What schools should be teaching IT students

What schools should be teaching IT students Andy Lester, [email protected] http://theworkinggeek.com
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What schools should be teaching IT students.

Transcript of What schools should be teaching IT students

Page 1: What schools should be teaching IT students

What schools should be teaching IT students

Andy Lester, [email protected]://theworkinggeek.com

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Andy Lester

• 23 years in software development and management

• Author, Land The Tech Job You Love

• Many friends made sure their pet peeves were in here. We thank you for listening.

• I welcome comments and follow-up at [email protected]

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Tools of the trade

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Source control

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Source control

• Branching

• Merging

• Team-based

• How to write a commit message

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Bug tracking

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The compiler

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The compiler

• Turn on all warnings by default

• Warnings are good

• gcc is amazing

• 90% of what a good lint does

• Highly tuned and optimized code

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The compiler

• Perl: use strict; use warnings;

• PHP: set_error_reporting( E_ALL );

• gcc: -Wall -Wextra compiler flags

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Make, andthe philosophy of


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Lint / splint

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Serious editing

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Serious editing

• vim

• emacs

• TextMate

• Eclipse

• Not notepad for God's sake

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"Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation

within a system."

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Defensive programming

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The vision

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Actual first project

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How about...?

• Your assignment is code that does such-and-such.

• It will be based on one of your classmates' previous assignments.

• You may not disparage your classmate's work.

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Manual testingAutomated testing

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"Efficiency"and why it (usually)

doesn't matter

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Thinking business

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Thinking "Project"

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Thinking "release"

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Thinking deadlines

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A project is a set of code at a point in time.

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How about...?

Your assignment is code that does such-and-such. Your deliverables are:

• Code that will compile + build without warnings under GCC 4.2 and GNU Make. You must use -Wall and -Wextra.

• URL pointing to the class git repository that I can pull down and build using setup.sh.

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Full project lifecycle

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Building for the futureand


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Good enoughand

not being sloppy

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Soft skills

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You are not the smartest one.

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"If we don't do it my way, we might as well

not do it at all."

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How else canthey learn?

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Get into open source

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Open source work is real work.

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Students will learn

• How to work with difficult people

• Source control

• Dev with disparate teams

• Project lifecycle: new features, bugs, etc

• Test-driven development

• How to work with difficult people

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They will NOT learn

• Thinking Business

• Thinking about deadlines

• Working with a boss

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Experience on the resumé

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Sample code for a portfolio

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Missing textbooks

• The Pragmatic Programmer, by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas

• Code Complete, 2e, by Steve McConnell