What is really happening in Ukraine

What is really happening in Ukraine Jan 23, 2014 - Mar 3, 2014 -15ºC (5ºF)


The horrible truth about what really happens during the revolution in Ukraine on January, 2014. Outside world usually doesn't realise how cynical and amoral are the people who rule the country and who have led the quiet european country to massive protests, revolution and deaths. Journalists are just shot like dogs to not let truth go abroad. Only part of the terror is presented here. But you can see the way things are ruled out in Ukraine by Yanukovych and his close surroundings.

Transcript of What is really happening in Ukraine

Page 1: What is really happening in Ukraine

What is really happening in Ukraine

Jan 23, 2014 - Mar 3, 2014-15ºC (5ºF)

Page 2: What is really happening in Ukraine

Prerequisites of the Conflict 2

Nov 23-29, 2013

President Yanukovich refuses to sign the EU association.

Massive peaceful protests arise all over Ukraine demanding to sign the association.

Nov 30, 2013 “Berkut” units brutally disperse protesters at night beating women and students.

Huge protests in Kyiv. People coming from all over Ukraine. People demand punishment of responsible for brutal actions.

Dec 8, 2013 Government doesn’t react. President behaves like nothing happens.

“March of million”. About a million protesters in Kyiv, thousands in other cities. People demand dismissal of the government.

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Prerequisites of the Conflict 3

Dec 2013 No charges or dismissals by the Regime. Instead, protesters are arrested, jailed awaiting trial.

Protesters occupy Kyiv administration building, organise protests near the homes of key government officials.

Jan 16, 2014 20 anti-democratic, unconstitutional laws passed against Parliamentary voting procedures. Protesting: 15 years in prison. Wearing a helmet: beating by Police.

Protests increase. Radicalized protesters equipped with body protection, sticks and petrol bombs organise to occupy the Grushevs’kogo Street protected by “Berkut” units.

tension starts to grow even further

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Prerequisites of the Conflict

European association is no longer an issue, as the Regime begins to attack its own people.

The regime ignores peaceful protests of Euromaidan,escalates conflict to beatings, arrests of peaceful people

for wearing helmets, carrying wood, other “crimes”.

Violence escalates.


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The Regime: Violence / EnforcementDomestic Police Riot Troops: Berkut First Team

Domestic Police Riot Troops: Berkut Draftees

Prison guards, seasoned troops, special forces. Protect government representatives with shields, batons, tear gas, stun grenades, rifles. Extremely violent, shoot-to-kill, beat skulls and ribs with batons, shoot-journalists-on-site. 7 activists/journalists dead nearly 100 missing

Young, mostly untrained, obligatory-service troops who are placed in the front lines to take the bulk of any violence, while First Team awaits opportunity to attack. High descension and fear of the government. Have limited information about reason of the protests.


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The Regime: Violence / Enforcement

Paid in cash, enlisted and controlled by government initiative through the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Additional muscle when there is a need to keep government activities “out of uniform”. Search-and-destroy teams in the streets against activists and journalists. Crash shops, destroy property.

Hired Enforcers: “Titushky”

“Titushky” mimic protesters to discredit real activists and intimidate people, preventing them from joining the protests. 1 000 - 1 400 men with hammers, iron balls and narcotics regularly witnessed as organised groups in the centre of Kyiv and other cities. Numerous evidences of close cooperation with Berkut (never arrested when committing illegal actions).


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The Regime: The Informational WarTV / Press (Ukraine and Russia)

Press (International)

An informational vacuum exists within Ukraine and in neighbouring Russia. Ukrainian state channels, non-state channels purchased/captured by the “Family”. Russian channels control the most of the airways. Only two major newspapers remain independent. Free internet is vital.

The western press continues to see the protests in cold war terms: “Euro-centric” or fundamentally based on “ethnic/language” splitting in Ukraine. Lack of good Ukraine-based journalism in English. Heavy lobbying campaigns in Europe and Washington assist in this misunderstanding.


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The People: Activist 8

“Euromaidan” + “Radical Maidan”


Self-organised car owners who can react fast on illegal actions from the government side. Transport medicine, people, food to the protesters. Organise protests outside Kyiv, chase “titushky”, protect people in hospitals from kidnapping by “Berkut”.

Believe that control of locations and threat of force back are key factors to maintain pressure on the regime. Seek the cancellation of anti-constitutional laws, full dismissal of Yanukovych and his government. Use helmets, pans (to protect heads), wooden sticks, stones, petrol bombs, fireworks. + songs, poetry, speech.

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The People: Media/Medical 9

Mass Media

Field Medicine

HromadskeTV, SpilnoTV, 5-th Channel, Chesno, Euromaidan(fb), Automaidan(fb), RadicalMaidan(fb), … Journalists are being chased and shot on purpose, forcing them to remove ID’s so as not to be noticed by Berkut. 1 journalist tortured to death.

