What to Do (And Not Do) for a Visually Appealing Resume

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE FUNNY What To Do (And Not Do) For A Visually Appealing Resume

Transcript of What to Do (And Not Do) for a Visually Appealing Resume



What To Do (And Not Do) For

A Visually Appealing Resume


(For All The Right Reasons) Through hours of diligent sifting and sorting, recruiters are tasked with finding

the diamond in the rough. While you would expect your experience and

qualifications to speak for themselves, a cluttered or unprofessional-looking

resume will hardly get glanced over.

Learn the dos and don’ts of a visually appealing resume – focusing on an

easy-to-read format with concise, relevant content.

White Space is Pleasing to the Eye

o Save your longest paragraphs and flowery prose for your memoir.

The number one word to describe your sentences should be


o Format your resume with bullet points, bolded or underlined

headers, or different size fonts – anything to break up the


o Break up your resume into sections, include: an objective, work

experience, education and training, and any skills specific to your


Don’t Be Cute

Emoticons, pink paper, and

other cutesy embellishments

have there place – it’s just not on

your resume.

Also, avoid slang or sounding too

conversational. Just like your

work attire, your resume should

never dip below business casual.

Try this instead: If you must use a paper color other than white, make sure it’s subtle and of high quality.

Speak Their Language

Research the company’s website to

get a feel of their aesthetics and


Look for industry specific language

and see if you can naturally integrate

it into your own descriptions.

Utilize their website and marketing

materials for visual cues on how to

format your resume.

Don’t Make Them Take Out The Red Pen

Try this instead: If you are unsure you are using a word correctly, look up its synonyms.

One of the most visually jarring things any recruiter can see on a

resume is a spelling or punctuation error. Your resume is your chance

to prove that you are detail-oriented and knowledgeable.

No Pictures, Please!

Though you and your family looked great on

vacation, your resume is not the place for

sharing your photo album.

Many recruiters find pictures in resumes off-

putting, especially when they are less than,

ahem, appropriate. Save the gym shots and

snaps of your favorite ride for Facebook.

Also, with online applications, there is no

guarantee your picture will load properly –

avoid the risk altogether.

Try this instead: Include a link to your LinkedIn profile that has a professional photo of you.

When listing your employment history,

make sure to include both the month

and the year from when you began

to when you left the company.

Many potential employers won’t like

the vagueness of “2009 to 2010”. Did

you work there for a year or a month?

Your resume is not the time to be

mysterious. Not providing all the

standard information expected on a

resume will make yours look


Avoid Vague Dates

Ready to Submit Your Resume?

Play it safe and get a second pair of eyes to review your resume.

Besides looking for spelling and punctuation mistakes, ask your

reviewer if the format is appealing.

Consider emailing your resume to a few friends to make sure the

format is compatible with multiple platforms. Have them screenshot

what they receive and see if anything needs to be fixed.

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Only the most organized companies last – Recruiterbox gives your team

the tools they need to simply and affordability find new recruits to built a

better business. Never lose a resume again, with Recruiterbox you are

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and search within candidate profiles.

Visit www.recruiterbox.com for a full list of this software’s power features.