What is a white paper?

business tips for smart people What is a White Paper? www.KLARITI.com

Transcript of What is a white paper?

business tips for smart people

What is aWhite Paper?


Hi, I’m Ivan Walshwww.Klariti.com

Why should I write a

White Paper?

White Papersestablish authority

White Papersbuild influence

White Papers=

$ $ $

Who reads them?

experts (not technical)Decision makers

Tech JournalistsTime poor

How to write your white paper

3 goals

Be interestingDemonstrate authority

Build credibility

A white paper answers

The potential solutionsThe problem to be solved

A recommendation

Persuade the reader by

1st sentence intro topicOne idea per paragraph

2nd sentence links next

Start by

Avoiding assumptionsOrienting the reader

Answer in one sentence

Language to use

Active voiceSpecific, concrete

Positive phrasing

White paper structure

Define scope (in/out)Provide context

Explain approach

You’re recommending?In a nutshell…

It stands alone

White paper writing tips

Avoid jargon, clichésNo emotional language

Consider your readers

1 idea per paragraphStand over everything

Use sub-headings

White paper writing

Don’t coin new wordseveryday language

Connect ideas

Write to be scannedPut bottom line at start

Consider search engines

In white papers

Subject/verb closeUse parallel construction

Remove waffle

Be different or else…

Investors are v savvyWhy are you the best?

Stand over every word

think of readers as

potential investors

Cite references

Add links in endnotesCredible references


I know I’m nagging but…

No one reads your white paper

if the executive summary sucks


1. Write several drafts2. Readers want facts3. Make it remarkable4. Revise in waves5. Share and promote

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