Volunteers helping hundreds of injured protesters with wounds from rifle shots, batons, extreme cold. Are constantly under aimed attacks from “Berkut”. Use donated medicines from regular people. Work mainly in buildings to protect from “Berkut”.

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The Regime: Tactics

Intimidation. Increase pressure, keep people scared, depress scale of protests:

• Violence: Titushky for random/pointed beating of people • Fear: SMS broadcast on Maidan informing people that they are registered as

criminal protesters and are being monitored (at least 2 cellular providers sent such messages)

• Kidnapping/torturing of injured people from hospitals

• Military forces being moved to Kyiv from other regions

• Suspected use of foreign forces • Arresting people who buy/transport stuff commonly used by protesters (e.g.

tires, wood, large amounts of medicine, clothes)

Ihor Lutsenko Kidnapped, tortured, thrown out in a field

Yurij Verbytskyj Kidnapped, tortured, found in the same field



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The Regime: Tactics 11

Liquidate as many protesters as possible:

• Field medicine workers being shot on purpose • Police searches for protesters in hospital based on the injury types • Injured protesters must be sent to private clinics

to avoid torturing by Berkut • Police attach nails and stones to stun grenades • Police aiming for heads with shotguns

and batons, people losing eyes • Captured protesters are stripped,

tortured, humiliated and taken to unknown places, afterwards found naked in fields and forests, sometimes dead

Caution! Brutal violence!

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The Regime: Tactics 12

Limit documentation and distribution of materials about real events in Ukraine

• Journalists are being shot on purpose (1+ dead) • Cameras and other equipment destroyed on sight • Users being randomly disconnected from internet and cellular networks • Phones are withdrawn from all local police units for weeks. They don’t know

why people are protesting. Are threatened by tribunal for disobedience

Deactivate major activists and leaders of protests (15+ activists can’t be found)





Euromaidan activist Tortured. In hospital.

Euromaidan activist Tortured. Dead.



Automaidan leader Beaten. Unknown.



Euromaidan guard Shot dead by a sniper.

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The People: Strategy 13

Radical Maidan holds Berkut under pressure on Grushevs’kogo Str.

Automaidan activists patrol the city: Deactivating, disarming and documenting “titushky” gangs Blocking buses with police units from entering the city centre Transport injured people to hospitals

Maximize effectiveness of donations and volunteers: Legal advocacy for the illegally arrested Trained medical personnel giving first aid to victims of police attacks Food, clothing, blankets, fuel and various gear distributed to activists

All over Ukraine, blocking municipal buildings, military bases, police buses Young military students beg for blockades, as they are being forced to go to Kyiv and fight)

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Status (night Jan 23, 2014) 14

5 out of 25 Local State Administrations occupied by the People

Interior troops forces in 4 cities resign (refusing to perform illegal actions) Football fans of three clubs joined up with protesters in Kyiv and Donetsk Result of violent Police actions:

• 150+ police units injured (light injuries of head/hands from stones and fire) • 1500+ people injured (crushed skulls, lost eyes, broken limbs, contusion) • 4 people killed (2 shot, 1 thrown from a pillar, 1 tortured to death) • 15+ people detained with no explanations, locations remain unknown • 70+ journalists injured from precise attacks on people with cameras • 30+ medical workers injured

Brutal and cynical human rights violations

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Status (afternoon Jan 25, 2014) 15

Meetings all over the world supporting protests in Ukraine:

Germany, France, Georgia, Lithuania, Poland, USA, … Russian Federation and Belarus – the only countries where meetings supporting Euromaidan are dispersed by the police.

All major Russian mass media massively spread highly biased information emphasising honourable work of “Berkut” and Nazi orientation of activists. People being beaten and detained by police in public places, trains, shops, when buying wood, medicine and other things used by protesters, wearing symbolic ribbons with Ukrainian and European flags, Euromaidan badges… “Berkut” officers receive bonuses for each hour of standing on the Grushevskogo Str.. Rumors of raises abound. Ministry of Internal Affairs reports ~100 of “Berkut” units with frostbitten feet, as they are forced to stand for up to 12 hours in the streets.

Meeting in Moscow

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Protests supported by fans of football clubs

Seizure attempts

Massive protests

Status (afternoon Jan 25, 2014) 16

10 out of 25 Local State Administrations occupied by protesters. Protests arising in eastern regions. 15 activists of Automaidan beaten and imprisoned without hospitalisation despite heavy injuries from Berkut attacks. Hundreds of protesters detained and imprisoned. Ministry of Internal Affairs blamesEuromaidan in killing 1 and detaining 2 policemen. Protesters deny. +1 dead protester: metal bullet in lungs, bullet in shoulder, amputated arm, death.

