What is Technical Communication? And Why Should You Care?

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These slides were used in a presentation to an upper-level English class at Lander University. This presentation is intended to share the opportunities and benefits of considering a course in technical communications.

Transcript of What is Technical Communication? And Why Should You Care?

  • 1. What is Technical Communication? And why should you care?Jamie GillenwaterWriting in the Disciplines April 5, 2012 Lander University, Greenwood, SC

2. Defining technical communicationTechnical communication is a broad field and includes any form ofcommunication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics: Communicating about technical or specialized topics, such ascomputer applications, medical procedures, or environmentalregulations. Communicating by using technology, such as web pages, helpfiles, or social media sites. Providing instructions about how to do something, regardless of howtechnical the task is or even if technology is used to create or distributethat communication.The value that technical communicators deliver is twofold: They makeinformation more useable and accessible to those who need thatinformation, and in doing so, they advance the goals of the companies ororganizations that employ them. Society for Technical Communication www.stc.org 3. Based on Society for TechnicalCommunication LinkedIn group discussion 4. Evolving technologies Single-sourcing documentation Globalization & translation management Mobile applications Collaboration tools You must be comfortable with technology. You must be adaptable and willing to learn new tools. Andrea Wenger,Senior Technical Communicator 5. Shifting roles & responsibilities Writing Globalization & Editing localization Content strategy Usability Information architecture Design, including Indexingtechnical illustration &web design Instructional design Training development & Technical illustratingpresentation Society for Technical Communication www.stc.org 6. Why should you care? Helping others bymaking technologyeasier to use Constantly learning Generally good pay& benefits Opportunities totravel 7. U.S. average salaries Salary Median SalaryCompared to Job Title GuessSalary RangeTech Writer$53,070Writer/Author $ $53,07086%$106,630In Advertising/PR$ $58,740 95%In Newspaper/Book $ $43,450 71%Publishing$28,090Editor$ $49,99081%$95,490Teacher (Elementary-$30,970$ $49,14080%Secondary)$80,970Postsecondary $28,870$ $58,83095%Teacher $121,850$36,500Technical Writer$ $61,620100%$97,460 Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 8. How can you become a technicalcommunicator? Develop communication skills, not just writingskills Develop research skills,Learn newwhich go beyond books & tools, newthe internet, and often technologies, newinclude interview skillsmodels, new waysof thinking. Develop technical expertise Alyssa Fox,& understanding Technical Communications Manager Develop design skills Join professional society Determine professional priorities 9. How can you become a technicalcommunicator? Intern with a technicalcommunicator, preferably in a company ordepartment that focuses on technicalcommunications Connect with mentors and professionals Volunteer to work on technical communicationprojects, such as newsletters & promotions Save all writing samples from coursework Be open to feedback 10. How can you become a technicalcommunicator? 11. Lets discuss! 12. Contact Jamie GillenwaterE-mail: [email protected]: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamiegillenwaterTwitter:@j_gillenwaterCell Phone: 864.980.2521