What factors do you think influence the outcome of elections? Bellwork.

What factors do you think influence the outcome of elections? Bellwork

Transcript of What factors do you think influence the outcome of elections? Bellwork.

Political Beliefs and Socialization

What factors do you think influence the outcome of elections?Bellwork1Share common goalsEncourage citizen action Use lobbyists to influence government leadersInterest Groups21. What issue do you think leaders need to address?2. Create a statement that identifies what you want that group to support or what you want that group to oppose.3. Would you want to join a group that works on the state level or on the national level?4. Go to http://www.votesmart.org/interest-groupsand identify a special interest group that meets your requirements. Write down the groups name and website URL5. Follow the link to that groups website. Identify 3 strategies it appears they use to influence the public and/or to influence policy.Want to Join an Interest Group?Extra Credit Assignment!Due by Fri, 12/9Allow interest groups, corporations, and unions to donate to candidates or political parties.

Super PACs allow unlimited spending by corporations, unions and individuals (as of the Supreme Courts Citizens United decision in 2010). . . . as long as the groups do not coordinate their spending with the candidates.

PACs influence candidates by giving money to them so that they can later have laws passed that favor their group.Political Action Committees4Top PAC Contributions to 2008 Electionwww.opensecrets.org

1) Why would an interest group or PAC want to donate (almost) equally to both parties?Discussion Question (answer on your note paper)2) Should there be campaign finance reform? Defend your answer.



82008 Campaign Expenses

What impact do you think the media has on election results?9How does the government know what the people want?Public Opinion the sum of many individual opinions, beliefs, or attitudes about a public person or issue.

Opinion poll Question 1Raise your hand to vote . . . .Is crime in the US compared to a year ago:more?same?less?11

Opinion Poll Question 2Raise Your hand to vote . . . Do you approve or disapprove of the way President Obama is handling his job as president?

Tracking Polls (During Campaign)Discussion Question

3) Why are opinion polls so important during campaign season?

How does the Media Impact Public Opinion? PLC: go to http://www.wordle.net/createType in the URL of a news website in the second section and click submit

Discussion Question 4: What issues will these headlines influence people to talk about the most?A2 stopped here17Discussion Question4) How does the media influence public opinion?Comparing Media sourcesSource #1Source #2The HeadlineWords used to describe the person and events.

Is this article more based on fact or opinion?Whose point of view is presented?Youll complete the chart(s) provided for each story. Put your name on it!19

5) Where do people get most of their information about national and international issues?20Political Blunders1) Rick Perry Oops - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuTufVOaF0w2) Nixon v. JFK - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHGs4535W_o&feature=related3) Cain on Libya - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAGGpK7bSWc4) Obama and 57 states - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpGH02DtIws&list=PL9D881167750F409C&index=1&feature=plpp_video5) Al Gore and the Internet - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnFJ8cHAlco&feature=related6) McCains freaky eyebrows - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxi8xIeK1II&feature=relmfu

For each video clip viewed, please answer the following questions What mistake was made by the candidate? On a scale of 1 (no biggie) 10 (epic fail), how impactful do you think this blunder was?http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/11/10/7-worst-presidential-debate-blunders-video.html

21Discussion Questions6) How have TV and Internet impacted political campaigns?7) Who do you think has more control over public opinion the politicians or the media that reports about them? Defend your answer.