WHAT TO TEXT A GIRL WHO WON’T TEXT BACK …...PAGE 03 The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique...


Transcript of WHAT TO TEXT A GIRL WHO WON’T TEXT BACK …...PAGE 03 The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique...

Page 1: WHAT TO TEXT A GIRL WHO WON’T TEXT BACK …...PAGE 03 The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique Most guys think women just stop responding to them because they are not interested
Page 2: WHAT TO TEXT A GIRL WHO WON’T TEXT BACK …...PAGE 03 The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique Most guys think women just stop responding to them because they are not interested

BY RACE DEPRIEST© 2017 Attraction Rockstar

Let me ask you a very important question…..do you have a mirror close by?

If so, then go walk up to it, �ash yourself a huge toothy grin and give yourself a high �ve because you just stumbled on the most e�ective texting secrets this universe has to o�er. So congrats!

Allow myself to introduce...myself. My name is Race DePriest. Howdy!

Now why should you listen to me? Fair question. Simple answer: I have been sending and receiving on average 7,000 texts every month for more than 3 years with 98% of those recipients being women. So believe me when I say, I have made enough mistakes to know what really does work. Luckily you get to bene�t by skipping all those mistakes and get right to the fun stu�.

Which brings me to the point of why I put this guide together. I get hundreds of messages a day from guys struggling, begging me to tell them how and what to text girls that they like. And I feel for each and everyone one of them. I was once in their shoes. And although there is a ton of cool techniques, tips and things you can learn to truly be a texting ninja master, this guide is going to solve your 3 most pressing problems:

1. How to get a girl back who has stopped responding

2. What to do when you run out of things to text

3. How to easily ask out a girl on a date in a way that guarantees she will accept

Pretty cool right?

Let’s jump right in shall we!


Page 3: WHAT TO TEXT A GIRL WHO WON’T TEXT BACK …...PAGE 03 The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique Most guys think women just stop responding to them because they are not interested


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The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique

Most guys think women just stop responding to them because they are not interested anymore. And although this might be the case in a few instances, it’s usually not the main reason.

I want to show you a secret it took me years and lots of lost dates to learn. There is an entirely overlooked reason WHY a woman might stop responding to your texts...Guilt

Often times when a woman doesn’t respond after a couple texts she feels guilty (among other things) if you keep texting her. Especially because in the past when this has happened with other guys they would get angry and send rude texts even though she didn’t mean to hurt their feelings.

But not you my friend! You are about to learn the super secret “It’s not your fault” technique. The reason this technique works so well is that it gives the girl an excuse for not responding to you. And a fun one at that! It has nothing to do with you (you are awesome after all), she was just caught up in something.

Not only that, it more often than not leads you right into a fun role-play. And as you know from The “Making Up Memories – How To Role Play” section, role-playing is a powerful way to build attraction.

The “It’s not your fault” technique is broken into 3 parts. Once you understand the parts, you can make up hundreds of your own personal, unique texts that will have that one that got away clamoring to text you back. Ready to see how it works? I thought so.


www.textthatgirl.com © 2018 Funstigation Media LLC

Page 5: WHAT TO TEXT A GIRL WHO WON’T TEXT BACK …...PAGE 03 The “It’s Not Your Fault” Technique Most guys think women just stop responding to them because they are not interested



Start o� by creating a funny reason she hasn’t been able to text you back. As you will see in a second, it can be anything from joining the circus to being abducted by aliens.


Next you add in a funny/ teasing event or part of the situation that happened during the event that is clearly keeping her from texting you back. It can be something you hope happened to her or something you hope didn’t happen to her. It can be something she had to do or is in the middle of doing. For example, if it was joining the circus it could have to do with her having to shovel elephant poop or teaching penguins to do cartwheels.


Now we come to the part where you compel her to respond. Simply tell her that when she is �nished with whatever she is doing, gets back, escapes, etc. to text you back. I like to add that I have a question for her or I have a fun idea at the end. This is just a little extra something that encourages her even more to respond by piquing her curiosity. It is very powerful. I usually just make up a question if she asks. Often it is seeding an invite to meeting up that week.

Check check check it out.

Example 1:well it is obvious you were abducted by aliens...i hope they were the hot brad pitt looking kind and not the ugly green ones...when they return you give me a text i have a question for ya

Example 2: well it is obvious you ran o� to join the circus so when you �nish braiding the bearded lady’s face shoot me a text I have a quick question for you

Example 3: well it is obvious you �nally pursue your dream of becoming a mermaid...when you are done singing songs with your underwater friends send me a text i have a fun idea

Pretty cool huh? Now imagine a girl or even a buddy sent you this text. You better bet your ass you would be laughing and want to respond. Now get your phone out and give it a try!

www.textthatgirl.com © 2018 Funstigation Media LLC


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Have you ever had the experience where you’re texting a girl and had a great interaction and then you run out of things to say and don’t know what to what to text a girl? Or perhaps it has been a day or two since your last interaction and you need to know what you should be texting a girl. It may have ended well but you are stuck on how to start it up again without sounding needy or overbearing.

This used to happen to me all the time. Then one day a friend I hadn’t talked to in a while sent me a riddle. Without thinking about it, this odd or random thing that he text me out of the blue, caused a strange thing to happen. My brain immediately went to work trying to �gure out the answer. It totally distracted me from what I might have normally thought or felt getting a text from someone I hadn’t heard from in a while.

