"What's in a Name?" - KnightTimes Summer 2015

This photograph of General Sherman and members of his staff was taken on July 18, 1864, before the Battle of Atlanta. (Sherman is pictured with arm resting on breach at rear of cannon.) Library of Congress WHAT’S IN A NAME? FRED GLASS ’89 traces the origins of Pace Academy’s moniker



Transcript of "What's in a Name?" - KnightTimes Summer 2015

  • This photograph of General Sherman and members of his staff was taken on July 18, 1864, before the Battle of Atlanta. (Sherman is pictured with arm resting on breach at rear of cannon.)



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    FRED GLASS 89 traces the origins

    of Pace Academys moniker

  • KnightTimes | Summer 2015 49

    UPON ENTERING THE lobby of One Paces West,

    an office building off Paces Ferry Road in Vinings, Ga.,

    one notices a life-size statue (shown above) of a rugged 19th-century man. On the

    wall adjacent to the statue is the following inscription:

    HARDY PACE, 17851864

    Hardy Pace was the founder of Vinings. He settled in this

    area and acquired 10,000 acres ceded by the Cherokees in 1835, between Buckhead and Smyrna,

    including Vinings Mountain. Pace brought prosperity to the

    region. He operated a ferry, built a gristmill and a tavern, had large farming operations, and was the area postmaster.

    The large home he built west of the Chattahoochee was a social center for friends and travelers. The Civil War brought an end to

    this life. Pace and his family took refuge in Milledgeville. His home

    was occupied and then burned by Federal troops. Pace died in Milledgeville and is buried on

    Vinings Mountain.

    IN my six years as a student at Pace Academy, I never gave much thought to how the schools name came to be. Looking back, I suppose I assumed that Pace was someone buried in the Gardens or the person who built the Castle.

    A reasonably observant individual might conclude that the schools name has something to do with a ferry, and is probably connected to its W. Paces Ferry Road address, and both conclusions would be correct. But whats interesting is that the ferryin operation from the 1830s until 1904as well Atlantas many Paces roads, and yes, even the name Pace Academy, can all be traced back to one man: Hardy Pace.

    Whats equally interesting is Hardy Paces connection to the significant series of events that occurred in the Vinings and Buckhead areas as Shermans army approached Atlanta in the summer of 1864.

    After the Civil War and well into the 20th century, Hardy Paces descendants played an important role in the area that would eventually become Pace Academys present-day campus on W. Paces Ferry Road.

    Hardy Pace, PioneerHardy Pace was a ferryman, miller and early settler who, among others, is credited with found-

    ing the area known today as Buckhead. He was born in obscurity to Stephen Pace and Catherine Gatewood Buchanan Pace in Anson County, N.C., and moved to North Georgia in 1809.

    Pace would eventually establish Paces Crossroadslater known as Vinings Station, and then, simply, Vinings. He arrived in North Georgia when it was lawless frontier wilderness inhabited primarily by Creek and Cherokee Indians. His first home sat off the old Indian trail that would become W. Paces Ferry Road near its current intersection with Castlegate Road, not far from the Pace Academy campus.

    By the 1830s, the inflow of settlers to the region had increased substantially, and the state of Georgia established land lotteries to accelerate the orderly settlement of the areas west of the Chattahoochee River. Pace participated in these lotteries and, over time, ac-quired an area of land roughly two-thirds the size of Manhattan.

    The construction of the Western & Atlantic Railroad began in 1836, and Pace wisely moved his family across the Chattahoochee and closer to his business interests, which were strengthened considerably by the railroads construction through his land in newly created Cobb County.

    He was best known for the ferry he operated upon his acquisition of land on both the Cobb and Fulton County sides of the river. Paces Ferry ran from the present-day site of Canoe Restaurant to what is now the Lovett School campus, and the road leading to the ferry was soon referred to as Paces Ferry Road. Anyone traveling via horse and buggy from Marietta to Decatur or Terminus (later Atlanta) had to cross the river using Paces Ferry and then follow Paces Ferry Road to their destination. Hermis Bridge, the current pedestrian bridge constructed in 1904 adjacent to Paces Ferry Road, ended the ferry service.

    From the 1830s until 1861, Pace and his family thrived through his several business opera-tions. However, the Civil War and the arrival of Shermans Army of the Cumberland forever altered the region and the lives of its inhabitants, chief among them the Pace family.

    The Civil War Comes to AtlantaHad General William Tecumseh Sherman and his 100,000-man army failed to capture

    Atlanta in September of 1864, Abraham Lincoln might not have been elected in November for a second term. A loss for Lincoln could have meant a Confederate victory, altering the future of the United Statesand democracy worldwideforever. For this reason, the events involving Hardy Pace in the summer of 1864 were significant not only regionally, but nationally as well.

    After several outflanking maneuvers, Sherman pushed Joseph E. Johnstons Con-federate Army south from Chattanooga along the railroad to the Chattahoochee River.


  • Sherman needed the railroad as a supply line, and Johnston planned to use the Chat-

    tahoocheethe final major natural barrier separating

    Sherman from Atlantato stop his opponents advance.

