFt pf the AtJ.10i.lo oitief. ': ... An^onff his good's irtP.y 'ho found Gold and Silver H'atchis rom some of .tl;e moat celebrated KnirU*di and Sulsni'Maim- itcturei'cra*. Also, the )'cul I>. U.x l». A.merican Pnleal .faYrv WatchMJ Clocks In jirVat varl^v, including a t*w 4 «y Ue^ulatorsof tine quality, MuUalde for li.iUks, tntions,;Oirl«*'Cn aad 'W'at'eh Mr.Icrrs. tleautiful Jcwi-by,in setts ui otherwiw, of C«fu\,Wotuic, Mortmeut of »«dt .-od.ler snd jdat.-d .i. WHlry. very-efceap. Fine porJtet Cutlery, Knqn, .Scfi»?mi«. Silver Nuprin [lii^s. Card Cases, Uold J»en^, Ac. Ac. !Kvery5 arifefe iu ills cstu I>11 aliment i.\ warrutitvd to l«t a*, ^otnl aj» repyeM^it- dLor'th'e monev nturricd. A chll Is respectfully aoliidteO. ilihio ll^Muln Hi.t oi.eiloor from Marsh ^ Tavlori'*. No. 2 \v asliington Hall. - T TAKK pleasure in informing my friend* and patrons ui L Wheeling ahd IU v'.chiit.v"and the citlselis generally «bMt have Ju«t received %. larxest, fliiM.l and boa* selef U* took of Cloths, C.Vslmcrcs and Vesting*, Tor epr.Ug hu* ummer wear,, that 1 base ev^r ottered to tl»e cdUet* of VhVelln^fcrtd vr. Iiilti;>»H of uhlbh 1 um prepared lom»*r 0 order. In the latest and most approved sty les fetm/bcyi tanner, at nhoi t notice- All ^oo'ts.warranWd,to bv reji- {.sented or no salt. . I have also just leceivetf > Ur8**X*ck Ctnte ai? Ooods,>deh as white, £ol2Wd and h.urseniase Wilrts ud fihlrt Collar*. SUJfi Cotton and aSerlun Umer WdrU, Iflt, Col'ti/n, Linen atid 'Jane's I>rny-s, plik nud Iahtn Iisa>.- er<ibior», ansjieiider*. Silk, Cottdn and Lifle half Up*. Inrk. U'littc and colon.1 Ki.UiNivi-j.or Ihc V'T. t'..f ,l»laWank «nJ hiii-y BwcU,TI». r<.-fu^. ;. *c. J. II. nTALLJIAA. nihS? Mrrchnnl Tnllxr, No. 2. WUMtaUn TOU. New Arrangement. woeiil) annouuee «o Uic .uliic-rlkcni for ,apcr>, i. ic.iM, xc. wUoht imuitfl li»vt l«-pn [ran.ftrr 1.-.1 to ui. (r. lr. TaWn'* ll.Miku, thitl wt* ure now rccelvlitc said I'ct1^- \l. Ac. rcculailv, milt ytoulil r«iu<K Ujosc uUoy ttrm« o, lo cull it III Jlnln struct. Any wIsl.tnK ».¦ dl.coutW hrlravuarlvlwill plenai- iu Ihiitt« W ¦"'» W»; !CI |.r«K>Vv UKlr L-opl.B. We l.«vc Juil » oaf « lecain Family Jlllllvk; alao latL- puUltuUoMi »Hk. »"»' a"< lira. B3Uthi.orlh'.1'rtoi-«.| In itat!oi..r.' Illiv can ho 1IU.1 <1 the "C»..«|l ""''"v W IT Main ttreti. L»l'"'l. JAB. O. OKU. HEXSKELIj'i. SWEARINGEN f I A V1°. now reeeived- their, entire SKt'OSD i?TOCB OP II SPKLNU 4 tfCMMER GOODS rreently Klwcsl f* Sew Yurie bv sumpl* bud othervlao from tbr.to«ift- irrivals and elegant deeipju^f th^sessou. rhey would lice :iere to call the attcutlpD of buy ers to their,oaWnsm stock A Drees Goods and Ktnbroidcrice, which in v»riet>fen«i xauty of style, combiued, vriU# prlcea, excelled.. Their fltock of Staple aud other Goods is liUtuts-e. We have now a.bCRuHfuI aeeorbomt of ^prirk ind Summer Dres> Guotls, eonMitjps of hieh Flohuced (jretfaUlu*-, Pa \ad«rft Flounced. Mere^tfl, .-BJjaueVe FlouuOM HlkS ilripod aad Flounced. Ora*mfitt*. ft,U; HKH'KF.Lh.t SWKAUTNOhX. THALI3iiiRG,£) MUSIC,~i~ rllAtBKHG'p Variations on Home.Sviet Home. TliAbllCHtf'fi' " on Lart-Ifoor of Pumnvr.7 TllAhUKUG'o u on "KlUlrc D'Amore.**. T»J AbtiKKU'S' Boaiance Vari<c. cut TKAUILHU'd fi.rtoa'lp. )rcm.D«0 yatqualp, -..!. For salt-at "T. CAHT^'HlInf? .oyg'j. M»isic aud Piany^V.areroota. JW \T MIO want*an elegant (ollct or abating t^-p. VV Lo*»'» Itrown Wilder.2cap, Cltarer'a llcney '* .,?i:i* u Muxk u . Hotel's Almond * - * 14. Omnibus,. V, ¦?)>. Dtrln's Wlcsd^r' '* ... « " Pont-fcn, . i *'i Taylor's Wash balls '* .«. - Par nf bt 1 ' 4?1". .,T.H. iqOA3.-,*,;CO. let UKKAM, SUU4 W AltiK. COxrECTlONAKlES, ic. t WOULD hereby glee notice to the"iltlsenS of WMfcUof and vicinrty* tbat-I havothrowntny whole botweojl>loo' .ye street next door to the 'Jims* office, into an Ice Cream Saloon, and am better prepared than orcr to accotttabdato ill ibo«e who may favor ine with, a call. I baVAjustn- teive<r direct from Bo«on, one cf the flntat. ellrct' Podu fountains In th- city, a-visit to t#e..which w»l ttvacauy >ne, tfot'iatlnV anything of tbfc bsblthful betWajf al*lllle4 IkMh Tbanklul for Jbe Ulffral patrouaff *bl«| lias »eon laYlshiv beiitow.-d'upon me fortbr last two years, t jiost restirrtfully soMMY*ii >o®ftU:uat»re' of thesaro^, ui)4-iitv /.-£ tmUlLZd K. fiVAItrz. A IV IcXYl U KI.IvVKIf »TOlifc OVj.fr' A p.n'tR HAjroiso!'; iiiiiinnKS. .. * MRK BOARt'M, ,, m.NDIJW KHAlll^. ¦¦' mi. cwnif, ,i Ct-i:r.uV nxYcma1, COBUK AMI TAtStta, It-,, if.. juk on^r.M at the ncr/ Variety Store of j;.K. wluxjs t oovq So.^4 Monroe Street, .next Uoor kelvw^G; K. HbferatS* * aM .. , r»ywrsau'^»oiK>a t>ryyic. T At.'K Mi A U La, jnstc.jH.-neel by. JL/ iyj : UKIHKJXL A BW^BINGKN. 5 KOWN. Green"and Blue Grenailine5, fur-V'Ufe. fUnrriCr ,i quality, ju*t received. Jy* * ^'^ll eisinxir * sw CARING Kg. OA'A' H L.Alhio4«»i fa.Oa^Mej.t, just rtcffv«<l «od for sale b\ DHMV M DKAKh, .Jy| . i1J K«»/ MVfehtnStoftMlllll. * A»»'fcWiV»>r.oa»iv.t^Jlorrv of priiulae. V khi ,"i»i store k/id l<>t s;dr bv lllUAC ^ * )-i .' No. b Wafhtwjtto^flbn. Ltil J'kK BOUKS ANJ/ i.K'n'KK lHUSStik^ \\;\. have SL'PKjjtlOR V£LLUiI COPYING gOOM*. * W litw nri'd superior article, aad Screw LetW PMtno* SILK OillXK CA l*S..*liave thv( taade to unlet*if* fui sajle ol Mlk Cht«*k Cap^, |«n eac-cdlnf at»*t bTeasafit dap for summer wear. 1 ^,15 :b.:P. DAl:P^RA BOy. i^AHlNA, Corn Mt*reh, Ma«5aroni «ud VerndctUa, Junt re- Ceiyfl^aod f»>r <ela by ^je^Vj .. tlltfAHlitf t BKO. OKUNfi^-rivru I.-.V..,us» r»reived and for aile by.^ JL it'Xi .' BDWAHDM AMD. OC«4klt CXJHKfi IfAMF/juar-solved and for #*X bj- 1 ._> V d r A- KD>t AltHIAiStf0- jk, LK^nOktffc, BnsryMiuVvCi!aid .Kenni.f, jUafrEO-tveA and for sate by u 70 aP'tfor "x|.|jAST k DmAPLWX. r

Transcript of WHEELING SATUTlDAV Sljc dueling JfnteUigcnccr, CARDS. i ... · sufficiently recovered to It-ableto...