Automaidan offers 10 000 UAH reward for help in finding the team leader Dmytro Bulatov (Jan 22, 2014 disappeared, no more information).

250+ armed military units detected hidden in the International Convention Center near the Euromaidan peaceful demonstration.

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Massive protests arise on the east and south

Armed military units leave International Convention Center under pressure by protesters, leave supplies of canned food and vodka. Yanukovych proposed ruling positions inthe government to 2 Opposition leaders. People not satisfied, Opposition refuses. Euromaidan wants dismissal of the president as the main responsible for deaths, tortures and thousands of victims. “Titushki” under protection of the police found shooting peaceful demonstrators with traumatic weapons in Dnipropetrovsk. Leading businessmen Victor Pinchuk and Rinat Akhmetov break with Yanukovych and publicly call for stopping the use of brutal force.

People’s Council legitimised


Protests supported by fans of football clubs

Seizure attempts

Massive protestsGovernment

Protests supporting the ruling party

Status (afternoon Jan 26, 2014) 17

Page 18: What is really happening in Ukraine

The Ukrainian protests of 2013 and 2014:

Were triggered by Yanukovych’s about-face on a European trajectory. Became massive due to the Regime’s brutal crack down on peaceful protesters, and their refusal to hold anyone accountable. Became violent due to the illegal passing of anti-constitutional laws against public protest and the Regime’s tactics of arresting, beating, kidnapping, torturing and murdering of protesters, journalists and medics. Will continue to grow due to the wide recognition of the Regime’s corruption, theft, money laundering, cronyism, censorship, and its singular goal to maintain the extreme wealth that it has gained over the last 3 years. Will stop only with a return of justice, human rights, rule of the law of Ukraine. Will have lasting, serious consequences that Ukrainians will have to overcome.

Status (evening Jan 26, 2014) 18

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Level of aggressiveness of the riot police rises. Demonstrators in 5 cities are violently beaten and arrested without hospitalisation. “Titushky” provoke protesters for aggression, hide behind the police, then protesters are being beaten and arrested. “Titushky” burn cars of the protesters. Police arrests the owners who try to protect the cars.

World heavy-weight boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko posts a video asking western countries to help Ukraine.

Numerous money-exchange centres reporting about people with a clear Russian accent massively exchanging RUB→UAH (Possible Russian police coming for provocations?) Journalists are asked to watch closely the airports for possible Russian police coming to Ukraine, changing into Ukrainian uniform.

Status (morning Jan 27, 2014) 19

In Dnipropetrovsk

W. Klitschko

Police threatens the journalist

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Ministry of Internal Affairs refuses to start investigations about people shot during the protests on the basis of “official claims to police about the deaths”. People can’t make official claims about killed victims because they are immediately arrested. Hundreds of people remain missing all over Ukraine. Morgues in Kyiv report dozens of unidentified dead bodies being transported by police without any explanation.

Government continues threatening people with calling a state of emergency.

Killed people are labeled as “extremists” by the government.

The latest fatality, Roman Senyk, was shot from the large height according to the doctors’ examinations (presumably by a sniper). 2 gangs of “Titushky” were fighting each other to make the impression of the protesters beating civilians (according to protesters and witnesses in Donetsk).

Status (morning Jan 27, 2014) 20

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+2 dead bodies in Kyiv found in the morning 1 hanged on the Christmas tree near the Euromaidan 1 tortured, with tied hands (in the district where 15 members of Automaidan are being imprisoned)

Status (evening Jan 27, 2014) 21

Clear evidence of the police cooperating with “titushky”?



People’s Council legitimised



Seizure attempts

Massive protests

Protests supporting the ruling party

Ruling party fraction broken up

Police+”titushky” beating unarmed people

Control of ruling party restored

Ruling party forbidden

Party “Swoboda” forbidden

Protection gangs of the ruling party created

Control over Local States

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2004 Eurovision contest winner Ruslana reports numerous threats to kill her.

Police department in Rivne city supports protesters and asks for help due to numerous attacks on women by pro-government gangs (“titushky”).

Status (evening Jan 27, 2014) 22

THE WORLD DOES CARE! this presentation viewed

63 58711 869

210 862

5 6 9377 6354 084

98 994

31 735105 57430 45715 928

# of times

7 41519 496

10 297 14 428 93102637

> 500 000 in total

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Status (evening Jan 28, 2014) 23

Protesters suspend waiting for the results of negotiations between the government and opposition (adopting laws by the parliament). Parliament dismisses 9 laws from Jan 16, 2014. 4 of these are adopted again. While the government calls for compromises:

People continue to disappear from hospitals/streets all over Ukraine People participating in demonstrations being arrested for 2 months Other 5 (10 in total) cars belonging to Automaidan activists burnt

Commandants of Kyiv houses report about Police looking for people seen with ammunition, helmets, coming home late systematically, distributing Euromaidan agitation brochures noting names, address and telephone numbers of such people noting license plates of cars having Ukraine/EU symbolics on it

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Status (evening Jan 28, 2014) 24

New prime minister – Arbuzov, former Head of NBU, no substantive change. Austrian bank Hypo Vorarlberg confirms that Kluyev brothers lied in the registration documents not mentioning PEP status (illegal in Austria). Canada restricts entry for key figures of the Ukrainian government.

