What's On Oct 14

What’s On Blackburn & District Camera Club 14th October 2011


Comming events at B&DCC

Transcript of What's On Oct 14

What’s OnBlackburn & District Camera Club

14th October 2011

Outings Autumn Colour, return to Roddlesworth.

Note the new date (before all the leavesfall off)

We are returning to Roddlesworth in thehope of capturing some Autumn colour.People often say " I've been there before"and I say that it doesn't matter how manytimes you visit an area there is alwayssomething different to photograph at dif-ferent times of the day and year.

After the shoot we can visit the local pubthat serves food and refreshments.

See you at Roddlesworth - its the place tobe seen at next Sunday!

High Noon

More details nearer thetime but get them inyour diary now....

10:00 am SkippoolCreek, Thornton, NrCleveleys

Martin Mere 2:00pm forthe dusk flight

November TheWarringtonPhotographic Societywill be welcoming theInternationallyrenowned wildlifephotographer AndyRouse back to the North

Photoshop for beginnersBob SingletonPhotoshop - Raw processingRichard Heyes .

I have posted a number of Pho-toshop for beginners tutorials onthe club website. Some of youmay already have downloadedthem. This will be a question-and-answer session.

Please bring your Photoshop prob-lems with you and if you haveany images you would like me todiscuss

If possible please e-mail them tome before hand.

Judge: Peter Madeley

Adrian Almond

Get this in your diary now. Adrianis a very accomplished photogra-pher and speaker.

President's Prize -theme - A Rose Between TwoThorns

- Margaretand John Sixsmith from the Wir-ral (both ARPS) will be giving alecture and judging an interclubcompetition. Clubs from acrossthe NW have been invited and atleast five Clubs will take part.

(Judge: JudithMarr )

Jeff Cowling fromGrindleton, who will bring a se-lection of AV's of his travels.

-Michael Green, followed by theLCPU Folio (Nature).

- Pleasebring eight mounted prints to bejudged on the night. After eachround some prints will be re-moved and their authors willtake no more part - the remain-ing authors present another printand the process repeats until only one print remains. There willalso be a competition for digitalimages - details will be givencloser to the time.

Judith Marr will be entertainingus.


Members may still enter 4 imag-es if they wish but can also havea chance if they only submit 2images. (1 open and 1 themed) or3 images (2 open and 1 themedor vice versa).

They just use the highest scorefrom each section and add themtogether.

This new rule applies to both Dig-ital Images and Prints for thisyear only.

Thanks,Judith (President)

Will members please submit up to8 of your best digital images ofthe year to Mick Park - humor-ous or light hearted images areespecially welcome. These will bepresented on the 19th December.

Pie and Pea supper, results of"Mission Impossible" task andpresentation of members' bestlight hearted images of the year.

To all Members.

I have decided to change the waythe competition is judged for thisyear.

At the moment the rules are suchthat members have to enter 4 im-ages (2 open and 2 themed) tohave any chance of winningas all 4 scores are added togeth-er and the highest score wins.

I have decided that only 2 scoreswill be added together - the high-est open and the highest themed.

Important NoticePresidents Prize Rules