Page 1: WHEELING SATUTlDAV Sljc dueling JfnteUigcnccr, CARDS. i ... · sufficiently recovered to It-ableto resumethe practice of hi* profession, lie way, for the present, be foutdat bis"



Sljc dueling JfnteUigcnccr,IS Frill.I.SIIED



OFl'iCE.Corner of Main ami Quincy streets.Kntrtiiirc from yuincy »L

teumk.J'aili, per annun; fr,0»>TU-Wokly, per annum £:»,.*>W fckULv,ji'-i-annum. .$1,00


A >uL'Ai:L.fat one square 1 insertion $ 75

.. ** 2 ..1,00844 1 ,£5

.. '* 1 week2,00t " 8,50

.* 44 1 UiOfitii G,o0" t " O.Tft

«. 44 8 44S,»*>44 44 6 44 12,00.4 44 IX 44 15.U0

For advertisements ofgreater length, and less than % of a

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tej-j, per annum $ 0,00For Business or Professional Cards, one square, perannum 10,(W

For J **oliituisfoutside) one;Ar1<<o,uo-w..^4 '*Co. 00X44 £ '. 44 44

.. 40,00Fifty percent, on the above for the ln#ld*.txri\ :*oual Cojuxbunic&tiou* charged at $1,00 per thou'

taiideuii.0P" Special Notice# charged $30 per square, perannum,

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Jinslni<i» AiimiUviotDto, withuiouthly change, onesquare 1 year f 26,00

gan: with weekly change 80,00Notice of iw-athi inserted gratuitously, but Funeral

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«'lliiSUW OK_NKWSl'Al'Jb.US.I..i*ubaerih» r* who do not give express notice to the con¬

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CI11T1.C Jits <Tl" \VlU',KI.IN<i.For Uic Information of strangers visiting the city,w* pub¬

lish tile following list of the different Churches, and theirtime end place ol meeting. 1: there are any mistakes, wea ill make.the necessary correction Kim pleasure:

.V. Mutlh* u*«, J.'j /#<»7<(/i'«n, Corn* r Monroi and Byrontrects, l;i*v. fc. T. Plmcins, Hector; niorning services lo>j

o'clock, errnlnp, 7.Si. JohU V, fy.ixcopatian. Main street, between First and

ecoud. Centre Uht ling, IUv. Q. K. Wakslk, Pastor;mornings«/rvice* ltj§ o'clock, evening, »X .

y/rnt J*r**i>ytertun, Uiv. II. II. \\ Krn, Pastor, Fourthst.,«tw* en 3ioitroe.and 4^ulnc>;*vrvici.»uioi ning and afternoon

!(eptmil 1'i tnl'jjtrriuii, Webster street, between Main and

Market,Centre Winelmg; services morning and eveuing.Third frriuu, Fifth street, b«tween Chestnut and

Talbeit sts., tjouth 'iY hi cling, Itev. E. Woona, l'ai*tor,*ervi-iri morning and et eiiing.

Fourth I*i-tkbyttrUm, Kcv. A. Facll, Pastor, Mali.street,

between Washington and Adams su.; acrvlce* morning and

.rening.fuutlh Sirret M+thOflifiC E/jUcojwt, Jtev. J. K. Wittoi,

Faster, Fourth street, between Monroe and Quincy; services

morning and evening.&r<tt Jlttfiod1st Spiscopitl, Rev. A. A. Usoaa,Pastor

urn.r Ilarket and North ats., Noiih Wheeling; services

morninc and evening.ChoplLne Krltt JftihotlM EpUcoval, Rev. T. H. Most-

ok. Factor, Chaplinc street, between First and Second,

Centre U hee 'ng; services morning and ev«!Uing.

South Ahtt'lnv M. E. (V.n/v\ Kev. A. StMtNS,

astor; hcrvices morning and evening.Wheeling Mand C/iaptl, on Wheeling Island, Uev. J.

£. \\ Itang, Fastor.Ofrtimn JUttAoiUU EjiUcopul, llev.fl. lltLtviu, Pastor,

C!>apllne street, b« tweeU W ebsle-r and Third, Centre Wheel-

l'»g.St. Jntne* Cut/it(i*til1 lloroan Catholic, lit. Uev. Uisiioc

11. V. Uuu-AK, Filth Street, corner of Hampden; services

t. ornlug and afternoon.Auoci'aU Jityormtd, UevJ J. T. McClckb, I'astor, corner

c I Market and JeUvrson sts.; Mrrvicesuiornlug and afternoon.

Luf.tikt% , Clay street, between Filth aud

fxth Streets; service*morning and cveulng.I»i*cij»U'»% Market street, between Webster and Third.

C«litre Wheeling; services lo^ in the morning, and 7%

evening.Etaugilical PrnU*tant, Rev. J. IlririK, Pastor, Clay

street, above Sixth, East Wheeling.Zion EcunytUcol J.uUurian% Rev. F. ZutuuaaMA*.

ptitor, Markt: street, between Webster and Third; Centre

V. heeling; services morning and evening.Sytutffoyu*, Quincy street, between Market and

Main.Otnmiu rrvteiUint, Union Kail. Main street, between

Monroe and Quincy; services 10^ morning.

ODL> FELLO^iVS' I>1KECTOKYVlruinluN l.o«l|jr INo. Mceta every Thursday

evening at the llall, corner of Market and Mouroe street*

Jams* W. Moubk, N. G.; B. 21. Cnrr% Secretary.fr'ruulilin Lodge No. 13..Meet* as abovecvery

Monday evening. J. J. Fnrs.ni, N. G.; ir. /*. JU*j

AWrijr, 8ecretairy.%Vu«. fell l.oilge No. Meets asabove eve-

ry Wed rut day evening. Chs5« IiiCKMA», N. O.; jdhnSalad** Secretary.Wlirellng l.oilge !V®'. 59..Meets every Monday

..Tening at the Hall, corner Market aud Quincy streets..T. Muviutv, N. G.; JoAn Jlupburn, Secretary.

I'nuoln l.odge Mo. 8'i..Meets as above everyFriday evening. A. A. SMtra, N*. O.; W. IT. BtaiicAardIWretary.Abruiu'a Rncnnipmrat N*. 1..Unci, il the

Hall, conwr Market and Monro* streets, the JtrmtAmi UktrtlTo.«.Iaj .reninnef »ashm»nth. ST. ft. Mtlsn.C. P-i'tT.". *'"</.Seribr.^ IB 'l*ell I .eiiuapitie 111 Mm. 34..Meets as

a ,rc »h. mvsi/ «a<t fourth evenings -.f each"r»»t Kratl, C. r.; Chat. Lin?*, Scribe.

masoxic"5Iuhctoky."hi® Ij.d^e lot..Meets at Masonic Rail,

eonirr Market I.n.1 Monroettreels, theJlrti and tMrd Jlen-.taTeeralnmcf eneh month. O. W. Sluats, W. M.: Ater.

feerrtarj.» heel.a* l.ad«r .«.. 148..Meet* as abave on

*jlr%t ami f '.ir./ Thursday evenings of each mouth. j\ A."asSTuXiiWi.W. 3,.; 4,'. J'tur-un, SccreUry.Wheeling Union Cliupter No* t9..Mcetsa*

above on tiie itcond Monday evening of each mouth. W»GScott, 11. P.; .«?. »" /V«irw»»4,Secretary.

Witreling bucaaapmeat No. 1 ..Meets as

abtivr OH th<-fourth Monday evening of each mouth. W. J®atk», 0. C., A. Lorinrj, Recorder.

TO Pttl^TKRA.We are prepared tn furuUh l»riitters with Wade'* superior

X«_ws, Hook amiJob Inks. We have now onhand'!fteiva Ink. haud prec*.News Ink, power press,

(took Ink.Flue ttlnck.

Katra Flue do.lied Ink.

Extra fine do.Idghi ftllue

Dark IUmc.I.i^bt Green.Dark Green.


Gold Mice.Varnish.A c. Arc. A'e

All Inks sold by tts warranted to be good; and if found nolobe so, can be returned ui our expense.

{3ff"Terms cask.:ui; CAMPBELL k McDERMOT.

A very neatamlsvperiorarticle of t*"

BANK CHECKS on all the city BanksORDER BOOKS,

-LANK DEEDS, NOTES, DRAFTS, &C.Prlnte-I ouMtra paper, for sal. t tblao.luj

V -Of,- Receipts and liilh of Lasting".".e'edsffa Uou»J to order. Also, aeery description of

L/iK All i/ll^ iFiMINC!


. RUSSELL & FITZnuQH.Alloruc)m nud t ouiurlloiai ul l.tnr,OfFlCS

Ko. C9, Moxaux STitrirr,Wheeling, Va.

J. M. r*SULKTf"*"


Office, Orcr he ISnnk of M ln-cJiny,"Wheeling, Va.

X37~Attend regularly tl« Superior aud Inferior Court# ofli*ooke, Hancock and Ohio counties. noviily

3.I (f.r. Tcmira,Jackson 0. II., Va. J / Pirkersburg, Va.

Thav/ & Turner,ATTOKNKYS AT LAW.

I_A7 M II.I. atUnd vtrictly to nil bu«inms entrusted to them.it the counti«« of Wood, \Yirt, Jackson, Ritchie, Gilmer andPleasants.Particular attention given to collections.

.llLFi:ii To.PHILADELPHIA..lion. Georpe £harsvrood ; Hon. Joel

Jones, Hon. Chas. Gilpin, Me»*r». Le«- kWalker.

BALTIMORE.Mmmi. Nealc A Luckett, Mtfirr. Penn ASfltcIitU.

WHKKLING.Messrs. Z. S. A J. J. Yarnall, Thoma* John-fcton, Jr. oc20:lyJAN ». M 1IUA I L,

A TTOHXEY A T LA WrU lii eliii^, Va.,

nAVING sufficiently recovered to It- able to resume thepractice of hi* profession, lie way, for the present, be

foutd at bis" resldeucc on (Juincy ktreet, between Fourth andFifth*ts. oct4:tf


ATTORNEY. AT LAW.ILL practice .Jti the eourta of Haucock, Broskc, Ohioat.d Marshall countlc*.