Majority of journalists and public figures acknowledge existence of “squadrons of death” which kidnap/torture/kill anti-government activists.

Owners of 3 large shopping centres in Dnipropetrovsk leave Ukraine due to threats and persecution by the government after showing 5 Kanal news on the advertisement monitors at night. Activists start gathering information about missing people to initiate investigation since police arrests everybody with claims about disappeared people. Numerous cases of people being arrested when buying wood, gas, tires, etc.

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Status (evening Jan 29, 2014) 25

Delegations from EU and US arrive to Ukraine to spectate the voting procedures by Parliament, help to avoid violence.

Parliament adopts a law about amnesty of all imprisoned protesters, again with violation of voting procedures. Most deputies refused to adopt the law until Yanukovych urgently arrived with threats. Only few saw the actual text of the law. Few Local Administrations being released by protesters.

Temperature goes down to -20ºC (-4ºF).

EU and US delegation members are not satisfied by the steps made by the government. Suspect that Yanukovych tries to do as little as possible to gain sympathy of the West to avoid sanctions. People don’t want to “bargain” with Yanukovych and demand satisfaction of their requirements prior to negotiation about compromises.

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Status (afternoon Jan 30, 2014) 26

Yanukovych doesn’t sign the law about amnesty of imprisoned protesters.

Yanukovych is officially on sick leave. Due to respiration disease. Minister of Internal Affairs (Vitaliy Zakharchenko) reports about death of the police captain in the Grushevs’kogo Str. from heart attack. Claims protester’s pressure as a cause. People blame long working hours at low temperature. +20 cars of Euromaidan participants burnt during the night.

Volunteer medical workers imprisoned. Incriminating organisation of civil disorders. Several owners of used tires shops arrested without any investigation/testimony. One of the arrested businessmen is from Holland. “Titushky“ break a camera in front of the police. Police + “titushky” in cooperation

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Status (night Jan 30, 2014) 27

Leader of Automaidan Dmytro Bulatov found (missing since Jan 22, 2014). Thrown out in a village (area where 2 other tortured victims were found). Tortured extremely violently:

multiple cuts on face, part of ear cut off was crucified (holes in hands), broken limbs not fed for last 3 days

Same scenario as with 2 previous victims.Tortured to tell who organises protests, who pays to people. No investigation started on any case of kidnapping/torturing (since Jan 20, 2014). Attackers have Russian accent. Convinced that protests are sponsored by USA.

Dmytro Bulatov

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Status (evening Jan 31, 2014) 28

Police arrives to the private clinic to arrest Dmytro Bulatov (the Automaidan leader) despite critical state of health. Opposition deputies and activists urgently arrive to stop the police from taking him away. Many proofs emerge showing that first rows of riot police troops consist of young cadets. Always denied by chiefs of riot police. Mothers of cadets arrive to Kyiv with demonstrations. Asking to disobey illegal orders against the People. Mother of one of the cadets reports about awful working conditions of the cadets. Continuously under pressure of anti-Euromaidan propaganda. Used as human shields. Protests near the Deutsche Bank in the Wall Street (New York) calling for stopping serving the UBD Bank (business of the president’s son)

Dmytro Bulatov in the hospital

Olga Patlatenko

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Status (evening Feb 2, 2014) 29

Former prime minister Azarov leaves Ukraine on a private plane. Joins his son in Viena, Austria.

Austrian FORTMAT.AT publishes the complete money laundering scheme used by Yanukovych, Azarov, Kluyev in Austria. Demonstrations arise near the Azarov’s house. Ukraine – one of the main topics at Munich Security Conference.

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Leonid Kozhara mentions “just a scratch” on the cheek of Dmytro Bulatov. Cynically calls the protesters in Ukraine as “extremists”. +4 cars burnt in Kyiv. Activists ask people to park cars near buildings with surveillance. Remove license plates at night to prevent identification of protesters’ cars and potential damage. Organisation of civil disorders incriminated to Dmytro Bulatov.

Demonstration in Austria

Munich Security Conference

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Status (night Feb 3, 2014) 30

President Yanukovych returns from the sick leave right after the EU delegation leaves Ukraine. Plans to visit Sochi Olympic Games in Russian Federation. USA and EU are working on plan of financial support for Ukraine.

Dmytro Bulatov is transported to Riga - Vilnus for intensive treatment.

Chesno.org reports about 136 injured journalists. Military journalists claim: at war it’s even safer. 1739 victims of repression in 3 months of protests.

