What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing...

What will 2,4‐D and Dicamba Agronomic Crops Mean for Vegetable Producers? Stephen Weller HLA Purdue University

Transcript of What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing...

Page 1: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.




Page 2: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  DowAgroSciencesandMonsantoaredevelopingagronomiccropswithresistanceto2,4‐Danddicamba.

•  Thistechnologyismovingforward•  Thistalkistoprovidebackgroundon:

–  thelogicforthistechnology–  informationaboutthetechnologyand– concernsweasvegetablegrowersshouldbeawareofasthismovesforward.

Page 3: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  RoundupReady(RUR)AgronomicCrops– Revolutionizedweedmanagement

–  Increasedno‐tillpractices– Glyphosateappliedpostemergentduringcropseasonprovidedexcellentbroad‐spectrumweedcontrol

– RURCrops–soybean,corn,cotton,sugarbeet,canola

Page 4: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Technologyhasnotbeenperfect•  Highselectionpressureonweeds•  Multipleapplicationswithinyears

•  Resistantweedsevolved– 21weedsworldwideareresistant– 3majorweedsinINconfirmed

• Marestail,giantragweed,waterhemp

– Othersuspected

Page 5: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

Waterhemp  In the last 15 years, it has emerged as one of the most

problematic weeds to control in soybeans and corn  Documented resistance to triazines, ALS inhibitors, and PPO’s (not as widespread as ALS resistance at the current time)

 Best options for postemergence control in soybean besides PPO’s

Glyphosate Glufosinate (Liberty) Hand removal?

Page 6: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

Triple-Stack Corn -  Yield Gard CB -  Yield Gard RW -  Roundup Ready

Triple-Stack Corn -  Herculex I -  Herculex RW -  Liberty Link

Triple-Stack Waterhemp -  ALS resistant -  PPO resistant -  Glyphosate resistant

Page 7: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

Sensitive Noble County 0.75 lb ae/A – 21 DAT


Page 8: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

Sensitive Noble County 3.0 lb ae/A – 21 DAT


Page 9: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

WeatherMax 88 oz at 1 inch

WeatherMax 88 oz at 4 inch

WeatherMax 88 oz at 12 inch


Page 10: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Roundupreadytechnologyimperiled•  Requiresuseofadditionalherbicidetoolsandculturalpractices

•  Mustinvestigatenewcontrolmethodsanduseintegratedweedmanagementrelyinglessonthesoleuseofglyphosate

•  Herbicidecompaniesinvestigatingnewmethodsofweedcontrol

Page 11: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  NewHerbicidemechanisms‐limited•  GeneticEngineeringtoobtaincropplantsresistanttootherherbicides

•  DowAgroSciences‐– EnlistWeedControlSystemwith2,4‐Dtoleranceincorn,soybeanandcotton

•  Monsanto – RoundupReadyPluswithdicambatoleranceincorn,soybeanandcotton

Page 12: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  ProvideanadditionaltoolintheRURsystem•  Aherbicidemanagementpackagethatwouldprovideawidespectrumofcontrolwithoutdamagingthecrop

•  Useofmultiplemechanismsofactionmixturesshouldsloworpreventfurtherevolutionofherbicideresistantweeds

•  MaintainsustainabilityofRURsystem

Page 13: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.



2.Howwillwidespreaduseof2,4‐Danddicambaaffectnon‐targetcropsiftheseherbicidesmoveawayfromthetreatedfieldbydriftand/orvolatility?•  Ourconcernasvegetablegrowersisquestion2

Page 14: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  2,4‐Danddicambaprovidecontrolofmanybroadleafweedsthathavedevelopedresistancetoglyphosate

•  Thepossibilityofinjurytonon‐targetplantsfromdriftand/orvolatilityarewelldocumented

•  Driftofanyherbicidecancauseproblemsbutisespeciallyproblematicfortheseherbicidesasvegetablesarequitesensitivetoverylowdoses

•  Volatilityhasbeenaproblemwithcertain2,4‐Danddicambaformulations(2,4‐Desters,Banvel)

•  Mustensurethatthistechnologyisthoroughlytestedpriortoanyrelease

Page 15: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.
Page 16: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  EnlistSystem– Genesdiscoveredthatmetabolize2,4‐Dandtheycanbetransformedintotargetcrops

– Abetterformulationof2,4‐Dwasnecessary•  Lessvolatile,lesssusceptibletodrift

–  Colex‐Dtechnologydeveloped•  2,4‐Dcholineisaquartnaryammoniumsalt,notanamineoranester

