What is the Best Water Filter for My Home?

What is the Best Water Filter for Healthy Drinking Water? By Alderin Ordell, Owner www.waterforlifeusa.com If you're searching for the "best water filter" then you're probably aware that most US tap water has stuff in in you don't want to be drinking. It may have fluoride, chlorine, left over pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, and other contaminants that can make you sick. But did you know that US tap water is also oxidizing to your body meaning that it rusts it? Yep. So, just removing contaminants with the best water filter isn't enough. You need a water ionizer. Determining the Best Water Filter Most contaminants in tap water can be removed with an activated carbon filter. So, for general filtration needs, an activated carbon filter is enough. For example, I used to live in Volcano, Hawaii and we would get our drinking water by capturing rain water that fell on our roof. The big problem was birds also used that roof and didn't particularly care about what they left behind. So, we hooked up an activated carbon filter to remove the bacteria left over by the birds. Rain water was otherwise pure water, so that was all we needed to make it safe. But an activated carbon filter is not the best water filter for treating other contaminants like fluoride. If you live in California or other states where they think pumping an hardening agent into tap water is a good idea, you'll want to get an activated alumina filter to remove it. Also, ion resin exchange that's part of some filter systems can remove fluoride. You definitely want to remove fluoride because once it gets past your teeth, it will indiscriminately harden every thing else in your body. Believe me, your brain does not need to be exposed to a hardening agent. I think studies will come out in the next couple of decades that show just how damaging ingesting fluoride is to our brain and the rest of our health. If you have a heavy metal problem, like most places in the Southern United States, the best water filter for you is called KDF. KDF filters are sold with the percentage of KDF printed on the label. In my experience, a KDF 55 filter is not enough if you really want to get rid of the heavy metals. You should at least get a KDF 85 filter. You definitely want to get rid of heavy metals because a metal like aluminum can really mess up the delicate balances in your vital organs. But what if your tap water is hard, meaning it has too much calcium and magnesium in it that has congealed into scale? This scale can gum up your water lines and appliances and even give you kidney stones. So, you definitely want to remove it. Most tap water in the US is hard so you definitely want to treat it. The best water filter to remove scale is called a scale inhibitor. We recommend that our customers use the Omnipure inline filter with

Transcript of What is the Best Water Filter for My Home?

Page 1: What is the Best Water Filter for My Home?

What is the Best Water Filter for Healthy Drinking Water?

By Alderin Ordell, Owner


If you're searching for the "best water filter" then you're probably aware that most US tap water has stuff in in

you don't want to be drinking. It may have fluoride, chlorine, left over pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, heavy

metals, and other contaminants that can make you sick. But did you know that US tap water is also oxidizing to

your body meaning that it rusts it? Yep. So, just removing contaminants with the best water filter isn't enough.

You need a water ionizer.

Determining the Best Water FilterMost contaminants in tap water can be removed with an

activated carbon filter. So, for general filtration needs, an

activated carbon filter is enough. For example, I used to live

in Volcano, Hawaii and we would get our drinking water by

capturing rain water that fell on our roof. The big problem

was birds also used that roof and didn't particularly care

about what they left behind. So, we hooked up an activated

carbon filter to remove the bacteria left over by the birds.

Rain water was otherwise pure water, so that was all we

needed to make it safe.

But an activated carbon filter is not the best water filter for treating other contaminants like fluoride. If you

live in California or other states where they think pumping an hardening agent into tap water is a good idea,

you'll want to get an activated alumina filter to remove it. Also, ion resin exchange that's part of some filter

systems can remove fluoride.

You definitely want to remove fluoride because once it gets past your teeth, it will indiscriminately harden every

thing else in your body. Believe me, your brain does not need to be exposed to a hardening agent. I think studies

will come out in the next couple of decades that show just how damaging ingesting fluoride is to our brain and

the rest of our health.

If you have a heavy metal problem, like most places in the Southern United States, the best water filter for you is

called KDF. KDF filters are sold with the percentage of KDF printed on the label. In my experience, a KDF 55

filter is not enough if you really want to get rid of the heavy metals. You should at least get a KDF 85 filter. You

definitely want to get rid of heavy metals because a metal like aluminum can really mess up the delicate balances

in your vital organs.

But what if your tap water is hard, meaning it has too much calcium and magnesium in it that has congealed into

scale? This scale can gum up your water lines and appliances and even give you kidney stones. So, you definitely

want to remove it. Most tap water in the US is hard so you definitely want to treat it. The best water filter to

remove scale is called a scale inhibitor. We recommend that our customers use the Omnipure inline filter with

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scale inhibitor.

Some tap water in the US is soft, meaning not enough minerals and is acidic. Acidic water can lower your body

pH and steal nutrients from your body and minerals from your bones, so you definitely want to treat this. You'll

need a calcite or corosex filter, which is full of alkaline minerals, that will raise the pH of your tap water so that

it's not acidic any more.

Why a Water Ionizer is the Best Water FilterThe big problem in determining the best water filter is that most US tap water has multiple problems with it.

Very commonly, like in Southern California, the tap water has chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, and it's hard.

What do you do then? Do you buy a triple filter housing and place a scale inhibitor, KDF filter, and an activated

alumina filter inside? You could. But you would have to replace each of these filters every nine months or so at

great expense and it would reduce your water flow terribly (that's a lot of filter for water to pass through). But

most importantly you still wouldn't be addressing the most important issue with your tap water is that even if

you clean it up, it is STILL oxidizing to your body.

This oxidation is caused by what's called a high +ORP, which stands for oxygen reduction potential. When water

has a high +ORP, it will rust your body. It will steal minerals from your bones, absorb nutrients from the food

you eat, and create massive amounts of free radicals in your cells that will bounce around and damage them,

leading to disease. Drinking clean water with a high +ORP will damage your health over time. Not even the best

water filter can fix this.

To reverse this +ORP and create a -ORP that will give antioxidants to your body (the opposite of oxidation), you

have to restore the ions to your water. Only an energy source can accomplish this. Mother Nature does it

naturally with the sun. Water that is energized by the sun, like in a glacial stream, is full of ions that combine

with the hydrogen to form hydroxl ions, the natural antioxidant in water.

But tap water, because it has been sitting in a municipal water treatment facility tank for too long, has lost all of

these ions. They have fizzled away. So, the best water filter for treating US tap water is a water ionizer.

An EOS water ionizer, available at www.waterforlifeusa.com, uses a 16 filtration system that includes ion resin

exchange, activated carbon, and ceramic that will remove 99.99% of contaminants from your water. So, no more

need for a triple filter housing. Then an EOS water ionizer uses patented platinum and titanium plates that will

restore the antioxidants to the water, naturally raising the pH so your tap water is no longer oxidizing to your


Only an EOS water ionizer treats ALL of the maladies of US tap water and the end result is the healthiest water

you can drink outside a glacial stream. What's even more impressive is that the alkaline, ionized water from an

EOS water ionizer only costs about two cents a liter over it's lifespan, which is way cheaper than replacing three

filters in a triple housing every nine months! So, the best water filter is an EOS water ionizer available at