People from Ministry of Internal Affairs unofficially tell about Russian Special Forces in Ukraine from Jan 20, 2014.

Numerous metal bullets found on the area of clashes with riot police. Few extracted from dead bodies. Police always claimed only rubber bullets being used.

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Status (evening Feb 4, 2014) 31

Euromaidan guards detained 2 riot police officers + 1 interior troops soldier in civilian clothes spying the area. Returned to the commander. Euromaidan activist (Sissel K. Andersen) from Denmark disappeared.

Demonstrations near the Akhmetov’s (Ukrainian richest man) residence in London.

Ukrainian customs house blocks humanitarian relief for Euromaidan from Poland. New evidence of Police using Molotov cocktails.

2 members of Klitschko’s “Udar” party assassinated. Oleg Garyaga: 3 stab wounds from civilians. Vitaliy Serpokrylov: house ransacked by 20 policemen.

Russian oppositional TV channel banned by most Russian networks presumably due to showing the real Euromaidan.

Demonstration in London

Molotov & Berkut

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Status (evening Feb 6, 2014) 32

Police stops civilian cars approaching Kyiv, confiscates wood as potential help to Euromaidan. Similar wood brought to Police and pro-government gangs 3 days later. A gang of teenagers destroyed 2 restaurants in Kyiv mimicking Euromaidan protesters. Wearing sneakers: typical for pro-government gangs. Not used by Euromaidan. Explosive put in a package marked “Medicine” for Euromaidan detonated in headquarters building. Identical package identified in another building. 2 victims of the explosion: Roman Dzivinskyj, 20 years, amputated left hand; Nazar Derzhylo , 15 years old, burnt eyes;

Euromaidan commandant Andriy Parubiy suspects government’s provocation: numerous attempts of police to oust people with fictitious reports about bomb in the building.

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Status (night Feb 8, 2014) 33

Protest near the Ukraine embassy in Washington DC on arrival of Ukrainian delegation. Yanukovych is one of the few presidents not shown in the live opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Only Russian TV showed Ukrainian president. 4 Ukrainian Olympic Games sportsmen registered by organisers as born in Russia instead of Ukraine (mistake?) Additional evidences of riot police using forbidden weapons against protesters showing up.

Dmytro Bulatov gives a press conference in Vilnus.

Euromaidan guards stop the pro-government gang with intention to dismount the barricades. Court of Cherkasy forbids any protests due to infection. Photos of Bulatov’s injuries

Protest in Washington DC

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Status (evening Feb 10, 2014) 34

Gang of armed activists “For clean Kyiv” with russian symbolic ribbons of Saint George ( ) come to Kyiv centre to disassemble the barricades. Met by hundreds of smiling Euromaidan guards, leave the area. Euromaidan guards find an abandoned room near the Maidan with lots of computers and video-records of Euromaidan activists. Have signs of possible explosives preparation. The building belongs to the “Graal” company connected to the Minister of Education Dmytro Tabachnyk. Solidarity demonstration in the Maidan to support the Russian TV channel “Dozhd” (Rain) — removed from Russian TV networks for showing the Euromaidan objectively. Parliament continues to ignore People’s demand to adopt the old version of Constitution 2004 limiting the president’s credentials.

Protection of barricades

Support of the “Dozhd” TV

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Status (evening Feb 12, 2014) 35

Monitors in public transport of Crimea start showing advertisements accusing opposition and Euromaidan leaders of extremism and betrayal. Politicians asking Russian Federation for military support in Crimea. Ukrainian hryvnya devaluated by 20% already.

Auto of a Euromaidan activist in Rivne burnt at night.

Ruling Party of Regions fraction in Lviv self-dismissed.

Journalist investigation proves that police lets rich people inside the prohibited zone to the luxury boutique.

Government doesn’t follow the adopted amnesty law, releasing innocent protesters only under house arrest with 15-year imprisonment threat. Youtube blocks the channel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs due to overwhelming complaints on publication of misleading and abusing information.

Surveillance video of burning

Luxury boutique investigation

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Status (night Feb 14, 2014) 36

Official report of the court about a sniper working on the Grushevs’kogo Str. NAFTOGAS limits gas supply to 11 regions that have active protests on the west and centre. Largest debts in eastern regions. Strike of the trolleybus drivers in Luhans’k due to no salary for over 4 months. Billboards with anti-Euromaidan propaganda in Crimea.

EU representative Jeffrey Luebbe beaten in Simferopol (Crimea) for expressing support of the Euromaidan. Euromaidan and Automaidan activist Serhiy Synenko burnt in his car in Zaporizhghya.

Football fans of numerous Ukrainian clubs announce temporary peace to unite for support of Euromaidan.

