What does it mean to Analyze Literature ?



What does it mean to Analyze Literature ?. Your Guide to Successful critical thinking skills while reading a major piece of writing. Analyzing Literature. What does it mean to analyze? Definition: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What does it mean to Analyze Literature ?

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What does it mean to Analyze Literature?

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Analyzing Literature What does it mean to analyze?

Definition: Verb: to break down a topic into smaller parts and determine how the parts relate to each other.

Noun (analysis): an explanation of the separation of a whole into its smaller parts

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Literary AnalysisHow does this apply to Literature?

Well . . . .

Consider what you are reading (short story, novel, etc . . .) as the ‘whole’ piece you will break up into smaller pieces.

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Literary AnalysisHow does this apply to Literature?

THEN . . .

the smaller pieces are literary elements that make up the whole story.

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Literary AnalysisHow does this apply to Literature?

All of this together will equal an analysis of a piece of literature!

AKA: a Literary Analysis!!! (which is a piece of writing in itself)

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Literary AnalysisHow to perform the analysis:

Know how to identify theme while reading the story.

Pull citations from the story and write them down in a notebook every time an example of theme shows up (coming soon).

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What isTheme?

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the main idea, or message the writer shares in the writing

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is usually an observation about life or human nature (how people behave)

is not directly stated in the writing, the reader needs to infer the theme.

is NOT the moral of the story

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what the main character observes about life is usually the theme

is NOT the moral of the story

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ThemeWhat readers do with theme:

many literary analysis’ are written to prove the theme of a piece of writing.

This is what you will be doing throughout the unit: learning how to analyze literature to prove its theme.

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Universal Theme: a theme that applies to anyone regardless of race, gender, age, religion, time frame, etc . . .

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Let’s brainstorm some examples!

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ThemeSomething to remember:

Theme is NOT what the story is about!

Let’s look at how to tell the difference . . .

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ThemeA story is written about Anna, who is

scared to start at a new school, but soon makes many friends. What is this story about?

Anna being scared to start at a new school.

What could be a theme, or message from this story? don’t fear the unknown, making friends is easier than it seems, etc . . .

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ThemeA story is written about Jerry who is peer

pressured to tag on the school and gets caught. What is this story about?

Jerry getting caught tagging.

What could be a theme, or message from this story? Be strong enough to do the right thing,

friends who ask you to do something wrong aren’t your friends, etc . . .

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ThemeA story is written about a Mike who

thinks his neighbor is creepy, but gets to know him and finds out he’s really cool. What is this story about?

Mike getting to know his neighbor.

What could be a theme, or message from this story? Don’t judge a book by its cover

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What is a Literary Analysis?

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Literary AnalysisWhat is it?

A close look at a literary work, then a breakdown of that work.

Most times, the breakdown is of the theme of the work.

This is what you will be doing when writing your literary analysis.

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Literary Analysis A Literary Analysis consists of:

An introduction

At LEAST 3 examples

A conclusion

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Literary AnalysisBasically . . .

You will make a statement about the theme of a piece of literature . . .


Use quotations and examples from the literature to support and explain your statement

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Literary AnalysisHow does it work?

The author of an analysis starts with a thesis statement.

A thesis statement is a single sentence in the introduction of a literary analysis that makes a statement about the work.

In your case, you will be stating the theme of the work.

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Literary AnalysisHow do I write a Thesis Statement?

First, you have to understand the theme you have chosen to write your Literary Analysis about.

I have chosen to write about inhumanity, which is people not treating other people as humans.

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Literary AnalysisHow do I write a Thesis Statement?

Then, you decide how the theme connects with the protagonist.

The protagonist, Elie, both experienced and witnessed inhumanity while at the concentration camps.

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Literary AnalysisHow do I write a Thesis Statement?

Finally, decide what statement you can make about the two? Elie realized that when people are put in

life or death situations, they can treat other people cruelly. People will do this because they know it will help them survive.

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Literary AnalysisIntroductory Paragraph

Once the thesis statement is written, the rest of the introduction to the literary analysis can be written.

How does that happen? What needs to be included in an introduction? Let’s find out . . .

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Literary AnalysisI.P. – What should be included:

Who and What the analysis is discussing

Who = the name of the author

What= the title of the book

People reading your analysis have to know who and what you are discussing ! ! !

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Literary AnalysisI.P. – What should be included:

Background information on the novel

This is considered a short summary of the novel

Should contain something interesting about the novel (this is considered a hook)

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Literary AnalysisI.P. – What should be included:

When all of this information is gathered and written down, it is put together to form the introductory paragraph! ! !

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Literary Analysis

Now that you have written the introduction for your analysis, it is time to support that thesis statement!

How do you do that? Let’s find out . . .

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Literary AnalysisYour thesis statement makes a statement about the novel Night.

Your next step is to prove and support statement.

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Literary AnalysisThis is where your citations come in.

