What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/ What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/ What is Guerrilla Marketing? Guerrilla Marketing nowadays became the most interesting topics for creative future marketers, but before we go through this journey, I would like to share with you 2 important perspectives of marketing … What Marketing Is? 1. Marketing is a Process! Marketing is a process that have beginning, middle but doesn’t have an ending!

Transcript of What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Page 1: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing?

Guerrilla Marketing nowadays became the most interesting topics for creative future marketers, but before we go through this journey, I would like to share with you 2 important perspectives of marketing …

What Marketing Is? 1. Marketing is a Process!

Marketing is a process that have beginning, middle but doesn’t have an ending!

Page 2: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

2. Marketing is Any Contact With…

Marketing is any contact with any body in your company that is not a member in your company, it’s not confine to your marketing department but anybody in your company is part of your marketing; because they have contact with the outside world.

Page 3: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

3. Marketing is the Truth made fascinating!

Marketing wasn’t the truth, and wasn’t fascinating in the past decades … but it should always bring the truth and fascinating as well, so better competition means better quality of services and goods and accordingly better value for the community.

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

4. Marketing is A Circle!

Marketing is a circle of your ideas of how you will generate business and if it is not a circle it will be a straight line that led to bankrupt!

Page 5: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

5. Marketing Embrace art but isn’t art!

Marketing embrace art but isn’t art: marketing is the art of the business, embrace all art forms as mart, usic, dancing, acting, photography, but Guerrilla Marketing isn’t about art, it’s about business!

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

6. Marketing is the Art of getting people change their minds!

What Marketing Is NOT?

1. Marketing Is Not Advertising!

Marketing isn’t advertising, there are 200 marketing weapons, and advertising is only one of them.

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

2. Marketing is Not Direct Mail!

Direct Mail is just one tool of 200 Guerrilla Marketing Tools! 3. Marketing is Not Tele-marketing!

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Tele-marketing is an effective tool of marketing, but its just one of the 200 guerrilla marketing weapons that’s costly! 4. Marketing is Not a Brochure!

The brochure is just one of the printed materials (medium) that carries your messages on it, but its not a marketing tool! and its just one of the 200 Guerrilla Marketing Weapons!

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

5. Marketing is Not a Yellow Pages!

Yellow pages was one of the most effective advertising tactics in the past decade, but nowadays consumer became more “aware” and tech-savvy, so before thinking about advertising, think how to create a unique brand that can go viral!

Page 10: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

5. Marketing Not a Social Media!

I know many friends who say “I want to create social media campaign” but when I ask them “How would you engage your customers?” How can you make their minds blow?! How can you make them amazed?! So social media itself is a good tool but its not what marketing mean as only tool, but instead there are 200 marketing weapons

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

that guerrilla marketers use, and the social media is just one of them! 6. Marketing is Not a Show Business!

Marketing is a sell business , to create a desire business not show business. So if you will create a campaign to show your muscles to competitors then its not the correct path for doing business, but instead you can do marketing that can make people speak about it, share it, love it and goes viral!

Page 12: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

7. Marketing is Not a Stage for Humor!

In GuerrillaMarketer.com you will see many creative out of the box Marketing Campaigns (Guerrilla Marketing Examples) that might make you think marketing is about creating something funny for customers that goes viral… This is absolutely wrong! I will tell you why? Marketing isn’t a stage for humor. If you use humor in your marketing, a lot of people gonna laugh when they see your joke that looks funny for the 1st time, And next time, it become less funny, The 3rd time you might think: Oh, my again! And after that humor becomes greeting in getting the way that makes marketing work the best which is through … Repetition!

Page 13: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

As the Co-Originator of Positioning “Al Ries” Says that Positioning is about digging a whole in the mind of the customer, then you position your product in that hole! I read very nice book for Laura Ries about Visual Hammer which focus on how to nail your brand into the mind of customer with the power of a Visual Hammer!

Page 14: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

8. Marketing is Not to be Clever!

Marketing is certainly not invitation for you to become cleaver, it’s about the reason to make people buy your product and continue holding it! 9. Marketing is Not Complicated!

Marketing is not complicated. Guerrilla Marketing turns very complex topics into something very simple.

Page 15: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

10. Marketing is Not a Miracle Worker!

Marketing is not a miracle worker! Don’t expect instant miracles, it works eventually and not works in a hurry! If you expect miracles, you get ulcers! I meet people whom having amazing ideas for start up business, but once they start they get frustrated, why? because of the expectations, don’t expect miracles to happen, Guerrilla Marketers are Patients! Jay Conrad Levinson (the Godfather of Guerrilla Marketing) spent one year and half to change Marlboro

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Brand (that was ranked no. 30 in US & non ranked globally), he was patient to continue doing marketing activities although in the first 6 months the ranked didn’t change! but with the consistency and patience he achieved no.1 Brand in US & the Globe. 11. Marketing is Not a Website!