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Status (evening Feb 16, 2014) 37

Ministry of Internal Affairs denies participation of Berkut officers in brutal destroying of civilian vehicles. Video clearly refutes this statement. Trainers of multiple schools of martial arts support Euromaidan. Organise free trainings for the protesters. Demonstration of Automaidan in Chicago.

Demonstration supporting Euromaidan in St. Petersburg.

Tatars community in Crimea express readiness to resist separatist pro-Russian movements in the region.

Pro-government news channel Podrobnosti posts messages in the official Twitter channel: “We are the mostdeceitful news” and “D.V. Firtash, sorry, you don’t have enough money on the account to continue lying in this blog”

Berkut crashing civilian car

Automaidan in Chicago

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Summary of the protests 38

Why do not people stop the protests… What do people call EU and US for…

7 people dead 1 policeman dead

? ? ???.??.19?? – 22-25.01.2014

People of Ukraine ask the world for supportPrice of democracy

?Dozens reported missing + Morgues report unidentified bodies = Dead?

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Status (afternoon Feb 18, 2014) 39

Ministry of Internal Affairs removes accusation from several activists. Young girls painted military trucks used by security forces as barricades. Protestors block the building of Parliament demanding satisfaction of the requirements of Euromaidan.

Mobilisation of medicine personnel announced in the centre of Kyiv. Snipers captured in the centre of Kyiv.

Painted military trucks

Blocking of the Parliament

Snipers in Kyiv

Witnesses report about snipers shooting in a protester and then shooting in a security force officer causing a start of the


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Status (evening Feb 18, 2014) 40

Police starts an attack of the protestors using batons, shotguns. Snipers shooting people from the roofs.

Security forces burn 1-st and 9-th floor of the field hospital building with doctors and injured people inside. People being killed by precise shots in head and neck.

Security forces using automatic guns including AK-47. People all over Ukraine assaulting security forces, police buildings. In Kmelnytskyj woman shot from AK-47. People burn the military truck to limit visibility for snipers.

Protestors coming to Kyiv to give support. Police blocks all entrances to Kyiv. Underground blocked. Security forces in few cities support protestors.

Snipers on the roof

Burning field hospital

Battle in the Instytutska Str.

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Status (evening Feb 19, 2014) 41

20+ people killed. 600+ people injured. Electricity switched off in the centre. Many people trapped in the field hospital building due to fallen floors, that were burnt by security forces. People burned alive. People block buses with security forces/payed thugs on roads all over Ukraine.

Ukrainian skier Bohdana Matsyots’ka left Sochi Olympic Games to protest against the Ukrainian government. After meeting with Yanukovych Klitschko claims that the president doesn’t adequately treat the situation demanding that people go home. Battles in the centre of Kyiv suspended while snipers continue shooting people and new forces coming to Kyiv. Yanukovych changes the head of military forces of Ukraine to Yuriy Il’yin who would execute his orders to act against people.

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Status (afternoon Feb 20, 2014) 42

30 000+ people in the Independence Square in Kyiv preparing the barricades waiting for the new assault. Dozens of police units become hostages of protestors. Dozens on deaths every hour from sniper attacks on unarmed people with only helmets/shields/sticks. People block trains with security forces coming to Kyiv.

Underground starts working.

Deputies massively leaving Kyiv through the VIP terminal in Zhulyany airport with large bags full of money. Minister of Internal Affairs asks people to leave the area. Announces that security forces are officially allowed touse deadly weapons after 70+ shot dead already.

Independence Square

Cruel sniper attacks

Snipers/automatic guns

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Status (evening Feb 20, 2014) 43

People building the wall in the Independence Square using bricks from sidewalks.

People bringing tons of food to help those in the battle.

Deputies of the Party of Regions start leaving it.

~700 of “titushky” arrive to fight against people.

USA applies sanctions against some Ukrainian politicians.

New majority formed in the Ukrainian Parliament voting for stopping the fire by all security forces, returning them to the places of permanent dislocation. Security forces started to throw grenades and shoot more intensively after the adoption of the resolutions. “Titusuhki” armed with guns, shooting people, crash shops, ambulances.

Building the wall

Blocking of trains

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Status (evening Feb 21, 2014) 44

Yanukovych signs the peaceful agreement with the opposition. Acknowledged by European delegation. Russia doesn’t sign. Group of police units armed with automatic guns enter the Parliament. Deputies lead them out. Polish delegate claims that Yanukovych was ready to use army for cleaning up the centre of Kyiv. All the security forces urgently leave Kyiv very fast, leaving lots of ammunition.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Vitaliy Zakharchenko left to Belorussia. Many deputies left to eastern Ukraine, Russia. Requiem for the victims held in the Independence Square.

People are suspicious about the opposition leaders. Are absolutely not satisfied by the agreement with Yanukovych. Demand dismissal and punishment of Yanukovych, all people responsible for beating and killing people in last 3 months. The governor of Kharkiv plans a meeting of deputies of eastern regions.

