What is the LEAD Initiative?

Livestock, Environment And Development An Inter-institutional Initiative

Transcript of What is the LEAD Initiative?

Livestock, Environment And Development

An Inter-institutional Initiative

LEAD: Livestock, Environment and Development Initiative

• Multi-donor (FAO, World Bank, IFAD, EC, Switzerland, Denmark, France, Germany, UK, USA, Portugal, CIRAD, CATIE, ILRI. IFPRI)

• Steering Committee oversight (Donors and Dev. Country reps)

• FAO implementing agency – Preparation (1994-1998)– Phase 1 (2000-2003)– Phase 2 in preparation

What LEAD is about.... Closing the gap (between individual and

societal optima) Influencing decisions about resource use

(location, intensity and scale)Understanding decision making

Providing feed back mechanismsPolluter pays, provider getsCorrecting the underlying causes often

more efficient than correcting the symptoms

Acknowledging multiple objectives with environment and poverty focus

Through partnerships

Comparative advantages:

FAO: catalytic role, information, co-

ordination, platform for standard setting donors: funding, technical expertise, policy

dialogue international and national R&D institutions:

applied research, programme implementation

Preparatory Phase (1994-1998)• Background

documents• Summary

documents• Electronic

conference• Int.conference• Presentations at

international meetings and consultations

Main Conclusions

• Policies to curb demand are largely ineffective

• Most negative L&E interactions are caused by land pressures, institutional failure, policy distortions

• Livestock sector remains a most important - yet under-utilised - entry point for development

• Main bottleneck: informed decision-making

First Phase (2000-2003)Decision-support

Knowledge Base

Testing and developing novel concepts

Policy advice/technical assistance

Mainstreaming/awareness building

Knowledge base

• Data on livestock-environment interactions at all levels

• Tools (indicators, analytical tools, toolbox and design tools GIS-applications)

• Studies (fossil fuel, livestock and equity) Case study material

Awareness building

• Workshops, meetings.

• Language platforms– English– French– Spanish– Russian (in preparation)– Chinese (in preparation)– Portuguese (toolbox)

The work of the Initiative targets at the protection and enhancement of natural resources as affected by livestock production while alleviating poverty

The Virtual Centre promotes multidisciplinary research and development activities and increases awareness among key stakeholders of the complex interactions of human needs, animal production and the sustainability of global natural resources.


The Virtual Centre: Transmission Belt of LEAD-Functions

• Virtual Centre for internet-based collaborative research and development on livestock-environment issues

• Platforms with collaborating centres (CATIE and CIRAD)

• Objectives: – comprehensive knowledge base, – collaborative network – interactive decision-making tools

Testing and developing novel concepts in the “hotspots”

• Concepts cover policy and technology interface

• LEAD develops concept

• Provide seed money for scaling up (GEF) and for M&E and dissemination

Livestock in dry land management

• Reducing land degradation and improving conservation of bio-diversity through:– Drought preparedness in the Sahel

• Decision making, markets and insurance

– Livestock-Wildlife interactions in Central and East Africa

• Complementarity and competition, benefit sharing

– Livestock and watershed rehabilitation in 4 states in India

• Link between income from livestock and NRM

Pastoralism and sparse agriculture

Pastoralism and extensive agriculture

Hot spots

Pastoral systems in dry and cold areas - interaction with cropping

Pure pastoral system

Pastoralism and sparse agriculture

Hot spots

Pastoral systems in dry or cold areas

Livestock’s role in the forest-pasture interface

• From horizontal expansion to intensification to reduce pressure on the rainforest

• Technology: – Silvo-pastoral systems

• Policies – Payment for global environmental benefits– Land tenure, credit, markets for outputs

(including services)

Potential Livestock related deforestation hotspots

Closed forest

Open and fragmented forest

Other wooded land

Predicted Cattle presencein Closed Forest(>2 animals per square km)

Predicted Cattle presence in Closed forest (>10 animals per square km)

Land and Water pollution by industrial livestock production

• Search for Policies and Technologies to achieve an improved spatial distribution of intensive livestock units

• Successful piloting in China and Thailand;

• Now up-scaling sought through GEF and other development partners



Source : LEAD FAOYear :2002Map prepared by LEAD - FAO

1000 km

No overload




Mineral Fert.

Core functions of LEAD in each identified “Hotspots”

Collection and Provision of Basic Data

Analysis and Assessment

Design of Policy and Technology Options

Testing, Validation and Upscaling of Options

Provision of Decision-Support Tools

Formulation of Guidelines and Standards

Capacity Building and Establish Uptake Pathway