What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product? Taryn Charles

Transcript of What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

Taryn Charles

In Our Pitch….• In our pitch we already

established that because of our niche genre and the fact we were a British film that we would have Fox Searchlight as our distributor.

• Additionally, our film had, and would have as a real media product, a very small budget which would mean this sub-company of Fox would be most likely to invest in a film like ours because of it’s ‘indie’ qualities

• Lastly, the have been known for releasing European films and as our film is only released in Britain this is the best distributor for The Amendment.

In Our Pitch….• In our pitch we already

established that because of our niche genre and the fact we were a British film that we would have Fox Searchlight as our distributor.

• Additionally, our film had, and would have as a real media product, a very small budget which would mean this sub-company of Fox would be most likely to invest in a film like ours because of it’s ‘indie’ qualities

• Lastly, the have been known for releasing European films and as our film is only released in Britain this is the best distributor for The Amendment.

In Our Pitch….• In our pitch we already

established that because of our niche genre and the fact we were a British film that we would have Fox Searchlight as our distributor.

• Additionally, our film had, and would have as a real media product, a very small budget which would mean this sub-company of Fox would be most likely to invest in a film like ours because of it’s ‘indie’ qualities

• Lastly, the have been known for releasing European films and as our film is only released in Britain this is the best distributor for The Amendment.

How does your film compare to the film in your genre analysis?

Cruel Intentions The Amendment (our film)

Budget- $10.5 million Budget- for our production we have very little if any budget at all If his was a real media product we would have about £1 million maybe less

Distributor- Columbia Pictures Distributor- Fox Searchlight

Production- Original film Newmarket Capital Group

Production- Backstreet ProductionsAbout- We created this production company because we wanted a company with youthful, ‘street’ ideas. Meaning we wanted the company to produce films that would do niche films only appealing to young people

Cruel Intentions could afford big names such as Reece Witherspoon, Selma Blair, Ryan Phillippe and Sarah Michelle Gellar. This is why their budget was much higher and they were produced and distributed by more mainstream/ ‘Hollywood’ companies.

An independent film company would produce our film because we are very low budget and we have used ‘indie’ unknown actors. Additionally, we intend to only release in Britain.

How does your film compare to the film in your genre analysis?

Cruel Intentions The Amendment (our film)

Budget- $10.5 million Budget- for our production we have very little if any budget at all If his was a real media product we would have about £1 million maybe less

Distributor- Columbia Pictures Distributor- Fox Searchlight

Production- Original film Newmarket Capital Group

Production- Backstreet ProductionsAbout- We created this production company because we wanted a company with youthful, ‘street’ ideas. Meaning we wanted the company to produce films that would do niche films only appealing to young people

Cruel Intentions could afford big names such as Reece Witherspoon, Selma Blair, Ryan Phillippe and Sarah Michelle Gellar. This is why their budget was much higher and they were produced and distributed by more mainstream/ ‘Hollywood’ companies.

An independent film company would produce our film because we are very low budget and we have used ‘indie’ unknown actors. Additionally, we intend to only release in Britain.

How does your film compare to the film in your genre analysis?

Cruel Intentions The Amendment (our film)

Budget- $10.5 million Budget- for our production we have very little if any budget at all If his was a real media product we would have about £1 million maybe less

Distributor- Columbia Pictures Distributor- Fox Searchlight

Production- Original film Newmarket Capital Group

Production- Backstreet ProductionsAbout- We created this production company because we wanted a company with youthful, ‘street’ ideas. Meaning we wanted the company to produce films that would do niche films only appealing to young people

Cruel Intentions could afford big names such as Reece Witherspoon, Selma Blair, Ryan Phillippe and Sarah Michelle Gellar. This is why their budget was much higher and they were produced and distributed by more mainstream/ ‘Hollywood’ companies.

An independent film company would produce our film because we are very low budget and we have used ‘indie’ unknown actors. Additionally, we intend to only release in Britain.

Order of titles in our production and why…

Actors are the first title that appear in our film opening after the production company at the beginning

Order of titles in our production and why…

Director> Cinematographer> Non-diegetic sound effects> Screenplay

Why- The reason for the order appearing in our film is that as a more ‘Indie’ film we decided that the most important thing was our actors as they would have offered their services free of charge. Closely following would be the unknown director of the film.

Upon reflection I saw that the film had mentioned the cinematographer before the sound and the screenplay without the producer who would be the only reason a niche film like ours would be made.

I feel this was the biggest mistake because the sound in our film was more important and if this was a real media product I feel it would be more important than the cinematographer. Additionally, the producer would be the one investing in the screenplay and I feel would appear in front of the screenplay.

Order of titles in our production and why…

Director> Cinematographer> Non-diegetic sound effects> Screenplay

Why- The reason for the order appearing in our film is that as a more ‘Indie’ film we decided that the most important thing was our actors as they would have offered their services free of charge. Closely following would be the unknown director of the film.

Upon reflection I saw that the film had mentioned the cinematographer before the sound and the screenplay without the producer who would be the only reason a niche film like ours would be made.

I feel this was the biggest mistake because the sound in our film was more important and if this was a real media product I feel it would be more important than the cinematographer. Additionally, the producer would be the one investing in the screenplay and I feel would appear in front of the screenplay.

Order of titles in our production and why…

Director> Cinematographer> Non-diegetic sound effects> Screenplay

Why- The reason for the order appearing in our film is that as a more ‘Indie’ film we decided that the most important thing was our actors as they would have offered their services free of charge. Closely following would be the unknown director of the film.

Upon reflection I saw that the film had mentioned the cinematographer before the sound and the screenplay without the producer who would be the only reason a niche film like ours would be made.

I feel this was the biggest mistake because the sound in our film was more important and if this was a real media product I feel it would be more important than the cinematographer. Additionally, the producer would be the one investing in the screenplay and I feel would appear in front of the screenplay.