Whats Right and Wrong with Apache Mahout

1 ©MapR Technologies 2013- Confidential Apache Mahout How it's good, how it's awesome, and where it falls short


This is a summary of what I think is good and bad about Mahout. Presented on the eve of the 2013 Hadoop Summit

Transcript of Whats Right and Wrong with Apache Mahout

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Apache Mahout

How it's good, how it's awesome, and where it falls short

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What is Mahout?

“Scalable machine learning”– not just Hadoop-oriented machine learning– not entirely, that is. Just mostly.

Components– math library– clustering– classification– decompositions– recommendations

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What is Right and Wrong with Mahout?

Components– recommendations– math library– clustering– classification– decompositions– other stuff

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What is Right and Wrong with Mahout?

Components– recommendations– math library– clustering– classification– decompositions– other stuff

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What is Right and Wrong with Mahout?

Components– recommendations– math library– clustering– classification– decompositions– other stuff

All the stuff that isn’t there

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Mahout Math

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Mahout Math

Goals are– basic linear algebra,– and statistical sampling,– and good clustering,– decent speed,– extensibility,– especially for sparse data

But not – totally badass speed– comprehensive set of algorithms– optimization, root finders, quadrature

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Matrices and Vectors

At the core:– DenseVector, RandomAccessSparseVector– DenseMatrix, SparseRowMatrix

Highly composable API

Important ideas: – view*, assign and aggregate– iteration


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Matrix assign(double value);Matrix assign(double[][] values);Matrix assign(Matrix other);Matrix assign(DoubleFunction f);Matrix assign(Matrix other, DoubleDoubleFunction f);

Vector assign(double value);Vector assign(double[] values);Vector assign(Vector other);Vector assign(DoubleFunction f);Vector assign(Vector other, DoubleDoubleFunction f);Vector assign(DoubleDoubleFunction f, double y);

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Matrix viewPart(int[] offset, int[] size);Matrix viewPart(int row, int rlen, int col, int clen);Vector viewRow(int row);Vector viewColumn(int column);Vector viewDiagonal();

Vector viewPart(int offset, int length);

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The trace of a matrix

Random projection

Low rank random matrix

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The trace of a matrix

Random projection

Low rank random matrix


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The trace of a matrix

Random projection

Low rank random matrix


m.times(new DenseMatrix(1000, 3).assign(new Normal()))

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Examples of Recommendations

Customers buying books (Linden et al) Web visitors rating music (Shardanand and Maes) or movies (Riedl,

et al), (Netflix) Internet radio listeners not skipping songs (Musicmatch) Internet video watchers watching >30 s (Veoh) Visibility in a map UI (new Google maps)

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Recommendation Basics


User Thing1 3

2 4

3 4

2 3

3 2

1 1

2 1

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Recommendation Basics

History as matrix:

(t1, t3) cooccur 2 times, (t1, t4) once, (t2, t4) once, (t3, t4) once

t1 t2 t3 t4

u1 1 0 1 0

u2 1 0 1 1

u3 0 1 0 1

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A Quick Simplification

Users who do h

Also do r

User-centric recommendations

Item-centric recommendations

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An Example

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An Example

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Diagonalized Cluster Proximity

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Parallel Speedup?

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Lots of Clusters Are Fine

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Low Rank Matrix

Or should we see it differently?

Are these scaled up versions of all the same column?

1 2 5

2 4 10

10 20 50

20 40 100

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Low Rank Matrix

Matrix multiplication is designed to make this easy

We can see weighted column patterns, or weighted row patterns All the same mathematically





1 2 5x

Column pattern(or weights)

Weights (or row pattern)

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Low Rank Matrix

What about here?

This is like before, but there is one exceptional value

1 2 5

2 4 10

10 100 50

20 40 100

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Low Rank Matrix

OK … add in a simple fixer upper





1 2 5x





0 8 0x

Which rowException





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Random Projection

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SVD Projection

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Mahout Classifiers

Naïve Bayes– high quality implementation– uses idiosyncratic input format– … but it is naïve

SGD– sequential, not parallel– auto-tuning has foibles– learning rate annealing has issues– definitely not state of the art compared to Vowpal Wabbit

Random forest– scaling limits due to decomposition strategy– yet another input format– no deployment strategy

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The stuff that isn’t there

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What Mahout Isn’t

Mahout isn’t R, isn’t SAS

It doesn’t aim to do everything

It aims to scale some few problems of practical interest

The stuff that isn’t there is a feature, not a defect

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Contact:– [email protected]– @ted_dunning– @apachemahout– @[email protected]

Slides and suchhttp://www.slideshare.net/tdunning

Hash tags: #mapr #apachemahout