What Was Tech Like Back in 2005?


Transcript of What Was Tech Like Back in 2005?




2025 may sound like a date used in a science-fiction movie, but it’s only ten years away. Back to the Future’s future was this year, HAL 9000 was supposed to be created in 1997, and it doesn’t look like we’re anything near the neo-noir dystopian

Blade Runner-future set in 2019.

2025 may sound like a date used in a science-fiction movie, but it’s only ten years away. Back to the Future’s future was this year, HAL 9000 was supposed to be created in 1997, and it doesn’t look like we’re anything near the neo-noir dystopian

Blade Runner-future set in 2019.

2025 may sound like a date used in a science-fiction movie, but it’s only ten years away. Back to the Future’s future was this year, HAL 9000 was supposed to be created in 1997, and it doesn’t look like we’re anything near the neo-noir dystopian

Blade Runner-future set in 2019.

While hover boards do exist, they’re not really consumer friendly. And luckily we still don’t need an elaborate test to

separate humans from replicants. OR DO WE?

While hover boards do exist, they’re not really consumer friendly. And luckily we still don’t need an elaborate test to

separate humans from replicants. OR DO WE?

While hover boards do exist, they’re not really consumer friendly. And luckily we still don’t need an elaborate test to

separate humans from replicants. OR DO WE?

At the same time, 2005 doesn’t sound that long ago. You know, that time when Fiddy was popping bottles full of bub, MJ was alive (sort of) and we were all wondering what the f*ck was up with that hatch

on Lost? Feels like yesterday.

At the same time, 2005 doesn’t sound that long ago. You know, that time when Fiddy was popping bottles full of bub, MJ was alive (sort of) and we were all wondering what the f*ck was up with that hatch

on Lost? Feels like yesterday.

But it wasn’t. A lot can change in ten years time and with today’s technology,

those changes occur even faster.

At the same time, 2005 doesn’t sound that long ago. You know, that time when Fiddy was popping bottles full of bub, MJ was alive (sort of) and we were all wondering what the f*ck was up with that hatch

on Lost? Feels like yesterday.

Don’t believe me? Just click.

But it wasn’t. A lot can change in ten years time and with today’s technology,

those changes occur even faster.

SOCIAL MEDIA2005 - 2015 - 2025

Nowadays, when you say that you don’t have a Facebook account, you

have to explain yourself. ‘Is that some kind of statement?’

Nowadays, when you say that you don’t have a Facebook account, you

have to explain yourself. ‘Is that some kind of statement?’

Nowadays, when you say that you don’t have a Facebook account, you

have to explain yourself. ‘Is that some kind of statement?’

Are you a hipster?

In 2005, life was much easier. There was no

Facebook to begin with. Well, actually there was, but only for students. It wasn’t until September

26th 2006 that it became available for everyone.

And what to think about Twitter? Ten years ago no one was tweeting or using hashtags. In fact, the famous blue bird didn’t enter our lives

until 2006.

In 2005, life was much easier. There was no

Facebook to begin with. Well, actually there was, but only for students. It wasn’t until September

26th 2006 that it became available for everyone.

And what to think about Twitter? Ten years ago no one was tweeting or using hashtags. In fact, the famous blue bird didn’t enter our lives

until 2006.

In 2005, life was much easier. There was no

Facebook to begin with. Well, actually there was, but only for students. It wasn’t until September

26th 2006 that it became available for everyone.

And what to think about Twitter? Ten years ago no one was tweeting or using hashtags. In fact, the famous blue bird didn’t enter our lives

until 2006.

In 2005, life was much easier. There was no

Facebook to begin with. Well, actually there was, but only for students. It wasn’t until September

26th 2006 that it became available for everyone.

MOBILE PHONES2005 - 2015 - 2025

Okay okay, I knew that. But we definitely had iPhones back then. RIGHT?

Okay okay, I knew that. But we definitely had iPhones back then. RIGHT?


Samsung, HTC, Nokia and Blackberry (remember Blackberries?!) were all the rage halfway through the zero’s. Yes, you could take pictures, watch videos and

browse online, but they weren’t really smartphones.

Samsung, HTC, Nokia and Blackberry (remember Blackberries?!) were all the rage halfway through the zero’s. Yes, you could take pictures, watch videos and

browse online, but they weren’t really smartphones.

We had to wait two more years before Apple introduced the first iPhone and completely reinvented what a smartphone should be able to

do and what it should look like. That’s right, before ’07 we didn’t even know what an app store was.

Samsung, HTC, Nokia and Blackberry (remember Blackberries?!) were all the rage halfway through the zero’s. Yes, you could take pictures, watch videos and

browse online, but they weren’t really smartphones.

We had to wait two more years before Apple introduced the first iPhone and completely reinvented what a smartphone should be able to

do and what it should look like. That’s right, before ’07 we didn’t even know what an app store was.

Samsung, HTC, Nokia and Blackberry (remember Blackberries?!) were all the rage halfway through the zero’s. Yes, you could take pictures, watch videos and

browse online, but they weren’t really smartphones.

