What is an urban legend?



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Transcript of What is an urban legend?

Page 1: What is an urban legend?
Page 2: What is an urban legend?

Halloween has its origins in a Celtic festival known as Samhain, which derives from Old Irish and means the end of the Ancient Britons had a holiday known as Calan Gaeaf similar. In the Samhain was celebrated the end of the harvest season in the culture Celt and was regarded as the "Celtic New Year," which began with the dark season.

The ancient Celts believed that the line connecting this world with the Other world narrowed with the advent of Samhain, allowing spirits (both benevolent and malevolent) pass through. Family ancestors were honored guests while they were away harmful spirits. It is believed that the use of costumes and masks because of the need to scare away evil spirits. Its purpose was to adopt the appearance of an evil spirit to avoid being damaged. In Scotland the spirits were replaced by young men dressed in white with face masks or painted black.

Samhain was also a time to take stock of food supplies and livestock to prepare for winter. The fires also played an important role in the festivities. All other fires were extinguished and in every home is lit a fire in the fireplace. The bones of slaughtered animals were thrown into the fire.

Another common practice was divination, which often involved the consumption of foods and beverages.

Page 3: What is an urban legend?

The evening October 31, Halloween comes into full swing. One of the most ingrained habits Halloween night for children and not so young is disguise, the more terrifying and grotesque the better, and walk the streets to assault the houses in the neighborhood. Gangs of kids go down the street with their pumpkins, knocking on doors and when the innocent visit opens the door, throw the rallying cry "Trick or Treating (! Trick or treat). Tradition requires that the tenant of the house succumb to this terrible blackmail, giving children all kinds of sweets and treats of Halloween, making thus treatment (treat) them. Failure to act in this manner, the delinquent neighbor is exposed to the fearful pranks (tricks) of the children dressed as skeletons, zombies, vampires, mummies and witches.

 This custom, trick or treat, owes its origin to the persecution of Protestants against Catholics in England in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.As a result of these persecutions, the Protestant King James I and his Parliament were victims of an attempted bombing but the plan was cut short when Guy Fawkes one of the conspirators, later executed, spoke under the pressure of the executioners and betrayed his comrades.The fact led to a burlesque party, that gang of Lutherans who protected his identity under masks grim, celebrating the date of discovery of the treason visiting Catholic homes and requiring its residents cowed beer and cakes. The threat, quickly became popular: "Trick or Treat". Thus the "Guy Fawkes Day" came to America with the first settlers moved to October 31 and joined the Halloween party.

Page 4: What is an urban legend?

When the Celts became Christians, they, and other Christian groups, appropriated the holiday as a festive prelude to the day on which to remember those Christians who have left this world and live with Jesus. According to the New Testament these people are referred to as saints. All Saints Day was known then as All Hallows Day (All Holy Day), so inevitably the evening before was called All Hallows E’en, or All Holy Evening. Eventually the term was shortened to Halloween.

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A habit of hollowing out and carving a pumpkin to make it a bluff called Jack-o-lantern comes from Irish folklore eighteenth century. The story goes that Jack was a notorious drinker, gambler and loafer who spent his days lying under an oak. Legend has it that n one occasion, Satan appeared to him with intent to take him to hell. Jack challenged him to climb the oak, and when the devil was in the tree, carved a cross into the trunk to prevent decline. Then Jack made a deal with the devil: he would never back down if to tempt him with the game or drink.

The story goes that when Jack died he was not allowed entrance into heaven for their sins in life, but could not enter hell because he had tricked the devil. To compensate, the devil gave him an ember to light his way into the freezing darkness why you should wander until Judgment Day. The ember was placed inside a hollowed bowl "called turnip" to burn like a lantern for a long time.

The Irish used turnips to use to make their "Jack's lanterns", but when immigrants came to the United States warned that pumpkins were more plentiful than turnips. For this reason, there was the custom of carving pumpkins for Halloween and turn them into entering a coal lantern or a candle inside. The lamp was not designed to summon evil spirits but keep them away from people and their homes.

Page 6: What is an urban legend?

What is an urban legend?An urban legend is usually a good, captivating, amazing, exciting, frightening story that flows

spontaneously from a large audience, which is narrated in different ways and tends to be regarded as true despite the evidence against it is based. It can be based or have their origin in an incident that really never happened.usually in a specific place, tend to be about the supernatural, apparitions, strange deaths, etc ...

Page 7: What is an urban legend?

The girl in the curve

They say that this was a night of thick fog, in the curves of Garraf, a succession of sharp curves and dangerous, many years ago, long before the highway was built which now crosses the bowels of the mountains of Garraf.

It was dark, light rain was falling but continuous and fog covered the night with his white mantle, impossible to see beyond 15 meters.

A man was driving his car through the curves, eager to get home and reunite with his wife and two daughters after a long weekend of work.

At a bend in the road, he saw a hitchhiker, a young blonde woman, gaunt and pale, soaked by rain, with a long white dress torn and muddy. This man took pity on the young and, stepping on the brakes, he decided to take it and bring it to the nearest town.

For much of the journey, and the young man was talking about trivial things, when, in a moment, before reaching one of the most closed and dangerous curves of the hills, she warns you to slow down almost to a stop and go very slowly.

The man does, and see, scared, that had not been warned of the danger she probably would have been slammed against the car ravine. Thanks you, thanks for saving his life, what the girl says,

- Do not thank me, it's my mission in that corner I killed him over 25 years ago on a night like this ...

And after uttering these words, he disappeared, leaving only evidence of their spectral appearance, the passenger seat for wet clothes ...

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Because the holiday comes in the wake of the annual apple harvest, candy apples (known as toffee apples outside North America), caramel or taffy apples are common Halloween treats made by rolling whole apples in a sticky sugar syrup, sometimes followed by rolling them in nuts.

List of foods associated with the holiday:Barmbrack (Ireland)

Bonfire toffee (Great Britain)Candy apples/toffee apples (Great Britain &

Ireland)Candy corn, candy pumpkins (North America)

Caramel applesCaramel corn

Colcannon (Ireland)Novelty candy shaped like skulls, pumpkins,

bats, worms, etc.Pumpkin, pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread

Roasted pumpkin seedsRoasted sweet corn

Soul cakes

Page 9: What is an urban legend?

• Zoilo Jiménez• Cristina Molina• Cristina Guillén• Mirella Sánchez• Tania López

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