Office over that of '1/ Jac.b, K^n.j Monroe St., opp°»lteWfux-liiV, Y'rt. janS.vly

Wthe Court IIoujm;,


UKKTI.H I',HAP tak'-n a suit of splendid rooms In Hornbrook's nev

block,118j{ Alain st.,directly over C. P. I»rown'& Je*-:lry store, where he hope* to e«tabllr.h himself permanently,liy clo-e attention to hw bniiockt, reasonablecharges, jroodmd faithful work always warranted, he hope# to secure a

hare of patronage.Dr. W. 1.4 familiar with all the ntw mode* of Inserting

Petth, Including the "Continuous Gum" work. Filling,.leaning and extracting, done in the In ei and most faithfulrunner.No churgu far advice. For fufther particulars inquire at

he utflce. ui.v 24AL>KED¦ HUOHfiH, M. D.

Homcoopathio Physician,IAS removed his office and residence, and permanentlyocated l/imtelf at tlu* corner of Fourth uud Qitiueey streets,>elow the First Presbyterian Church

Orrica Hocks;.Morning, from # to 'JNoon, " 1 "

Fvetilngs, " . "1#HILL OF PII1CK3..For a single visit, ibcenta; medicine,

W cents. .For two or uiore visit* a day, 50 cents; medicidc,!.> cents. Advice at office, and medicine, from 'Jit to bo cts,ukI upwards, as the case may be.Obstetric cast#from $2>to£l<j.Visits to the country, according to distance.The above "Bill of Prices" 1* giveu hecausc It is said my

iharges are much higher. my JMyd


DRUGS, MfcDlCINES,CJHICMICAI.S, I'EH1<TJMERY, AC.J la. t UI'.U li.ii li i. It would announce to his

. iricuda nnil the public generally, tliat haviug purcJia-ed the interc*t of the senior pai tiu r in the business lately:onducted under the iirni of J. Cruiuhacker L 8ou, he willontinue the name at the old stand, No. 115 Mniu >t., audrould respectfully' solicit, aud trusts to merit a continuance<i the patronage so liberally bestowed ou the old firm.He has just returned from the KasU-rn cities, and Is now

peuuig au extensive aud well selected stock of Drugs andmemicals, Perfumery, Fancy articles, Ac., uU of nhich were

airchaaetl alter strict per*«nul inspection and with scrupn-l»u* regard to the purit.v of quality, and are now offered tolie public on the most reasonable t»-tnu;. lyr

j'auui> it co.,[SVCC'KSSOJW K) JAMLS RAKBlt.]

Wlinl"..l. Rot.HllVomerpfJ/uin ami Jltmro* Street*,


\C. GOOD A CO., have bought the cuttre stock of Jas.. Uaker. and Will continue the business at the old staud.

Dr. Uaker having gone Into one of the largest houses in

'hliadelphla, has kindly agreed to make purchases for hisueceskors in AVlieellng. The arraUiieuKUt wlU iusure theireeping oil hand, (and offering tin the best terms) & full as*

urtmcnt of the very best articles iu their line of business.A. C. GOOD A CO.

Wheeling. Dec. 20, IAJH. dc21


MAXurAcrcRiXis or

Every description of Leather,. AND

Dealer* in Wool nml IXiden*J.'07 e Htuwi A o. 110, >ier Mark et at'.cy and Main utreet,

WHFKLING, VA.tPB^fihoe Findings of aUktndaon hand, and sold at very

(federate term.'.

T. .^WEENEl^dTSON7~(SrccKt>K»a."i to .SwKKKCTi! a Dkll)


China, QtieeiiM^nre, Lamps, Glruudoles,Tabic 4uilery. Ac.No 00, MAIN fcl KK.tT,


ST. CLAIR HOTEL,4roMM>:aLT BxcnAffca uotll.]Poiiu unci »t, C/'Intr atieeta,Pittsburgh, Pa.

W. C. CONNELLY, Proprietor.waylft

S. AVERY,Wholesulc uud Remit

Hat and Cap Manufacturer.NO. 146 MAINM KKKT,

Wheeling, Va.flfllns on hand the largest and best ashortmentof Hats

r..i <'nt'fc nf all Qualities and sises. jnllo. w. inusaau, K.a.awsjiaiau^.

HEISKELL &. SWEARINGEN,Healers in nil Hind* of

Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. °

Corner of Market and Union streets,three doors from Geo.L". Wlckha'm'a Auction Room s,


WIIOUSSAUC OBOCKBS,Forwarding and Commission

MBKCHAIUS.coanra Moaaoie Axn MAKcar


Lambdin, Bonham & Co.VIKtalftlA. lUIFKI.nG.d PIKRWIX

Manufacture Printing aud Wrapping Paper. Candle Paper,Cotton Tarn Paper, 6tcaiu Doat Paper,

Bonnet Doanls, Fullers*Boards. Ac.

M. lUSlLLY.Wholesale dealer in Groceries,foreign and Domntie Wirits nnit Liyuon,

No. 1S1 West pip* Makkkt E^i abb,ma7:ly W1IEKUNG, VA.


M'OLALLENS A* KNOX,W holeanle A* Itetnii <lenlei> its ail kibdsaf

Boots, Shoes, Leather, etc.AV 1»6, JfalnVrtit,


(. IV. SEXTON L. 8RAL......A; VAN SWEAUINGEV1.1..V I U > . r>K,\l. <V MI'KAUINUliK,


No. 11 feloalh Fonrih at.I'llJI.A DFLPiriA.



.Airx>.Commission Merchants,

AV. t9Main Sire**, and AV 12 Jfonm Street,WHKEUSG, VA.


IIE-A.L ESTATE,Office corner ofMain and Union streets,

aug37-lrd WHPSUK^, VA.

S. I BliOCH,Importer andDealer

In Brandies Wines, Gin, &o.WUOL£SAUC cf RETAIL*Wo. <», Blontoe

aplft «ra W**ku*o. Va.: E. VARNEY:jTASCrAcrr^xj! or

torriR, tin a niiVKr niov ware,JT*. » Mai* tt. tunr Vk* Creek ErWf,

milkl-tXG. VA.


ASI) I~\yn AOKKTNo. R1 Hfowana ctictt. Wkkxijuq. V%.



w]N0.30 MONROE^.,



DREW &. DRAKE,{SuHC**4or* 10 '*>¦ IK Ajnit.) .

NO. 5 WASHINGTON' HAM,,tf.r- EEP constant!;. on hand a lame and cboice assortnient |IV «f articles usually kept in a fir»tjcla«p FAMIL* 0R0*C&KY, together with the most choice aud adected brand*ofi'OliACCO aud CIGARS. «1»1

JNO. D. XVX. CARR,DEALER Iu Western Law!, Toau ul City property,

Land Warrant#, and Agent lor the s*lc of city protur-ly. Particular attention j»;ud to the location and transferof W'tittrn Lands.tSyoi^cv No. 1 "Hornbrook'a Row," up itairt.Match 12. l^T.ly


BOOTS, SHOES, (fc.,No. m.illniM Hl._

"~5. D. HARPEK & SON,Wholesale and Retail Dealers inHATS CAPS, STKAW GOODH,

MUFFS, FURS. AMi CAKPET BAGS,No. l-'J Main at. corner of Uniou,

WhrscltxgJVa.w..a.bi/wauds. thos. m.wards


r of lffut-l*ri k«n«l Monro** »I reefa,OPPOSITE THE Mr!.l-liK HOUSE'

WHKEl.TN'G, VA.pfRvtry variety of (ItocuiMi Brandies, W IiU* |

kit*, Winta, Qln, Ale, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac., Ac., constantlyon hand. **1**1


RV AND FANCY fiOOIlS,No. 108. Hornbrook a Building,

If2iiiit .St . Wliteliiig.CLOi A'.S and WATCUEScar/j'ully rejwirid.


GROCERIES, FLOUR, MIl.J,Feed, Corn, Oats and baled Hay.

»rroaiTB thb 2d irbhuytkriax chi-rch, w&h&tkm stkxkt,C-'culrf W heeling.

W~Thc highest price paid iu (Jam for Country Produce.jnl8

j7 O. COLLINS,Grocery, Feed and Produce. Store,So. ISO Market Sqrnirc, Weal aide.


| r ELI' const anil., on hand nil kinds of * ted, such ax Oats,l\. Corn,Br»u*,H»ort», Ship Stuff*, ctc.. Ftimr, Corn Meal,hitter, Egtfs, Poultry, Provisions, and Dried Fruit of^ nililDiltf, together with a compute assortment ot Family Gro-lerlw.0F~C£ah paid for corn, oat*, Flaxseed, Pried PrulU,

[heep Skins, hide#, butter, eggs and poultry^ apl'i.) . M . M . FA L) 1N 6s <J O.,


BO i'S UCYEK, a 50 COMMERCIAL ariCKET,61 f.milo, »lo.,

RDl-'.US for Lead, Ucuip, Provisions, Flour, tfraln, Ac.,solicited and promptly extcuttfl.

.REFER TO.J. J. Axdkrsok & Co., Ranker*, St. Louie, Mo,L. A. I»£»OIaX k Co., %i V*



VO. KS HJ» STKPKT, WIIKKLIXU, VA.Vholesale and Ket.iil dealer iu Pnintii, Oils, ^ash Door*,

WinooK Class, Looking Gliutcg,Itruxhe*. Ac.. Ac.

f T AVINO purchased Uie entire stock of J. A. Tlnctot,Lj. ami intide Important and heavy additions, I trust, byon«tantl.\ keeping a pood assortment, and seilin? ktinoder-,te pries, to obtain a reasonable share of the patronage ofi»y ohl friends and the public peiKrally. Call at my new

tore. JOHN L. I!AKOHEAVES.oct:U 'r>C-ly t

W. & jrSTEWART,MAsrrAOTcnafcs or all Ki.ioa or

pro V KM, .» KATE9, Pl.Ol'^ll HtON»,PastiuiiM for 'l'hic>»lii»»« .TInchinea,


» ...

