“What’s up doc” in this “union” that’s not a union in fact but is called The European...

1 “What’s up doc” in this “union” that’s not a union in fact but is called The European Union It's astonishing that the media in the west portraits the ethnic Russian Ukrainians as 'separatists', while at the same time the people that protested a month ago in Kiev were portrayed as exercising their 'democratic rights to protest' (and violently overthrow the elected government while at it). ...The hypocrisy in western media surprises with a new low with each passing 'report'... The Global financial structure is based on a Ponzi system, it needs wars and conflicts to sustain itself and distract from the actualities of international relations - the lobbied think tanks and their media cheer-leaders focus on what will soften public opinion. Right now it's interesting to see Western media accuse Russia of precisely what West did in Kiev i.e. deploy provocateurs and snipers from Right Sector and Svoboda to push a coup into place, but this backfired as not all Ukranians support fascists and wanted a referendum. This leaves the EU in a difficult conundrum, does it support the ballot box or the bullet? The EU didn't support the ballot box in Kiev, in which they made a deal with the democratically elected President of Ukraine, then allowed it to be completely overturned when the fascists overthrew him. Therefore, it's almost certainly the case that they won't support the democratic process in these other areas too. Consider, for a second, the notion that the EU did support the ballot box. There's a good chance that people would vote to stay in Ukraine, so why don't the EU just agree to the referendum and surprise Russia? Seemingly, they're scared of democracy when there's Right.... now it's interesting to see Western media accuse Russia of precisely what West did in Kiev ie deploy provocateurs and snipers from Right Sector and Svoboda to push a coup into place, but this backfired as not all Ukranians support fascists and wanted a referendum

Transcript of “What’s up doc” in this “union” that’s not a union in fact but is called The European...

Page 1: “What’s up doc” in this “union” that’s not a union in fact but is called The European Union


“What’s up doc” in this “union” that’s not a union in fact but is called The European Union

It's astonishing that the media in the west portraits the ethnic Russian Ukrainians as 'separatists', while at the same time the people that protested a month ago in Kiev were portrayed as exercising their 'democratic rights to protest' (and violently overthrow the elected government while at it). ...The hypocrisy in western media surprises with a new low with each passing 'report'... The Global financial structure is based on a Ponzi system, it needs wars and conflicts to sustain itself and distract from the actualities of international relations - the lobbied think tanks and their media cheer-leaders focus on what will soften public opinion. Right now it's interesting to see Western media accuse Russia of precisely what West did in Kiev i.e. deploy provocateurs and snipers from Right Sector and Svoboda to push a coup into place, but this backfired as not all Ukranians support fascists and wanted a referendum. This leaves the EU in a difficult conundrum, does it support the ballot box or the bullet? The EU didn't support the ballot box in Kiev, in which they made a deal with the democratically elected President of Ukraine, then allowed it to be completely overturned when the fascists overthrew him. Therefore, it's almost certainly the case that they won't support the democratic process in these other areas too. Consider, for a second, the notion that the EU did support the ballot box. There's a good chance that people would vote to stay in Ukraine, so why don't the EU just agree to the referendum and surprise Russia? Seemingly, they're scared of democracy when there's Right.... now it's interesting to see Western media accuse Russia of precisely what West did in Kiev ie deploy provocateurs and snipers from Right Sector and Svoboda to push a coup into place, but this backfired as not all Ukranians support fascists and wanted a referendum

... Patriotism takes the form of ultra nationalism when a people are suppressed and their political system is manipulated as Russia has been doing in Ukraine. This is the result of Russia's installation of puppet presidents and poisoning of those not appropriately aligned. Anyone with half a brain can see from where the interference comes....hence it won't work in their favor....well... Yatseniuk said yesterday, at Donetsk, as the Ukrainian military and police special

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forces defied him, that he would allow referendums in Eastern Ukraine. Today he has already forgotten that, and proceeds with "anti-terrorist" operations, after he was lucky enough to find at least some soldiers willing to join the Blackwater mercenaries in shooting civilians. It goes to show that he is a far worse and dangerous liar than the average politician of the West, and also will not allow anyone else use the same methods that brought him to power.I wish good luck to the people of East Ukraine who chose to fight against the illegal fascist government of Kiev.

In Crimea they were offered the chance to return to Ukraine. It will not be as easy in Eastern Ukraine, which is why nobody is sure if Putin wants it or not. I am sure he has a plan for both scenarios. Interestingly he promised to guarantee three languages in Crimea, whereas the diabolical administration in Kiev promised to ban Russian the moment it came to power. You can be sure that whatever plan Putin follows it is more considered and thought through than the Western backed largely fascist regime in Kiev.

We live in a post-democratic EU super-state. The voluntary abandonment of democratic principles as seen in the so-called 'Ukraine crisis' by our decision makers is only the most recent example. (The unpopular Yanukovich government was facing re-election in a year and we should have insisted on the democratic process).