    When Sherman fi-nally reached the river

    on July 5, he chose Hardy Paces property as

    his headquarters. The land was close to the Chattahoochee, provided railroad access and high-ground advantage, and afforded a clear view of the citys stee-ples and spires from Vinings Mountain, the location of the Pace family cemetery today. There, from July 5 to 17, Sherman and his generals planned their final move on Atlanta.

    During that same time, the Pace home also served as Union General Oliver O. Howards residence. Howard (pictured above) went on to found Howard University in Washington, D.C., and led the Freedmans Bureau. He also commanded the Army of Tennessee in the right column of Shermans March to the Sea in the fall of 1864.

    On July 17, Shermans men built two pontoon bridges at the site of Paces Ferry (shown in the illustration above), and two corps, including Joseph Hookers 20th Corps, crossed the river and proceeded toward At-lanta on Paces Ferry Road. The late CECIL ALEXANDER, a former Pace Academy Trustee, remembered walking under Hermis Bridge as a boy in the 1920s and seeing the remains of the Federal pontoon bridges.

    Hookers 20th Corps marched down Paces Ferry Road, past the future Pace Academy campus, and camped near where Arden Road intersects W. Paces Ferry Road. On July 18, Hookers men joined two other Union corps to engage the Confederates, led by John Bell Hood, at the Battle of Peachtree Creek.

    The wounded and killed from the battle,


    and later the battles of Atlanta and Ezra Church, were sent back up Paces Ferry Road to Vinings Sta-tion, and the Pace home was converted into a hospital for the treatment of the

    wounded and dying. As many as 30,000 Union men were treated at Paces home and in tents on his property. One can only imag-ine the horrific scene as surgeons performed mass amputations in the July heat with no one on hand to bury the dead.

    After the fall of Atlanta, Sherman sent some of his troops north after Hoods army to protect his railroad supply lines. They would eventually catch up with Hood at the bat-tles of Nashville and Franklin, Tenn., where Hoods army was essentially destroyed. As Shermans men passed back through Vinings in pursuit of Hood in November 1864, they burned the Paces antebellum home and most everything at Vinings Station.

    Hardy Pace died in Milled-geville, Ga., in December 1864, but Solomon K. Pace, his only surviving son, would return to At-lanta to rebuild.

    The Pace and Randall Families in the Post-War Era

    Solomon Pace (pictured above in hat) buried his father in the Pace family cemetery on Vinings Mountain. The gravestone reads:

    Sacred to the memory of Hardy Pace. Born 1785. Died December 5, 1864.

    A friend of the poor, He is gone to secure the riches of Heaven. They need not

    the moon in that land of delight. They need not the pale pale star. The sun he

    is bright by day and by night. Where the souls of the blessed are.

    Before the Civil War, Solomon Pace lived on present-day W. Paces Ferry Road, somewhere between Randall Mill Road and Northside

    Drive; Pickney H. Randall, Paces brother-in-law, and his family, were his neighbors. Both Pace and Randall had acquired their land from Hardy Pace, who at one time owned 700 acres on the stretch of road.

    Upon his return to Atlanta, Solomon Pace moved to Vinings and went to work recon-structing his fathers home, known today as The Pace House on Paces Mill Road. He estab-lished Vinings United Methodist Church and was instrumental in the founding of Sardis United Methodist Church on Powers Ferry Road in Buckhead. When he died in 1897, he left behind no children to carry on the Pace name.

    Randall and his wife, Hardy Paces daugh-ter Catherine Catron Gatewood Pace, however, had a son, Hardy I. Randall, named in honor of his grandfather. Hardy Randall, the inspiration for Gone With The Winds Captain Randall, served as a Confederate captain and returned to Atlanta following the war to operate with his father a mill on Nancy Creek near Paces Ferry Road (hence present-day Randall Mill Road).

    Hardy Randalls son, Harvey Gatewood Randall, continued his familys entre-

    preneurial tradition and established Randall Brothers, Inc., in 1885.

    The moulding and millwork company remains in opera-

    tionand in the Randall familytoday.

    Harvey Randalls son, Luther H. Ran-dall (pictured left with

    glasses), succeeded his father at the helm of

    Randall Brothers, Inc., and in the 1940s, built his home on 22 acres at the current corner of W. Paces Ferry and Rilman roads. Much of the landa portion of it now Gatewood Courtwas later sold off to devel-opers, and in the 1970s, Luther H. Randall Jr., Hardy Paces great-great-grandson, sold the home to Pace Academy for a friendly price.

    The Randall House now serves as home to Pace Academys Lower School, and Luther Randall Jr.s widow still maintains a resi-dence on Gatewood Court. His grandchildren, Hardy Paces great-great-great-great-great-grandchildren, are Pace Academy alumni LAURA CHOYCE STEIN 01 and MAT-THEW RANDALL CHOYCE 05.