STEll'-l JiT A OALD WELL,MA^LrjicrrnLits op


whkeIjIng,jya.Wholesale Paper Warehouse


(arcoEM'iKd t<> i. o. aowss^/N a co.,ANDBA«swrr a co.)11 ANUPAC rUKR end keep co:mt:»ntlj- onhand tfie follow-iX ing Papers,

gra.iK KBAPPrac,auu waApriso,


OBCOOJ-iTS, COTTO* FACTOaV AND HATJiWiliS PAPBR.bonnet. Binders' and Fullers' Jioards,

'o irhicb they invite Ibe attention of purchasers. > -^acpliV i, K 1 T I A N B L I N PS

George Roberts,8:$ ITliiiu at.

"lONflNCES to manufacture to order (whole«ale and r vU tail) a beautiful variety of

VENITIAX WINDOW BLINDSof every colvr and slxe, and at Eastern prlc»a.

Those Bliuds are superior to ertry other kind of WindowHinds in use. r

t^VCatl and examine specimens.N. It..Old Blinds rei>ainted, aud trimmed equal

icw. uv!4



Wheeling, Va,REFER TO.

List A Howell, Wheeling, Ta,0. k B. Davenport, DamesviIle,0.Burt.Shafer k Smitb, Cambridge, O.D. Applccatc, Zanoville, 0.Pric«* k Son, Bmithfleld, O.O. A. Zant-, Baltimore. fe27






MBTCALF & M'X.CKB,_Propriotor8.'pnIS Is one of the largest helj! mos: couimodlous HotelsJL We»t of th« Mouutaiuj; and posesses all the accoiu-

nodations of Uic l>c»t hotels of the East. It tb convenient¦j ail the raUroad depot? aud the rtcauitoat landing.

f. a. BAKBB. j- *. BABtR. U. h. lOUMTH.



TOBACCO HOtTSE,?|niu ritrrct. Kaiil *W«. wfnr «|uiurr,

tplB-ly \V JHI-lKHNO VA.k. u. jokuas. jst>. r. otLaiKun.


OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE,ITlniu Mt., opposite . U'.Bnnk,



THANKFUL for the liberal patronage heretoforebestatred upon hits, the subscriber Vould re«|iecl-fuliy inform his friends, and the public generally,<faat he continues to manufacture the ahctre namedarudesin alltbeir varieiy, all of whicA he has al-

praya onhand^a good aasortmeat for wholesale and retail atten- low prices.Ue also keeps on hand Cooking Stoves of the most approv¬

ed patterns, for coal and wood. .

f^r-Jab Work will continue f® receive his particular at¬tention, and be executed with promptness audio astjle thatwill please the mo#t fastidious.

E. TARNETag2l No. S, Main street.

Sheppard and Morgan,WHOLESALE AND RETAI1,

Saddle, Harness aud Tionk ManufacturersXit. 131, Main <f>V. Vvtuer uf Onionj

HAVB no* o:i hand a larpe and roiopfctc auortmvnt ofall articles In oar line, consisting oJ Ladies and Gen- >

tlenien*s Saddle*, line and eoarsa Hameas; Iron. From# audWoc»d Trunks, and Valieea, Car|»et Ra?f, Satchels, Upper.Leather, Hogihin, Hair and Wool Collars Whips, Unices,4c. kc. Ac.Saddles of every description and quality, Horn the lowest

rate to the best style of English Shaftoe. ;Iraq frame Tmnks and Valieea, a very superior* articleand unsurpassed for Rtchtncss strength and durability'.Fine single and double Harness of the best style; Stage,

Wagon and Cart Harness of the beat caaterlal and wore-maushlp.A largf assortment of Carpet Bag* and Satchels of every

variety of material and pattern.All work ordered will be furnished promptly, and no ef-

fort will be spared .to acrit a continuance of public fa-vor. QiveuaacaD. |no\IT SHRPHARD k MORGAN.

HOOP SKIK'IS.¦^JEAPOLITAS, Wkale Hone, trail, Steel, and llohairi.N Skirts, juft received by


THE larreat in file city..p« , HEJ&EET.I. Jt PWTARIKRFV.

TRAN8i^)IlTAti(>^Cleveland, Pittsburgh. «k Wheel¬

ing Railroad.

rMPOitTANT- I'llANUK OP "TtJfE.OS nud tft<.r .Mr,i»I<iy. Jiayl«if«sr.r, Tralim wai ran ai

folluns:I.KA-VE CI.EVEI AM>:

.-.(H) A M M-ii! TniliVrionplns at all Tfcalloiw, »rrlr-»f.-W Apuigburptt at t*S' I'- M . SirnicnvHo»t l.:4S

P M. iioil Wludtmi «t BiH-2:00 P 11 Express Train. stopping at; yud*on. Ra>enra,

l:ovts;own, Atr.-ntPr, Lima, AmnlW**.,l- ^L'llncville, Tallow Crn*. »"<> a" St»U0l* Ubpve

Wl W'< Mlus CiMk; «.;*«» atEt «:45 I*. M., StenbenvJile at Cr'j P. M., andWherling at Tir-S P. 31-

,4:B5 P JI AccoiumocUnAn, for Earcnna ana V»> station.,co»iiicctIi»B at Hudson for Cuyafcojja FaU», Akron,acJ Miaerslmr-fe

lkav.e.pittsburgji;JAM IS-',r»<« Traill Itopv^1-' *'*4 A M S?io*-Sl^u!:fn%»lt; arrivs at

Whrriinp at T:4T A JI. This. Trnln Ao. a bat to to>Cl«-V<6lOIICl.

. tr9*40 A >1 Mail Train, stops, at nil Station? excep- Ham-

monil'a. Nt-w S«l=biirv, Sunimftvlllc, Ea»t fiwbcf-tcr, Mr.ultrlc and Wnehratei: artlvw «l IJ«i-land nt <3K*> P. M., fcteubeuviUe at 12:4.1 P. M.,Klld WbCclil^n it lllj P M.

R «0 P M K.xprcfS Train, ?:r.ps nt all Ftallons except NewSai*li:V-y, Lima, Enrlvllle, Macedeuia Ami New-hurfc: arrive* »t Cleveland at 9:- 5 I'.viilu at P. M.»and Wheeling at «:£** P;M.LKATK" HiillMaKFOnT, «-M*o5n c wiiKSUSti:

'*.15 A M Mall Train, stripping at Way Stations ^except:',Hammond's, New t30lnbury,fiu7 mitville, Ea.t Ho-cbe»U-r, Moultrie and WInchi-sU-r; arrive* ntPittsburgh at MiBQT. M., «r.d ClevelandP. II.

5:54 P M Express Train, stopping at Way Stations, exe..ptDeep Hun,.Portland, Hush Itan, Jt«ldot Uuan *,jirnl Port Holier, New'Salsbury, Winn, Katlyille;Macedonia, Bedford and NVwhmnh; arrives atPittsburgh at 1:45 P. M-y and Clevtaund ttP. M.

Accommodation Train leaves Ravenna at 6:00 A. M.; stopsat Way Stations, andwrrlve* at Cleveland at 9:4o A. .1.

Accommodation Train fek/es Bridgeport at 4:15 P. M ,forW*llsvllle, stopping at all Way Stations.

Connections are made by all Through Train*a*:At Pittsburgh," wltli Pennsylvania Railroad; for ImlaiM-

phis:, Baltimore, New York and Bo«on.At Cleveland, »ith Traioa and Steamers for Toledo. !»«.-

troit, Chicago, and the North West; alio for Krie, Dunkirk,Buffalo, Niacara Fall?, and Canada.At Steubeiivlllr and IWllalr.'trlth the SuuLenviHe and JiWI-

ana, and Central Ohio Railroads, lor Cadiz, Coshocton, New-ark. Barresvllle, Zpnesvllle, Wilmington, Lancaster'.Colum¬bus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and St. Louis.At WMcnnjr, *.-»«»» iwuimore an«« Ol,J«« KatlroaU. Ior

Cumberland, Harpers Ferry, Baltimore, and ttashiugtcnCity.tyLocal an ! Through Ticket*e.\h be procurr.i :;t the

various ofliees on the line, also at Cidon Ticket Ollles. op¬posite the Levee, Wheeling,, and at the L>ion Office,.JI t-u-

ri5^»'«,'lSe?C.a2'l'. llallroad, I J UURANI), Sup'i.OlfVflar.il. July If. IN'.T. 1 Jyll-t*




\ INCENSES, CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS,And all poiuts West and South I* via. tin?

Cincinnati, Wilmington andZA.NKriVil.LK

SHORT LINE RAIL ROAD.Ticelre milt* shorter hi/ thU ltoule than via.

folumlus tv Cincinnati.Take ilic Central Uliio Road to

y.ANKSVXI.l/E,And there cnANOK CARa anU take those of the O. W. * "

TRAINS LEAVE ZAMiSVli.LE AJl FuLLOWS:At 8-20 A. M. and T2 M., tor Cincinnati and points as above,on arrival of Central Ohio Trains horn Wheeling and tiieEist. :

This route passes through N. Lexington, Lancaster, Clr-clevdle, Washington, Wlliniiigton .aud Marrow.th« rictieatand most beaut|iul purl of Ohio.

yy/~ Be particular and ask for Tickets via. the C. W.* Z.Short Line Hail Road.


