What To Wear For Your SKP Photo Session

“WHAT TO WEAR” FOR YOUR PHOTO SESSION I think the single question I get asked most about after a client books a session is “What do we wear?” I am told that the task of getting just the right outfit for each member of the family usually seems to fall on the mama. So have no fear mamas out there…I am here to help! Here are my TOP SIX tips (I tried to make it 5…but I just couldn’t manage to!) for making your outfit choices for your photography session! 1. Instead of trying to match, try to coordinate. The days are gone where everyone in the family all wears a white shirt and khakis. If you really have your heart set on everyone wearing the same color, choose different shades of the same color. It flows a little nicer in the final picture!


SIX Helpful Tips to help you choose your outfits for your next photo session.

Transcript of What To Wear For Your SKP Photo Session


I think the single question I get asked most about after a client books a session is “What do we wear?” I am told that the task of getting just the right outfit for each member of the family usually seems to fall on the mama. So have no fear mamas out there…I am here to help!Here are my TOP SIX tips (I tried to make it 5…but I just couldn’t manage to!) for making your outfit choices for your photography session!

1. Instead of trying to match, try to coordinate.The days are gone where everyone in the family all wears a white shirt and khakis.  If you really have your heart set on everyone wearing the same color, choose different shades of the same color.  It flows a little nicer in the final picture!

From photographing families for over 6 years, I have really

come to love when a family picks a few favorite bold colors and then builds around them!

2.  Layer and Accessorize. Layers always add depth and texture to the photograph. Don’t shy away from adding different textures! Headbands, scarves, boots, cardigans, jewelry, and neckties can all add things to the photo and the mood!

3. Limit patterns, characters and/or wording on shirts.If you decide to go with a print, limit it to 1-2 people in your family.

While the right print can look great, I will more often recommend a solid.  Bold patterns can result in distracting images.  Solid colors that are in the same color scheme can

look amazing!

4.  Plan ahead.Once your session is booked, begin to think about the clothes right away.  You may think that you have a perfect dress that is tucked away for your toddler or that your favorite shirt is back from the dry cleaners.  But if you wait until the day before or day of the session, you may run into realizing that your toddler grew faster than expected and that the shirt never got picked up after all!

5.  Think classic.20 years down the road when the kids are off to college and beyond, these photographs will still be hanging on your wall!  By choosing simple and classic clothes the photos won’t be dated by current trends and you won’t be asking yourself  ”Why did I wear that”

6.  Be YOU!In the end, the most important thing to keep in mind is to dress comfortably and to just be yourself!  Wearing that shirt that is a bit too tight and has to be re-adjusted often will not help you to be at ease, relax and enjoy this time with your family!  When everyone is comfortable in their clothes and self assured, it always shows well in the