Now even if it hasn’t been a while since you talked to a certain girl, this still works wonders. It is a fun way to e�ortlessly slip into a new conversation thread when texting a girl. Her mind will immediately be preoccupied with �guring out (or if she is lazy, �nding out) the answer to the riddle.

You have grabbed her attention completely. After all, our brains are wired to immediately search for answers as soon as we ask it a question.

Texting a girl when you run out of things to say:

Let’s check out 2 of my favorites that I use all the time.

Q: What has a bottom at the top?

A: Your legs �

Q: What is brown and sticky?

A: a stick �

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The best part is that when you use one of these silly riddles, not only will you be starting a new conversation e�ortlessly but she will already be in a good mood because the answer is funny.

I’ll show you these two riddles in action.

In Action:

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what’s brown and sticky?

Race 3:03 PM


Marisa 4:44 PM

Ur a dork:)

Marisa 5:16 PM

But i like it;)

Marisa 6:30 PM

Me too me too:)

Marisa 9:46 PM

Where r u? U should come hangout!

Marisa 2:14 AM

a stick �

Race 4:46 PM

haha so you have noticed

Race 5:17 PM

i am excited for sunday �

Race 7:18 PM


Race 2:46 AM

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(I think she really wanted to hang out but I fell asleep… oops)


Marisa 2:50 AM


Marisa 3:32 AM

what has a bottom at the top?

Race 10:49 AM

your legs of course �

Race 10:52 AM


Lauren 10:54 AM

Fun.. U should come thru…i wanna see u!

Marisa 2:54 AM


Marisa 4:06 AM


Lauren 10:50 AM

Ooh la la..at vanity. How is it?

Race 2:53 AM

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Often times girls will throw a riddle back at you. This is a great way to learn new ones that you can use in the future. One time I went 2 hrs with a girl sending new riddles back and forth. Not only was it fun but I got a lot of brain exercise in that day.

i think it was one of my nephews favorite jokes awhile back lol

Race 11:00 AM

haha poke her face I am assuming...that was a facebook update phenomenon a while back

Race 1:09 PM

“Hi Cli�!”

Lauren 1:12 PM

Ooh you got me on that one

Race 1:12 PM

Haha nice one

Race 1:53 PM

I like those corny jokes ; ) Here’s one for you…How do you wake up Lady Gaga?

Lauren 1:08 PM

oh it was…lol…my students told me that one..lol…What did the little mountain say to the big mt?

Lauren 1:10 PM

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Another funny side e�ect of using riddles to start up new conversations is sometimes you will get back some pretty funny replies from clever girls. Check out this one I got just yesterday texting a girl…

what has a bottom at the top?

Race 11:59 AM

haha clever…I was going to say your legs

Race 12:00 PM

do you want a cookie or perhaps a gold star?

Race 12:12 PM

A gayman

Sara 12:00 PM

My punchlines better �

Sara 12:00 PM

Gold star gold star!!!

Sara 12:19 PM

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Pretty funny huh?There are thousands of silly riddles like this. Just Google “silly riddles” and �nd some. You want them to be a one liner and have a funny answer.

After the riddle you can simply transition into a normal conversation using the texting tips and techniques in Text That Girl.

Q: Who is getting out their phone right now to send a riddle to a girl?


Ok so that wasn’t actually a riddle but you get the idea. Have fun with this one and I hope it helps you when you’re texting a girl…


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Although there are a lot of fun things you can do with text, the ultimate goal is ALWAYS to meet up with the woman you are interested in. The amount of attraction and comfort you have built when you initially met her and over text since you got her # greatly determine her willingness to meet up with you again. Equally as important is the way in which you invite her. The way you invite her demonstrates how comfortable you are with yourself and the way you view the world.

Remember, it is always up to you to make her feel comfortable with the thought of meeting again. Your best strategy for avoiding any hiccups in setting up your next date is to anticipate any problems she might have with it. You need to remove her hesitations from meeting up with you before she ever has the opportunity to think about them.

There are many di�erent strategies you can use to help alleviate her hesitations while simultaneously demonstrating you are the type of man worthy of her time. But here is the easiest one...


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Plant The Seed For Meeting Up

In order to better ensure a woman will accept your invites to hang out, you can do something called “Seeding The Invite”. You plant the “seed” of the invite before it is even o�ered.

The premise is to ask her a question regarding things that are involved with the event/party/place that you are inviting her to that she will mostly likely agree with enjoying.

The secret is to make the things associated with the event sound incredibly fun. So much so that it would be strange for her not to say yes.

Example 1: Taco Tuesday (or any bar)(Make these below like text message bubbles)Hey ________, do you like tacos, margaritas, good music and great company?

Example 2: Comedy Club Let me ask you a very important question…. do you have a good sense of humor and like laughing so hard you pee your pants? (ok don’t actually pee your pants... that’s gross... lol)

Well there ya have it! You just solved 3 of the biggest issues guys have when texting. Congratulations, you now have a HUGE advantage over other guys texting her. Go Text That Girl!

Race DePriest


www.textthatgirl.com © 2018 Funstigation Media LLC