What lies behind the erosion of the rule of law is the disdain with which our Western leaders have treated democracy since their total adherence to liberal economic beliefs. this all started more than 30 years ago and we should remember that Western states only began to accumulate debt in the late 70's and early 80's. The total and unquestionable belief that our way of life is of a divine status is nothing short of a new form of 'economic totalitarianism'.

With Shengen, the Euro and austerity plans our governance has sought to cement a kind of eternal and unbreakable domination over the people all justified by the use of the word 'freedom'. Today, people have naturally began to see through this temporary madness and can no longer respect the 'laws' that are handed down from the top.

The aim of the European post-democratic super state is too bring us all into a free trade agreement with the US that would effectively seal the running of our lives by International corporations that pay no taxes.

And what about Ukraine...The Yanukovych impeachment occurred with the flagrant violations of the Article 111 of Ukraine's Constitution and transition to the previous version of was in a blatant breaches of procedure too. (Thus, Rada action can be regarded either as abolishing the previous decision of the constitutional court, or as adoption all amendments to boost the Parliament's powers in ignoring the constitutional provision about the necessity of the conclusion by the constitutional court. Everything's illegal). And the dismissal of the

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constitutional judges appointed under the president's quota again broke the provisions of Article 112. In addition, "the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the decree instructed the Prosecutor General of Ukraine to open criminal proceedings regarding all judges, who, in the opinion of the people's deputies of Ukraine, were guilty in the Decision of the constitutional Court of Ukraine on September 30, 2010 № 20-RP/2010" (the case on compliance of the procedure of amending the Constitution of Ukraine)! Do you see that. MPs did define the degree of guilt and also pushed to prosecute judges for their decisions. IMHO,it contradicts the basic principles of the separation of powers, logic and even common sense. But where is the conclusion of Venice Commission about those facts? Of course it will never appear.

"Thorbjørn Jagland, secretary general of the 47-nation Council of Europe, made his assessment before tensions in eastern Ukraine rose over the weekend and before the council's parliamentary assembly voted last Thursday to suspend Russia's voting rights over its annexation of Crimea."....Thorbjørn Jagland, secretary general of the 47-nation Council of Europe, made an assessment before tensions in eastern Ukraine rose over the weekend and before the council's parliamentary assembly voted last Thursday to suspend Russia's voting rights over its annexation of Crimea. Jagland argues that a lack of human rights in Ukraine has paved the way for Russia's actions. Is it not a bit odd for the western press to be reporting on it now? Perhaps it did not at the time 'fit' the Western media narrative to blindly support the Kiev putsch and its America backers. Much if not all of what Mr. Jagland is very pertinent to what is now occurring in Ukraine and it was a very stupid move for the council to throw out Russia - a move they will and should regret... The EU is not an entity, and member states are not entities when it comes to foreign policy. The same with PACE. If you read how they condemn Russia for refusal to recognize Junta (even if Junta were legal, still it would be Russia's sovereign right to recognize it or not), and how they blame Yanu for shooting despite abound evidence that putschists did the shooting, and obviously before any court decision - you can guess there is no one lawyer in Europe.

On the E.U’s banking front

The breaking up of the banks into smaller entities is one way of limiting the number of clients affected by a bank closure as a result of bad bank management. Also smaller size banks would allow the government to guarantee all deposits of any failed bank. This a case of small being better than big. It is also time for Britain to have a national bank which belongs to the nation and guarantees all deposits. Private and government banking should run side by side. I’ve got a far better idea on how to deal with it which would be far more market-orientated. You see although the monopolization of the banking sector, or indeed any sector, is bad. The mighty hand of government diktat is far worse, and we could see massive industries at the mercy of a populist political leader where it would be such that investors would shy way from Britain and

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move their operations offshore. So what to do? Well consider what a monopoly is. Once you get more than a certain share of the market you make money in an anti-market way, as in effectively by force. The amount you make on top of the market value for the work you have done depends on the market percentage share, but it is also dependent on the type of industry, like say in the energy market, if you control the distribution of the product then that gives you a license to print money.

So what we need to do is this. We should establish what this extra profit amounts to. It could be approximated using a mathematical equation to model market data. So what you do is you apply a tax, and that tax levels it up, but you could decide how much you deal with it in an easy way, just by setting the tax rates. The tax money would not go to the government as government spending is like chucking it in the bin. Instead you use it as a way to provide tax relief to small business. In actual fact what you would really need is something where there is a significant, but not massive incentive to break up yourself. There would be a shareholder interest in it, but how you do it is not up to the government or even that you would have to, so you could just carry on but pay the tax. This means the system allows for economy of scale to benefit the consumer as well.

What I’m saying is use tax to iron out monopoly distortion of the market, so the best man wins.

Date: 4/14/2014

Mircea Halaciuga, EsqTel. 040.724581078www.SIPG.ro