For TIIROUOII Tickets and other information,acquireat Central Ohio Ticket Office, iu the Spring House, on Waterbtix-ct, Wheeling, Va.

E GEST, Pres't, W. W. BAiLEY, Act. Supt.,Cincinnati. Zanesvllle, O.

je2--ly 1j i

Virginia Central Railroad.OKANOE AND ALJiXANURIA


Great Northern and Southern Mail Route.FOR NORTHERN, SOUTHERN AND. WESTERN

TRAVELERS.Twice Daily, (Sunday night excepted,)between Rloh«X mor.d aud Washingtcu City via Gordonsvillc and Alex-andiia.Hours of departure at Rich-mond. .6.*«o A, M. and > .SO P. M.

Returning leave Washington.. .6 A.M. aud 4 P* aM.

Arrive at Richmond Jl:S0 P. M. and 4 A. M.Baggage checks aud tickets, given through between Rich¬mond and Washington.THESE TWO RAILROADS HAYING NO STRAP RAIL,

and being in excellent order, and CARRYING THE GREATNORTHERN AND SOUTHERN MAIL, give the best guar¬antee of alwavs securing connections, as is shown by arri¬vals daily at Richmond and Washington city in advance ofthe Steamboat line.Park iirtwkk.n Rictwosn W»snixornx fO.OOAn Omnibus will be found always ready to take through

passengers and their burgage of wearing apparel, bctweeathe two Depots, fr**e of Charge, v.-ith ample time for them totake their meals, whether going North or fcouth.Through Tickets can be obtained between Danville and

Washington at the Terminus of the Road, now nearly com-pMrd to Danville. An Agent of the Coinnapv will receivethe Checks or passengers from the Danville Road, and at¬tend to their baggage all the Way to Washington or.the Baltl Theatre the same by the mall line as by the old steamboat

Thereto no change of cars cn the night line,between Rich-mond and Alexandria. ? '¦'>


Cincinnati, Wilmington& Zanea-ville Railroad.

MERCHANTS, luaimfacturcfb, nml thc public generally,arc hereby rt/pectfully juformed that the C. Z. R.R. Company is now prepar.ed to receive and forward freight(from the temporary Station in Zanesville, on Secmd streetnorth or Main,) to Cincinnati, Morrow, Wilmington, AVash-iu^ton.CirclcvUU-, Lajicaster, New LexingUu anrt interme-iHiteSiatlouF. ^IW.culsr attentiou will also be given totheforwarding or Freight d«sttr*«^ for the West in accordancewith the wULes of consignors, whether b}- Railroad or theRiver from Oioefnn'afi.

Freight will be received and delivered during the wintermonths from I A. M. to 4 P. M-; during the summer monthsfrom 7 A. 31. to 5 P. M., and shippers favoring the Companywith their patronage, may rely upon the Company's Agentsciviag ererv attention necessary to insure the utmostpromptitude'aud safety in the forwarding of property en-trFor further InronTatton »m tlif Prflfht Tariffpalillfhul br

the Company, or applrJ<.KGeneral Freight Agent,'

tny3M "Zan»sv111e. Ohio.Clinnzc of Time!



Wheeling and PittBburgh.THE Une side wheel pas-

l senger-steamer-FOREijT CI-TY, Capt. Geo. D. Moor*J«dDICRNL,Capt.Asa Shephe'rcltween Wheeling and I>ittmbu»K".tn*? Forest

Cleveland cars, and at Pittsburgh in time for the morningline East.. Returning.the Forest City tertea Pittsburgh ev¬ery Tucadav. Thursday and Saturday,and the D.urnal everyMoi.dav, Wednesday and Friday at 10 A. M.; arriving atWlieeling lii «me for the mall lines rcr Ohio.

y.,r frclgiit or p«««*.sWrWbtxlh<rt^tAW 6^eland, T.d^o.Vonroe. De-

troit; Miiwaflk*e, Chicago, Buffalo and Dunkirk, sold «t theof f.prya^ A cr aaffP WILLIAM HARE,Flunmer and Gas Fitter,

NO. 178, MAIN ST.,Wheeltug, Va.

r tzsril OUSEf fitted Up with Water ax:d Gas. Orderscm the country for Plj»es and Pumps attended to at shorttice. U f


TTAS renowd kt> POBWABDINO ATO COMMtfSIO.VXl UOIH to No. To Main itrett, ntarlToppMlte tqhlaold.'r"- Jbsr/cei

I ment cf Glazed and Common Wall Papert,fws*leveTytowI for Cash, bp tayl* JOE CIRAVES.


A1ltd niivc your Enmin-n byjnsukino Youdi Life-.

.TCKTJLLiAM T. SULKY.IssoaAKtT Auent.Olticc at tlȣ? t Stcie of TiiHant A DHapliiln, Main Strytt, \VheClirtj.V

will take PJrt >«tJd Marin*-risks m the followinglurompt No. 1Virginia liunranre Companies,"vi*:-The Insurance Ctmpany »f the Valley of Virginia, at

Wirielioiiter. fa.Tin: Lynchburg 'Hose and Fire Insurance Company at

Lynchburg, Va.Al>u, will take applications for Life Policies in tliat well

estabUshcd Company, the United State* Life Insurance Ac*usity A Trust Company of Philadelphia. jangtf

T.be Insurance CompanyOK THE VALLEY OF VIKGINIACCAPITAL, *aoO,CU\.^all paid in and invested, with snr-

/ plus, xviil take Fire, Cargo and Marine risks. Loagcapromptly adjusted aud paid..Vt* Oflice ucxt dubr above M. 4 M. Brink, M «ln street.

\v. V. PKltLrtpN, Agent..RBFERENCES-r-

J. K Baker, Tallant & Delnplain,Tnos. 11. List, 1>»-LaiiibtNorton, Auheson k Co. .M.S. Iirahy, S. C. Umkc.1 A Co.,List A HowVU, O. W Helskell A Co.

JangQ -

'« lie i.jiiL'libui'g tko>t- uua five iu>nraucei oitipmiy of lij uilibury, Yu.

CAPITAL *lOii,WO Will take risks and promptly adjustand pay losses. WW.:T;.bELDV,

_jap29^ Agent.Life insurance.

rrtllE undersigned will tako applications for Life .PoliciesX i« the United States Idle Insurance Annuity A TrustCbropunV of Philadelphia. &HM0S AiEstimated value of annual premiums $3u.'2y4 Oo

WM T. SKLBY,Wheeling, Jnri;27, 1857..[JangQ ..A^eiit.'The Citizens Fire, Marine and



TM11S Company is now lully organized and prepared toX issue Policies, at the most Iil>< ral rates, on Fj.kk, Ma-ttNfc and Inland risks.

DIRECTORS:Vndw P. Woods, \Yu;. McCoy, Jas. II. Baker,iViri. W. Shrivel', Thomas Sweeney, John List,las. 0. AchcMtn. L. 8. Deluplaln. Joint F. Hopkins.

L. 6. DELAPLA1N. President.W. F. Pktkk^os,Secretary. spl


nv/ikkling, va.I TOWARD MRS AND MARINK INSURANCE 00., OFI 1 pmi.&nKt.uui a.

CHARTER PEKPETTJAL.[ucoi poi-nied by Act of cite JLc^i«!ature of


AMOUNT SUBSCRIBED.In ventAll tlx /oiloirn:

flrst Bonds and 31ort^u^es on Proper¬ty in the City of Philadelphia, $185,090

itoekS worth par, l."^,l(H)Jash on hand, M',190Imount secured by Stock Nott s, lUO.iKtytinount of Mock due on Call, 1,710

THIS COMPANY EFl-'KQTS INSURANCE ONBuilding, Merchandise, Furniture, Lumber, Ac., on Vca-

els, Carj;o and Freight, to all Pol ls, and by Railroad, Lakes,ind lliveis, at the lowest Rates, and upon the most liberalVrins: guaranteeing Prompt Payment ou the adjustment of<osses.Perj>etuiil Insurance at Hsuai rates.

H. B. SWKARINGEN,Agent for the State of Virginia.

OQlre Union Ilall Buildings, West hide of Main St.", 2ndloorSouth of N. W. Bank. aUgO

Insure your Property.AjV1> VJS'YOUli JiA i:.y/X(f# U1* ANdUIlINQ

YuOJt /.//*/.;Win. T. Se!by, Inauranco Agent,

Will take Fire and Marine risks in tiic Insurance Companyif the Valley of Virginia

1 U|»if(il $;too,ooo>11 paid in, aud invested with aurpiub.\\J 11.1. Jil.io tnKe upplicatious for Life Policies, In thef V UnitedHtot.-s Lite Insurance Anuuity and Trust Co:u-.any of Piuladctidiia.

AnsciafMl,4QS.i2K,y.uated \jihte of Anuunl Pri^.^^,, Ell>re jftiWVfit.""




5 0 0,000.""\NE of the oldest and best institutions 'In this country,

continues to take risks upon the most favorable terms-.Apply to

E. B. SWEARING EN, Agentfor Wheeling and vicinity.

OFFICE.Union llall Building, Main street.



Jabh Capital 1747,^<2 14.lABjUTiKs > $6.",t>77 tJ6

1MIIS Company Is owned and managed by some of thewealthiest anu best merchant* in theoily ofNew York..

:or particulars enquire of W. F. PKTERSON,jub Agent for Wheeling and vicinity.


