What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

• What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? • How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Transcript of What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Page 1: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

• What is a possible theme of the video “Try”?• How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Page 2: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

A topic sentence is a complete sentence that summarizes the entire paragraph. It has insight and is debatable.The topic + how/why

- It is a complete sentence (never a question or sentence fragment).- It should be specific (never use there are many, some, a lot, etc.)- It should be placed near the beginning of a paragraph.- It should not be an announcement (never say I will prove, In the following paragraph, I believe, etc.)

Page 3: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

The video “Try” shows that society believes a woman should look like someone she isn’t and follow stereotypical actions in order to be accepted by society.

I think that the video shows that society believes women need to wear make-up and a wig to be a woman.

The video we watched makes me believe that the creator of the video thinks societal expectations of females are negative.

The creator of the video “Try” implies that the expectations of women are too much to handle because girls are hurting themselves or giving up everything so society will like them.

The creator’s message to any female watching this video is not to change a single thing about themselves to try to impress other people.

Topic sentences

To be a real women, society believes you have follow do certain things.

According to the video “Try”, females should not follow societal expectations because it leads to them having lower self-esteem.

Announcement, no insight (too literal) Announcement, too general

Contains how/why (insight), specific, not an announcement Too general; 2nd person

Contains how/why (insight), specific, not an announcement

Page 4: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Claim – supports the topic sentence (more specific); usually answers a question about the topic sentence; Inference of the evidence

Evidence - examples, statistics, quotes, reasons, etc.; straight from research, life, book.

Warrant – explains the significance of the claim and details; shows the connection between the claim and evidence; analyzes the inference; justifies/explains how or why the evidence and claims relate

Minimum of 2-3 claims, evidence,


Page 5: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Evidence, Claims and WarrantsWeak use of evidence/warrantsAccording to the video “Try”, females should not follow society’s beliefs about beauty because it leads to them having lower self-esteem. At first, the video shows women with make-up and wigs on. Then, the women in the video take off their make-up and wig. They no longer need the make-up or wig.

Strong use of evidence/warrantsAccording to the video “Try”, females should not follow society’s beliefs about beauty because it leads to them having lower self-esteem. The creator believes females should avoid stereotypes and show people their true selves so they are happier with their own lives. Towards the end of the video, the women in the video take off their make-up and wig to show that they no longer need these fake items to hide behind. When they do this and show their true selves, their self-esteem goes up and they are smiling more and acting more happy.

Page 6: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Evidence, Claims and Warrants

Strong use of evidence/warrantsAccording to the video “Try”, females should not follow society’s beliefs about beauty because it leads to them having lower self-esteem. What is one way, she shows women having/not having lower self-esteem/follow/not follow society?The creator believes females should avoid stereotypes and show people their true selves so they are happier with their own lives. How does she show this? Towards the end of the video, the women in the video take off their make-up and wig to show that they no longer need these fake items to hide behind. How does this show they have higher self-esteem by not follow societal rules?When they do this and show their true selves, their self-esteem goes up and they are smiling more and acting more happy.

Page 7: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Evidence, Claims and WarrantsWeak use of evidence/warrantsThe creator of the video “Try” implies that the societal expectations of women are too much to handle because girls are hurting themselves so society will like them. The creator says woman shouldn’t have to give everything away and try. She says, “you don’t have to try so hard. You don’t have to give it all away.” A lot of girls try too hard and give it all away and the creator doesn’t want them to.

Strong use of evidence/warrantsThe creator of the video “Try” implies that the societal expectations of women are too much to handle because girls are hurting themselves so society will like them. The creator says woman shouldn’t have to be submissive because society tells them they are better that way. During the chorus, the creator stresses that woman shouldn’t “have to try so hard. You don’t have to give it all away,” directly stating that women shouldn’t have to hurt themselves by losing their sense of identity or allowing someone else to control them.

Page 8: What is a possible theme of the video “Try”? How would you write this as a topic sentence?

Evidence, Claims and WarrantsStrong use of evidence/warrantsThe creator of the video “Try” implies that the societal expectations of women are too much to handle because girls are hurting themselves so society will like them. What is one way, she shows women following societal expectations/ hurting themselves?The creator says woman shouldn’t have to be submissive because society tells them they are better that way. How does she show this? During the chorus, the creator stresses that woman shouldn’t “have to try so hard. You don’t have to give it all away,” How does this show they are hurting themselves?directly stating that women shouldn’t have to hurt themselves by losing their sense of identity or allowing someone else to control them.