•  Ultralowvolatility•  Minimizedpotentialfordrift•  Lowodor•  Betterhandlingcharacteristics

Page 17: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


Page 18: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.
Page 19: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.
Page 20: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Corn,soybeanandcottonindevelopment•  Allcropswillcontainglyphosateresistance•  Soybeanandcottonandsomecornwillcontainglufosinateresistance

•  Cornwillhaveresistanceto‘Fop’herbicides•  Offeranexpandedwindowofapplicationbothburndownandlaterinseason

•  Targetreleasedates–2013forcorn,2014forsoybean,2015‐16forcotton

Page 21: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  RoundupReadyPlus– Genesfordiscoveredthatmetabolizedicambaandcanbetransformedintotargetcrops

– Abetterformofdicambawasnecessary•  Lessvolatile,lesssusceptibletodrift

– dicambaformulationtechnology•  Ultralowvolatility• Minimizedpotentialfordrift

•  Betterhandlingcharacteristics

Page 22: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Soybean,cornandcottonbeingdeveloped•  ResistancetoRoundup,dicambaandincottonglufosinate

•  Thistechnologywillprovidebetterweedcontrol,lesscropinjuryandgreaterflexibilityintimingofapplications

•  Releasedatein2015•  BASFandMonsantoworkingtogetheronherbicideandoff‐sitemovementissues

Page 23: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Willrequiretheuseofpreemergentherbicides

•  Researchbeingconductedon:– Appropriateapplicationtechnology

• Nozzles•  Effectofoff‐sitemovementbydriftandpotentialforvolatility

•  Environmentalconditioneffects

•  Susceptibilityofnon‐targetplants

Page 24: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Mustbeawareofthistechnology•  Willrequirebettercommunicationbetweenneighbors

•  Willthereberegulationsontheuseofthistechnology

•  Ifoff‐sitemovementoccurs,whatshouldbedone?

•  Whataboutdamage?

Page 25: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.




Page 26: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Thisprogramprovidesabaseofinformationtoallfarmersaboutthepresenceofsensitivecrops

•  Becomeawareofthissiteandhowtobeinvolvedtominimizeproblems

•  Mapsofsensitivecrops

•  Warningsofwhencropswillbeplantedorexist

Page 27: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Developingdiagnostictoolsandinformationaboutvegetablecropsresponsetodrift

•  Whatarethesymptoms?

•  Whenorifcropsrecover?

•  Howmuchlossmightoccur?

•  Educationforapplicatorsonhowbesttousethenewtechnology

Page 28: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Determinationofcropresponse•  Determinationofnozzlesusedinapplicationandhowfarparticlesmove

•  Environmentalconditionsthatresultinvolatilitypotential

•  SCRIgrantinvolvement

•  Companycooperation

Page 29: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Effectsoflow‐dose2,4‐DanddicambaandcombinationswithRoundupto:– Processingtomatoresponses– Freshmarketvegetablesresponse‐Tomatoes,peppers,muskmelon,watermelon

Page 30: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  TwoApplicationTimings–  Smallplants/Largeplants

•  Cultivars–  2007:611–  2008:611&311(IN),616&818(OH)

•  7Rates–  0,1/1000,1/300,1/100,1/30,1/10,&1/3XrateswhereX=0.5lbsae/A


•  Datacollected–  Cropinjury,yield(redandgreenfruit),and%flowerloss

•  Analysis–  Non‐linearloglogisticmodelinginR

•  PlotDesign–  1.5mx6mplots–  Tomatoestransplantedintoraisedbeds

Page 31: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


5 hours after treatment

3 days after treatment

7 days after treatment

14 days after treatment

28 days after treatment

Page 32: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


FlowerLoss– 5%

•  Timing1:1/233rd•  Timing2:1/373rd

– 25%•  Timing1:1/42nd

•  Timing2:1/88th

– 50%•  Timing1:1/15th•  Timing2:1/36th

MarketableFruitLoss–  1%

• Timing1:1/1120th• Timing2:1/622nd

–  5%•  Timing1:1/243rd

•  Timing2:1/224th

–  10%•  Timing1:1/124th•  Timing2:1/144th

(0.5 lbs ae/A = 1X)

Page 33: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Lowratesofdicambadriftresultedinsignificantyieldlossregardlessoftiming

