What is Islam by G A Parwez published by tulueislam

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Transcript of What is Islam by G A Parwez published by tulueislam

  • 8/6/2019 What is Islam by G A Parwez published by tulueislam


    What is Isiam?

    G. A. Parwez

    TranslatM and Edited by:

    Dr. Manz8or-ul-Haque Proresser (Rtd.)

    Faeulty .r Edueatien, University .r Sindb Elsa Kazi Campus, Hyderabad, Paldstan

    mARATOLU-E-ISLAM (REGD.)251a, GULIERG-2, LABO:RE---54(i(i8

    PA K I S TA N

  • 8/6/2019 What is Islam by G A Parwez published by tulueislam



    Name of \he Pamphlet M a t 1I1t1am?Author (Late) AIIama GhuJam Ahmad Palwcz (R. A)VetItd and Compil

  • 8/6/2019 What is Islam by G A Parwez published by tulueislam


    3hat is Islain?- ........ - - - . _ ... _ .. _-._ . . _ .. _ . _ . . __ . - ..CONTENTS,


    the Heavenly Bodies ........................................ 5 Gravitational Pull .................................................................6

    This is Cosmic Islam:

    Revelation in the Universe ................................................. l G

    ....... : .................................................. 8

    Conqucri:nJ the Universe ........... ; ............................... ........ 8

    Absolutely no Rumple or Crisis Cross in the Universe ..... 14 Iruman World. .................................................................... 14