What is “Ergonomics”?

What is “Ergonomics”? Ergonomics is the scientific study of human work. Ergonomic principals adapt work to a specific person by designing tasks & tools or equipment to fit the individual to prevent injuries to the musculoskeletal system.


What is “Ergonomics”?. Ergonomics is the scientific study of human work. Ergonomic principals adapt work to a specific person by designing tasks & tools or equipment to fit the individual to prevent injuries to the musculoskeletal system. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What is “Ergonomics”?

Page 1: What is “Ergonomics”?

What is “Ergonomics”?

Ergonomics is the scientific study of human work.

Ergonomic principals adapt work to a specific person by designing tasks & tools or equipment to fit the individual to prevent injuries to the musculoskeletal system. acmephysiotherapy.webs.com

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An “MSD” is an illness or injury that affects one or more parts of the musculoskeletal system

Bones Muscles Tendons Ligaments Cartilage Nerves Blood vessels

Other common terms for “MSDs”are: Cumulative trauma disorder (CTD’s) Repetitive strain injures (RSI’s) Repetitive motion injuries (RMI’s)

When not diagnosed and treated these can cause inconvenience permanent pain and disability.

What are the risks of ignoring ergonomic principles?

MSDMusculoSkeletal Disorders


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What are MSD’S?

MSD’s are injuries caused by sustained exposure to stressors or repetitive motion ,may affect muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, circulation, or nerves for example- working long hours on computer.

Some are:Carpel tunnel syndromeGuyner’s syndromeTrigger fingerTennis elbowBack pain

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Back pain

Most common work-related injuries Two types of situations cause back pain while on the job:Non-accidental injury-•Pain result of normal activities and requirements of the task. Poor body mechanics (such as slouching in an office chair)

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Major contributors to these injuries.

• prolonged activity, • repetitive motions• fatigue This may occur from sitting in an office

chair or standing for too long in one position

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Accidental injury results-

when an unexpected event triggers injury during the task. A load that slips or shifts as it is being lifted slip fall hitting one’s head on a cabinet door accidents can jolt the neck, back and other

joints with resulting muscle strain or tearing of soft tissue in the back.

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CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROMEOne of the best known MSDs

The median nerve does not work properly due to pressure on the nerve as it runs through an opening called the carpel tunnel

Numbness is usually first symptom.

Pain & tingling, can go up the arm to the shoulder and neck, causing waking to pain in middle of night

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GUYON’S CANAL SYNDROME Similar to carpel tunnel

Guyon’s affects the ulnar nerve as it passes through the Guyon canal in the wrist; this is similar to carpal tunnel, but involves a different nerve.

Unlike carpel tunnel, Guyon’s affects the little and ring fingers.

Can be in conjunction with carpal tunnel

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Trigger finger affects the ability of tendons to slip back and forth. The tendon and/or ligament thicken and a nodule forms

This can be caused by rheumatoid arthritis, lacerations of tendon, gripping power tools, long hours of grasping steering wheel, or birth defects

Symptoms are pain and a funny clicking sensation

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TENNIS ELBOWOveruse or misuse of the forearm muscles can cause tendonitis, or

a painful inflammation of the tendons connecting these muscles to bone.

This condition is brought on or aggravated by poor leverage causing an uneven distribution of force on a few muscles. This may be when working, or during certain leisure activities, such as sports and gardening.

Symptom are severe pain.

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Am I at risk for a MSD?

Do you

…perform frequent repetitive motions?…bend at the waist or twist when lifting objects?…grasp tools with your fingers?…forget to take breaks while working?…feel like you are under stress?…have to stretch to reach your work?…forget to adjust your work area to fit your task?

The more you answered “yes”, the greater your risk.acmephysiotherapy.webs.com

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They are preventable and reversible

….. if identified early. The treatment depends on the stage of MSD.

If the condition cannot be reversed, treatment can turn into a pain management situation.

Exercise plays a large role in preventing MSD’s.


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Static positions are your enemy!

Whenever you think of it, change position

Small frequent stretches go a long way in preventing MSD’s.

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Office Ergonomics- The right equipment, the right place

Use a good CHAIR

Front edge of seat pan curves down

Five feet for base-most stable

Height adjustable On rollers

Seat pan adjustable horizontally and tilts

Backrest is provides good lower back support

Arms adjustable


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Office Ergonomics- The right equipment, the right place


A variety of styles are available. Choose one that is comfortable for you.


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Office Ergonomics- The right equipment, the right place


Choose a style comfortable for your hand and fingers


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Work Surface Depth Location of Frequently Used Devices Should be Located in

Repetitive Access Zone



Recommended Zones for Workplace Components


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Office Ergonomics- The right equipment, the right place



Mouse should be close to the keyboard and the same height or slightly higher

Locate the mouse to avoid reaching


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Office Ergonomics- The right equipment, the right place

Phone PLACEMENTShould be different for right and left handers

You should not have to twist and reach across your body every time you answer the phone.

Many people need to spend a lot of time on the phone, and must often do other tasks at the same time

This creates a lot of stress for neck and shoulder muscles

Consider a head set if you spend a lot of time on the phone,

especially if you do other tasks at the same time


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Wrist/Palm Supports

a c m e p h y s io th e ra p y .w e b s .c o m

The use of wrist rests has been associated with reduced muscle activity in the arms and shoulders, straighter wrist postures, comfort, and preference.

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Our bodies are designed to do work. But the result on the body of doing a repetitive task for 2 hours verses 6

hours straight is very different.


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Who can Help?

Who can help if still pain occursWhich doctor can help you

Physiotherapist- exercise and ergonomics


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Who can go to physiotherapist?

1.Individuals with pain or functional impairment receive physio to improve function and to reduce disability.

2.Individuals without any dysfunction receive physio to improve health and wellness and to prevent impairments.

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It is health care branch that works on PHYSICAL aspect of ailment. It is a drugless therapy. It works towards rehabilitation and maintenance, to bring back lost activity to near normal function.

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How physiotherapy can help?

PT management commonly includes prescription of or assistance with specific exercises, manual therapy, education, manipulation and other interventions.

The is treatment is completely non surgical and with out any medication

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Physiotherapy consultant

B.P.T ,M.P.T(masters in physiotherapy),M.I.A.P

Super specialty –Neuro

Chief physiotherapy consultant at

ACME physiotherapy clinic ,KALYANI NAGAR

Ex –neurophysiotherapy consultant at Jahangir

Ex- care –Lokmanya physiotherapy consultant

- [email protected] Or visit or call Phone no.9890630358

acmephysiotherapy.webs.com- acme-health.webs.com