Wui. T. Mel by, Agent at Wheeling.("\FFICE. at the store of Tallant & Pelaplaln, Main street,L/ between Monroe and Qalney streets; are prepared toake lliska at customary rates ou Good* in transitu, Steam-mats,Stores, Dwellings, Ac.

.REFERENCES.J. R. Baker, Tallant AjDelapIaln,Thos. H. Lilt, D. Lamb,Norton, Aclieeon k Oo. G. Hardman,B. Brady, S. C. Baker t Co.,List k Howell, O. W. lleUkeli k Co.,

¦eptM ;


Incorporated 1S81.

TAKES risks at the lowest rates on Buildings of all kinds, |Steair.Iw.nti, Furniture and Merchandise, and against alllanger' attending the Transportation of Goods ou rivers,'k-as, lake s, canals and railroads.

DIRECTORS.R. Cran^l*, S. Brady, Rob't MorrisonSaiu'l Nerl, Win. Fleming, J. W. Gill,Dan'lLamb, Kobt Patterson, Saml. Oil.

ROBT. CRANGLE, Pres'l.R. W. IUrdiig, Rcc'y-5Sr"AppIicationefor Insurance will be promptly attended j

;o by the Presldeut and Secretary. '

Wheeling, Jan. 2S. 1863.


Laughlins & Bushflold,W liolcinle liruggfiits,

JVo. 25, Alvtiroc StvMt,RE receiving their Fall stock of Drugs, Pateut Medicines,SEwab,0lls, Perfuniery and Fancy articles Ac., to which |the attention of Dealers is invited. In our .stock may be

Touud: '

7t>0 lbs Gum Camphor, 1,000 lbs Cream Tartar,I,(KM " Brimstone. 2,<»00 41 Hi Cart Soda,1,'.M " Epsom Salts, J,tMW 4i Soda SaUratus,2,(100 " Sal Soda, 6u0 44 Flus. Sulphur,800" Guiuarabic, 800 41 Saltpetre,

aPICES.&00 lbs Tcpper, 60U lbs Sicily Licorice,400 *4 Albplcc, 100 44 Cal. Llcoricc,£n0 44 Cinnamoo, ft<J0 44 Cloves,1U0 44 Nutmeg* 111 bx» Gr*d Cinnamon,300 44 Mustard, lo 4* 44 Pepper,44 Race Ginger, Co doz Mustard,b*)U 44 Gr'd Ginger, tio 4! Ext. CotTee,

PATENT MEDICINES.Ayrc*s Cherry Pectoral, Batchelor's Hair Dye,Rariwa>f6il. Relief, Jayne's Medicinrs,Conkliu's Salve, McClintock'* Medicines,Holloway's Pills, Hampton'. Tincture,Holloway's Ointment. Dulloy's I'aiu Extractor,llooilaud's German Bitters, and ever} other medicineThomson's E} e Water, sold.

CHEMICALS.50 lbs Quinine, fiO 44 C* omel,50 44 Tannirl, 'Ii 44 Bit e Ma^s,.JO 14 Chinlocune, lf» 44 Jod Potash,20 " Mon»HIne, 15 41 flliwrrl?,ao 44 Cinciiona, " 10 '* Cil.Putussa,10 " Cldoroform, 10 44 Limes. Tr Cinch.Ail of which we gurrantee to Rive Satisfaction in boih

quality and price. sp27 *

Books, (stationery Si.Wall Paper. INEW ARRANGEMENT.

HAVING purchased the Book, Stationery and Wall Pa-par establishment of Joluril. Thompson, I will eontlu-

ue the busines* nt the old stand, 117 Matu tUtet, Wheeling.Va.. and re.- p-ctful!y solicit a contlnuuncc ol thr: patronageheretofore so liberally extehded to my predecessor.

It is my purpose to keep constantly on hand a full amicomdlfte assortment in the various branches ol the- busi¬ness, and lo sell at the lowest prices.To Country Jlerchants, Tcacher* and others purchasing

at wholesale, great lu(luceiaents are offered in stock andprices. IeB'-Ctsh paid for Rags.«iovIf-lj JAB. 0. ORR.To ray Old Frlentts and Cuatoinertt.

I TAKE grcMt pleasure in recommending Mr. Jas. C. Orr,to whom I have s»Id my stock of.Books, Stationery, Wail

paper, Ac., and Id request for him a continueace of the pa-1tronage heretofore eruoyed by ine.'nov!3 JOHN II. THOMPSON.

PIANOS ! PIANOS ! !JUST RECEIVED from the celebrated manufactory ol

HaBet, Davis A Co., a: splendid lot of Pianos. ThesePianos are made with the fuU Iron frame, circular scales,and siblingdesks, with patent suspension bridge, composi¬tion bearings, aud the repeatinggrand action, and are tunywarranted to give satisfaction,and arejondetostandlnaayclimate.ALSO.a splendid lot of Melodeons for churches, or the

parlor.lu connection with the above I have a large and fallstock

th every kind of Musical Instruments, and in fact every¬thing that may be found in a Music Store, may be~foond'atthe store of t. CARTWRIGIIT,.

JelO- w IS5 Main St., Wheeling.


M' "


DKAI.KH IN.lln«lc nn^Mwji'nl Kuatrnw»Vl Vutlvrjrilia Variety 4ioo«l*.

N.b. l'gC^MAIX STKJWttT.TAM receiving uud keep constantly ou hand nlarpe Stockofthe celebrated 1LALLET, DAVIS « CO'S PIANOES.Also, :i complete assortment of M^lL,Jl«EON3 and SEKA:PIIINES, fioin the celebrated manufactories of Carhart,Nedham ami. A. .P.; llujches. Also, h splcnded (tothio Or-jjnn, style for Churth<5 ur lecture Rooms, with four stops.

MUSIC.I am constantly receiving and keep on hand a large and

clique collection of Sheet Made. Also, Instruction Hooka |for every kind of Instruments now4 in u*e

In connection vflth the,*\bove, I keep the largest stock in>the Western'country or the following good*': Violins,ATlo-llncelloei), l>ouble Basics, Guitars, Banjoes, Tnmborlues,.Flutiiiaes, Accoideons, Flutes, Files, Fageolett, Clarinetu,Drum*. etc. In fact, I keep every article belonging to theM"»ic business,

p. S..Brass Bands supplied wlth^nstrumcntJiot short

Pianoes, Melodeons, Strupldnes «»nd Accnrdenns, tunedand repaired,and all oth«:r kinds nfinvtiumpnUjgenerally,with neatness and dsspatch.

f3P*"All joods warranted, at this establishment.dfc*2u

GRANGElt'SCommercial arid 3\Iathevnatical


I<.!*/( t(lJijducemnitp to tloec if'ioattend If CfiiUlO rrjul C.oBr'JC.



S U M .\r E~R A~H 11 A X (! TO M EX.TS.TO fNUWIiiWlIU KNTBIl JIV ISSTITCTK, 6l! KtMITJL me &h.\ and thus trntfu (JUAKANThi; SCHOI.AH-uie T ,-.--..71 rirrv--"ivn"»T53.-.»<«.>SHIPS, anv time before the 1st day or urxt September, canupon completing a thorough course of'Double'entry BrlookKeeping-and .its Cvllatteral Branches, suenre Inctnttveidoviuentln Commercial or Bai klnc llouet-* as Accountant*within ninety days after their graduation, or elsJe JJu-y *IHbe indemnified to tlio full amount, of the sum paid far tui¬tion, and thus realise

;Pa re Tuition, cr i.iirrativeSituntions.

Graduates fro*n this'Insiltntlbh ai-enow' tilling lesponsi-Ide and lucrative positions as Cashhis, Book ken*..Railroad Olitce Clerks, iu diiferent seotW'ii* of. the country,,und are belnV!prefeffed by business men to Graduates ofunv other. Mercantile Col'ege. Hence the above unparal¬leled inducements which nothing hut the great Superiorityof my instruction and thorough training of my studentn forbusiness life uould warrant.

77\t I'rinrfj-al oj ihU Institution Iidf- let'r /tracticaln&ooutoUnitjor louy*r period t/ton other. Tuicntrin thf W(*tcrn country.Address the undersigned for further p.itticolais.myO WITI. \r. «KAN« «;k.


Foumlvd 1S54. ¦ *LIOOATKDCornor Baltimore and Cliarlcs sticcta,

'UAI.TIMOBK, m "¦, .ri-HIS Institution t» IK.O K* t' <= ".«" prrspfrooii and (loar-L "niiw condlU. n. Twice during ll.c la« t«o y,a« !,»».

M.t ei! i «e»s»,j 1" obixln Imp r »p»rlm«nl» for the nc-of ".» l"^r.-»?ln. nmnuor ..f stud. r,prc

ntiiiE nearly every Mate in the Union.It nfw oc. upi-s one of the most conspicuous and deslra-

b'v located buddlnK^ thecily. The rooms are comtaodl-niislv arran-ed.fpuclous and t leirantb furnWicd.Thu^dJwitapes and facilities here oiUred to younr mendislrlnu to qualify thtnitelvt> properly fori\hh "*»!>&£dit-tics of the Counting Room, or to ohtuin a Ihorvuyhiiutl Education rcnerailj, are unfurpawed In:,n> particular by any s/iullar ettabllshnnnt m the United-States. , . Fa ev.lt y:

E.K. LOblEB,Principal.f-ccturcr ou thefclence of Ai counts, Commerce,*

. IliHiuesv Customs, etc.'

