What Makes a Stellar Marketing Offer


Transcript of What Makes a Stellar Marketing Offer

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A Well-Defined Target• The first step in creating a

great marketing offer is really getting to know who it’s targeted at. Demographics (e.g. age, income, marital status, etc.) will only get you so far. To be great, you need to dig deeper. Get into your customer’s head and figure out what they like, do, want, fear, hate, and love.

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Clearly Defined Buying Stage

• It’s important to identify which stage of the buying cycle you’re targeting, because the approach for each one is very different. Somebody just starting to learn about your product will want lots of introductory information about it, where somebody ready to buy needs quick facts like pricing, timelines and payment terms. If you want to address every stage, create a separate offer for each.

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A Clear Action to Take• Next, you need to

decide exactly what you want the prospect to do. This should be one action, and one action only. Whether it’s signing up for your email newsletter or registering on your website, you need to pick one of them and make sure all paths lead to this goal.

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 Compelling Content• Figure out what kind of

content is going to be irresistible to your target. What does your ideal customer really want to know right now? What are they insanely curious about? What keeps them up at night? Use this knowledge to choose the right subject matter for your content

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• You also need to choose the best medium for delivery. What is your customer more likely to consume? Will they read an e-book, listen to a podcast, or do they prefer something more visual like video or slide decks?

• Once you’ve chosen a topic and medium, go forth and create thy content!

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A Compelling Call-to-Action

• No content is complete without a call-to-action. In its simplest form, your call to action needs to:

• Clearly state what you want the prospect to do

• What the prospect gets out of doing it

• Use active, simple and direct language in your call-to-action to get the best results.

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The Right Place at the Right Time

• ou have a precise target, compelling content, and a magnetic call-to-action. Congratulations, you’ve just created a stellar marketing offer! But before you throw your hat in the air, there’s still one critical piece missing. And that’s choosing the right place and the right time to promote your offer.

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The Right Place at the Right Time

• You can have the best offer in the world, but if you publish it at 2:00am when your prospect is sound asleep, the chances of them seeing it are slim to none. So the final and most crucial step is to choose the right time and place for your offer. 

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The Right Place at the Right Time

• This goes straight back to knowing your ideal customer and how they spend their time. Do they frequent Facebook? LinkedIn? Do they read Reddit or surf Vimeo? Do they do it at work? Over lunch? At home? Early morning, or late at night? Know where and when, and put your content smack dab in front of them.

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Conclusion• This is the basic template for creating

stellar offers that get Inbound Marketing results. It takes time and practice to get right – so do it often, and do it fearlessly!

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About Doug McIsaac• I love helping companies experience exponential

growth. If you are starting out and are dead-serious about taking action and growing a business, I can help you.

• Let's schedule a call and get to work!http://mcisaac.simplybook.me