What's New in Django 1.6

What’s New in Django 1.6 Sivasubramaniam Arunachalam Nov 14, 2013 @sivaa_in http://www.meetup.com/Bangalore-Django-User-Group/events/149839872/


Presentation used in Bangalore Django User Group Meetup. http://www.meetup.com/Bangalore-Django-User-Group/events/149839872/

Transcript of What's New in Django 1.6

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(We miss you)

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Version Released Date Released After

0.9 Nov 16, 2005

0.91 Jan 11, 2006 2 Months

0.95 Jul 29, 2006 6 Months

0.96 Mar 23, 2007 8 Months

1.0 Sep 03, 2008 17 Months

1.1 Jul 29, 2009 11 Months

1.2 May 17, 2010 9 Months

1.3 Mar 23, 2011 10 Months

1.4 Mar 23, 2012 12 Months

1.5 Feb 26, 2013 11 Months

1.6 Nov 06, 2013 8 Months

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Django Version Supported Python

Version (2.x) Supported Python

Version (3.x)

1.0 2.3+

1.1 2.3+

1.2 2.4+

1.3 2.4+

1.4 2.5+

1.5 2.6+ 3.2+*

1.6 2.6+ 3.2+

1.7 2.7+ 3.2+

* Experimental

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Python 3 Officially Supported

(Enjoy it in Production)

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New Features

• Simple Layout

• Improved Transactions

• Persistent DB Connections

• Others

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New Features

• Simple Layout

• Improved Transactions

• Persistent DB Connections

• Others

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Much Simpler (Project & App Layouts)

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Application - added admin

- removed sites

Middleware - added clickjacking prevention

Database - SQLite3

New Defaults

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• manage.py

• settings.py

• wsgi.py

• urls.py

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• manage.py

• settings.py

• wsgi.py

• urls.py

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Removed Settings



startproject - settings.py










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Modified Settings

startproject - settings.py

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DATABASES (default to SQLite3)

startproject - settings.py - Modified

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TIME_ZONE (default to UTC)

startproject - settings.py - Modified

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INSTALLED_APPS (admin enabled & sites removed by default)

startproject - settings.py - Modified

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MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES (clickjacking protection is enabled by default)

startproject - settings.py - Modified

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New Settings


startproject - settings.py

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• manage.py

• settings.py

• wsgi.py

• urls.py

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admin enabled by default

startproject - urls.py

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• admin.py

• models.py

• views.py

• tests.py

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• admin.py

• models.py

• views.py

• tests.py

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admin.py is generated by default

startapp - admin.py

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• admin.py

• models.py

• views.py

• tests.py

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Default Example TestCase is removed

startapp - tests.py

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Django 1.5

Django 1.6


Tar ball 8 M 6.6 M -17.5 %

settings.py 5.3 K 2.0 K -63.1 %

urls.py 556 297 -46.5 %

wsgi.py 1.4 K 387 -72.2 %

tests.py 383 60 -84.3 %

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New Features

• Simple Layout

• Improved Transactions

• Persistent DB Connections

• Others

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Improved Transactions (Biggest Change from 0.9x)

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Old APIs were Deprecated


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New APIs were Introduced


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Transactions – New APIs

• Clean & Simple

• Improved Performance

• Improved Error Handling

• Fine grained rollbacks between savepoints


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Transactions – New APIs

• Enabled by default • Every single SQL Statement is committed immediately

• django.db.transaction.set_autocommit()

DB Level Auto Commit

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Transactions – New APIs

atomic() • New Single API to control DB transactions

• Commit on Success

• Rollback on Exceptions

• It can be

• Nested

• Used as a Decorator & Context Manager

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Transactions – New APIs – atomic()


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Transactions – New APIs – atomic()

Context Manager

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Backward Incompatible



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Excellent Presentations by

Aymeric Augustin


More Details

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New Features

• Simple Layout

• Improved Transactions

• Persistent DB Connections

• Others

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New Connection for every HTTP Request

Till Django 1.5

Persistent DB Connections

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Same Connection will be reused between requests

In Django 1.6

Persistent DB Connections

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• Life Time of a Database Connection

• Different for each Database

• Default = 0 (Off & No reuse)

• For Unlimited, use None

• Comply with DB Idle Connection Settings


Persistent DB Connections

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• Connection is established during the first query

• Connection won’t be closed and reused for subsequent requests

• One Connection for each Worker Thread

• Once it is exceeds the CONN_MAX_AGE, it will be closed • Beginning & end of each request

Processing Behavior

Persistent DB Connections

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New Features

• Simple Layout

• Improved Transactions

• Persistent DB Connections

• Others

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Locates tests anywhere (test*.py)

New Test Runner

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QuerySet.dates() is now Time Zone Aware

(Earlier Only in UTC)

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QuerySet.dates() is now operates only on DateField() and returns datetime.date

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"hour", "minute" or "second“ lookups are supported

QuerySet.datetimes() is operates on DateTimeField()

and returns datetime.datetime

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BinaryField() is introduced

• Stores raw binary data in bytes

• Queryset is not possible

• Don’t use it to store static files

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django-admin.py check • Verifies the setup for Current Version

• Settings

• Application Code

• Warnings will be issued for incompatibles

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Efficient Model.save()


SELECT is used to determine INSERT (or) UPDATE


if instance has Primary Key, it is UPDATE

else, it is INSERT

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(latest() with reverse direction)

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• Returns the first object from QuerySet

• If no order specified, Ordered by PK

• None for EmptyQuerySet

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Model.objects.filter(timestamp__hour = 23)

Model.objects.filter(timestamp__minute = 59)

Model.objects.filter(timestamp__second = 59)

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HTML 5 Types for input fields

(Email, URL and Number)

Supported in • IntegerField

• FloatField

• DecimalField

• EmailField

• URLField

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Blank Password is Supported

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• SQLite Save Points is supported

• Open Layer based GeoDjango Forms API

• Pillow is preferred over PIL for ImageField

• Django Admin jQuery is upgraded from 1.4.2 to 1.9.1

• New Deployment Check List (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.6/howto/deployment/checklist/)

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Notable Changes

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• UNUSABLE_PASSWORD is removed (is_password_usable)

• MAXIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH is removed in the latest security fix

• Password reset now uses Base64 Encoding (earlier it was base36)

• BooleanField is not default to False (None). Be Explicit

• django.db.models.query.EmptyQuerySet can’t be instantiated

• django-debug-toolbar is breaking

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Dropped Features

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Deprecated Features

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• django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware

• django.db.transaction.autocommit

• django.db.transaction.commit_on_success

• django.db.transaction.commit_manually

• TRANSACTIONS_MANAGED (in settings.py)

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• SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS (django.middleware.common.BrokenLinkEmailsMiddleware)

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Django 1.7

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In built migrations

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Thank You! [email protected]

bit.ly/sivasubramaniam bit.ly/sivaa_in

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References https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/releases/1.6/ https://speakerdeck.com/julienphalip/django-1-dot-6-the-best-new-features-and-the-important-changes