What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your product and why?

Transcript of What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A distributor is company responsible for marketing a film. This can be done globally as most distribution companies have international branches to gain a wider audience. They also set release dates and methods of exhibiting the film such as theatrical release, DVD release or online release which they often own; if they dont own their own cinemas they can help show films at film conventions in order to attract the target audience.

The benefits of major distributing companies are from horizontal integration. Vertical integration is when a company has the capacity, finance and companies to carry out all the stages in making a film (production, distribution and exhibition). This makes it easier to distribute as they own distribution companies globally as well as exhibition companies such as cinemas, with large amounts of funds, distribution companies help the film to gain popularity through advertisement and social media platforms. For example, the Saw franchise (2004 to 2010) was distributed by Lionsgate entertainment, a parent company to Pantelion Films, a distribution company that aims theatrical releases at Latino audiences. It also has distribution branches in Australia, UK, New Zealand, France, Canada and Scandinavia.

Some of their profits are gained from technological and institutional convergence. Technological convergence provides a wider possibility for distributors to provide the film; this is because most computer systems and devices have wide range capabilities that allow the audience to see the film. For example, a game console such as the Xbox one is a game console, television, DVD player and web browsers. Institutional convergence occurs when the companies are making the devices the film is watched on, this allows them to promote the film on the operating systems; revenue from these devices also provides enough funds to fund the marketing process.

In contrast, independent film companies such as focus features although being a subsidiary of universal pictures has limited distribution capabilities because it only has distribution companies in USA, Canada and Australia and have limited amounts of funds. Some independent film makers have to distribute their movie individually at movie conventions and try to persuade or get an audience for the film. However, this is made easier through social media as films can be advertised to the right target audience (usually young adults and teenagers).

In conclusion my short film will be distributed by a major distribution company such as Lionsgate because they often distribute low budget films with potential to make a profit- they take risks. The risk is not that great sine horror movies have a greater appeal when they are natural looking (without a lot of special effects). Our opening sequence gives the audience the natural feeling of a super natural film which doesnt require a large budget.