We had to wait two more years before Apple introduced the first iPhone and completely reinvented what a smartphone should be able to

do and what it should look like. That’s right, before ’07 we didn’t even know what an app store was.

Now, you probably think that you’re pretty cool with that shiny

iPhone 6S? Guess what, that’s what people in 2005 thought about

their Blackberry 7750.

Now, you probably think that you’re pretty cool with that shiny

iPhone 6S? Guess what, that’s what people in 2005 thought about

their Blackberry 7750.

Now, you probably think that you’re pretty cool with that shiny

iPhone 6S? Guess what, that’s what people in 2005 thought about

their Blackberry 7750.

And that phone looked like this:

Now, you probably think that you’re pretty cool with that shiny

iPhone 6S? Guess what, that’s what people in 2005 thought about

their Blackberry 7750.

And that phone looked like this:

ONLINE VIDEO2005 - 2015 - 2025

I get it, no smartphones and no social media a decade ago. But at least we could enjoy watching videos in our browser right?

I get it, no smartphones and no social media a decade ago. But at least we could enjoy watching videos in our browser right?


On 23 april 2005, this was the very first video ever uploaded on Youtube by co-founder Jawed Karim.

On 23 april 2005, this was the very first video ever uploaded on Youtube by co-founder Jawed Karim.

He says something about elephants, seemingly ignorant of the fact that this video and his platform completely changed the way we would consume


On 23 april 2005, this was the very first video ever uploaded on Youtube by co-founder Jawed Karim.

He says something about elephants, seemingly ignorant of the fact that this video and his platform completely changed the way we would consume


On 23 april 2005, this was the very first video ever uploaded on Youtube by co-founder Jawed Karim.

He says something about elephants, seemingly ignorant of the fact that this video and his platform completely changed the way we would consume


Think about it. Without YouTube, we wouldn’t have Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen, Soulja Boy or Kate Upton. People nowadays build careers around YouTube. We share videos, that are funny, educational or inspiring. It’s this

generations MTV.

We take it for granted, but a world without YouTube wasn’t that long ago. And we don’t know it yet, but somewhere someone is building a

platform that will completely change the way we live ten years from now. Maybe a platform for the future of work?

Think about it. Without YouTube, we wouldn’t have Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen, Soulja Boy or Kate Upton. People nowadays build careers around YouTube. We share videos, that are funny, educational or inspiring. It’s this

generations MTV.

We take it for granted, but a world without YouTube wasn’t that long ago. And we don’t know it yet, but somewhere someone is building a

platform that will completely change the way we live ten years from now. Maybe a platform for the future of work?

Think about it. Without YouTube, we wouldn’t have Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen, Soulja Boy or Kate Upton. People nowadays build careers around YouTube. We share videos, that are funny, educational or inspiring. It’s this

generations MTV.

We take it for granted, but a world without YouTube wasn’t that long ago. And we don’t know it yet, but somewhere someone is building a

platform that will completely change the way we live ten years from now. Maybe a platform for the future of work?

Think about it. Without YouTube, we wouldn’t have Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen, Soulja Boy or Kate Upton. People nowadays build careers around YouTube. We share videos, that are funny, educational or inspiring. It’s this

generations MTV.

STREAMING2005 - 2015 - 2025

Well, at least we now have a bunch of platforms that make it completely unnecessary to dive into the murky waters of torrents…or to bring your…

Well, at least we now have a bunch of platforms that make it completely unnecessary to dive into the murky waters of torrents…or to bring your…


Watch dvd’s, everywhere you like! All you have to do is carry this big, clunky device around, rent a dvd at your local store and you’re ready to go. By the way, did you bring

enough batteries?

Watch dvd’s, everywhere you like! All you have to do is carry this big, clunky device around, rent a dvd at your local store and you’re ready to go. By the way, did you bring

enough batteries?

Okay we admit, it’s already a big step forward when you think about VHS tapes, but it was a far cry from endless streaming of high quality movies on your smartphone like we have now. Or streaming music as much

as you like. That was something people just couldn’t imagine in 2005.

Watch dvd’s, everywhere you like! All you have to do is carry this big, clunky device around, rent a dvd at your local store and you’re ready to go. By the way, did you bring

enough batteries?

Okay we admit, it’s already a big step forward when you think about VHS tapes, but it was a far cry from endless streaming of high quality movies on your smartphone like we have now. Or streaming music as much

as you like. That was something people just couldn’t imagine in 2005.

Watch dvd’s, everywhere you like! All you have to do is carry this big, clunky device around, rent a dvd at your local store and you’re ready to go. By the way, did you bring

enough batteries?

Okay we admit, it’s already a big step forward when you think about VHS tapes, but it was a far cry from endless streaming of high quality movies on your smartphone like we have now. Or streaming music as much

as you like. That was something people just couldn’t imagine in 2005.