•  Thesecondtimingatfloweringcausedhigheryieldlossthanthefirsttiming

•  Resultsweresimilaratbothlocationsandforallcultivarstested

•  Thereisariskofcausingtomatoyieldlossfromdicambadrift

Page 34: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


3 days after treatment

7 days after treatment

21 days after treatment

28 days after treatment

Page 35: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


FlowerLoss– 5%

•  Timing1:1/20th•  Timing2:1/229th

– 25%•  Timing1:1/13th

•  Timing2:1/85th

– 50%•  Timing1:1/10th•  Timing2:1/47th

MarketableFruitLoss–  1%

• Timing1:1/58th• Timing2:1/337th

–  5%•  Timing1:1/30th

•  Timing2:1/164th

–  10%•  Timing1:1/22nd•  Timing2:1/120th

(0.6 lbs ae/A= 1X)

Page 36: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Glyphosatedriftatthetimeoffruitsetleadstogreaterfruitlossthanatthetimeoftransplanting

•  Glyphosatedriftdelayedfruitripening•  Bothcultivarstestedrespondedsimilarlytoglyphosatedrift

•  Tomatoesaresensitivetoevenlowratesofglyphosate

Page 37: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

Gly1/300X Gly1/100X Gly1/30X

Dicamba1/300X Dicamba1/100X Dicamba1/30X





TomatoResponsetocombinationsof GlyphosateandDicambaDrift

Untreated 1/100X 1/100X 1/100+1/100 glyphosate dicambaGly+dicamba

Page 38: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

TomatoResponsetocombinationsof GlyphosateandDicambaDrift

Untreated 1/30X 1/30X 1/30+1/30 glyphosate dicambaGly+dicamba

Page 39: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.

Glyphosate rate

Dicamba rate

Expected results1

Observed results2

Difference in results Joint activity

______ lbs ae/A______ _____________ % Control _____________


1/300 + 1/300 26 21 -5 Additive

1/100 + 1/100 61 74 13 Synergistic

1/30 + 1/30 95 94 -1 Additive

5 WAT +

1/300 + 1/300 40 32 -8 Additive

1/100 + 1/100 67 69 2 Additive

1/30 + 1/30 95 91 -4 Additive


Page 40: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Driftfromcombinationsofglyphosateanddicambahaveanadditiveeffectoncausingtomatoinjury

•  1/30x+1/30Xresultedin>90%injury•  Driftfromeitherglyphosateordicambacausesseriousinjury

•  Driftfromacombinationofthe2herbicidescausesevengreaterinjury

Page 41: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  2010and2011studiesperformedatMeigsHorticultureResearchFarminLafayette,IN.

•  Fourvegetablecropswereused:• “Mt.FreshPlus”tomato• “Aristotle”bellpepper• “HalesBestJumbo”cantaloupe• “MardiGras”watermelon

Page 42: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


Untreated 8gaeha‐1

8gaeha‐1+8gaeha‐1gly 4gaeha‐1 4gaeha‐1+4gaeha‐1gly



Page 43: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


Untreated 5.6gaeha‐1

5.6gaeha‐1+8gaeha‐1gly 2.8gaeha‐1 2.8gaeha‐1+4gaeha‐1gly



Page 44: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


Untreated 8gaeha‐1

8gaeha‐1+8gaeha‐1gly4gaeha‐1 4gaeha‐1+4gaeha‐1gly



Page 45: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


Untreated 5.6gaeha‐1

5.6gaeha‐1+8gaeha‐1gly 2.8gaeha‐1 2.8gaeha‐1+4gaeha‐1gly



Page 46: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Cantaloupe•  Initialdelayinfruitmaturity•  2,4‐Dtreatedplantsyieldedlessthanuntreated.•  Therewasnototalyielddifferencebetweenuntreatedanddicamba‐treatedplants.

•  Tomato• Delayinfruitmaturitybutoverallnodifferencebetweenuntreatedandtreatedplantsforeither2,4‐Dordicamba.

Page 47: What will 2,4-D and Dicamba-wellerCurrent Situation • Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto are developing agronomic crops with resistance to 2,4‐D and dicamba.


•  Willdetermineeffectsof:– Wind–  Formulation– NozzletypeOnherbicidemovementFurther,wewill:– Quantifyamountsofherbicidethatmove– Quantifyeffectoncropinjury,croprecovery,timetofruitmaturityandcropyield/quality

–  ConductedonmajorvegetablecropsgrownintheMidwestU.S.