What’s so big about MAIZE?

What’s so big about MAIZE? Brown Bag Seminar CIMMYT HQ June 18 th , 2012

Transcript of What’s so big about MAIZE?

Page 1: What’s so big about MAIZE?

What’s so big about MAIZE?

Brown Bag SeminarCIMMYT HQ

June 18th, 2012

Page 2: What’s so big about MAIZE?

Structure of Presentation

• Summary of challenges facing MAIZE• What is MAIZE trying to achieve?• Targeting of MAIZE• Operationalisation of MAIZE• Management of MAIZE• Progress to date

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MAIZE: Global Alliance for Improving Food Security and Livelihoods of the Resource-Poor in the Developing World

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Challenges for MAIZE 1 Demand for maize in the

developing world will double by 2050– Population growth– Livestock revolution: meat & dairy– Use of maize for biofuel

Maize imports for developing country will increase 24% by 2050 – equalling USD 30 billion

World Market export prices for maize are expected to almost double over the next 20 years http://www.oxfam.org/sites/www.oxfam.org/files/rr-exploring-food-price-scenarios-010611-en.pdf

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Challenges For MAIZE 2

“In the next 50 years we will need to produce as much food as has been consumed over our entire human history.”

Megan Clark, CEO of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Australia

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In Summary• To double the [crop] productivity, and significantly increase the incomes

and livelihood opportunities from more productive, resilient and sustainable maize-based farming systems on essentially the same land area, and as climates change and the costs of fertilizer, water, and labor increase.

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What are we aiming to do?

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• Increase the productivity of the target groups by:– 7% by 2020– 33% by 2030

• Reach: – 40 million smallholder farm family members by 2020– 175 million by 2030

• Provide enough maize to meet the annual food demand of:– An additional 135 million consumers by 2020– An additional 600 million by 2030

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Where are we aiming to do it?

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1. Technology and market-limited farmers in stress prone areas

2. Technology-limited smallholder farmers with leverage to strongly increase maize productivity

Areas not targeted by the private sector

Estimated reach

• Based on Hyman et al (2008)

• 64% of the maize area in low and middle income countries

• 660-830 million (>90%) maize-dependent poor

• 62 million (1/3 of all) stunted children

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How are we aiming to do it?

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Ten point action agenda for MAIZE “Strategic Initiatives”

1. Socioeconomics and policies for maize futures

2. Sustainable intensification and income opportunities for the poor

3. Smallholder precision agriculture4. Stress tolerant maize for the poorest5. Towards doubling maize productivity6. Integrated postharvest management7. Nutritious maize (with CRP4)8. Seeds of discovery – tackling the black

box of genetic diversity9. New tools and methods for NARS and

SMEs1-9. Strengthening local capacities

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Can it be done?

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The good this is: We’re not alone Inter-governmental organisations


National Governments Mexico (MasAgro – first of many) Indian Government (BISA) Agricultural research 4 development is back on the agenda ARIs – more resources for agricultural R4D

Private sector: Corporate (post-2008 food crisis) Domestic

Philanthropic donors BMGF Carlos Slim

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• Global Platform:– SI 8 Seeds of Discovery (genetic potential)– SI 9 Novel Tools and Methods– IMIC

• Regional Platforms:– West and Central Africa– Eastern and Southern Africa– Asia and CWANA– Latin America and Caribbean

• National and sub-National Platforms:– MasAgro (Mexican Government)– SARD-SC (AfDB)– DTMA (BMGF)– SIMLESA (ACIAR)– SIMLEZA (USAID)– CSISA (IRRI-BMGF)

MAIZE as a Multi-layered Platform

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Management of MAIZE

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Conceptualization of MAIZE:

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Relationship between CRP and existing program management (CIMMYT)


# Short name CC IP KM PMU CRIL GRC0 Management1 Socioeconomics Multiple2 Systems Multiple3 NUE & WUE Multiple4 Wheat varieties Multiple5 Diseases & pests Multiple6 Heat & drought Multiple7 Yield barrier Multiple8 Seed Multiple9 Seeds of Discovery Multiple

10 Capacities Multiple0 Management1 Socioeconomics Multiple2 Systems Multiple3 Yield gap Multiple4 Stress environments Multiple5 Double yield Multiple6 Postharvest Multiple7 Nutrition Multiple8 Seeds of Discovery Multiple9 Tools Multiple

Maize MultipleWheat Multiple

1 Policies Multiple2 Institutions Multiple3 Markets Multiple1 Value chains Multiple2 Biofortification Multiple3 Diseases Multiple4 Integrated Programs Multiple5 Policies Multiple1 Adaptation Multiple2 Managing Risk Multiple3 Mitigation Multiple4 Decisions Making Multiple

Genebank Con-sortium

CRP 2 Policy IFPRI

CRP 4 Nutrition


Inputs = Institutional dimension & majority involvement



= In







SI or Themes Bilateral Projects







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• CGIAR Windows 1&2 funding– Linking existing and new bilateral projects

(cement)– Expanding areas of R4D (upstream and

downstream)– Competitive Grants Initiative

How can MAIZE help to make this happen?

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• Working more strategically with both new and existing partners– Private sector– INGOs– National Governments• NARES

How can MAIZE help to make this happen?

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Progress to date

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• Highlights:– Strategic R4D• Workplan• Competitive Grants Initiative

– Project Management• Tools and Techniques (complement ICT developments)• Project Administrators

– Partnerships• Partner survey and MoU

What has been done so far?

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• Highlights:– Communication• MAIZE Website (MAIZE.ORG)• Strategy and Plan• Co-development with IITA

– Knowledge Management• Senior Knowledge Management Specialist• Knowledge Management Strategy and Plan• Capacity-Building

– Monitoring and Evaluation• M&E Strategy and Plan• Co-development with IITA

What has been done so far?

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• Highlights:– Outcomes and Impact• Performance Management• Participatory Impact Pathway Analysis (PIPA/RIPE)

– Outputs to Outcomes to Impact

• KIT– Analysis of past and present interventions to frame the

strategy for future action– Implementation and capacity-building– Knowledge development on the facilitation of innovation

• Wageningen• CO – Strategy and Results Framework Action Plan

– Performance Management System.

What has been done so far?

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What can YOU contribute?

You TELL me!

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Thank You