Requiem in Kyiv

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Status (afternoon Feb 22, 2014) 45

The guards of the Maidan with journalists arrive to the president’s residence left empty without any security. Looks like people were escaping quickly. Neighbours saw dozens of buses being stacked with stuff and leaving the residence in a hurry.

The house is empty. Many luxury leftovers (icons, gold coins, old paintings, antique vases) in the garage. Look like it didn’t fit in the bus. Multiple heaps of burned papers, documents. Some thrown out in the lake. Saved documents show the receipts of hundred million dollar cash transfers. Lots of guns, automatic guns, rifles, bullets found on the bottom of the lake.

Documents in the residence

Weapons in the residence

Leftovers in the residence

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Status (evening Feb 22, 2014) 46

Julia Tymoshenko released from the prison. Urgently transported to the Euromaidan stage in Kyiv. Tymoshenko delivered a prepared speech in front of protestors. Reported about the plan to immediately return to politics and “to protect” the whole Ukraine. Majority of people are offended, do not believe her, considering all the lies and crimes she committed while being in politics. People don’t want to see Tymoshenko in politics. Express great complaints about actions of the new government. In particular – giving priority to release of Tymoshenko instead of actual releasing all the illegally arrested activists, investigation of all the deaths, punishment of people responsible for ~100 deaths. Russian politicians express suspicious willingness to work with Tymoshenko, unlike they were before, when opposition was represented by other people.

Tymoshenko released

Page 47: What is really happening in Ukraine

Status (evening Feb 23, 2014) 47

Yanukovych makes an announcement denying to resign, calling protestors extremists, calling for stopping the separatist actions. Nobody can find the president. Documents with detailed descriptions of plans of the attacks, including special forces, snipers made public. People find wide animals on the territory of the president’s residence used for hunting, garage full of luxury cars. Heads of the Kharkiv, who threatened protestors with cruel reprisal, return to the city after escaping the day before. Look very confident. Politicians and pro-Russian public organisation in Crimea initiate separatist meetings with Russian flags. Meetings against separation of Crimea form as well. Pro-Russian demonstrants destroy Ukrainian flags in several cities.

Autopark of Yanukovych

Demonstration in Kerch

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Status (evening Feb 24, 2014) 48

Video appears demonstrating police units armed with automatic guns, sniper rifles, shooting people.

The new Minister of Internal Affairs, Avakov reports that Yanukovych can’t be found. Part of his guards left him. Was trying to leave Ukraine on the airplane but the military plane was flying around and not letting him. According to the TV channel ATR, Yanukovych is hiding in the Russian military base in Sevastopol, Crimea.

The residence of the attorney general’s house visited by activists shows the same level of crazy luxury. 4 deputies of the Russian Parliament arrive to Simpferopol. Witnesses report about Russian military cars in Crimea. People not satisfied by cheating of the new government.

Armed security forces

Residence of the attorney

Russian deputies

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Status (evening Feb 25, 2014) 49

Journalists captured many military cars with Russianlicense plates entering the Russian sanatorium in Yalta. Euromaidan guards found 2 “titushky”. They told that: • were paid 400 hryvnias (~50 USD) • had to participate in pro-government demonstrations • asked to take photos of people supporting Euromaidan • one cried, told that he was cheated and used People from Lviv (western Ukraine) announce an action: will speak Russian to support people from the eastern Ukraine

People from Donetsk (eastern Ukraine) announce that they will speak Ukrainian to show solidarity with people from western and central Ukraine. People are very disappointed by the new government working on the election campaigns, residence of Yanukovych and adopting laws that support separatism.

Russian army in Yalta

Action of solidarity

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Status (evening Feb 26, 2014) 50

One of the protestors gives an interview. Tells that his friend personally saw “titushky” cutting off heads of 2 protestors, scalping 1 protestor. Video appears with a man without head. People and journalists come to the house of Tsaryov, deputy of the Party of Regions. Do not dare to enter because of snipers on the roofs. Set of signets found in of the offices of the Party of Regions. Could be used for falsification in the regional precincts during the president election campaigns. Activists dismantled the fence around the building of the Parliament in Kyiv. Journalists claim that people have shot Andriy Kluyev.

Man without head

Tsaryov’s residence

Signets in the office

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Status (evening Feb 28, 2014) 51

Military armed with lots of weapon occupied buildingsof the Parliament and government in Crimea. Raised the Russian flag over it. Do not listen to local police. Evidences of Russian army units movements through the territory of Crimea. Russia calls it the planned trainings. Should notify 72 hours in advance according to agreement. Yanukovych gives a press-conference in Rostov-na-Donu(Russia), doesn’t accept the new government in Ukraine. Asks Vladimir Putin to restore order in Ukraine. Militaries without identification signs occupy international airport Bel’bek in Crimea. Military helicopters coming. Russian army blocks numerous military units of Ukraine all over Crimea.