The citations are proof from the novel that your chosen theme exists.

In your example paragraphs, you will Introduce these Citations and Explain why they are important to the theme.

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Literary AnalysisYour 3 example paragraphs will go in this order: Beginning of story

Middle of story

End of story

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Literary AnalysisStep One:

Introduce: This step discusses where in the novel the

citation occurs and what is going on in the novel for it to have happened.

Remember: you are writing this analysis for someone who has never read the book, so you MUST be clear as to what is going on in the book.

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Literary AnalysisStep One:

Introduce: Example:

In the beginning of the novel, Elie explains how strong his faith is in his religion . He shows this when he has a discussion about praying with Moishe the Beadle.

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Literary AnalysisStep Two:

Citation: This step provides proof from the novel.

This will occur as an effective direct quotation from the novel.

Once the quotation is put in the analysis, it must be cited (shown where it came from). Directly after the quote, you will write the page number of where the quote came from.

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Literary AnalysisStep Two:

Citation: Example:

Moishe asked Elie why he prayed, and Elie found this to be very strange. All he could think of was, “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4).

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Literary AnalysisStep Three:

Explanation: This step discusses why the quotation is

proof of the theme.

The reader of your analysis needs to know why you chose the quote that you chose, which is why you explain it.

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Literary AnalysisStep Three:

Explanation: Example:

The fact that Elie compares praying to living and breathing shows his devotion to his faith. He sees his faith as an important piece of his life. He also finds it strange that someone of the same faith as him would ask such a question.

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Literary AnalysisConcluding:

As always, paragraphs need to be wrapped up. Example:

Elie shows the readers of Night that it is evident he has a very strong faith in his Jewish religion.

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2. 6.

3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9.



In the beginning of the novel, Elie explains how strong his faith is in his religion. He shows this when he has a discussion about praying with Moishe the Beadle.

Citation 1:Moishe asked Elie why he prayed, and Elie found this to be very strange. All he could think of was, “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4).

Explanation: Explanation: Explanation:

Citation 2:

The fact that Elie compares praying to living and breathing shows his devotion to his faith.

He sees his faith as an important piece of his life.

He also finds it strange that someone of the same faith as him would ask such a question.

Explanation: Explanation: Explanation:

Elie shows the readers of Night that it is evident he has a strong faith in his Jewish religion.


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2. 6.

3. 4. 5. 7. 8. 9.



Citation 1:

Explanation: Explanation: Explanation:

Citation 2:

Explanation: Explanation: Explanation:


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1. Introduction:

2. Citation #1: Citation #2:

Explanation: Explanation:


Explanation: Explanation:

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1. Introduction:

2. Citation #1:

Explanation: Explanation:

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Literary Analysis

Conclusion Paragraph How to wrap up a literary analysis.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Wraps up the whole literary analysis.

Is a last chance for you to comment on the theme and character you are writing about.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Should include: The thesis statement (restated)

Important information from the novel that helps explain how the thesis statement was proven.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Let’s look at some examples for the book Green Eggs and Ham.

Important Info: Unnamed character won’t try green eggs and ham He finally does

Thesis Statement: Trying new things can be good and create new


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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Here are some ideas to use:

By applying your theme, explain how the protagonist has changed from the beginning of the story to the end.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Bad Example:

The character in Green Eggs and Ham changed because he got annoyed at Sam I am and tried the food.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Good Example: Dr. Seuss does an amazing job in his book Green

Eggs and Ham of showing readers that it is ok to try new things. The unnamed character starts the story absolutely refusing to try Sam’s green eggs and ham, thinking he would not like them. However, through Sam’s persistence, the character finally does try the dish and discovers it is very tasty. Even though he initially resisted, the character learned that being willing to try something new can be a valuable experience.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Here are some ideas to use:

Predict how the theme might affect the protagonist in the future.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Bad Example:

The unnamed character in Green Eggs and Ham will now try new things since he ate green eggs and ham.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Good Example: The unnamed character in Green Eggs and Ham, now that has now found how wonderful it can be to try new things. It seems possible that this character will now go out into the world and create many valuable experiences for him now that he knows trying new things won’t hurt him.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Here are some ideas to use:

State the theme as a truth or saying about life, or how does the theme apply to life?

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Bad Example:

People should take the unnamed character’s advice and try new things because it can’t hurt.

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Literary AnalysisConclusion Paragraph:

Good Example: There is a valuable experience that can be taken from the book Green Eggs and Ham. The reader learns from the main characters that life isn’t just about consistency, but about trying something new. The unnamed character learned that new experiences can be enjoyable and can open up doors to even more new experiences.

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Literary Analysis

Now that you have discussed all three ways to write a conclusion paragraph, think

about your discussion.

Which option were you able to talk the most about?

Now write that in your notes!