ONLINE DATING2005 - 2015 - 2025

Which brings us to an important point, because not only technology has changed significantly. Our attitudes towards

tech have also changed. Just think about renting movies.

Which brings us to an important point, because not only technology has changed significantly. Our attitudes towards

tech have also changed. Just think about renting movies.


Back in ’05, it was frowned upon. It was something for losers who couldn’t get a date in real life. It was as shameful as breaking up with your girlfriend by a text

message. You just didn’t do those things.

Back in ’05, it was frowned upon. It was something for losers who couldn’t get a date in real life. It was as shameful as breaking up with your girlfriend by a text

message. You just didn’t do those things.

Back in ’05, it was frowned upon. It was something for losers who couldn’t get a date in real life. It was as shameful as breaking up with your girlfriend by a text

message. You just didn’t do those things.

And now, Tindering is a verb. Teens feel more comfortable dating, chatting and

flirting online than they do in real life. It’s become socially accepted and it’s perfectly fine to say that you’ve met someone online without anyone rolling their eyes thinking

you’re some anti-social freak..

Back in ’05, it was frowned upon. It was something for losers who couldn’t get a date in real life. It was as shameful as breaking up with your girlfriend by a text

message. You just didn’t do those things.

And now, Tindering is a verb. Teens feel more comfortable dating, chatting and

flirting online than they do in real life. It’s become socially accepted and it’s perfectly fine to say that you’ve met someone online without anyone rolling their eyes thinking

you’re some anti-social freak..

And who knows, given the time (like, ten years maybe?), we’ll all have our very own robot to love.

JOBS2005 - 2015 - 2025

App developer, SEO specialist, UX designer, Digital Analytic manager, Cloud Services manager, Social Media Editor, 3D

designer, Drone operator. All examples of jobs that didn’t exist ten years ago.

App developer, SEO specialist, UX designer, Digital Analytic manager, Cloud Services manager, Social Media Editor, 3D

designer, Drone operator. All examples of jobs that didn’t exist ten years ago.


In 2005 there were no kids dreaming about being a Social Media editor when they grew up, simply because social media didn’t exist.

In 2005 there were no kids dreaming about being a Social Media editor when they grew up, simply because social media didn’t exist.

The fact is that we just don’t know what kind of jobs will emerge in the next decade. What we can do however, is make an educated guess about what the ideal worker of 2025 will look like. And what kind of skills

you might need to thrive in such an environment.

In 2005 there were no kids dreaming about being a Social Media editor when they grew up, simply because social media didn’t exist.

The fact is that we just don’t know what kind of jobs will emerge in the next decade. What we can do however, is make an educated guess about what the ideal worker of 2025 will look like. And what kind of skills

you might need to thrive in such an environment.

In 2005 there were no kids dreaming about being a Social Media editor when they grew up, simply because social media didn’t exist.

The fact is that we just don’t know what kind of jobs will emerge in the next decade. What we can do however, is make an educated guess about what the ideal worker of 2025 will look like. And what kind of skills

you might need to thrive in such an environment.

SUMMING IT UP2005 - 2015 - 2025

When you live with someone for a year, you don’t notice the subtle changes that take place. But when you see someone after a year of absence, you

would say that they’ve changed a lot. In much the same way, tech is changing the way we live and work.

When you live with someone for a year, you don’t notice the subtle changes that take place. But when you see someone after a year of absence, you

would say that they’ve changed a lot. In much the same way, tech is changing the way we live and work.

2005 may feel like yesterday, but a lot has changed since then and things will only keep on changing, faster and faster.

When you live with someone for a year, you don’t notice the subtle changes that take place. But when you see someone after a year of absence, you

would say that they’ve changed a lot. In much the same way, tech is changing the way we live and work.

2005 may feel like yesterday, but a lot has changed since then and things will only keep on changing, faster and faster.

When you live with someone for a year, you don’t notice the subtle changes that take place. But when you see someone after a year of absence, you

would say that they’ve changed a lot. In much the same way, tech is changing the way we live and work.

2005 may feel like yesterday, but a lot has changed since then and things will only keep on changing, faster and faster.

Today, we fill our days with technology that wasn’t available to us ten years ago. We take for granted all the ways that technological advancement has made our lives easier. Luckily we’re here to help you point out these

changes and suggest what you can do about it.

Today, we fill our days with technology that wasn’t available to us ten years ago. We take for granted all the ways that technological advancement has made our lives easier. Luckily we’re here to help you point out these

changes and suggest what you can do about it.


Today, we fill our days with technology that wasn’t available to us ten years ago. We take for granted all the ways that technological advancement has made our lives easier. Luckily we’re here to help you point out these

changes and suggest what you can do about it.


Today, we fill our days with technology that wasn’t available to us ten years ago. We take for granted all the ways that technological advancement has made our lives easier. Luckily we’re here to help you point out these

changes and suggest what you can do about it.




And follow us on Twitter if you’re interested in the story of an ambitious start up with a strong vision on what the future of work should look like.