Situation in Crimea

Yanukovych press-conference

Military helicopters

Page 52: What is really happening in Ukraine

Status (evening Mar 1, 2014) 52

Leader of the pro Russian party, Aksyonov – illegally assigned as the minister of Crimea. After assigning the citizen of Russia as a mayor of Sevastopol. People are threatened by myths about extremists comingfrom centre/west to kill people. Russian passports issued. Militaries forbid journalists to record them, threat to shoot. Take the memory cards away. Pro Russian activist occupy the building of the regional administration in Kharkiv, occupied by Euromaidanactivist before. Two activists killed. Ukrainian writer beaten. The State Council of Russian Federation officially gives permission to Vladimir Putin to garrison Russian military forces in Ukraine.

Russian militaries hide faces

Russian army in Crimea

Occupation of administration

Page 53: What is really happening in Ukraine

Status (evening Mar 2, 2014) 53

Ukraine asks NATO, USA and EU for support in resolvingthe conflict with Russia. All they officially agree that the actions of Russia are unacceptable and should be stopped. Photos show that the man who had put Russian flag overthe Administration building in Kharkiv is a citizen of Moscow, Russia who disappeared afterwards. Russian militaries block military airport Belbeck and other military units. Trying to disarm Ukrainian army. Numerous protests in Russia against military intrusioninto Ukraine. Police arrests 300+ antiwar protestors. Protest all over Ukraine, including eastern regions andCrimea against intrusion of Russian army. Same people noticed in distant pro-Russian meetings.

Russian citizen with flag

Blockade by Russian soldiers

Arrests of Russian protestors

Page 54: What is really happening in Ukraine

Status (evening Mar 3, 2014) 54

Russia strengthens the informational war against Ukraine. Explains the military intrusion in Ukraine by numerous false statements about danger to lives of Russian citizens. Numerous journalists compare V.Putin to Stalin andHitler due to his aggression against peaceful Ukraine. Largest Crimean TV channel went off the air because of threats to lives of the journalists. Russian jet fighters illegally crossed Ukrainian aerial borders twice. Intercepted by Ukrainian jets. V.Yanukovych appealed to Russian president V.Putin to use Russian army on the territory of Ukraine.

Few Russian military trucks crossed the border with Ukraine. Soldiers seized Ukrainian border post.

About actions of Putin

Russia vs Ukraine (Crimea)

Page 55: What is really happening in Ukraine

Summary of the battle 55

Video covering 3 days of war in Ukraine Clip devoted to those who have died

100+ people dead 1000+ people injured

Heaven hundredThree Days Of War

In 3 days (Feb. 18-20, 2014):

Regime of Yanukovych overturn. Most of people responsible for killing people have escaped. New opposition government doesn’t act in the interests of the people. New voting in Parliament is not transparent. Important issues not covered at all.

Page 56: What is really happening in Ukraine

Viktor Yanukovych

President, the only person in history of

Ukraine to ignite protests of 1 million people (2004, 2013, ?)

Oleksandr Yanukovych

Son of the President Parliamentarian,

Billionaire, (Dentist)

Mykola Azarov

Former Prime Minister


Andriy Kluyev

Parliamentarian, Billionaire

Serhiy Kluyev

Secretary of the National Defence and

Security Council, Billionaire

Serhiy Arbuzov

Current Prime Minister,

former Head of the National Bank of Ukraine

Oleksandr Yefremov

Parliamentarian, Head of the

Party of the Regions

Oleksandr Klymenko

Head of the Tax Administration

Rinat Akhmetov

Former Parliamentarian,

Billionaire (Ukraine’s richest man)

Notable Politically Exposed Persons of Ukraine 56

Page 57: What is really happening in Ukraine


Ukrainians need international support to overcome the violations of basic human rights, the rule of law and the Ukrainian Constitution

What’s Happening in Ukraine and Why It Matters Revolution in Kiev, UkraineHow to Explain What’s Happening in Ukraine

Why 1 Million Ukrainians Are Protesting Live streaming from Ukrainespilno.tv

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Page 58: What is really happening in Ukraine

Name originates from the last name of Vadym Titushko - martial art fighter : Captured while beating journalists of 5 Kanal on May 18, 2013 Was one of dozens of fighters paid by government to intimidate protesters

Since then, every massive protest in Ukraine is accompanied by gangs of such thugs who beat people, provoke fights and arrests. Titushki are never arrested by police. Complaints about them are ignored. Often unemployed, some with criminal history. Usually are of age 17-30 years old. Payed with USD 15-80 per completed task. Unlike real protesters always hide faces from cameras. Have been used as pro-government demonstrators in December of 2013.

Appendix: Why “titushky”? 58

Vadym Titushko & others