J. M P II I li LI PS,Professor of the Thepry and Prat Ujt of Look-Keeping, and

Commercial Calculations.11 11. DAMES,

Atsoclate Professor .^f Uook-Keeptng.N. C. JOIINSOK,

Profeisor of Business and Ornamental Penmahanlp.8. T. WILI.1AMH, E«Q.«

Lecturer ou Mercantile Law.II e T E . VSATES K K K K K . D . D .,

Lecturer on Commercial Ethics.Tuusrnts:

Hon. Jno. ¥ Kennedy, Hon. jwj&J*".!*:lion.Thomasgwann. 'in^nii Ti"iist Kfn., William Knale, Ksn.,The Coilvce'is provided with a Commerilal Library of

Standard Work>, expressly for the use of students*Each Student has a de*k to himself, and is separately in«

Tlure be!pg no vacation durlr.g theyear, Students can onJ

^The tlme^usually required to complete the full dourse,from S to 1*2 weeKS.

V Dtri-OMA i» awarded to all Graduates.A Wr-'e ta'hd Beautifully Ornamented Circular, contninirpupwards «»f sis 6QI'a*k mw. renr-s -ntlnc the ExtiHor andInterior View .»f the UlU^, var oqs char»icf:r.rtii. Dwipn«,Enm»M«W *c~ mM/rtc of aMar. accompanied-^.taingn. KMn» JM._

JULY: SETTLEMENTS.OUtt cuntomers are respectfully Infonncl that their bills

are now ready for m ttlemm*. and t/t would it afavor If they would rr.ll at our counting-roam for the name.

\ rAKB'YOtfH OWN SOAP.It can Mie ma«le'"'easy. Foodi\X and cheap, by using the "CONCKNTRATED, .

For sail toy D^"3IpiNE Urandy, Whlsk>; Port, Madeira and Lisbon Wlue,I Jtut reCclvtd and tor »l« by. , nn0r|-*EA.-.Hu'f lti»l*ru;l. i i»isoi., G- PowdCr. aiid Oclong,1 In 10,15add Jo lb. Koxes,Jnst r<crjve;lautrfor "lebyj,2 »Kl'" Ant»S * n1"'.

Luau. cLKLD liiiict) iJKr.K-atiercj in canvas.^ lustore aud for sale by [jV-l] M. R.-ILL\

'"pjlinOOA, l-KAISI, ^O.AlfROW. libOT. Corn .SlarLh,1 K»tl«na,an.i HI'f Flour, for uiaMni.'PiW'|'"r" fei1 '°cSide sitUllK" tt lilWiiR P

»}.i»viva >. '.

C»rb grocery SU-re^o-ji Wi«»hinyion llfll.''l^IIE UATII wHl^exteehlvely patronk-d f<.r sowe tnoi.lkd1 io come. Use freely the PATH IUU^|auJelegant a-tlcle b for sale by : T. IL LUtlAN * CO.,.jJn, Brhtce corner I'ruggists.


2Q^K8C«. Start.Jt-M«d/ ¦* RACE UOOPS, Hiakc Game. Domlnor#, l^iae PlayingtT Card.,

LinfPElTiyl: MQirtn;.-?.- A finqWrllcle Of U^»ruTieS,.Wii:es%*.

:9, Tobacco ;uid Clears, *c.-A":, canO Clarets, Scotth mcsbe had at \Jjl» liHBjv k uua'kr.'s.

No. V> MhjugtoDjtellr*V|fEjir.t*! tzlrocVs in the world for the tuindkerclHcf orI T0,l«r. .r. ' »or »a.r ».> ^

T>RAVEUNO PAfKHtf. Wlcktr and lt"rat-.i.la Haiki.i. COS'. Water I'rnRT .il«.iyu Cap*. It.ai*. llo*y»-, ajjaluMMM._

J. K. «I I-anN~

OIL c'horu TABLE Wl'BBSsale at half the mnal price tir


'jy2a J.OKAYfia.


WAX£D<W!BmD. :"

JL'ST rcctlr.d, » f ,11 n««ortnien» ol CIr.id»lck'< «lcbr«.ted W**rrt ^pool thread, by [jy^J J. G itA\ E .

WALL PAl'fcK. ; iTI1K cl.«»p«lt Wall Paper and Borden are atJ. u.jio JOB GHAVKi,'Main fit . Centre, tthieilnit. .

iii unz Mad oil,, freih and pure, for by.t-. .-

WJLLOW WiUiOSS.^HU)* WaeoM ui.(l,Cabj,foraale ^"^"SKKTm., , )?i J,,i woub'tfXISS. Ja.treceljre4-'i\ FVt**. ' >. D. HAWPieit Jk sov



OT0NIC .V TllOTfA3rt«<> pi?a»tir.« iu ann»Viu*niJ HliatvUcj'.irf ayiyla receipt oJ- thr.i* ;«itt;stoeic ofrPwIIJjUiJ

<Vr^4<«ml>, »».» Hlllliii rvThe* h«»e Just r.*Wt-J their Sc'-ilil Jatt

cw'hloh.'auBei/lo their iSHner_st*it, vf!l enable IfccalWpre-.«eni t.» the Public more tlw»r; .r'.irt$56,000 W-OUTH OF GOOPS,ThfJr.T byW the la.*fccst tvA MO*T DKSIRAULTT neck. andtuiwrocinctlvi liE3V aELKOtlO.VoI choice«o<>d* |be*J)»»e..ver <n? tc. the Public.

I .I® Wn.i?fennir variety they. hfcvc addrd a iar*fc krocfc oJCarpeting bnJ Rug* .oJ the lawst and .bwtJgakr*,hed ^a abcatHttullflno orcholcc Furs, *uiU>He ttt® U«*Winter Trade.-tohclh.of whlchj^ rcllgeiftrdllt, thee levit*ufettUi'inWzi of the Trad*.

:«r Urgely-w:ui lir *.»i»rr,\ira iw » c uwm: ivi Vvi"'* 'Lr.ptst/as R-9JIdirectly iVtixa t^c Importers,- and Maridiec-tu.vrs.ln styue Instance?;they, areable to offer iDdueemMd*to l oxe-ftrfy liui/ers, cither by tht- MECJ5 op at hKXAILcraejml bv :io similar house hthfc Wett.*'To meetthe wontf ofRhelr rapidly ifloresains .Tra<le^|he>-have tucdi?'. and are nmple airanjwments to futiiKto

the Public with' one or the best i<$ected stocks Of fco&di ,uthnlr line in the West. : JBttlIn this stuck may lw? found fully12,0Uo vds Bilks.embracing «umeof the ftuest Irnw4,uOO *French Merino**,; OAShthere*, Bond*1

.iOliShafeJ* Hint Cloak*.eiubiHcinf #ouie of tbcj 'U>liver offered hi Wheeling. , a-iiiJ .W),«.H»o yd? 'Ghictiani4, TJebftVes, DelaW* ucd .Prlnw, and>5t#,iH.sO " of Domestic*.embracing the l^rg'tv»t line ofAmerican Woolen* Had Cotton gooda kept by any. {similarlionsc, If Obfc bv'nnV hauae in the'clty."Thev,Ii:i«v »alu lu.their stock with:a rtcw Kru cloitT camtrade, rir.d jdewi'c »«« Public that ao effort upon tht^r.paxt¦ball be wanting to pli-Hie. ; "'T ,S l

They feel coiitid*nt that th*Y can effvx iiidu^.m.MiU n»-rhM-c+uhJ.»f^f/Ve*.iclled by ho J.ou8o in the ui;ho Unitedplates., I*o.trouble tu al|Otr good^tcooda^ttl3a»*s",lforeU and lVaat> for customer.*.

bund, Pflm-- liivc Qec^e Feothws., il



Writing Fluid.C'lNCEtbls Bnjvnlor FfuT«i luk has beta before;tlie puWlo^ uow ii»}»rly ttto .yl'KM, it has. »m#n constantly p^lpiQK taavo'r," and is how profcrred by mau) u> titc fur-iHinr«1 Ar-iotd Flu lift :>jj

»Durlnv* the past year twenty tliousand .juart and pint ^K>t-los.tojrother with Gmalb-r slsi-s Ifihunierttble.piHve beea sola0 banki<rd und merchant^.J14 Cincinnati, LouisylUe,. PitLs-'.'ttrgh, Huffr.10, CU vchmd, D.troit, TeVre llaute, LafayeittHkineesncii, tudianapolUi- an*'VJJl*r» Frankfort. I-exiOfton,

itartmeiiU'of Kentucky, Tennessee and Mia^^»ipp]. ,It»u«a.hVcii thW-rHrst clas^ l)iplytnas at thr Mechanica Xn»»tH\jte*»ii)ic!nn?»ti and LoulcrlUe, and four Diplomat and l*rUc.blr-Jhls tt'State Fairs hAlffUit Fall ic New Tork, Ohio, ladlacAind Illinois.The foili.wlng merchants, banker*, &c.. In Whoollu#,ofore uslnp1Arnold's En^-lu>h Ink, have f»urch^*l J.! J. Bui-.¦r'sliook-Kceper'aWriling.Fluid: uj; .>,,Not!hwr*!efn Bank of Virplnia; Xlfxrbajila' & M^ctianlcs*

lank of AVhcelinir; Bank of Whtelinn; Crcacent Maiiu&Kru-.iijrCohtpart^ Countt Clerk 6r Ohio County; NutiuniUlvi*-fianh (ifliC4j;.ilnUUt:n.'. «iu1 Uhln Itallroad OiUcv, IWcJaitklouFt*; Kelly, llolloway i Co.; Uu&»oll A McAiyi*: UoctlnUjHatthen* & Co.; T. Sweeney t Sun; lloane & CowrIIJ} .Oil Alord; fiord & Ott; OSivr Pryor: J>«. Il. rnoui.A Coij Lamb-lln, OlIl>er«or.'A C»»l{ r?M?.'Fr>r cal^ at i:mriuf.vctursrfc- priwa by '' jtocCO .-» LAMPPIX. GTI.BKft.HON A Cl>.