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    50 KnightTimes | Summer 2015

  • KnightTimes | Summer 2015 51

    WHAT'S IN A NAME?* The Westminster Schools was founded in 1951 as a reorganization of Atlantas North Avenue Presbyterian School, a school for girls and affiliate of North Avenue Presbyte-rian Church. In 1953, Washington Seminary, another private school for girls, merged with Westminster. The Lovett School began in 1926 in a home in Midtown Atlanta.

    SOURCES: An Unfinished History of Pace Academy, Suzi Zadeh

    Atlanta and Environs, A Chronicle of its People and Events, 1820s1870s, Volume 1, Franklin M. Garrett, 1954

    Hardy Pace Family, Pioneers of Vinings in Georgia, Clare Isanhour

    Hermi's Bridge: A Love Story, Wright Mitchell, 2010

    Luther Randall III

    The Westminster Schools

    Vinings, Susan Kendall, 2013

    Vinings Historic Preservation Society; special thanks to Gillian Greer

    Vinings Revisited, A Review of Older Provenance, Anthony Doyle, 2008

    Uncredited photos published courtesy of the Vinings Historic Preservation Society

    A School Named PaceBefore the school had a headmaster or a

    functioning Board of Trustees, Pace Academy had a name.

    In the 1950s, native New Yorker, veteran educator and shrewd businesswoman JANE TUGGLE recognized the demand for an ad-ditional independent school in Atlantas Buckhead area. She envisioned a for-profit school (a matter over which Tuggles rela-tionship with the school ultimately ended) housed in the Ogden family home on W. Paces Ferry Road.

    At the time, the castle-esque stone struc-ture was held in trust by C&S Bank, and in order to ensure that the new school would occupy the homeand permanently tie the school to that locationTuggle named it Pace Academy and immediately began rais-ing funds to make the school a reality.

    There is no record that the schools name was questioned or challengedor has been since; at the time, it was simply noted that the name Pace Academy was very appro-priate given the location of the school.

    The names pertinence is a nod to the histo-ry and heritage of the Buckhead and Vinings regions, and to the influence of Hardy Pace and his family. Hardy Paces son, Solomon, died only 61 years before the schools 1958

    founding, so many Buckhead residents knew of the Pace familys significance.

    However, the end of World War II brought a population surge, interstate highways and aggressive development that forever altered Buckheads rural character. Prior to 1952, Buckhead sat outside Atlantas city limits, a rural community in which members of the wealthy elite, the Ogden and Randall fami-lies among them, built large country estates to escape the city on weekends or stay cool during summer months.

    As the city grew, the story of Buckheads early days seemed to disappear from the col-lective memory.

    The Pace LegacyNow we know the historythe names, the

    important dates and places. But what was Hardy Pace really like? Did his character and actions in life merit the respect his name-sake school now enjoys? Does Pace Academy today aspire to values he also would have held dear?

    According to his heirs, Pace was quiet and frugal. He was devoted to his family, a successful landowner and businessman disin-clined to involve himself in politics. His story is uniquely American. He came from nothing and lived to witness the Georgia frontier, the arrival of the railroad and one of the greatest conflicts in U.S. history.

    One account posits that Pace died at 79 as a result of a wound inflicted during a gun-fight with Federal troops. Most, however, refute the story; Paces benevolent personal-ity, keen intellect and advanced age suggest he most likely would have been gone by the time Shermans men arrived at his doorstep. Another account suggests that he may have died of a broken heart following the death of his favored daughter, Catron, around the same time Atlanta was burned.

    This past December marked the 150th an-niversary of Hardy Paces death, so its fitting to consider his influence on the Buckhead regionand on Pace Academy, the only ex-isting institution that carries his name today.

    Consider, for example, the prevalence of the word Paces in Atlantas vernacular. Until 1954, road signs still recalled Hardy Paces significance with an apostrophe: Paces Ferry Road. I would argue that removing

    the apostrophea seemingly insignificant changehas unintentionally obscured the history and meaning of the word, and there-fore, name.

    But the Pace in Pace Academy has re-mained true, which is appropriate in that Pace Academy was Buckheads first independent school. Both the Lovett School and the West-minster Schools, now located in Buckhead, originally began in downtown and midtown locations, but since its inception, Pace Acad-emy has called W. Paces Ferry Road home.

    Through its history and name, Pace Acad-emy is more directly tied to the area than its transplant sister schools. The Lovett School was named for founder Eva Edwards Lovett and, after much contemplation amongst its trustees, Westminster was named to befit the schools Presbyterian origins.*

    Both schools enjoyed adequate funding and organization; they were built on more established foundations. Pace Academy, on the other hand, was something of an under-dog, an upstart. Other than a desired location and the enthusiasm of its small number of early supporters, the most valuable asset the new school possessed was the prominence of and meaning behind the word Pace.

    In many ways, Hardy Paces humble be-ginnings and later success parallel that of the school that bears his name. Pace Academy can therefore be considered a lasting legacy to Hardy Pace and his family.

    The Pace Academy campus in 1969.

    Pace archives

    Below: Pace's Ferry operated

    until 1904.

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