This is the same idea of “Marketing is not a Social Media”, because when marketers want to go online, they normally think of building a website, social media campaigns and online advertising… Guerrilla Marketers don’t just create online platforms, they create consistent engaging system that focus on profit and ROI instead of wasting time, money and effort.

Page 17: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What Guerrilla Marketing Is?

Guerrilla Marketing – is an advertising strategy in which low-cost unconventional means (graffiti, sticker bombing, flash mobs) are utilized, often in a localized fashion or large network of individual cells, to convey or promote a product or an idea. The term guerrilla marketing is easily traced to guerrilla warfare which utilizes atypical tactics to achieve a goal in a competitive and unforgiving environment.

Page 18: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

How Guerrilla Marketing Works?

Using time, energy, imagination, and knowledge instead of big marketing budget. The concept of guerrilla marketing was invented as an unconventional system of promotions that relies on time, energy and imagination rather than a big marketing budget. Typically, guerrilla marketing campaigns are unexpected and unconventional, potentially interactive, and consumers are targeted in unexpected places.

Page 19: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing Objective?

The objective of guerrilla marketing is to create a unique, engaging and thought-provoking concept to generate buzz, and consequently turn viral.

Page 20: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Guerrilla Marketing Example

Guerrilla marketing involves unusual approaches such as intercept encounters in public places, street giveaways of products, PR stunts, or any unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources. More innovative approaches to Guerrilla marketing now utilize mobile digital technologies to engage the consumer and create a memorable brand experience.

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Who invented Guerrilla Marketing? Jay Conrad Levinson is the Guerrilla Marketing Guru, and one of the foremost business marketing experts in the world. He is the Father of Guerrilla Marketing and the author of the “Guerrilla Marketing” plus 57 series of other Guerrilla Marketing books. Guerrilla Marketing is the best known marketing brand in history, named one of the 100 best business books ever written, with over 21 million sold. Jay’s guerrilla concepts have influenced marketing so much, and his books appear in 62 languages and are required reading in MBA programs worldwide. He is the Chairman of Guerrilla Marketing International, a marketing partner of Adobe and Apple. He has served on the Microsoft Small Business Council and the 3Com Small Business Advisory Board. His students were Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Michael Dell.

Special Gift: Mohammed Magdy interviews Jay Conrad Levinson

Mohammed Magdy interviewed Jay Conrad Levinson at Marketing Gurus’ Secrets Program, here is the link for that fruitful interview: P.S. you need to have an Internet Explorer version newer than 6, or Firefox in addition to Adobe Flash Player in order to be able to view the game I have created in the interview. To enjoy the interview, click here

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

16 Guerrilla Marketing Videos for Jay Conrad Levinson

Jay Conrad Levinson: What Marketing Is? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What Marketing Is Not? by Jay Conrad Levinson http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/


Page 23: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/



Guerrilla Marketers are Story tellers, Guerrillas create meme! – By Jay Conrad Levinson http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/


Page 24: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/



What is Guerrilla Marketing? – By Jay Conrad Levinson http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/


Page 25: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Guerrilla Advertising - by Jay Conrad Levinson http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/


Page 26: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/



Why Guerrilla Marketing was created? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/



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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/


What is the essence of Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Page 28: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Guerrilla Marketing During Tough Times! http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Guerrilla Marketing and Video Marketing! http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Page 30: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Guerrilla Marketing and Mobile Marketing! http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Page 31: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Does Guerrilla Marketing work for small business? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




22 Differences between Guerrilla Marketing and Traditional Marketing http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Page 32: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Guerrilla Marketing Attributes! http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Page 34: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Who is Jay Conrad Levinson? How Guerrilla Marketing Started? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Page 35: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Guerrilla Selling: Who is the Best Designated Guerrilla? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




Page 36: What is Guerrilla Marketing?

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Guerrilla Marketing Ideas: What is the Single Most Important Guerrilla Marketing Idea? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/




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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

Who is the 2nd Guerrilla Marketing Guru?

His name is Mitch Meyerson, he is the Founder of Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Program, and World Class Speaking Coach Certification, author of 9 books and 5 business building programs. His website is www.gmarketingcoach.com

More than 200 Guerrilla Marketing Coaches were students at Mitch Meyerson’s Guerrilla Marketing Coach Certification Program, and I was a one of them. Mitch helped me to become a true Guerrilla Marketer, and I am thankful and grateful for his support.

3 Guerrilla Marketing Ideas to grow in tough economic times http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/


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What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/

What is Guerrilla Marketing? http://www.guerrillamarketer.com/what-guerrilla-marketing-is/



Also, you can enjoy one-to-one Intensive Guerrilla Marketing Training, Coaching, or Consulting with Mohammed Magdy. Click here for one-to-one Intensive Guerrilla Marketing Training. Click here for one-to-one Guerrilla Marketing Coaching. Click here for one-to-one Guerrilla Marketing Consulting.