IVu<cir«rW. ^sweli j NiFfrrauil flatii Whw,ll«cU«, Ac. Ar. ". 1

O. 1\ ; BROW^? '

To. 118 Main'Stroet.iWhEtJing, Va.[8 iu»u iii.cninjr uho oi'^IIlH niMlU4^« *i

of {;cotU in his Jjiiu that fitni . ve.r l»een brought. tu ;thHfry, which will be ifold and littail at prices «wow as any house WeFt pf the AtJ.10i.lo oitief. ': ...An^onff his good's irtP.y 'ho found Gold and Silver H'atchisrom some of .tl;e moat celebrated KnirU*di and Sulsni'Maim-itcturei'cra*. Also, the )'cul I>. U.x l». A.merican Pnleal.faYrv WatchMJ Clocks In jirVat varl^v, including a t*w 4«y Ue^ulatorsof tine quality, MuUalde for li.iUks,tntions,;Oirl«*'Cn aad 'W'at'eh Mr.Icrrs.tleautiful Jcwi-by,in setts ui otherwiw, of C«fu\,Wotuic,Mortmeut of »«dt .-od.ler snd jdat.-d .i. WHlry. very-efceap.Fine porJtet Cutlery, Knqn, .Scfi»?mi«. Silver Nuprin[lii^s. Card Cases, Uold J»en^, Ac. Ac. !Kvery5 arifefe iuills cstu I>11 aliment i.\ warrutitvd to l«t a*, ^otnl aj» repyeM^it-dLor'th'e monev nturricd. A chll Is respectfully aoliidteO.ilihio ll^Muln Hi.t oi.eiloor from Marsh ^ Tavlori'*.

No. 2 \v asliington Hall. -

T TAKK pleasure in informing my friend* and patrons uiL Wheeling ahd IU v'.chiit.v"and the citlselis generally «bMthave Ju«t received %. larxest, fliiM.l and boa* selefU*took of Cloths, C.Vslmcrcs and Vesting*, Tor epr.Ug hu*ummer wear,, that 1 base ev^r ottered to tl»e cdUet* ofVhVelln^fcrtd vr. Iiilti;>»H of uhlbh 1 um prepared lom»*r0 order. In the latest and most approved sty les fetm/bcyitanner, at nhoi t notice- All ^oo'ts.warranWd,to bv reji-{.sented or no salt.

.I have also just leceivetf > Ur8**X*ck P» Ctnteai? Ooods,>deh as white, £ol2Wd and h.urseniase Wilrtsud fihlrt Collar*. SUJfi Cotton and aSerlun Umer WdrU,Iflt, Col'ti/n, Linen atid 'Jane's I>rny-s, plik nud Iahtn Iisa>.-er<ibior», ansjieiider*. Silk, Cottdn and Lifle half Up*.Inrk. U'littc and colon.1 Ki.UiNivi-j.or Ihc V'T. t'..f,l»laWank «nJ hiii-y BwcU,TI». r<.-fu^. ;. *c.J. II. nTALLJIAA.nihS? Mrrchnnl Tnllxr, No. 2. WUMtaUn TOU.

New Arrangement.woeiil) annouuee «o Uic .uliic-rlkcni for ,apcr>,

i. ic.iM, xc. wUoht imuitfl li»vt l«-pn [ran.ftrr 1.-.1 to ui. (r.lr. TaWn'* ll.Miku, thitl wt* ure now rccelvlitc said I'ct1^-\l. Ac. rcculailv, milt ytoulil r«iu<K Ujosc uUoy ttrm«o, lo cull it III Jlnln struct. Any wIsl.tnK ».¦ dl.coutWhrlravuarlvlwill plenai- iu Ihiitt«W ¦"'»W»;!CI |.r«K>Vv UKlr L-opl.B. We l.«vc Juil » oaf «lecain Family Jlllllvk; alao latL-puUltuUoMi »Hk. »"»' a"<lira. B3Uthi.orlh'.1'rtoi-«.| Initat!oi..r.' Illiv can ho 1IU.1 <1 the "C»..«|l ""''"vWIT Main ttreti. L»l'"'l. JAB. O. OKU.HEXSKELIj'i. SWEARINGEN

f I A V1°. now reeeived- their, entire SKt'OSD i?TOCB OPII SPKLNU 4 tfCMMER GOODS rreently Klwcsl f*Sew Yurie bv sumpl* bud othervlao from tbr.to«ift-irrivals and elegant deeipju^f th^sessou. rhey would lice:iere to call the attcutlpD of buy ers to their,oaWnsm stockA Drees Goods and Ktnbroidcrice, which in v»riet>fen«ixauty of style, combiued, vriU# prlcea,excelled.. Their fltock of Staple aud other Goods is liUtuts-e.

We have now a.bCRuHfuI aeeorbomt of ^prirkind Summer Dres> Guotls, eonMitjps of

hieh Flohuced (jretfaUlu*-,Pa\ad«rft Flounced. Mere^tfl,.-BJjaueVe FlouuOM HlkS

ilripod aad Flounced. Ora*mfitt*.ft,U; HKH'KF.Lh.t SWKAUTNOhX.

THALI3iiiRG,£) MUSIC,~i~rllAtBKHG'p Variations on Home.Sviet Home.

TliAbllCHtf'fi' " on Lart-Ifoor of Pumnvr.7TllAhUKUG'o u on "KlUlrc D'Amore.**.T»J AbtiKKU'S' Boaiance Vari<c. cutTKAUILHU'd fi.rtoa'lp. )rcm.D«0 yatqualp, -..!.For salt-at "T. CAHT^'HlInf?.oyg'j. M»isic aud Piany^V.areroota. JW\T MIO want*an elegant (ollct or abating t^-p.VV Lo*»'» Itrown Wilder.2cap,

Cltarer'a llcney '*.,?i:i*u Muxk u .

Hotel's Almond * - *

14. Omnibus,. V, ¦?)>.Dtrln's Wlcsd^r' '*... «" Pont-fcn, . i *'i

Taylor's Wash balls '*

.«. -Par nf bt 1 '4?1". .,T.H. iqOA3.-,*,;CO.

let UKKAM, SUU4 W AltiK.COxrECTlONAKlES, ic.

t WOULD hereby glee notice to the"iltlsenS of WMfcUofand vicinrty* tbat-I havothrowntny whole botweojl>loo'.ye street next door to the 'Jims* office, into an Ice CreamSaloon, and am better prepared than orcr to accotttabdatoill ibo«e who may favor ine with, a call. I baVAjustn-teive<r direct from Bo«on, one cf the flntat. ellrct' Podufountains In th- city, a-visit to t#e..which w»l ttvacauy>ne, tfot'iatlnV anything of tbfc bsblthful betWajf al*lllle4IkMh Tbanklul for Jbe Ulffral patrouaff *bl«| lias»eon laYlshiv beiitow.-d'upon me fortbr last two years, tjiost restirrtfully soMMY*ii >o®ftU:uat»re' of thesaro^,ui)4-iitv /.-£ tmUlLZd K. fiVAItrz.A IV IcXYl U KI.IvVKIf »TOlifc OVj.fr'A p.n'tR HAjroiso!';

iiiiiinnKS. ..* i»

MRK BOARt'M, ,,m.NDIJW KHAlll^. ¦¦'mi. cwnif, ,iCt-i:r.uV nxYcma1,

COBUK AMI TAtStta, It-,, if..juk on^r.M at the ncr/ Variety Store ofj;.K. wluxjs t oovqSo.^4 Monroe Street,

.next Uoor kelvw^G; K. HbferatS* *aM

.. , r»ywrsau'^»oiK>a t>ryyic.T At.'K MiA U La, jnstc.jH.-neel by.JL/ iyj : UKIHKJXL A BW^BINGKN.5 KOWN. Green"and Blue Grenailine5, fur-V'Ufe. fUnrriCr,i quality, ju*t received.Jy* *^'^lleisinxir* swCARINGKg.

OA'A'H L.Alhio4«»i fa.Oa^Mej.t, just rtcffv«<l «od forsaleb\ DHMV M DKAKh,.Jy|.i1J K«»/ MVfehtnStoftMlllll.

* A»»'fcWiV»>r.oa»iv.t^Jlorrv of priiulae.V khi ,"i»i store k/id l<>t s;dr bv lllUAC *̂)-i .' No. b Wafhtwjtto^flbn.Ltil J'kK BOUKS ANJ/ i.K'n'KK lHUSStik^\\;\. have SL'PKjjtlOR V£LLUiI COPYING gOOM*. *W litw nri'd superior article, aad Screw LetW PMtno*

SILK OillXK CA l*S..*liave thv( taade to unlet*if*fui sajle ol Mlk Cht«*k Cap^, |«n eac-cdlnf at»*t

bTeasafit dap for summer wear.1^,15 :b.:P. DAl:P^RA BOy.

i^AHlNA, Corn Mt*reh, Ma«5aroni «ud VerndctUa, Junt re-

Ceiyfl^aod f»>r <ela by ^je^Vj .. tlltfAHlitf t BKO.OKUNfi^-rivru I.-.V..,us» r»reived and for aile by.^JL it'Xi .' BDWAHDM AMD.OC«4klt CXJHKfi IfAMF/juar-solved and for #*X bj-

1 ._> V d r A- KD>t AltHIAiStf0-jk, LK^nOktffc, BnsryMiuVvCi!aid .Kenni.f, jUafrEO-tveA

and for sate by u

70 aP'tfor "x|.|jAST k DmAPLWX.
