What's in our galaxy?. Emission Nebulae Spectra consist of emission lines Are hot, ionised hydrogen...

download What's in our galaxy?. Emission Nebulae Spectra consist of emission lines Are hot, ionised hydrogen plasma (plus a few other elements) where stars are.

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Transcript of What's in our galaxy?. Emission Nebulae Spectra consist of emission lines Are hot, ionised hydrogen...

  • Slide 1

What's in our galaxy? Slide 2 Emission Nebulae Spectra consist of emission lines Are hot, ionised hydrogen plasma (plus a few other elements) where stars are born Slide 3 Star Formation in Emission Nebulae Slide 4 Dark Nebulae Cool molecular gas from which stars form Absorb (redden) the light from background stars Not a hole in space Slide 5 Dark Nebulae in Emission Nebula Slide 6 Slide 7 Reflection Nebulae Found around hot O/B stars, scatter the light from the stars (no intrinsic emission) Slide 8 Open Clusters Loose collection of stars Gravitationally bound all of the stars orbit each other they are in the same region of space and were born in the same nebula Slide 9 Globular Clusters Old, and extremely dense spherical grouping of stars. Found orbiting outside our galaxy. Slide 10 Planetary Nebulae Named for their disc-like appearance They are the outer envelopes from the collapse of solar mass giant stars being ejected into space Normally spherical Contain a white dwarf star at their centre Slide 11 Slide 12 Supernova Remnants Ejecta from the explosion of a massive star Crab nebula remnant is only 1000 years old At it's centre is a pulsar Slide 13 Veil nebula is 100,000 years old