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

What is a citation? Definition: an act of quoting Synonyms: mention, reference

What is the purpose? To know where the information you are using in your essay is coming from

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

What does it look like? A sentence from the book in quotations, followed by the page number in parenthesis.

Example: “Why do you cry when you pray?” (4)

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

What does it look like? This sentence is only a reminder of where you found an example of the theme.

It might not be the exact quote you use later in your essay and that’s ok.

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

What does it look like? Got a long sentence? Write enough of the beginning to help you remember what it is you want to look back at.

THEN Use ellipses ( . . . ) to show there is more to the sentence.

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

What does it look like? Instead of this:

“One evening, I told him how unhappy I was not to be able to find in Sighet a master to teach me the Zohar, the Kabbalistic works, the secrets of Jewish mysticism” (5).

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

What does it look like? Write this:

“One evening, I told him how unhappy I was . . .” (5).

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

Let’s Practice!

Turn to page 6 in Night.

SKIM through the page and find an example of the theme inhumanity.

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

Let’s Practice!

In your notebook, write an notebook citation for this example of the theme.

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

Let’s Practice! You could have ONE of TWO answers:

“He told me what happened to him and his companions” (6).

“He told me what happened to him . . .” (6)

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Theme ExamplesNotebook Citations:

From this point on, as you read, you will look for examples of your theme and write the citation in your notebook.

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It’s a way to effectively write a literary analysis!

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ICEWhat is ICE?

It’s an acronym that stands for: I - Introduce

C - Cite

E - Explain

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ICEThis will help you with your lit analysis by:

Giving you a formula to help you use quotes from the book Night to prove the theme.

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This step informs the reader what is happening in the book.

You will need to be specific about who & what you are writing about.

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This step gives a specific quote from the book that shows an example of the theme.

However, there is more to this than just making one sentence the quote. TRANSITIONS will need to be used.

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This step makes it clear why the quote that was used is proof of the theme.

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Let’s see it in action!

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ICEChosen Theme: Struggling with Faith

Chosen Quote/Citation: “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4)

Let’s use ICE to show how this quote proves the theme!

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ICE1st step: Introduce

What was happening when Elie said this? Moishe had asked Elie why he cried while he prayed.

When did this happen? Early in the book, before Elie and his family were taken to the camps. This was also when Elie still believed in his God.

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ICE2nd step: Cite

What quote is being used? “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4)

Why is this being used? This is what Elie thought after Moishe’s question.

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ICE3rd step: Explain

Why is this quote an example of the theme? Early in the story, Elie still has very strong faith.

This quote shows that Elie’s crying while he prays is as natural to him as living and breathing. He can not explain it, but it is something that he just does, it’s natural.

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Let’s put it all together!This means writing

everything out in complete sentences!

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ICE1st step: Introduce

Very early in the story, before Elie’s family was taken away by the Nazi’s, Elie showed a strong devotion to his religion. This devotion was so strong that he actually cried when he prayed.

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ICE1st step: Cite

This act prompted Moishe, a local homeless man, to ask Elie why he did this. The only thought that came to Elie’s mind was “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4).

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ICE1st step: Explain

Elie found that crying while praying is as natural as breathing and he does not think about it. In turn, because his faith is so strong at this point, Elie finds it odd that Moishe asked him such a question.

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All together now!

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ICEVery early in the story, before Elie’s

family was taken away by the Nazi’s, Elie showed a strong devotion to his religion. This devotion was so strong that he actually cried when he prayed. This act prompted Moishe, a local homeless man, to ask Elie why he did this. The only thought that came to Elie’s mind was “Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” (4). Elie found that crying while praying is as natural as breathing and he does not think about it. In turn, because his faith is so strong at this point, Elie finds it odd that Moishe asked him such a question.

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Let’s practice!Choose one of your own

citations from your notebook.

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Now read around the quote in the book to find what quote you want to use.

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ICE1st step: Introduce

What was happening at this moment?

When did this happen?

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ICE2nd step: Cite

What quote is being used?

Why is this being used?

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ICE3rd step: Explain

Why is this quote an example of the theme?

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Let’s put it all together!This means writing

everything out in complete sentences!

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ICE - BeginningInhumanity:

- Are there any examples that show the prisoners being inhumane to each other because of their situation?

Importance of Father/Son Bond: - Where did Elie first start showing he

needed his father?Struggling with Faith- What was Elie’s faith like before he was

taken by the Nazis?

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ICE - MiddleInhumanity:

- What are the best examples of inhumane acts the prisoners/Elie suffered from?

Importance of Father/Son Bond: - How did Elie and his father support one

another while in the concentration camp?Struggling with Faith- How did Elie’s belief in his faith change

once he was at the camps?

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ICE - EndInhumanity:

- Did the prisoners turn on each other toward the end?

Importance of Father/Son Bond: - Was the bond strong enough between

Elie and his father? Was Elie able to keep that bond?

Struggling with Faith- Where did Elie’s faith lay once it was
